Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3097: Drive the river of destiny

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"Congratulations to the boss, this sword has surpassed the chaos to the treasure."

Xiaoling and Lao Wan are coming together. Their faces are full of happy colors. The Qiankun dynasty is suspended at the foot of Xiaoling. It is spinning and spinning, and there is a mysterious atmosphere flowing with new 弑Compared with the Excalibur, the level of Qiankun’s creation will not be much weaker.

If it was the former Qiankun Ding Ding, it was just a complete chaos to the treasure, although in the chaotic world, it is already the highest level, but not enough.

Later, after absorbing the chaotic mother gold, Qiankun Chenghua Ding continued to evolve, and now has half the degree to dominate the treasure.

Above chaos, it is the master.

In the midst of chaos, no one knows who is the master, but no one has ever seen the true master.

Similarly, the rule of the treasure has almost never appeared.

Qiankun's dynasty and the tens of thousands of robbers, even the sacred swords, have surpassed the chaos to the treasure, and become the half-step master to the extent of the treasure. From then on, these three treasures will have the real earth-shattering horror ability.

Xiang Yang holds this three treasures. If it is repaired and then upgraded, it will be able to achieve chaos and chaos.

He smiled very satisfied, and after he took the sword into his body, he looked at Xiaoling and Laowan, and he thought about it. When he retired, he returned to the body. Then, after sinking for a long while, he asked the two people, "Since You know this is a place of vain, then, know how should I get out of here?"

"Oh... this..."

After the two guys of Lao Wan and Xiao Ling listened, they suddenly closed their mouths.

"Don't even you know how to leave the land of too imaginary?" Xiang Yang was shocked. This is a place where the real land is not alive, and the land is extinct. If it is even the old man and the little spirit, If you know how to leave, don't you say that you are trapped here?


Lao Wan light coughed a few times. "Boss, want to leave, in fact, there is no way, just a little more trouble."

"You said." Xiang Yang said heavily.

Since there is a way to leave, it is good, but how can you leave, is it really possible to leave, this is a problem.

At this moment, he was very troubled. After he came to the land of too imaginary, he did not know how he should leave. Moreover, the chaos is too big, and the imaginary is more in the deepest part of chaos, the middle of the place where chaos encounters origin.

In this way, if you leave the land of too virtual, will you enter chaos, or will you go to the place of origin?

All this, even Xiang Yang does not know.

Moreover, if you enter chaos, the chaos is wide, even if the chaotic sage can not detect how much chaos, Xiang Yang can not ensure that he can quickly locate the place where the Pangu chaotic world is located in chaos.

So, isn't it that you have to get lost?

"Boss, as long as you are willing to spend a certain amount of time to slowly look for, in fact, you can still find a way to leave the land of too virtual." Lao Wan said softly.

"What do you mean is that I am groping a little bit in this imaginary land, just like the black under the lamp, only if I find the exit?" Xiang Yang瞪 looked at Lao Wan, he is sure, This guy must have been because he did not find the true spirit of the robbery in the river, and he must retaliate against himself.

He sneered at Lao Wan. "I give you the opportunity to reorganize your language and speak."


The old man almost cried. "The land of too virtual, there is no coordinate, there is no way, there are only two ways to leave. One is that your strength is strong enough, and you use your arrogant knowledge. If you sweep away, you will be able to find the way to leave. If you step out, you will be able to leave the land of too virtual. If you are not strong enough, you can only find out a little. If you are lucky, you will find the exit in less time. If you are lucky. If you are not good, you can't blame anyone."

"What do you mean, I have insufficient strength and can only recognize it?" Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan with a black face. Does this guy know how to speak? Is this looking for a fight?

"Oh, no..."

However, when Xiang Yang’s voice was just finished, suddenly his face changed, he couldn’t let Lao Wan and Xiao Ling speak, and directly put the two into the body. Then, a vast river appeared around his body, only to see This river is so majestic, as if to occupy the whole place of the imaginary land, the ray of light is flowing, the waves are slap, every drop of water seems to represent a world, a period of time, this is just It is the river of destiny.

His eyes glowed and he couldn’t help but say, "I understand...Boom!"

After his voice fell, this river of destiny was wrapped in Xiangyang and disappeared into this imaginary land.



In the chaotic world of Panyu, a young man is sitting in the void outside the world, his golden light bursts out, and the horrible atmosphere is circulating.

The golden lotus blossoms everywhere, and the infinite runes are flying. The golden light that the youth has blossomed into a rune has turned into a living creature, rolling on the spot and spreading directly into the chaos.

The pores of the youth are all open, and his pores are swallowing chaos. Every time he vomits, there is a horrible airflow.

