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A lord of the Lord rushed out of the passage at the fastest speed. After they came out, they did not say hello to anyone, and they immediately rushed toward the distance.

They are like a group of robbers. They are afraid of running slower. The super fat meat of the heavens and the world will be taken away by others.

Several people in Xiangyang stood in the hidden atmosphere of the saints, watching these main gods rush into chaos, but did not disappear, but circled in the folding space.

In order to let Xiang Yang and others see clearly, Xiang Huang manifested everything directly. Xiang Yang and others saw that the chaotic space around it became like a page of paper, and these gods are all here. The paper ran on, and when they ran through a layer of space, they jumped into another piece of paper, then continued to run, and then ran and ran, never ending.

In the hearts of these Lord Gods, they have already ran away and don't know how far it is. They feel that they will soon rush into the heavens and the world. However, they have never been able to see the fairy world.


There is an incomprehensible color on the face of the Lord God. "I have been flying for so long. According to the truth, I should be able to see the fairy world, but why is it still in chaos?"

“Don't the fairy world change?”

He bit his teeth, still flying fast toward the front, wanting to rush into the fairy world to plunder and kill at the fastest speed.

The thoughts of other people are the same as this one, and they are all immersed in hard work, even if they are not to get the first class, but also to be able to plunder some treasures of the fairy world.

"It seems that there are thousands of gods rushing into the fairy world?"

When there was no more of the main **** in the passage, Xiang Yang looked very happy at Sun Monkey.

"There should be, anyway, many people are." Sun Monkey said with a sigh.

"It seems that there is no one, we can start." Xiang Yang looked at the passage, and for a long time no one has rushed out, he is too lazy to wait, and intends to refine these guys.

Anyway, there are two chaotic saints here, don't worry that the main gods that rushed out will run, and they will not be afraid of playing the grass.

"There are old friends coming." Tongtian Shengzun glanced at the channel of the gods and said with a soft voice.

"One god, only this time, it is better to give him to the younger sister." The Emperor said softly.

"no, do not want."

Tongtian Shengzun was preparing to promise, and he heard Xiang Yang promptly shouting, "The king of God is mine, don't grab it with me, no, these gods are mine, all are mine, don't grab."

"You kid, can you deal with a **** king and thousands of gods at the same time?" Tongtian Shengzun smiled helplessly.

"Anniling, you will help me to trap those main gods, do not destroy them, I will use them to practice the Eucharist, I will destroy this god." Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the heavenly sacred, but Look at the emperor.

"Okay." The emperor smiled and nodded, still gentle.

As the Virgin of the Terran, the Emperor Wang Yue is more satisfied with Xiang Yang, especially, she also knows that Xiang Yang is the Taoist of his own child, Mei Aoxue, knowing some things from Xiang Yang from her mouth. I feel that Xiang Yang is very good.

"Sister Shimei feels that the power of this kid can kill a **** alone?" Tongtian felt that Emperor Huang was a bit overconfident about Xiangyang.

"And look at it, anyway, we are there, he will not have any danger."

"Haha, I am coming."

There are two chaotic saints who rely on the mountain. Xiang Yang does not have to worry about anything. He rushes directly toward the entrance of the channel of the gods, and his mind is moving, and the swordsmanship is directly displayed.


Just when Xiang Yang exhibited the 诛 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The whole person entered the 诛 剑 sword array.

"The luck of this guy is really not bad."

Not far away, Tongtian Shengzun said with a soft voice.

"It is the timing of Xiang Yang to grasp it very well." Yan Huang said with a smile.

Unable to help, the Emperor Huang is everywhere for Xiangyang. If you don’t know that Xiangyang is not a disciple of Emperor Huang, he will almost think that Emperor Huang has already accepted Xiangyang as a disciple.

And Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are holding their magic weapon, screaming and shouting, "Xiang Yang, let us help you."

"No, just a little **** king, let me see how the power of my swordsmanship is."

While Xiang Yang responded, he stood in the sacred swords, and the four swords of the sacred sword, the sacred sword, the sacred sword and the sacred sword were suspended in his body.

The powerful atmosphere broke out, and the power of being the first killer in Pangu’s chaotic world was undoubted at this moment.

"There is an ambush, and the swordsmanship."

The king of the gods who stepped into the sacred swords of the squadron changed his face when he felt that he was entering the tactics. He did not expect that he would be directly recruited.

"No, all the gods have an accident."

