Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3082: Demonized by the devil

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"Also ask the niece to let them go." Xiang Yang squatted on the prince.

"it is good."

Emperor Huang replied with a soft smile, not seeing her movements, the main gods trapped in the folding space only felt the flash of light in front of them, all gathered together.

Moreover, in front of them, it is a fairyland of Yasheng who looks at them with a smile on his face.


Until now, how could they not understand, they were trapped.

Yes, the space of the Emperor's space is too strong, even if Xiang Yang enters the deepest level of chaotic emptiness and enters a state of enlightenment, and the small and empty achievements of time and space can not see the method of time and space folding.

Not to mention these gods, these main gods always thought that they were flying in chaos, and they were still wondering why the chaotic void of Pangu’s chaotic world was so wide, suddenly they suddenly saw that everyone was Gathered together.

Xiang Yang smiled at the eyes of a group of gods, Lang said, "You, please come to die."


As the voice of Xiang Yang fell, he heard a roaring sound. Then, I saw the infinite swords appearing. A picture was suspended with four swords and directly spread out, and all the main gods were involved.


"Well, we are involved in the sage of the immortal world, and we must not panic, we must unite, only wait until the king of God comes."


This group of main gods immediately recognized that this is the sacred swords, some are incomprehensible, and some of the old masters are busy standing up to host the overall situation, so that everyone is quiet, while others and others are direct shots, they do not In order to attack, only for the sake of defense, the layout of the law, and want to integrate all the power of the main **** into it, blocking the power of the killing of the sword.

Originally, if the power of all the main gods really can be merged together, it is really possible to block the killing of the Xiangyang swords of Xiangyang.

However, these main gods are not in the same place, nor are they from the same force. Most people do not believe in other people, and they have not used all their strength. Even some of them have gone straight to the Jianxian swords.

In this way, only a few dozen main gods have become a defensive force, and they want to block the sacred swords.

"I thought that we really want everyone to be together. If so many gods and brothers broke out together to resist the swords of the sacred swords, I guess I will not die."

Xiang Yang snorted and watched as someone rushed toward the sacred swordsmanship. He thought about it, and the four swords of Xianxian flew out to suppress the Quartet.


To the east, there is a **** who rushes over and sees a sword hanging. The sword depicts the word '诛仙', and then the sword flashes. This is the last light he saw when he was alive. The whole person lost consciousness instantly. .

It was the singer’s sword that flashed and killed him directly.

In the west, the celestial sword is hung in the air, and when the main **** rushes over, it is also the endless swordsmanship. At the same time, the sacred swords fly directly out, carrying the long swordsman to kill these gods.

In the south, the sacred swords are also hung, and they will kill the past without waiting for these main gods to rush.

To the north is the 戮 剑 sword, this sword broke out of the sea of ​​blood, the **** sword turned into a long river, directly against all the Lord God to suppress the past.

And Xiang Yang himself is standing in the air, standing on the top of the four swords of Zhu Xian, the mind is moving, the **** ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ is turned into thousands. If the Lord God is killed, he will directly rush to devour it.

"I have four swords, and the main **** is like a pig."

Xiang Yang was very sighing and sighed. He only thought that these main gods that he had to look up to before, at this moment, have become the existence that they can kill at will.

"If I can achieve the status of dominance, even if the king of God comes, I can easily kill."

It is a pity that although the realm of dominance exists, even the teachers and ancestors of Xiangyang have not reached such a realm. The developers of those chaotic worlds are also only half-step masters.

The reason why they open up the world and create a big world is not because their mission is to open up the world, nor to create souls, but to open up the world and obtain the opportunity to be promoted to the master.

For these, although Xiang Yang is not very clear, but he also knows that the realm of the master is his own direction.

"kill and kill."

In the sacred swords, a group of gods squatted, watching their companions being killed one by one, one after another being swallowed, they were crazy.

Various magic weapons are constantly being displayed, and various magical powers are also erupting. However, it is useless. Under the four swords of the immortals, it is easy to kill the Lord God.

Moreover, the current mana of the Xiangyang body is endless, there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient mana, and there is no need to worry that someone can escape.

Xiang Yang is carrying his hands, as long as he is driving the Xianjian sword array.

His black hair is flying, his clothes are hunting, and the whole person is like a sacred one.

On the other side, Tongtian Shengzun and others frowned and looked at this scene. Their faces were full of shocking colors. Even Yang Yu and Sun Monkey, they also screamed. "This kid is too strong, this is the sword." The array does not seem to be much weaker than that of the old man. If the old grandson and the three eyes rush in, they may not come out."

"The power of this sword array has the strength of my sword swordsman's 80%." Tongtian Shengzun sighed and said.

"The power of 80% is enough to trap three chaotic saints." Yan Huang also said.

After the arrangement of the swordsmanship, if you encounter opponents of the same level, you need to gather four saints, and you will be able to break the four swords.

However, if you encounter a weaker master than yourself, even more masters can not break.