A sacred breath spread out among the youth.

This is a chaotic saint who is breaking through.

Around him, there are countless sub-Sacred peaks of the strong and a group of chaotic saints watching.

"Master, Master Cliffs wants to break through to become a chaotic saint. Is this time to prove it?"

Among the crowd, there was a figure of a woman with a sturdy shape looking at the strong man who was sitting in the chaotic void and looking at the old man who was walking around her.

The old man’s body shape, his long beard can be used as a broom, ragged, and at first glance, he will really regard him as a beggar, but his breath is very terrible, but it is a super-chaotic sacred super Strong.

At this moment, this guy is holding a wine gourd in his hand, drinking while drinking, while lazily saying, "It’s not a testimony. Although the cliff is known as the Yasheng ranking in our chaotic world. The top ten, however, he wants to prove that it is not enough."

"Ah, even the Cliff Master can't do it to prove that anyone can do it to prove it?" the woman asked with a shock.

"It is almost impossible for someone to do it, but anyone who can do what they can do is hopeful to break through and become the master. In general, the developers of the big chaotic worlds have this ability. It is said that Pangu, the pioneer of our old rival Pangu’s chaotic world, is trying to prove it, but unfortunately, even if it is based on the testimony, is it not destroyed?”

At the same time, the old man sneered a few times, with a disdainful tone in his tone.

"Our righteous, is the ancient chaotic world really awful?" the woman whispered.

After hearing the woman’s question, the old man who was drinking stopped suddenly and looked at the woman, coldly saying, “Magic, you have to remember that Pangu’s chaotic world is our enemy, if it’s in the future. Those who have encountered the chaotic world of Pangu, what you have to do is, if you don’t care, you will kill the other party directly. If you can’t beat it, run it, you know?”

"Yes, the disciple knows." The woman named Magic Fairy was scared by her master's seriousness, and replied in a hurry.

"A good look at the breakthrough of the cliff is also good for your future breakthrough." The old man sighed softly.

He really loves this youngest female disciple. However, this female disciple is too simple. If she is told the truth about the war between Panyu’s chaotic world and Pangu’s chaotic world, perhaps Panyu’s chaotic world will have a Traitors are possible.

This is not to say that this young disciple, the magic fairy, really wants to be a traitor, but the heart of this little disciple. When she takes her to practice, she is reluctant to kill, not to mention the war of chaos, she knows. After that, I can't get any more.

Moreover, the talent of this young disciple is absolutely in the top three in the entire Panyu world. Today, when he is less than a thousand years old, he has already reached the peak of Yasheng, and he is almost ready to be sanctified.

Such a talented person will definitely have hope in the future to reach the realm of the ancestors and the half-step masters. Even if there is enough opportunity, it may be able to fly into the sky and directly break through the whole chaos. Nor has it reached the realm of the ruler.

Such a disciple, this elder can never let the other party know the truth of the two world wars because the heavens of the Panyu chaotic world cannot withstand the emergence of too many chaotic saints, the resources are exhausted, and the heavens of the Pan Gutian world need to be swallowed, and the other needs to be destroyed. The world is to grow its own truth.

The Magic Immortal does not know the truth of this matter. She only thinks that her Master’s affirmation is a fact. What I have to do is to listen to Master’s words and watch the breakthrough of Master Cliff.

Master Cliff, but in their world, the top ten is the eternal arrogance.

"Sanctification is the shackles of transcending the heavens. It is to let yourself and the heavens go hand in hand. It has formed its own avenue in its own body. Now, your brother has done it. Next, he is going to surpass his destiny and detach himself from time and space. "The old man explained while explaining the breakthrough of the cliff."

"Want to escape the **** of destiny and time and space, is it necessary to fish out his own body from the river of destiny?" asked the fairy.

The system of spiritual practice in every chaotic world is different, but at the level of chaos and saints, it is actually the same, sanctified, detached from heaven, detached from destiny and time and space, and becomes a chaotic saint who is unique to me.

The river of destiny, which is the perpetuity of Everlasting, can appear anywhere, as long as it is in the scope of chaos, as long as it is a big world opened up from chaos, no matter who it breaks into the realm of chaos and saints, He must be able to remove his eternal character from the river of destiny.

This is universal in every world.

"This is the case, that river will appear." The old man said.


His voice just fell, and he heard a roaring sound. In the void, there was a river filled with strange atmosphere flowing slowly.

This river is a tens of millions of people. It doesn't know how much it is. No one knows where it comes from and where it goes.

It is the river of destiny.

However, at this moment, no one knows that the river of destiny that appeared here this time is different from what happened before, because this time the river of destiny hides a world of chaos from Pangu. Guy...

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