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At the seal of the Divine Channel, the Great King’s law still invaded the seal a little bit, but he knew very well that at his speed, it would take at least a hundred years to completely invade the seal.

In desperation, he can only say to Mr. Wen, "You wait, I will go to the king of God."

"Well, if the king of God has an order, I naturally have to obey."

Mr. Wen is also very simple. He does not do it because he is afraid of being harmed by the great prince. However, if the king of God can come forward, he will be willingly shot.

In the realm of God, the King of God is still very prestigious.

Even if Mr. Wen thinks that the great prince is not credible, if the king of the king asks him to be bombarded with seals, his deity and avatar will unconditionally agree.

At the same time, in the other end of the seal, a singer-stricken main **** screamed, "Mr. Wen, you bastard, let you open the seal, you refused, this **** went to find the king of God. ”

He is the Lord God's deity, the Lord God from Hell, powerful and even stronger than the Great King, reaching the true peak of Yasheng, even comparable to the degree of quasi-holy.

At this moment, there are thousands of gods gathered in this channel. After they heard the roar of this guy, they were all curious and wanted to know which one Mr. Wen was.

But no one stood up, but one by one waiting for the coming of the King of God.


The deity of the Great Emperor, the Lord God from Hell is indeed very powerful, and he will find one of their gods in the **** world. In an instant, after the advent of the sacred sacred dynasty, a flame of horror burning The strong appear above the Lord God.

He is the **** of hell.

"Open the channel, there is a **** king, to ensure that you are not dangerous."

After the advent of this god, the king said directly.

Among the gods, there is a water-blue energy flow, which is the strongest of the water gods, and responds respectfully, "I will follow the command of the king."

At the same time, Mr. Wen also stood opposite the passage and took a look at the big prince, Shen Sheng. "Since the king of God has a life, I will naturally do my best to open up the seal. I hope you will not harm me."

"Do not worry, we are the main gods of the gods, all of them are dedicated to the realm of the gods, how can I harm you." The big emperor's face showed a satisfied smile, as long as Mr. Wen is willing to take it.

As for the simultaneous bombardment of the seal, it will not pose any danger to Mr. Wen, which has nothing to do with him.

He whispered softly, his body receded a little, although he still used the law to melt the seal, but he was a little vigilant, apparently what harm Papa would have on him.

After Mr. Wen saw it, he frowned. However, since the **** king had already appeared, he could not help but only the deity and the avatar at the same time condensed the strongest force, and bombarded the seal at the same time.


A loud roar sounded, and this seal burst into a dazzling light. Then, the power of horrible destruction broke out and swept through it, engulfing both the Great Emperor and Mr. Wen at the same time.

On the other side of the passage, Mr. Wen’s main god, the first time, withstood the power of the ruin of the seal, and directly vaporized. Behind him, the main gods could not get hurt even under the control. That one of the gods is on the side, promptly shot to block the aftermath of the explosion.

This is the case, and the thousands of gods have been destroyed by the power of the explosion. There are hundreds of them.


The face of the **** of the gods showed the color of anger, and the horror of the whole body circulated, and the cold voice, "tovade into the heavens and the world, as long as they encounter the soul, they are all killed."


All the faces of the Lord Gods are full of excitement and reach into the heavens and the world. As long as they can refine the origins and heavens of the heavens and the universe, they have hope to break through and become kings of God.

Just as Sun Monkey and Yang Lan and Xiang Yang are planning to enter the realm of the gods and refine the origins of the gods and the heavens, the reason why these gods of the gods are so excited to break into the heavens is precisely Because the Supreme God tells them that as long as they refine any of the heavens and the world, there is hope that they can break through and become kings.

Ever since, these Lord Gods are crazy.

In the realm of the gods, there are tens of thousands of strong people at the level of the Lord God, but only twelve of the kings of the gods. The twelve gods on the bright surface live on the mountains of the gods, under the leadership of the Most High God, leading The entire realm of the gods became the supreme leader of the realm of the gods.

As the main god, who does not want to be a high god?

"Kill, kill into the heavens and the world, as long as the refining of one world, we can break through the realm of the supreme king."

"kill and kill."

Thousands of the main gods are all screaming, excitedly rushing toward the space where the seal broke. As long as they pass through this passage, they will be wide and high, let them kill, let them swallow, refine the world, they Can become a **** king, refining the fairy world, and even the legend can be compared to the existence of the highest god.

At the same time, on the other side of the passage, the great emperor was ruined, but he survived. His face was full of surprises. "It was broken."

