Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3093: Blushing All Saints (five more flowers)

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In the very ugly eyes of Daozu and a group of chaotic saints, I saw that the river of destiny was submerged after Xiangyang, although it was still choppy, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time, everyone’s hopes are gone.

"This is finished, Xiang Yang that kid is completely dead."

Both the Taoist ancestor and the chaos of the chaos have become very ugly. In their induction, Xiang Yang disappeared completely, and it means that Xiang Yang is definitely dead.

Even if Daozu was the embodiment of Tiandao, he could not sense the breath of Xiangyang. It seems that Xiangyang really disappeared between this heaven and earth.

He sighed helplessly, his eyes on the three scorpions, and at the moment three screams burst into tears, no longer become the excitement of the chaos saint.

"Xiang Yang brother..."

"Why is this happening? If it weren't for us, you must be destined to become a chaotic sage. Why do you want to enter the river of destiny, why?"

"Xiang Yang, although we just met, but they are connected to each other, watching each other's past, the heart has long imprinted each other, why are you doing this?"


Sanchao cried, even if they were already true chaos saints, they could not control the sadness in their hearts. They completely recovered because of Xiangyang. Because of the invincible power in Xiangyang, they truly merged and succeeded. However, they became Chaos saint, Xiang Yang disappeared in the long river of fate, how can they not be sad?

"The kid is really gone?"

Sun Monkey stared at the direction of the long river of destiny that had disappeared. His face looked incredulous and whispered. "This is impossible. How could this be?"

"I believe that he won't have anything to do."

Instead, Yang Lan, with a firm color on his face, said loudly, "Xiang Yang is absolutely impossible to accident, and it will not take long before he will appear again."

Everyone ignored the words of Yang Lan, even if it was a Taoist ancestor, and felt that Xiang Yang was completely dead by being involved in the river of destiny.

"Old friend, I am sorry for you."

Daozu sighed in the sky.


At this time, the void was distorted, and a white-haired old man appeared calmly in the chaotic void. He did not speak, but looked at the direction of the disappearance of the river of destiny with his hands on his back.

Around him, there seems to be a horrible sword that is brewing in general.

The Taoist ancestors originally wanted to rush up, but when he sensed the strong swordsmanship of the white-haired old man, his face changed greatly and he quickly yelled at the public, "Everyone retreats."


The faces of a group of chaotic saints have become very ugly. They also look at the ancestors and then look at the white-haired old man above, sensing the white-haired old man’s sword that can kill the sacred, even if it is through the sky. Also breathing is rushing.

"It turns out that even if I become a chaotic sage, I am not an opponent of this. I am still far from him."

The sky is screaming in the heart.

The arrogance of the sky, like his sword, has the privilege of being able to smash the singularity. Since he knows the existence of the Supreme Sword God, he wants to surpass that one.

Originally, after he became a chaotic sage, he realized that although he could not necessarily surpass that one, he was at least enough to compare with that one. However, what he did not expect was that when he really saw the true body of that one. No, this should not be the real body, just an incarnation, it has already made him feel awkward.

In the connected days, the sacred sages in the Pangu chaotic world are all self-satisfied, not to mention other saints. The chaos of the saints in the days is full of trepidation, and they do not hesitate to use their magical powers to express themselves. The disciples under the door were all sent away.

"Do you think that I will be angry and open to killing?"

At this time, when the people sent away all the holy saints, the white-haired old man who carried the sword was turned around and looked at the chaotic saints and Taoist ancestors in a plain tone.

Dao's face showed a helpless color. "Xiang Yang is your grandson and a true disciple, and he actually has an accident in front of me. With your temper, if you don't have a sword, I will smash it. It’s strange.”

Everyone has already known in the chaotic years, how can Daozu not understand the temper in front of him.

Although the temper has been much better over the years, Xiang Yang, the only disciple and grandson who has been valued, has an accident, and I am afraid that no one can bear it.

"All life and death are destined for fate. What is so nervous."

However, what was unexpected from Daozu was that this person did not even start, but his face showed a faint smile.

"You really don't get angry?" Daozu looked carefully at the white-haired old man.

“Why are you angry?” asked the white-haired old man.

"Xiang Yang has an accident." Daozu whispered.

When I said this sentence, even Daozu felt embarrassed. Xiang Yang blocked him from happening in front of him. He really felt embarrassed.

