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"Boss, what do you say?"

When Lao Wan and Xiao Ling saw that Xiang Yang was so proud of his akimbo, it was a strange color. I really didn't know why Xiang Yang was so madly saying "I am destiny."

Destiny, who can control?

Even today's Taoist ancestors, the tens of thousands of robbers of the year, and the master of Xiangyang, no one can say that they can control the fate of others.

The fate is illusory, there is no trace to find, even in this too imaginary land, only the river of destiny manifests itself, the rest, nothing can be seen.

However, Xiang Yang only came to a place of emptiness, and even if he said that he can take the fate, this is too arrogant.

"The river of destiny has been integrated into my body. From then on, in the chaos, no matter who wants to be sanctified and wants to get rid of their eternal life from the fate of the river, they must get my approval. Otherwise, I don't let the river of destiny show them to them. How can they get rid of the sanctification?"

Xiang Yang said with a faint smile.


Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were stunned.

They only felt as if they were bombarded by the demon gods on the top of their heads. Two people stared at Xiangyang. After a long time, Lao Wancai looked at Xiangyang hard and asked, "Boss, what you said is really?"

"You doubt me?"

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, and his mind was moving, and a stream of water appeared in his hand. It was the river in the river of fate.

Xiang Yang stunned, and did not expect that he could not really summon the river of destiny. He could only summon a stream of water. These estimates are about ten pounds. Compared with the whole fate, it is simply not enough.

However, Rao is so, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling are also shocked. "Really the river of fate, my God, how is this possible? I have never heard of anyone who can directly inhale the river of destiny. of."

"That's because I haven't been born before."

Xiang Yang looked up at the sky very arrogantly and said faintly. "After I was born, my fate was in my hands. I asked the chaos, who can be sanctified?"

"Boss, you are really too big this time."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling looked at Xiang Yang with horror. This time, they really believed in Xiang Yang’s words.

The river of fate is one and the whole river can never be just a little bit, even if it is just a drop of water, it can't be taken away.

The only possibility is that the fate of the river is really absorbed by Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang can remove this river.

As for why Xiangyang can only remove this river of about ten kilograms, they will not consider it. Xiangyang is too much of their surprise. They will not think of it anyway. Xiangyang can control the fate. River.

Xiang Yang said that the river of fate, which is about ten kilograms of fate, was in the body and said with a smile on his face. "That is, of course, the river of destiny in the district. It has already settled in my sea of ​​consciousness. From then on, The greatness of chaos, no matter who wants to be sanctified and wants to fish out their 10,000th body from the river of destiny, must pass my consent. If I disagree, they will not think about sanctification. I am a saint."

Of course, Xiang Yang at the moment is a bit puzzled. "It seems that my cultivation is too weak. I can't completely control the river of destiny. So, can I still control people not to be sanctified?"

"Boss, you are not my boss, too powerful, in the chaotic world, the place of origin, no, including the land of too empty, ask who can be better than you, my goodness, Qiankun Chenghua Ding can become Your magic weapon is really the blessing of the Qiankun Ding Ding. The little spirit is the instrumental spirit of the Qiankun Ding Ding. The admiration for you is like the river of destiny."

Xiaoling’s excitement on Xiangyang’s flattering makes Xiangyang’s heart so refreshing.

After the old side of the side, the face changed slightly. "It’s not good. Xiaoling, this guy didn’t even talk to me. It’s such a flattering. What should I do next?”

At the same time, Lao Wan can only open his head with a scalp. "Boss, you are really amazing. The tens of thousands of robbers in the past were almost unable to come out in the river of destiny, but you directly went to the fate. The river is charged."

"Ha ha ha, good..."

Xiang Yang’s happy laughter, even the uncomfortable feeling that the sword was lost, has faded a lot. Although the sword is the supreme killing, but after controlling the river of destiny, it is really terrible. .

The aliens are very powerful, because the heavens are sound and can produce unrestricted saints?

Sorry, that era has passed.

From then on, the aliens want to be sanctified, huh, have you asked me?

Xiang Yang’s heart is very proud. As long as Pangu’s chaotic world can be called thousands of years or even longer, he can let the aliens re-create the saints, and then wait for themselves to be strong, then quietly feel into the aliens and aliens. The sages are hunting one by one, then, will the aliens be terrible?

"Hey, to save the ancient chaotic world, still rely on me."

At the same time, Xiang Yang thought about it. Suddenly, he heard a loud bang from the front, and then the glare of the glare and the infinite swords broke out in this imaginary place.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a surprise color. “The sword is fine, and it’s still fighting with that sword. Haha, I’m going to help it.”

