Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3078: Awkward prey

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"My prey is coming."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement and told the great emperor, “Follow me, don’t let people die. After refining these main gods first, I will take you to the gods to play.”

"Yes." The Great Prince has been changed by the magical species, and his face looks at Xiangyang with respectful color.

The three sons of Xiang Yang and Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are spirited. Xiang Yang directly rushes to the Jianxian sword array. One person stands in the sword array. The four swords of Zhu Xian are flying around him, and the horrible swords are breathless.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan directly took out their wishful golden hoop and three-pointed two-edged knives, and they were ready to rush into the squadron to kill the enemy.

"You don't want to start, let's see what kind of power this little boy's swordsman has reached."

However, when Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were preparing to rush to help Xiang Yang, they were stopped by Tongtian Shengzun.

Tongtian Shengzun shoulders his hands, and his look is lightly standing in the sacred swords, surrounded by Xiangyang, the four swords of the celestial sword, whispering, "If he refines the sacred swords, he can really have my ancestors." More than half of the power of the sword array, then, even if it is the resources of the ancient chaotic world, let him refine the 180-year-old Jianxian sword array."

After listening to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, they were shocked. They knew that Tongtian Shengzun was a fan of the Xiangyang refining system.

No, it should be said that it is worthy of the ability of Xiangyang Refining System.

Although the power of the Xiangxian sword array that has been sensed by Xiang Yang refining has been very strong, it has not really experienced actual combat. Who knows whether this is true or not?

If one is empty and has a watch, the Xiangyang swordsman of Xiangyang Refining does not have such a powerful force, and it has no effect.


At this time, the roar of the emptiness sounded, and among the passages outside the sacred swords that Xiang Yang stood, several strong men rushed to the scene, which was the main **** of the gods.

Their body shape is generally taller than normal people, and it looks just like ordinary people, but the whole body has a horrible atmosphere.

They are the main gods of the gods, and they have the same level of power as the Yasheng of the immortal world.

At the moment, I am coming to the fairyland to come for killing.

"Well come, my Spiritual Eucharist has to be upgraded."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement, and he opened a gap in the sacred swords, so that these powerful gods came down.

I managed to dig a pit, just like waiting for the rabbits. After waiting for these gods to come and being killed by the sacred swords, they can refine them with the 'Heaven and Earth oven' and enhance the strength of the Eucharist. Yang Yue wants to be more excited.

"Come on, come in one by one, as long as it is not a king of gods, I am not afraid of other gods." Xiang Yang's face has a look of hope.


However, the next scene was to make Xiang Yang's face change greatly, only to see the passage, the countless gods actually stopped when they were able to rush into the Xianjian sword array.

"I rely on, what kind of ghost?" Xiang Yang frowned and looked at this scene.

He was all ready, waiting for these guys to rush in and die, and as a result, these guys were squatting at the door, and he was suddenly angry.

"Don't come, don't you find out that the swordsmanship is out? It shouldn't be possible." Xiang Yang squats, this set of 诛仙剑阵 is a small refining system, has considered the problem of whether it will be discovered, among them Incorporate some hidden features, unless the king of God comes, it is unlikely to find the swordsmanship.

Well, the only possibility is that these gods are too cautious.

"Mad, you are an intruder. The intruder shouldn't be arrogant and arrogant. I feel like I am invincible in the world. Is it not afraid to rush straight over?"

Xiang Yang snorted, if these guys really refused to come, they were really troublesome.

He looked at these guys quietly. After seeing all these gods stop, it seems that they are discussing something. Xiang Yangsheng is afraid of being discovered by them. He dare not let go of the observation of the gods. He can only wait quietly for a while. Seeing one of these guys, the main **** flew over carefully, apparently to explore the road.

"A dead, do you want to destroy him?"

Xiangyang is tangled, and the mosquito is small and meat. If you don’t kill this guy, this guy will definitely find the swordsmanship when he rushes over. Whenever this guy screams, he will scare all the gods. Ran.

However, if you destroy the other person, it is equal to killing the snake, and the other main gods will also be destroyed.

"It's hard to do."

Xiang Yang sighed and thought that these guys were too much. Isn’t it good to rush to die? There are still so many troublesome things to do.

"Those guys still have some brains." Sun monkeys groaned.

"Not only a bit of a brain, but also know how to find one to explore the road." Yang Yan with a smile on his face, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife toward the front, apparently ready to enter the channel.

"Don't rush to start, let me see the power of the swordsmanship." Tongtian Shengzun said on the side.

"But they are not coming." Sun Monkey sighed.

"That's not easy."

Tongtian Shengzun whispered softly and said to Xiang Yang, "Retreat a million miles, let them freely enter here, and wait until everyone has come out, then do it again."

