Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3081: Growing god

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"this is..."

When Xiang Yang and a sword smashed the king of the gods, the Tongtian sage could no longer sit still. His face was stunned and shocked. The whole person stared at Xiang Yang, "诛仙剑道融Is this kid a ghost in a sword?"

On one side, the face of Emperor Huang also showed a strange color, but more of it was happy. "It’s the mysterious arrogance of my human race. It can even melt the sword of the Heavenly Master’s brother into a sword. The power of this sword is enough. Really killing chaos saints."

"I rely on..."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were both shocked.

"This sword, can you block it?" Sun Monkey whispered to Yang Lan.

"Do you think your golden body can block this sword?" Yang Hao asked.

"Can't stop." Sun monkey stunned.

Yes, the power of Xiang Yang’s sword is too strong. A sword can kill a god. If you let Xiang Yang take the sword, can you fight against the chaos?

Even when the Heavenly Emperor never thought that the power of his own martyrdom would be melted into a sword, the power would be so strong.

He looked at Xiang Yang and only thought that the martial art of Xiang Yang at this moment seemed to transcend himself.

"This kid is really terrible." Tongtian Shengzun whispered to himself. He unconsciously imitated Xiang Yang and merged his sword path into a sword. He suddenly felt that if he himself took out the sword. Even if it is stronger, this sword can also be used.

"I didn't even think that it would be so powerful after I merged my sacred swords."

Tongtian Shengzun shook his head and had a smile on his face.

He practiced for a lifetime, pursued the limit of kendo, and wanted the strongest martial road. However, who could have imagined that all of this was chased by a late-school student of Xiangyang.

At this time, Xiang Yang was standing in the swords of the celestial swords. The four swords of the celestial beings were flying around him, and the scorpion swords did not enter his body, making his whole person stunned, a sword, as if to open. Chaos is general.

He closed his eyes and thought back to the sword before, and couldn't help but whisper. "There is still a sword, that is, the sword of the sacred sword, the sword of the celestial being can kill the saint, and the sword of a **** can kill the sacred However, the Sword of the Sword is not simply a fusion of the Sword of the Sword, but it is still lacking."

While talking, he tried to merge the 弑Shenjian into one, and still smashed it down. However, he immediately shook his head and recovered. He felt that his sword could also be used in the sword. Everything is fused, but the power is not as good as the previous swords.

"I am not in a hurry. I still have time. I can slowly comprehend. After I complete the fifth sword and sword, I will be able to truly fight against the existence of the chaos. If I can comprehend the sixth sword, then I will The kendo is really big."

Xiang Yang said to himself, with a smile on his face.

His practice is too complicated, and it is difficult to innovate. However, he can evolve into his own sword on the basis of integration and normalization.

His sword, the first sword is an infinite sword, suitable for group battles, with millions of swords as a carrier, pinning all his kendo, a sword is thrown out, equivalent to thousands of him at the same time The sword is powerful and terrible.

The second sword opened a sword, which is the sword that was learned from Pangu’s open axe. The sword has no other power, only pure power, and it breaks through the law.

The sword of the third sword order is the sentiment of the illusory order sword that is condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness. Although this sword is only ranked in the third sword, it is in Xiangyang. In the sentiment, this sword is just not really big. If you can push it into the state of Dacheng, you may become the strongest of your own swords.

Because of the sword of order, what is broken is the power of order, everything in the heavens and the earth, even the chaotic sacredness is also in this order. This is invisible, but it exists, and a sword is thrown out, if even the order is Do you have any life at all?

The fourth sword, the sword, this sword is combined with the celestial sacred swords of the Tongtian sacred in it, a sword is smashed out, just like the sacred swords and swords merge into one, a sword can kill the holy.

The fifth sword, he is tentatively set as a sword, but it has not yet completely evolved. In his induction, if the sword is also realized, the power will be stronger.

"Maybe my realm is not strong enough. It is time to be sanctified. If I am sanctified, no one can be enemies in the realm of saints." Xiang Yang had a confident color on his face.

"Boy, you are too crazy."

At this time, Tongtian Shengzun and others came to Xiangyang's side and looked at Xiangyang. After hearing Xiangyang's words, Tongtian Shengzun's face was full of dissatisfaction.

This kid is really too mad, not sanctified, but dare to say in front of his sage that if he is sanctified, no one among the saints can compare, is this to say that he is too weak?

"Ah, haha, I am a saint, not a saint, you are old, I dare to compare with you." Xiang Yang quickly smiled and put the swords up.