At the same time as he laughed, Chaos Chuan Yunsuo had already appeared at his feet, and he disappeared with him in the same place with Lao Wan and Xiao Ling.

"I saw a sword tire at the bottom of the river of destiny. A sword gas hurt me. The power is terrible. It may be a chaotic treasure, or even a stronger existence. After the sword appears, Directly confronted with the sword tire, so, after a while, you will control the tyrannical clock and the Qiankun dynasty. In any case, you must conquer the sword tire."

As Xiang Yang said, he directly passed everything he had experienced to the two.


At the same time, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were serious in their faces. Xiang Yang told them to do things so seriously that they did not dare to have the slightest scorn.

Chaos wears the speed of the cloud shuttle very fast, and a blink of an eye appears directly in the place where the sword of the sword is confronted. However, before the Xiangyang hands-on, you can see that the sword and the sword tire are entangled in Together, the two swords only fit together, and they all want to swallow the other side.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s face changed slightly. If the sword was swallowed by the sword, the sword tire could not be controlled by him. At that time, he lost the sword.

"You can't let it swallow up the sacred sword. If it is swallowed by it, the scorpion sword will disappear."

Xiao Ling’s face said seriously.

"The tens of thousands of robbers have settled this sword and the sword of the scorpion, and the sacred martial arts have done their best to refine the two swords. Since they are going to swallow each other, then I will complete them and completely integrate them into a sacred soldier. The rebuilt soldiers are the real earth-shattering swords that transcend the level of chaos to treasure."


At the same time as Xiang Yang said, Wan Wanzhong and Qiankun made the Hua Ding at the same time, and the light of the old body was directly immersed in the tens of thousands of robs, and Xiaoling entered the Qiankun Ding Ding.

Xiang Yang's body shape circulates, his hands are pinching the law, while driving the tens of thousands of robbery, while driving the Qiankun to make the tripod, he is directly manifesting the Pangu true body.


The tens of thousands of robbers instantly jumped over the void and appeared above the two swords. The powerful repression force broke down the two swords. The Qiankun Ding Ding appeared under the two swords and swallowed the two swords directly. Into it.

Then, the tens of thousands of robbery appeared on the top of the Qiankun Dinghua Ding, directly shrouded it, and instantly fell into it.

Xiangyang, who showed his true body, was sitting on his knees, holding his hands and holding the dynasty. A horrible flame emerged from his body and directly injected into Qiankun’s creation. At the same time, his powerful power There is a constant stream of immersions.


In the Qiankun dynasty, it seems as if it is snoring, and the sound of a blasting sound is heard, even if it is a smashing sway.

"Stabilize, refining and melting the two squadrons into one."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth and infused all his power into it without reservation.


However, even if the power of Qiankun Chenghua Ding is stronger, it is impossible to suppress the two swords. Moreover, the Shenjian sword is also in the control of Xiangyang, actively suppressing the squadron, but it is still not enough.

"There is no way. The two strongest magic weapons on my body can't suppress it. Can you just let it go?"

Xiang Yang did his best to input his own energy into it, and his face changed while he finally bit his teeth and yelled. "No, you must not let it break away. I must refine it."

He does not hesitate to vomit blood, and he integrates the ancient blood of Pangu, which is contained in his own Pangu, into the realm of the Qiankun, and even exerts his own power for the same purpose, in order to make the Qiankun creation become stronger. The power of the suppression of this sword, and thoroughly integrated with the sword.


In the Qiankun dynasty, there was still an explosion, and Qiankun’s dynasty trembled. Xiangyang even suspected that if there was not a catastrophe to suppress this sword, it would have been That sword was broken.

"I don't believe in your evil."

Xiang Yang gnawed his teeth, and in his acupoint space, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine shrines were separated from the acupoint space and floated around him. Then, the 9,999 shrines all broke out. The strongest force is input into Qiankun.


At this moment, with the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ninety-nine-year-old gods in the sanctuary of the country, the unreserved injection of energy, the glory of the glory of the dynasty, finally gradually suppressed the sword tire.

Feeling that the resistance of the sword fetus gradually weakened, Xiang Yang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he did not dare to relax, but still let the 9,999 sacred gods inject power into the Qiankun.

The power of Xiangyang’s Pangu real body has not stopped. Until the vibrations from the Qiankun’s creations disappeared completely, he was completely relieved.

At this time, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods were dimly lit, and each one was like a smashed flower, and it was able to return to the acupoint space with powerlessness.

After the appearance of these gods, Xiang Yang forced all the energy in the body in a squeeze-like way. Although it did not fall into the realm, it also drained all the energy.

However, it is worthwhile to combine that sword and the sword to create a stronger sword.

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