Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3083: Gas bad day

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"Ha ha ha, you have been stunned by a demon, too funny, you are Xiang Yang, you can kill the existence of the king of the sword, even a small demon budd, hahaha. .."

After getting a positive answer from Xiang Yang, Sun Monkey suddenly laughed out.

Even Yang Lan couldn't help but look at Xiang Yang's first demon avatar with a strange color.

Xiang Yang is so powerful that he will be overwhelmed by a demon who has already died. This is really too surprising for them, and the grandson of the monkey is laughing and tears are coming out.

"Ha ha ha, I thought you really want to be invincible. I didn't expect that when you were stunned, you laughed at me." Sun Monkey laughed and pointed at Xiang Yang.

"Monkey brother, since you like to laugh so much, then you will deal with one-third of the true spirit of the demon statue." Xiang Yang's first demon sullenly looked at the grandson.

What's special, this monkey head, I really think that people will only be weak when they are only devils?

I started with the same thoughts as you, so my devil was almost killed.

We must know that Xiangyang’s strength as the first demon avatar also reached the peak of Yasheng. Although there was no breakthrough to become Yasheng, it was also on Xiangyang’s own way.

Although it can't be compared with the deity, the beginning of the devil is also very abnormal.

The first demon avatar has condensed the body of the first demon, and the power is equally powerful, and there is a characteristic that the body of the demon is the real immortal body. If this is not the case, this time he will not be able to Escape the trap of the demon.

"Devil respects the bastard, and my deity will kill him later."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, and he was very upset when he thought that he had been stunned by the old man. Especially, when he saw that the Sun Monkey was so sullen, he wanted to avenge the demon.

"Devil statue, it should be the next generation disciple of the first demon."

After listening to the heavenly sage, he asked curiously.

"Yes, that is the bastard."

Xiang Yangshuo said, "When I was in the secular world, I had refining his remnant soul. It was not complete to get his memory. As a result, whoever thought, I refining only two-thirds. One third of his remnants are still in the demon treasures of the Devil."

"The little guy, when the flood was in the past, it also caused a lot of wind and rain, but unfortunately, it can't rush into the sub-Holy."

Tongtian Shengzun shook his head. "As a descendant of the demon statue, if he can enter the sub-saint, he is expected to become a chaotic saint, even the first devil, but unfortunately, his stamina is not enough."

Obviously, the generation of the demon of the demon statue was really very powerful, and he connected with Tian Shengzun to notice him.

Xiang Yang哼 said, "After today, the guy will disappear into the world forever, even if it is a river, there is no possibility of any trace of him."

"This is not necessarily the case."

Tongtian Shengzun shook his head. "That river is too mysterious. It involves the existence of the dominant level. You consciously destroy the enemy of the enemy. In fact, what you don't know is that your The enemy was taken away by that river. If there is enough strength, it can still be fished out of that river."

“Is there really such a mysterious thing?” Xiang Yang frowned and looked at Tongtian Shengzun.


Tongtian Shengzun nodded. "That river, mysterious and mysterious, even the teacher has only once entered, but, what is the specific, the teacher did not say."

"Then I will find a time to go."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of confidence.

"Get it, don't think about entering that river before you become a chaotic sage." Tongtian Shengzun glanced at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang is not dejected, is it not a chaotic sage? When you go to the realm of the gods, you can prove that you have become a chaotic saint. Then, will the chaos be far away?


Just at this time, the 诛 剑 剑 爆发 爆发 爆发 爆发 爆发 爆发 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项Do your best.

Then, the **** 'Heaven and Earth Oven' swept through and instantly swallowed all the Lord Gods.

A scroll of the swords of the immortals, the magic weapons left behind after the fall of these main gods were all sent to the Xiaoling in the income of the Promise Immortal.

"I don't know if I can refine a set of swords and swords." Xiang Yang screamed, and the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ turned into a stream of light into his body, and the power of the vast spirits emerged wildly.

In the recent period, Xiang Yang has refining and refining a number of strong people. He has been used to the power of the spirits that emerged after each refinement of the strong, but this time the power of the spirit is powerful and terrible. It is not even weaker than the spirit of refining a god.

This time, the 9,999-year-old gods in the acupoint space in the body continued to practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong. However, the nine-turn Xuan Gong of these gods only reached the sixth turn, and there was no way. Breakthrough, for a time, the power of the spirit that cannot be absorbed is all poured into the space of the 10,000th acupoint.

As before, there is still no change in the space of the 10,000th acupoint. The chaos of the chaos is still flowing, and it contains powerful and unmatched power, but it still has no use.

"But, wait for me to refine the entire realm of the gods, see if you will change." Xiang Yang groaned, he also felt very helpless about this acupoint space.