At this moment, the face of this **** king became very ugly, not only thinking that he was caught in the sacred swords, but also very clear, even his own **** of the king was recruited, the thousands of gods in front Definitely fell into the sacred swords of the sword, ten dead and no end.

"Tongtian, you are a chaotic saint, you are actually killing the Lord God, what about your skin?" The king of the gods yelled.

"Don't shout, the sky is not in the line."

However, when the voice of the king of the gods just fell, he heard a lazy voice coming out. Then, in the eyes of this god, Xiang Yang was surrounded by four swords of Zhu Xian, with a happy face on his face. Look at him.

"This Mr. God, I am very happy to meet you, my name is Xiang Yang, you can remember my name first." Xiang Yang rubbed his hands, very happy to look at this god, he did not drool.

"A saint?"

This king of gods was paralyzed when he saw Xiangyang.

The person who arranged the 诛 剑 剑 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

However, how this little Aya's eyes are so weird, looking at their own appearance, it seems like watching a dish.

This **** king is very confused, but his heart is relieved. Since it is not through the sky, then you don't have to worry about the sword.

Although he did not want to admit it, he was very clear. If he was in charge of the swordsmanship, he would enter the sword array and he would definitely die.

And an Aya, he is not afraid.

How strong is the array method, it is only a battle of the law, and it needs to have more powerful people to control to be able to exert the strongest power. Only in the hands of the heavenly saints can the power of the first battle of the Pangu world be played. It is not necessarily in the hands of others.

"This **** king, what is your name?"

Xiang Yang was very excited to look at this god, this is the first **** to destroy the gods who used the little spirit refining.

If you can easily destroy the other party, it means that you will control the swordsmanship in the future, and you can easily fight against this level of power.

"Junior, find death."

This **** is the most proud of him. He feels that Xiangyang has too much nonsense. If he ignores Xiangyang’s words, he will wave his hand and blow toward Xiangyang.


Although he looked down on Xiangyang's Yasheng, but Yasheng presided over the sacred swordsmanship, he also did not dare to make the slightest intention. Between the waves, a vast flame broke out and instantly rushed toward Xiangyang.

"Fire is a god, interesting."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and he did not see any movements.


The strength of the four swords of Zhu Xian is unmatched. Even if it is only used to attack the sword, the strength of Xiangyang is enough to explode the power of all things.

In the sword array, the sword of the sacred sword held a long sword, and it was very simple. At the beginning, the face of the **** of fire was disdainful, and it was impossible for Xiangyang to cause any harm to him. Injury, with a random color on his face, let the sword of Xiang Yang go down.

"not good."

However, when the sword of the sacred sword was on the fist of his flame, his face changed. This sword turned out to be the flame of his display, and then continued to move toward him. The fist squats down.

He screamed, and the law of fire broke out, instantly condensing into a wall of flames outside his fist. At the same time, a large sword with a burning flame and a reddish body emerged, and instantly smashed toward the sword.

"The sword of the congenital Lingbao level."

After Xiang Yang met, it was the eyes shining. "The gods really are the local tyrants. This time I went to the gods, I must have sent them."


Then, Zhu Xianjian opened the flame wall and then went straight to the flame sword of the congenital Lingbao level.

At this moment, the face of this **** is greatly changed. When Xiang Yang’s sword is on his sword, he only feels that there is a horrible power that bursts out. He went straight to his body and went straight to his body.


This sacred king did not dare to continue to fight hard with the sacred sword, but his body shape retreated toward the rear, and forced the scorpion sword out of his own strength.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, not only did the sacred swords move toward him, but there was also a sacred sword with a power to kill everything.

Qi Xianjian and the Supreme Sword also shot him at the same time.

"not good."

The face of this **** king has changed, even if it is just a sword, he feels that he must be careful, not to mention the sword and the sword.

"Only by killing him can he break out."

Originally, I was very underestimated in Xiang Yang. However, at this time, he did not dare to look down on Xiang Yang at all. Even his heart was a little scared. If the four swords of Zhu Xian were shot together, I am afraid he could not insist on it. .


However, when the king of the gods thought that he must first destroy Xiangyang, the swords and the swords of the gods went down to him one after another. The first sword, his body shape squatted back two steps, and then, Xian Xianjian Flying up, the sacred sword continued to squat toward him. He still blocked the gods in his hand, but he still couldn't stop it and continued to retreat toward the rear.

Then, Xiang Yang did not reluctantly, and the sacred swords and the sacred swords turned to the king of the gods. This god, who is invincible in the realm of the gods, was turned backwards by the shackles.

"I am going, Xiang Xiaozi."

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