Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3092: Buried in the long river of destiny

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"This feeling, as if the chain that was originally tied to me was bitten off a little bit, is too cool."

Xiang Yang did not know the shock of everyone below. At this moment, he carefully realized that his body was in the flesh, his heart trembled, and he felt that the whole person was very comfortable from the inside out.

Originally, he didn’t feel anything when he didn’t touch his own body, but when he really stood on the river of destiny and used his extradition to sense his own body, he had a very uncomfortable feeling. As if his own body is part of himself, he is imprisoned. At the same time, he seems to have a chain of chains that locks himself and makes himself incomplete.

With the integration of Wan Shi body into the body, Xiang Yang felt that the chains on his body had collapsed, and the whole person was very comfortable.


He couldn't help but scream.

"Give me back."

He snorted and couldn't wait to return the car to his body.

However, perhaps his movements are too great. The river of destiny under his feet trembled at this time. There is a tendency to get rid of Xiangyang and hide into nothingness.

Xiang Yang’s face changed. He still has about half of the world’s body without income. If the river of destiny disappears, I don’t know when I want to see this river again.

"Give me a drive."

Xiang Yang roared, his figure swelled up, Pangu real body cast out, instantly transformed into a giant with a million feet tall, and then, this time his legs did not stand directly on the river, but his feet did not enter the fate Among the rivers, the river of destiny is endless. Even if it is a giant of a million feet tall, it can't step on the bottom of the river. If it is not in his sea of ​​consciousness, the sword of order will shine. If he is suspended in the river of destiny, I am afraid that his whole person will be swallowed up by the river.

Although Xiang Yang did not know what it would be like to be engulfed by the river of fate, but he had a feeling in his heart that it wouldn’t matter if his legs entered it. If the whole person, even his head would enter the river of destiny, maybe I can't come out anymore.

"Give it to me."

Xiang Yang didn't have time to think about other things. He screamed, not only showed his 'extradition 诀' to attract his own 10,000-year-old body, but also ignored the 'devouring magic power' directly, regardless of his time, he was the center, the flesh All the pores are open, and a terrible suction is erupted, and the whole body is absorbed.


However, as Xiang Yang quickly absorbed the body into the body, he suddenly realized that it was not quite right, and absorbed into his body, not only the body of the world, but also the river of fate.

At this moment, Xiang Yang was stunned.

"I even absorbed the river of fate?"

Xiang Yang stayed in bed and was confident that he wanted to squeeze these rivers out of the body. However, he found that after entering the body, these rivers rushed directly into their own sea of ​​consciousness, surrounded by their true spirits. Become a river, look far away, there is a stream of water around your true spirit, this stream of water is surrounded by the mysterious energy of mysterious energy.

In the beginning, the river looked like a thin line flying around Xiangyang, but as he absorbed more and more rivers of fate, he discovered that the river gradually Growth, and the speed of absorption is getting faster and faster. Later, this river of destiny seems to have penetrated into the body of Xiangyang.

In the blink of an eye, the river that condenses the river of destiny in the sea of ​​consciousness in Xiangyang’s body is actually a length of 100,000 feet. Although it is very small compared with the true spirit of Xiangyang, even Xiang Yang’s true spirit can’t be done as a circle, but its width is enough to be a thousand feet, which is already terrible.

At this moment, Wan Shishen has all been integrated into Xiangyang. If there is no river that absorbs the river of destiny, Xiang Yang will certainly surprise and scream out, but at this time, he absorbed the river of fate and made fate. After the river was manifested in his sea of ​​consciousness, his attention was all in the river formed by the river of fate, without any expression of happiness and screaming.

His whole body, in the case that outsiders can't see it, the body that has fallen into the river of destiny is like a whirlpool, madly absorbing the river of destiny.

The river of destiny that made him aware of the sea world is still growing.

At the same time, the river of the river of destiny that Xiang Yang stepped on gradually became a bit illusory, and the position of the head and tail began to disappear gradually. Everyone knew that the river of destiny had to disappear.

"Xiang Yang, come out soon, the river of destiny has to disappear. If you are still in the river, you may be taken away by the river of destiny. No one knows where you will go."