"Then you have to block them, don't let them run, these are my dishes." Xiang Yang said while watching the guy who explored the road has to rush into the Jianxian sword array, then It was the moment to remove the 诛 剑 sword array, and the rear body shape retreated toward the rear.

At this moment, Tongtian Shengzun exerted a hidden method, hiding all the atmosphere of Xiang Yang and others.


At the same time, the main **** who explored the road rushed in directly. He held a silver shield in his hand. The silver light on the shield turned out to be a very powerful after-the-day treasure. After Xiang Yang met, his eyes glowed and endured. Can't live, "good things."

"These guys in the realm of the world have received support from foreign countries, and there are still many good things." Yang Lan said with a faint smile.

Xiang Yang’s eyes glowed and he smiled and said, “I am more and more fond of the gods. I will definitely entertain these brothers later.”

Sun Monkey also said with a smile, "The old grandson is also, but the old grandson prefers the origin and the heavenly way of the gods. When we get together, let's refine it together."

"good idea."

Yang Lan is serious.

"You guys are a little bit daring, and they are daring." After listening to the heavenly sacred priests, they couldn’t help but scream and refine the origins and the heavens of the gods. Even if he shot, it would not be so easy. And Xiangyang three people are not even saints, just thinking about doing these things.

However, Tongtian Shengzun looked at Xiangyang and felt that Xiangyang was really likely to do it.

"No danger, isn't the saints in the fairy world still reacting? It's great."

At this time, when Xiang Yang and others were hiding, the main **** looked carefully around him. He constantly flew out to fly out of the area of ​​more than nine million miles, even to the setting of the Heavenly Saint. The scope of the curtain of the sword was stopped.

"It's really okay, great."

Then, the Lord God said to himself in his heart, while his face was full of excitement, he returned to the passage of the passage, emitting a ray of light into the passage, apparently telling the situation of the main gods in the passage.


Then, within the channel, after the main **** received the information, all of them showed excitement, and the second group of gods directly rushed out. This time, there are more than a dozen main gods, and they did not stay at all, directly toward the far Fly around.

"I rely on, these guys are too cautious."

Xiang Yang is speechless, and these dozens of main gods fly directly toward the distance, and they are still scattered. It is obviously impossible to be limited to the range of thousands of miles of the swords of the celestial swords shrouded in the heavenly sage.

In this case, there are only two choices for the Heavenly Sage, either to let these guys leave, or to block these guys.

If you want to catch big fish, you can only leave these guys to leave. If you block these guys, you will still be amazed.

"No problem, don't worry that they will run far, the surrounding space has been folded by me, even if they fly forward for 10,000 years, they can't escape."

However, when Xiang Yang looked at Tongtian Shengzun and thought about how he would choose, he heard a light laughter coming over, and then another person came out of the void, Xiangyang saw Under the busy ceremony, "I have seen the Emperor."

Out of the void is the Terran of the Virgin Mary. At this moment, she has a smile on her face, and she lifts Xiang Yang and whispers, "No need to be polite."

On the one hand, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey also rushed to salute, "I have seen the Emperor."

The emperor's face still has a sweet smile, and there is no such thing as a thicker one, but the two are helped.

"Nvwa Sister, your method of folding the space is really subtle, even if the teacher can not do it." One side of the heavenly sage is to say hello, laughing and said.

"The brothers and sisters praised me. I don't think there is anything in my space. How can I compare it with the teacher?" The emperor responded with a smile.

"No, the teacher said that the teacher's way of creation and space has surpassed his old man." Tongtian praised.

"That is the teacher's reputation."


The two chaotic sages of the strong level chatted about the sky, Xiang Yang’s heart first revealed the color of shock, and then it was clear that the seal of the Divine Channel was broken. How could the chaotic saints of the heavens not pay attention to it?

It is estimated that the reason why the seal of the gods will be destroyed by the great prince is precisely because the sacred acquiescence, or else, who can break the seal under the eyes of the chaos and the ancestors of the heavens?

"Daozu and All Saints are to take this opportunity to destroy the gods, and the great emperor was shot by them, it is very pitiful." Xiang Yang thought of the same while glanced at the rear of the great emperor.

After discovering the arrival of the Emperor Huang, the whole person was frightened, his face was white, and his body was trembling. Xiang Yang thought about it and directly collected him into the temple.

Although the Promise Immortal is the most used baby he used, but the Temple of Killing is the treasure of the day after tomorrow, he intends to gradually arrange the Temple of Killing, to replace the use of the Temple of Killing, and the Promise of the Immortal can be left to the Qing Xue Universe Group .


At this moment, among the gods' passages, those gods are very cautious, but after discovering that there are two groups of gods rushing into the chaotic void of Pangu's chaotic world, they have no worries, but a large group of people rushed out.

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