This is why the Emperor Huang said that Xiangyang’s Jianxian sword array can only trap three chaotic saints. If there are four people, it is enough to break the sword out.

"Unfortunately, my disciple Sancha does not know when it will be resurrected. If it can gather the Jiuqu Yellow River and the Xianjian sword array, the power will be stronger." Tongtian Shengzong sighed and said.


The eyes of Emperor Huang looked at the direction of the fairyland. In the eastern Tianyu, there is a desert called the desert of the celestial beings. The yellow sand flutters and is gradually gathering. The whole desert is gradually shrinking and seems to be alive.

This is where Xiang Yang used to go. Even, he almost caught up with Huangsha and made himself unable to come out in the yellow sand.

The sacred desert, it was the three 宵 宵 宵 宵 宵 宵 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄

In the desert, in fact, it is not just a place of experience in nature, but a resurrection.

Of course, all this is the means of the arrangement of the sacred, even if Xiangyang once went deep into the desert, he did not know the secret of the desert.


After all, the Heavenly Saints did not know how to make things. After listening to the words of the Emperor, there was no color of joy on his face.

"You still need the help of that kid." Emperor Huang smiled and looked at Xiang Yang in the sacred swordsmanship, Shen Shen said, "When he kills these gods, let him go to the desert, help three Resurrection, with his sacred swords and the three scorpions of the Yellow River, is enough to sweep the world."

"Good, thank you sister."

Tongtian Holy Respect is overjoyed and can’t help but worship the Emperor.

"The brothers don't have to be polite, and the three children of Sanchao, I also liked it that year. Unfortunately, they sacrificed for my ancient chaotic world and can resurrect them. It is also their legal fate."

Yan Huang said with a smile.

"If the non-sisters kept the bodies of my three disciples in immortality, and then condensed their gods and true spirits with the techniques of creation, they could have a recurring day."

Tongtian Shengzun could not help but say excitedly.

At the moment, he really felt very happy.

In the Sanqing, too much is inaction, in fact, it is ruthless. For Taishang, there are few mood fluctuations, but although the original has feelings, it is more forbearing and rarely manifests. Only the nature is refreshing, he treats him. The disciples’ feelings were very good. When his disciples were almost completely destroyed during the war in the exotic world, he even burst into tears. Under the wrath, he broke into the chaotic sanctuary and killed countless foreign bodies. The saint, now, his three most proud disciples are finally reborn, can he be upset?

"It turned out that the three uncles had to resurrect." Yang Yan's eyes narrowed, and his heart was shocked.

Yang Lan is a disciple of Yu Ding's real life. In his generation, Sanchao naturally belongs to his uncle. When Sancha accident occurred, he was still sad for a long time. He did not expect that Sancha had a day of rebirth.

Sun Monkey also has a strange color on his face. "This is a very good old man. Even the three dragons can be resurrected. I just don't know if the Holy Lady of Jinling can be resurrected."

At the same time, Sun Monkey mouth was straightforward and asked directly, "Tongtian old children, since Sancha can resurrect, then, can the Madonna and the Madonna of the Golden Resurrection be resurrected?"

When I heard the words of the Sun Monkey, the face of Tongtian suddenly showed a sad color and shook his head. "Nothing and Jinling have already lost their souls, unless I can break through to the final realm, and they will be from the fate of the river." The spirits are fished out, otherwise they cannot be saved."

"Which river?"

With a strange voice coming over, I don't know when Xiang Yang has appeared in front of a few people. However, it is not Xiang Yang's deity, but Xiang Yang's first demon avatar.

At this moment, Xiangyang’s first demon avatar was a bit wolfsome. His breath was unstable and his face was helpless. It seemed to escape from his escape.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang's first demon avatar with an unexpected color. He asked inexplicably, "Xie Xiaozi, what happened to your avatar?"

"I went to the demon treasure, and the result was actually overcast by the goods. The guy didn't die."

Xiang Yang’s first demon sighed and his face was deeply helpless.

He really didn't think that he would eventually be ruined by the demon. The three treasures left by the demon, although there are indeed no treasures, but they left one third of the guy's true spirit. among them.

The true spirit of the demon remains, just to wait for someone to get everything from him, and after opening his three treasures, he can return to it.

Although the demon statue is only the strongest person in the realm of the peak of the road, but as the descendant of the first demon, it can be said that the devil is the only descendant in the chaotic world of Pangu, his method is really terrible.

This time, Xiang Yang just let the devil go to the squad, and when he was caught off guard, he was almost strangled and had to flee.

At this moment, although the deity of Xiangyang still did not speak, but he had already felt something in the moment when the demon lord was in danger. However, the treasure of the demon sacred all the cause and effect, if it was not the first demon escaping, Even if his deity is integrated with the avatar, he does not know the truth.

"Are you being overcast?"

Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color on his face.

"Yeah." Xiang Yang's first demon sighed and said.

"Ha ha ha, you have been stunned by a demon, too funny, you are Xiang Yang, you can kill the existence of the king of the sword, even a small demon budd, hahaha. .."

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