Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3096: Beyond Chaos to Treasure

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Singing in Xiangyang, I was able to completely integrate the sword and the sword with the sword. When everything is worth it, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods who have returned to the acupoint space are weak. When I fell into the acupoint space and prepared to self-cultivate the nine-turn Xuan Gong recovery, suddenly, a roar sound broke out in the 10,000th acupoint space, and then Xiang Yang was surprised to appear. It is.

I saw that the nine thousand ninety-nine-nine energy in the 10,000th acupoint space in Xiangyang was instantly integrated into the remaining 9,999 acupoint spaces, and was instantly absorbed by these gods.

In the blink of an eye, the gods who were still dying, then returned to the peak state, one by one, standing in the acupoint space, seems to be able to rush out to fight the world at any time.

“Is the 10,000th acupoint space the place to store all energy?”

Xiang Yang took the color of curiosity, and even the refinement of the sacred martial arts of the sacred sacred dynasty did not look up, but immersed his attention in the body, observing the 10,000th acupoint space.

However, after observing it for a long time, the 10,000th acupoint space continued to immerse after the differentiation of 9,999 energy, and there was still no fluctuation.

He frowned and his face was disappointed. "The 10,000th acupoint space is too mysterious. However, since I know its first use, then I will explore it later and always explore other things. effect."

He is not too disappointed. This time, the ability to transfer 9,999 deities to the body and show them directly from the body is an unexpected surprise. Now, I can find this 10,000th acupuncture point. The mystery of space, though not completely controllable, is enough.

Xiang Yang looked at the Qiankun Ding Ding and found that he still did not completely integrate the sword and the sword. However, he is not in a hurry. Now, to this extent, the sword tire is completely Once it is suppressed, there is no longer any need to worry about not being able to integrate it.

When I think of it, when the sword is combined with the sword, the power will definitely skyrocket. Maybe when it is possible to surpass chaos and treasure, Xiang Yang feels refreshed.


At this time, Wan Wanzhong flew out of the Qiankun fortune and did not enter the body of Xiangyang, while Lao Wan jumped out of the tens of thousands of robbers. His eyes looked at Xiang Yang and his face was hesitant. It seems that I want to talk, but I don’t dare to say it.

"What's wrong? Have a quick talk."

Xiang Yang’s eyebrows are picking up, and when he sees Lao Wan’s appearance, he knows that this guy must have something to say.

He was curious in his heart. Does this guy want to share a piece of the sword with the sword? Want to integrate that sword into a catastrophe?

If it is really this requirement, he really has to think about it. After all, the power of the sword is endless. It may be beyond the level of chaos to treasure. It is one of itself. If it is integrated into the sword, It is absolutely possible to make a sudden change in the sacred sword. If a part of it is given to a tens of thousands of robs, it may become a sacred sword and it will not grow up.


Lao Wan hesitated and looked at Xiang Yang, whispered, "Is that river really entering your body?"

When I was asking questions, the old man looked nervously at Xiang Yang and was afraid that Xiang Yang would say "no".

However, after Xiang Yang listened, he frowned and looked at Lao Wan with a look of disappointment. "I told you that the river of destiny has entered my body. From then on, the chaotic world is so strong, no matter what. Who is it, if you want to be a chaotic saint, you have to fish out of my river to do it. I don't agree, and no one can fish out of it."

"That's great."

Lao Wan was excited to look at Xiang Yang. "Boss, that is to say, what you said in the past can be done."

"what's up?"

Xiang Yang frowned, related to this river, and it was what he said...

He looked at Lao Wan. Suddenly, his heart trembled and he wanted to understand what was going on. Suddenly, it was said that if he had the ability to enter the river, he would help the old Wan Wan. The true spirit of the robbery is removed from the long river of destiny and saves the robbed.


Lao Wan was very uncomfortable in his heart. He thought that his boss was too much. Xiang Yang said, "I will go to the river from the river." come out."


This is a sudden surprise, even if Lao Wan did not think that Xiang Yang, who did not think of this thing at first, suddenly remembered at this time.

He looked at Xiangyang with excitement, and Xiang Yang also looked at him with a smile on his face.

Then, Xiang Yang directly sank his mind into his own sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly, his true spirit of up to 90 million feet suddenly opened his eyes.

A bright light flashed, and Xiang Yang’s true spirit seemed to live at this moment. His eyes looked at the majestic river that surrounds his body, with a light look on his face. Respect, get your inheritance that day, today I extradite you to return, all cause and effect, just settle today."