The front and rear ends of the river that saw the river of destiny had begun to disappear, and Xiangyang was still in the river, very refreshing, and even the Taoist ancestors could not stand, and quickly reminded Xiang Yang.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang is immersed in the comfort of the river that absorbs the river of destiny. Moreover, the river of the river of destiny is actively immersed in his body, and even if he wants to leave at once, he can't do it.

After he heard the words of Dazu, his face changed slightly and he rushed out, only to find that the river of the river of destiny seemed to hold him in the same way, and he could not leave.

"After a part of the River of Destiny flowed into my body, it seemed to turn my body into a part of the river of destiny."

Xiang Yang said to himself, he understood that it was a little difficult to leave.

Nowadays, the River of Destiny has taken his body as part of the riverbed, so he will take the initiative to disintegrate the river into his body, and actively form a small river of destiny in the sea of ​​consciousness in his body.

However, because of this, it is really a problem.

"what should I do?"

Xiang Yang’s heart is a bit nervous. If someone tells him that he will not be known by the river of destiny, he will not believe it. However, although the old man of Daozu is not reliable, Xiang Yang believes What the other party said.

"How about the river of destiny, I broke my destiny."

Then, Xiang Yang tried several times and found that he still couldn't jump up. He saw that the river of destiny gradually disappeared. It didn't take long for his own river of destiny to disappear. His face was Showing a chill, roaring, "Give me."


A shocking sword broke out from Xiang Yang, making him as if he had become an earth-shattering sword at this moment.

"Well, this **** boy dared to start in the river of destiny, is this looking for death?"

As soon as I saw Xiang Yang’s behavior, Dao’s face suddenly darkened and started in the river of destiny. Even if he was a Taoist daring, he would not dare to do this. You must know that the river of destiny is unpredictable and mysterious, even half. Step masters don't dare to come in chaos. If you are not careful, you may cause a big disaster, and Xiang Yang actually dares to do it.

"Asshole, you give me a hand."

In the next moment, Daozu screamed, but he did not dare to move. In the river of destiny, the stronger the attack, the stronger the attack power that erupted, and the more trouble he caused, he could only yell at the item. When Yang stopped, the others would not dare to have any action.

"I rely, you don't say it early."


At this moment, Xiang Yang had already joined the sword and went straight to the sword. After hearing the words of Dazu, his face changed and he shouted with a depressed voice, but there was no way to let the sword fall into destiny. Among the rivers of the river.

A sword squats, as if to cut off the fate of the general, no tremors, the river of destiny broke out in the waves of the sky, a horrible breath toward Xiangyang.

"I am done."

The big waves are like a wall covering Xiangyang. Even if Xiangyang has already displayed Panguzhen, it can't block this wave of the sky at this moment. He can only watch the river of destiny drown his whole person. .

"Do not..."

In the distance, Daozu and other powerful people in the ancient chaotic world have become more and more ugly.

Especially Sancha is exclaimed, "No, Xiang Yang..."

Then, Sancha was desperate, and the three men burst into the forces of just sanctification and rushed toward the river of destiny above.

"Don't go up."

Tongtian's face changed a lot and wanted to block the three scorpions, but it didn't work.

At this moment, Tongtian is only a avatar, and the 50% of the fundamental lack of its own power can not erupt even more powerful forces. Although Sancha is just sanctified, they are sanctified in normal conditions, and their repairs. It is very strong, and it is not blocked by the avatar of the sky.


Dao's face changed. He snorted and communicated directly with the chaotic heaven. He burst into a powerful force to stop the three shackles. Then he looked gloomy at the river of destiny above.

At this moment, the river of destiny is soaring, and the energy of a terrible horror is brewing among them. Even if the true body of the Taoist ancestors comes, it does not dare to go deep into the river of destiny.

"This kid is finished."

Even Daozu’s face was very ugly, and he whispered. “Old friend, I am not willing to save him, but the kid is looking for death. I really can’t help it.”

When I think of the horrible strength of my old friend, if I find out that the only heir has something to do, then when I am crazy, even if I have to be kicked out by the other side, Daozu feels a little guilty.

"Is this kid really dead?"

Everyone was nervously watching Xiang Yang, especially the chaotic saints of the heavens. They knew the roots of Xiang Yang. It is very clear that if Xiang Yang really died in this river of destiny, it would cause great trouble.

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