"The heavens and the world, this time is absolutely finished, the next thing the Lord God wants to do is to quickly go back and refine the fairy world. As long as the origin of the fairy world and the will of heaven are refining, I can achieve the king of God."

While the big prince was excited, he glanced at the direction of Mr. Wen. Mr. Wen had already turned into nothingness. He smiled disdainfully. "If you insist on not shooting, the final result is not the same." The ultimate winner is still the god."

While talking, he is ready to leave the first time.

On the other side of the channel, it takes a little time for the gods of the gods to come over. After all, it is not so easy to go from the breakthrough channel of the gods to the heavens and the world. Although there are passages, it will take some time to fly.

As for the previous seal, it was because it crossed the two worlds and sealed both directions. Although the distance was very far away, the seal echoed each other.

Today, the seal is finally broken.


However, when the great emperor was about to leave, suddenly, his front void cracked a crack, and Chaos wore Yunsuo and jumped out of it with the Xiangyang three.

"I said the monkey brother, this time should be right, especially, you took me around and turned, I didn't find the way, I was fainting."

Xiang Yang’s depressed voice passed over.

"Reassured, this time is definitely right, the front is the seal, I rely, right, seal? Just broke?"

Sun Monkey originally said with confidence, suddenly found something wrong, he looked up and found that the seal disappeared.

Then, the eyes of the great emperor just looked at Xiangyang three people, Xiangyang three also looked at the big emperor, four people, eight eyes, looking at each other.

At this moment, the big emperor still shines with a strong breath, not only the atmosphere of the fairy world, but also the atmosphere of the gods of the gods. However, when he sees the moment of the three people of Xiangyang, the breath of the body instantly disappears and becomes The great prince of Xu Wei, the eastern Tianyu of the fairyland, had a smile on his face and said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, has long since disappeared."

"Well, Grand Emperor, how are you here?"

Xiang Yang frowned at the big prince, looking at the energy fluctuations left in front of him. He obviously could sense that there was a strong breath in the front of the void.

Someone just shattered the passage.

Xiang Yang’s eyes shrank, his eyes glanced at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and the three men nodded at the same time, and then they looked at the big prince.

"Mr. Wen betrayed."

The great emperor said with a deep voice, "After the father of the Emperor took the 100th place in front of the Immortal World of the Immortals in the East, Mr. Wen’s whereabouts and sneaking, I followed him and went all the way to find Mr. Wen. It is the main **** of the gods, and the seal of the gods is broken with his deity. I am one step late."

While talking, his face showed a sense of self-blame and sighed and said, "I didn't expect his father to be a gentleman. He would be the main **** of the gods. I came one step late and made Mr. Wen's trick. It’s awkward. Now, the seal has broken. I am thinking about going to my father and telling my father about this.”

"Mr. Wen is actually the Lord God?"

Xiang Yang was stunned. He looked at the big prince shockedly and said awkwardly. "This time thanks to the great prince, if it is not the big prince, maybe he will let Mr. Wen succeed."

This kid is really good at cheating. I thought he was very smart and it took a lot of time to really lie to him.

The big prince was stunned in his heart, and he felt proud that he could easily pass the test without fear of being discovered by Xiang Yang.

At the same time, the look on his face became more and more embarrassing, and he sighed and said, "I didn't think that Mr. Wen would be the main **** of the gods. The gods are really pervasive, too strong, and the Lord God can come to Mr. Wen. On the body, the father-in-law trusted him too much, and even told him how to seal it, so that he could find a way to open the seal."

"What should I do?" Xiang Yang exclaimed.

"The seal is open. If the strong people of the realm are discovered, it will cause a great disaster. I am thinking about going to the father and the father to report the chaos to the saints and let the saints deal with this matter." ”

The big prince has a serious color on his face.

"Xiang Yang, I can't delay any more. I am going to find my father soon. You should be careful."

After he finished speaking, he was rushing to leave.

Although it was all pretending to be pretending, it was true that I wanted to leave in a hurry.

He is anxious to enter the eastern Tianyu, ready to refine the origins and heavens of the Eastern Tianyu, and then further eroded other areas of the fairy world. At that time, he will be able to refine the fairy world and break through the realm of becoming a god. .

"Hey, the big prince should not be nervous."

However, when the big prince was motivated to turn the group that Xiang Yang deceived and he was ready to leave, he heard Xiang Yang smile and said, "Isn't the seal broken? No big problem, you don't have to tell Xu Wei, I Just pass the message to Daozu."

"What? You, can you contact Daozu?" The big prince was dumbfounded after listening.

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