As the voice of Xiang Yang’s true spirit falls, his vast arm of the real spirit goes directly into the river of destiny, and his mind moves and displays the extradition. At the same time, the atmosphere of the invincible body is integrated into it. Search for the true spirit of the robbed.

But after the death of the strong, the true spirit will enter this river, even if it is the existence of Wanzongzun, Xiang Yang also believes that Wanjue must be found in that river.

He searched for the entire river with the temperament of the invincible body. If he could find the true spirit of the robbed, he would surely return the eternal return.

However, after a while, Xiang Yang’s true spirit frowned, with an incomprehensible color. “How can this be the case?

"Let's find another look."

Then, Xiang Yang’s hands of the true spirit entered the river of destiny and searched for the traces of the looting. However, after a long time, his eyes were with a stunned color. He really had been looking for a long time. And there is no such thing as a breath of annihilation, that is to say, there is really no true spirit of robbing.

"The true spirit of the robbed is also destroyed!"

Xiang Yang whispered, there is no such thing as finding the body shape of the robbery from this river. There are two possibilities. One is that the robbery does not die, and the other possibility is that the true spirit of the robbery is also The man is gone.

However, in the past, Wanzongzun should have gone to the same place as the open-air saints. It is impossible to die. As a result, there is only one result, that is, the true form of the gods is destroyed, even the true spirits are destroyed. It is.

"This is not easy to explain."

Xiang Yang sighed and knew that it was useless to find it again. He could only return consciousness to the ontology. Then, he looked at himself and stood by his side, looking at his own old face with a look of hope.

"I didn't find the true spirit of the robbed."

Xiang Yang whispered.


Lao Wan’s look changed, his eyes were a bit sluggish and whispered. “It turned out to be true. Your true spirit was annihilated. I thought you would come back...”

Lao Wan did not doubt that Xiang Yang did not work hard and deliberately told himself that he did not find the true spirit of Wan Zun Zun. He knew very well that since Xiang Yang had promised, he would definitely try his best to find it, since Xiang Yang definitely told himself, If you don't find the true spirit of the robbed, then the true spirit of the looting is indeed not in that river.

He whispered, and the whole person was silent for a moment.

Xiang Yang sighed a sigh. "Maybe it is possible to live alive, or it may be that my current repair is too weak to control the river completely, so I can't find the robbed, so let me give it to me." After a while, I will be able to find something after I have upgraded."

"Hmm, thank you boss."

Lao Wan’s face was grateful, although he still felt very lost, but looking at Xiang Yang, he knew that his master was only Xiang Yang. Since the real spirit of Wan Zun Zun could not be found, there is no way.


Xiang Yang still sighs. He originally thought that if he could pull out the true spirit of the 10,000 robbers from that river, he would be able to reconcile the ravages with the cause and effect of the looting. This affection.

Who ever thought, still can't do it.


At this time, I only heard a roaring sound, and I saw that there was a horrible sword in the smashing of the sacred, and the sky was soaring.

"It is!"

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement, and his body flashed, and he immediately went to the Qiankun Ding Ding’s side. He pointed to the Qiankun Ding Ding, and suddenly he only heard the sound of the '呛', and there was a sword. From the beginning, with a breathless breath, the tear is too imaginary, smashing upwards.


After the appearance of the sword, there was a horrible smell of killing, and this breath was terrible. Even if the chaos was met, it must be trembled.

Even if Xiang Yang is the master of the sacred sword, when he sensed this breath, he felt a bit chilly in his heart. He couldn’t help but sigh and sigh. "A good sword, a great peer." ""

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s figure has reached the front of the squadron, reaching out and shouting, “Give me back.”


As his voice fell, the squadron, still like a sacred sword, trembled, and a roar broke out, instantly appearing in Xiangyang’s hands.

Xiangyang Shenbing was at hand, only to feel that there was a great force passed from the soldiers, which made him feel confident in his heart.

He couldn't help but say excitedly, "Well, a good soldier, this sword is in hand, I can kill all saints."

Although he has the heart to try to test the power of this sword, but think of the power of this sword, if it is really a sword, it is very likely that the whole will be torn when it is accidentally broken. He is a hard-hearted curiosity, whispering, "Old man, don't worry, next time, kill a chaotic saint to start for you."


It seems that in response to Xiang Yang's words, this brand-new scorpion sword trembled, and a sword was smashed.

"What a good baby."

Xiang Yang Yue is more and more loved.

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