He put away the swordsmanship, and his body shape flashed directly to the side of the crowd. The first demon avatar directly fell into his body, and he himself frowned and said, "The devil is the old vain, this time. I want him to understand what is called regret."

Although the demon statue is very powerful, even his first demon avatar is almost a problem, but his deity can even kill the saint, can the devil resist?

Obviously impossible.

"Xiang Yang, then let's go directly to the realm of the gods?" Sun Monkey said with a smile to Xiang Yang.

"Go yourself, I have to go and kill the devil."

Xiang Yangbai took a look at the granddaughter monkey. This monkey head is absolutely deliberate. It is clear that he wants to destroy the demon statue. He still wants to go to the gods, and he is mad at him.

"Cough, I am playing with you, isn't it the demon respect of the devil world? That old goods, I didn't touch the old grandson in the past, or else, the old grandson must have killed him." Sun monkey quickly comforted Said.

"Oh, when the demon statue was in vain, you were not born yet." Yang Lan said with a sneer.

"So it is too early to say that he died." Sun Monkey said with a sigh.

"Well, let's not talk nonsense, the team of the fairy world is coming, let's go." Tongtian Shengzun said.


Xiang Yang frowned and looked at Tongtian. This old boy is not normal. It is clear that he is going to the devil to deal with the demon, what is the relationship with him?

"I want you to go to the desert to help me do something." Tongtian Shengzun said faintly.

“The immortal desert?” Xiang Yang stunned, and asked inexplicably, “What are you doing?”

Xiangyang is no stranger to the natural desert. The spiritual crystals produced in the desert are the laws of the earth system and the wind system. After refining, you can even quickly condense the rules of the Da Luo and become the strong man.

Moreover, at that time, he remembered to encounter a storm in the desert. He was almost involved in it, and he was scared to run away. Is there any big secret in the desert?

"Resurrect my disciples, Sancha." Tongtian said.

“Hey?” Xiang Yang listened after listening, and asked again, “Do you say that I am going to resurrect Sancha? Do I have such skills?”

Yes, Xiang Yang does not understand the way of creation, how can he resurrect Sancha?

And the heavenly hall sacred, idle, nothing, he is not faster to go to a trip, rely on you to let yourself go?

"Exactly." Tong Tian blacked a face and looked at Xiang Yang.

His own sacred sacred world of chaos, let Xiang Yang do something, Xiang Yang even had a reluctant look, he was so angry that he almost broke the Xiangyang.

"You don't want to go to yourself?" Xiang Yang asked directly.

When he asked this question, even Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were shocked. This guy really swelled. Even dare to speak to the chaos of the chaos, it is simply not knowing what to do.

Sure enough, after Xiang Yang’s words were asked, Tongtian Shengzun was suddenly furious, and he sighed coldly. “Boy, do you dare to disagree?”

"I don't know how to resurrect your disciples, and you are here, idle and okay, how do you not do it yourself?" Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.


His words have just been finished, Tongtian Shengzun burst into a horrible atmosphere, and directly pressed toward Xiangyang, and screamed with anger. "Junior, I pass you to Xianjian, let you do something, you are not willing, you don't think Are you too much?"

"Zhu Xianjian Road is exchanged with the sword of the gods." Xiang Yang's head shrinks, and he said that he is a little guilty. After all, Tong Tian passed to his own comparable sword.

Just, what do you really don't understand, how can you resurrect Sancha?

"You really thought that you could kill a few chaotic saints and you would be mad in front of me?" The weather was broken, and Xiang Yang was too much, and he dared to disobey his own meaning.

Although he did not mean to use the identity of the Holy Man, but Xiang Yang is too much, and even a face is not given to him, making him really angry.

If he can save himself, how can he wait for Xiangyang?

The key point is that he is a chaotic sage, and his atmosphere is too strong. If it is coming, it may affect the remnants of Sancha. Only the cultivation of Xiangyang is enough, but there is no heavenly atmosphere. It will affect the three crickets in order to really save people.

Moreover, the Emperor Huang also said so, it proves that the rescue of people, non-Chengyang is none other than.

It’s just that Xiang Yang’s kid didn’t want to.

"I don't mean this, but I really don't know how to save people." Xiang Yang said with a grievance on his face, "Is this the attitude of asking for help? I am not your disciple." ”


Passing the weather, pointing to Xiangyang, angered, "Boy, come, your kendo is not very strong, the deity test you."

"I rely, do you want to do it to me?" Xiang Yang was shocked. How could Tongtian be so shameless? Pangu Sanqing, who evolved from Panguyuan, had to be a junior from birth to now less than a hundred years ago. Hands-on.

Is he kind to say it?

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