"It was just a matter of being involved in the river of destiny, and there was no accident." The white-haired old man smiled faintly and stepped out in one step, and instantly reached the crowd.


When the chaotic saints such as Sanqing saw this white-haired old man suddenly approached, their faces changed one after another, and they even retreated toward the rear. Only Sancha and Daozu stood in the same place.

Sancha is because he is immersed in the great grief, and he does not know the relationship between the white-haired old man and Xiang Yang, and he is not in the mood to think about these things.

The Taoist ancestors naturally cannot retreat.

The chaotic saints of the heavens are a little reddened, and they are really scared by this.

Although they are chaotic saints and even chaotic saints, they dare not face this. Although everyone is separated from each other, they are afraid that their avatar will be directly killed by the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man smiled and smiled at the chaotic saints. Then he set his gaze on Sanchao and whispered, "Good children, although they are just sanctified, they are not weaker than them."

At the same time, he pointed out and split out three swordsmanship, and instantly fell into the body of Sancha.

"A good understanding of these kendos, combined with the kendo of the heavens, is enough to give you the power to fight against the Holy Spirit."

At the same time as the white-haired old man said, he glanced at the Taoist ancestors and took a step directly. He broke into the void and disappeared instantly.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Although Sancha was saddened, but when he saw that the other party had passed on to the three kendos, they blinked and remembered that when the predecessor said that Xiangyang had no accident, their faces all showed a happy color.

Daozu is frowning and looking at the direction of the white-haired old man, and screaming, "What is it, isn't it a little stronger than me?"

While he was talking, he couldn't help but smile. "But it's good, since Xiang Yang's kid is fine, that's a good thing."

"Teacher, Xiang Yang enters the river of destiny, is it really possible to be okay?" All Saints came up, and looked at Daozu with an incomprehensible color on his face.

Daozu glanced at the All Saints and screamed. "How do I know that the old guy said nothing? If you are still confused, why don't you ask him? One by one, he is running faster than anyone else. You It’s also a saint, even a saint, is it fun?”


All of them are very embarrassed in their hearts. They think that they are waiting for others to be sanctified in the early days of the flood. Even several of them are already the realm of chaos. Even when they are not comparable to Sancha, they will I felt a blush.

The Taoist prince is too lazy to speak to all the saints. These saints, who are also known as their own disciples, even if they are not true disciples, are their own registered disciples, and they are so timid.

Of course, he has forgotten that even in the face of the white-haired old man, even if he is his ancestor, his speech is very timid.

"You are very good."

Daozu was too lazy to pay attention to other saints, but looked at Sancha with a look of gratification.

"Thank you teacher."

Sancha hastened to pay tribute, although their generation is the grandson of the Taoist ancestors, but after being promoted to become a saint, they can all be called disciples of Tao, and it is time to change their mouths.

"Since the old guy is so optimistic about you, pass on his kendo to some of you, and I can't help but give you anything."

After the Taoist sang for a while, he reached out and placed it on the head of Sancha. His speed was very fast. When he touched the points, he felt that there was a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere in his body. Some information emerged. I didn't have time to check the information, and I quickly thanked the Taoist priest. "Thank you, teacher."

After seeing this scene, the chaotic saints of the heavens have different faces. Injecting Sanqing and Emperor Huang are smiling on their faces, while the strong emperors such as the Three Emperors are indifferent, and the Western reception and quasi-lifting are two ancient times. In the wilderness period, the famous shameless sage was a sly look. Instead, Amitabha looked at this scene with a smile.

Daozu saw the reactions of everyone in his eyes. He smiled faintly. He knew very well about the sages of these saints. At this moment, he did not say much, but waved. "Everything is gone, what to do, do it yourself. Xiang Yang’s business, then I will not care.”

At the same time, the avatar of Daozu disappeared directly.

His incarnation itself is temporarily manifested, and there is no power in itself. Since things have already been done, they will spread directly, and only one consciousness will be integrated into the heavens.

Other chaotic saints naturally have no such means as the ancestors. They all turned helplessly and sighed and turned away. This time, their faces are really lost. However, fortunately, everyone is similar, and there is nothing to be picky. That's it.

As for what happened to Xiangyang, although everyone was curious, even if they were chaotic saints, they could not speculate on where Xiangyang went. It was impossible to calculate even life and death. I only know the situation after I appear in the sun.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for flowers, the last two days of this month, everyone's flowers are not hidden, they are all given to Xiaomeng, thank you....

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