After listening to it, Tongtian Shengzun was a little bit better. However, he still looked at Xiangyang with a look of eccentricity. "You are a metamorphosis. You have even merged the swords and the swords and swords into a sword. You know. If you can't control this sword, the power of self-destruction will be killed if you are a chaotic saint?"

"Is it blew?" Xiang Yang stunned, remembering that he suddenly took out the sword after he suddenly realized it. If he couldn’t control the sword and directly exploded, it was estimated that the **** would still be himself. Killed, but I am afraid that I will be blasted by the power of self-destruction.

"Hey, I am too dangerous."

Xiang Yang Yue thought more and more dangerous, could not help but screamed, "It seems that in the future can not easily create a law, and in case of self-destruction, no one can save me."

"Do you know that you are afraid now?" Tongtian Shengzun couldn't help but glance at Xiangyang.

"I am afraid of it." Xiang Yang replied quickly, and after listening to it, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. This kid, how do you feel that he is like a fake no matter how he listens.

What scared of fear, watching this guy with a smug look on his face, can't wait to tell the whole world, he will smash the sacred swords and sorrows into a sword, killing a **** king of the gods, will you be afraid?

"Ha ha ha."

Xiang Yang smiled happily. In his body, the mighty energy broke out, and a horrible atmosphere broke out. In the acupoint space, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods all absorbed this crazy. The power of the stocks.

When the nine turns of Xuan Gong work, these gods become the bottomless pits, their flesh is growing, and the atmosphere is infinitely powerful.

After refining the gods of this chaotic sage level, these gods grew at a fast speed and scared, and at the same time they practiced the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the fifth degree.

"Nine turns to Xuan Gong fifth turn."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

"What do you mean?" The monkey on the side looked at Xiang Yang curiously, but he knew that Xiang Yang’s nine-turn Xuan Gong had already cultivated to the extent of the seventh turn, and how could it become the fifth turn again.

"Oh, no, I just said it with me." Xiang Yang snorted.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body is bursting with a horrible atmosphere. The mighty energy bursts out, making his body stunned. Even the chaotic void around him, with the breath of his physical pores, is constantly being Shattered, it seems that even this chaos can not accommodate him.

"this is..."

Seeing Xiang Yang's appearance, Tong Tian and the Emperor's two sacred sacred look changed, watching Xiang Yang's eyes with strange colors.

"The power of the child's body has broken through?" Sun Monkey was staring at Xiang Yang. He looked at himself and looked at the horrible atmosphere of Xiang Yang. He always felt his practice. The speed is slow.

Xiangyang’s cultivation has not been more than a hundred years now. After condensing Pangu’s true body, it seems that he can no longer hold his feet. He has surpassed himself a little bit, and he has a sword and a sword. The power of the flesh continues to grow, as if it is about to be sanctified.

"In the end is my nine-turn Xuan Gong reached the eighth turn or his Xuan Gong reached the eighth turn?" Yang Lan also felt uncomfortable.

If you are with a good person, you will feel very comfortable and uncomfortable. It is very depressing. You can't help but feel that the other person is too strong. How can you be so weak? Even the skeptical life that will be hit by the other side.

Not to mention that at this time, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were both suspected of being hit by Xiang Yang. Even if they were on the same day, they looked a bit sluggish.

"The spirit of the Eucharist, can you really achieve this level?"

Tongtian Shengzun whispered to himself, they all know this trick, but they can't see this practice, because the Eucharist is not a mysterious and powerful law, let alone Compared with the supreme forging exercises like the nine-turn Xuan Gong and the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong, even the second-level exercises are stronger than the spirit of the Holy Spirit.

However, this practice, when it comes to Xiangyang, seems to have become different.

After Xiang Yang refining several sage strongs, he even pushed the Holy Spirit to a level that they could not imagine.

At the moment, among the acupoints in Xiangyang's body, 9,999 deities also burst into a powerful and unmatched atmosphere. Even at this moment, they exude more breath than Xiangyang's deity. powerful.

"They seem to be a bit too independent."

Xiang Yang said to himself, although the consciousness produced by the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods was replaced by the **** he separated, but these forces did not really integrate into his body, he wanted to use himself. The power must first make these 9,999-year-old gods break out.

“How to make them blend together?” Xiang Yang’s Yuanshen came to the space of the 10,000th chaotic acupoints. After discovering that this acupoint space absorbed the power of the spirit, it has changed a bit.

"The key to everything is this acupoint space."

He has a feeling that if he wants to really change, he must wait for this acupoint space to truly achieve perfection. He just wants to fill this acupoint space, and I am afraid that he will have to kill the whole gods.

At the same time, Xiang Yang remembered that there are still thousands of gods waiting for himself. He could not help but look at the main gods trapped in the folding space.

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