Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3098: Break your way (five more flowers)

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"Appeared, finally appeared, this is the legendary river."

"It's too spectacular. I don't know where to come from. I don't know where to go. I control the chaos. The fate of all living beings is not sanctified. I have to be controlled by this river of destiny. I want to get rid of the **** of fate. It is necessary to be sanctified and to fish out of the world of fate."

"I can do it too. I will not use it for a long time. I will also break through. I will summon the river of destiny by my own strength. I will also take out the body from the world and prove my sanctification."


When the river of destiny appeared, countless faces of the holy saints who watched the sanctuary were full of excitement, some whispered, some excited faces were red, some were ruddy, some were with Excited, swear to be sanctified.

However, among the strong men who watched the sanctification of the cliff, in addition to a group of sub-sacred strongmen, there are some chaotic saints and chaotic saints, including the old man, that is, the master of the cliff. His cultivation is earth-shattering. It has reached the peak of the chaos of the chaos. What is also not found at this moment is that in this river of destiny, one person has a face with a surprise color.

"It turned out that I was really able to hide in this river of destiny. With the river of destiny appearing anywhere, at that time, as long as someone can break through sanctification, he wants to remove him from the river of destiny. If you are in the world, you must pass my consent."

At this moment, Xiang Yang has been shocked, and he did not think that he could easily follow the river of destiny in other worlds.

His conjecture came true, and he controlled the river of destiny, which is equivalent to the only way to sanctify the strong people of the world in chaos.


Thinking of this, Xiang Yang suddenly became a bit silent, and he whispered. "Is this the master? Now I can't completely control the river of destiny. When I can really control the river of destiny, 岂Not to say that I can be the real master?"

The master who he said is not the strongest who dominates the realm with the chaos of the chaos, and if he can dominate the chaos, the master of all the fate of the holy.

If you want to be sanctified, you have to go through your own consent. It is exciting to think about it.

"The world looks a bit familiar. This breakthrough of the Yasheng Zhoufu runes is, is it..."

Then, when Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at the cliff that was breaking below, he suddenly stopped. “Is this man’s practice of practice not a foreign practice? I actually came to the foreign country, and, There is an Aya in the aliens that is breaking through. This is the feedback from the River of Destiny. Would you like me to teach the foreigner?"

If Xiang Yang did not refine the power of the foreign domain, and did not get the practice of the chaotic saints of the foreign domain, he would really appear in this alien domain, and he did not know that this was the death of the Pangu chaotic world. Exotic world.

However, he got the foreign practice, knowing the process of the practice of the foreign strong. He looked at the cliff and suddenly understood that 90% of this place is a war with the Pangu Chaos World. How long is the exotic world?

Of course, there is still a possibility that this world is not a foreign world.

However, next time, Xiang Yang was 100% sure. This world is a foreign world that has not been known for many years and even shattered the world.

"Today, I am sanctified, and after ten thousand years, I will kill the chaotic world of Pangu, killing the chaos of the chaotic world of Pangu, and promoting the power of my chaotic world."

I saw the cliff that was breaking through. After seeing the river of destiny, he screamed with excitement. His **** directly jumped out of the body and jumped up and jumped to the top of the river of destiny.

"It turned out to be a real foreign world."

Xiang Yang blinked his eyes. He was hiding at the bottom of the river of destiny. No one could find his existence.

At this moment, Xiang Yang looked at the **** of the cliff standing above the river of destiny, his eyes with a cold killing. "Little guy, how do you say I want to make you?"

Xiang Yang smiled. He smiled so happy. Now that he has determined that this guy is a foreign world, then he has broken the guy's breakthrough and will never have any psychological burden.

"Strange, how do I feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at me under the river of destiny?" At this time, the **** of the cliff floats above the river of destiny, and looks at the river of destiny with an incomprehensible color. Speak to himself.

He always felt that there was a pair of unscrupulous eyes staring at himself in the river of destiny, which made him a little panicked.

"Is it really going to happen?"

The cliff is talking to himself, and then it is self-deprecating. "I am too nervous. I want to be a cliff. In the chaotic world of Panyu, although the talent is not the first person, but it is also in the past life, even Those who are ranked one hundred and two hundred can successfully prove their sanctification. How can I fail?

Moreover, it is already a step in the last moment. As long as I am able to fish my body, I am nervous. ”


At the same time as the cliff said to himself, in the river of destiny below, Xiang Yang couldn’t help but be shocked. "This guy’s talent is ranked in the top ten in the foreign world. It’s really a cow, but even How are you strong and how? Can you really find out my existence?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang was proud of his heart. Under the river of destiny, he was able to observe all directions, but the river of destiny, isolated from all the explorations of the outside world, no one could see through the river of destiny any incredible existence.

Even if it is a cliff, because of the instinct of the strong, it is useless to be able to sense the poisonous eyes of Xiangyang below the river of destiny.

"Go to the world, come back to me."

At this time, the cliff screamed, and his **** directly displayed the ‘ extradition 诀’ and extradition from the river of destiny to his 10,000th body.


With his law falling, there was only a roaring sound. Among his gods, there was a light that connected him to the river of destiny, and he wanted to take his eternal life from the river of destiny. Among them, he will pull back his 10,000th body.


At this moment, Xiang Yang, who is in the river of destiny, clearly feels that the river of destiny has moved.

In the river of destiny, every drop of water contains a special space. It seems that every drop of water is a world, a time and space.

When someone casts 'extradition 诀' and wants to extradite his own 10,000th body, in the river of destiny, the mortal body belonging to that person will emerge from their hidden time and space, and then gather toward each other. go with.

Of course, this process is skillful. 'Extradition 诀' is not for anyone to be successful. Under normal circumstances, only the detachment has been completed, and the final step of the sacred talent is qualified from the fate. In the river, he will fish out his body.

Of course, there are also some unlucky ones. When there is a problem in the final step, it is impossible to remove one's own body from the river of destiny. That is the real death.

At this moment, accompanied by the cliff's display of 'extradition 诀' to attract his 10,000-year-old body from the river of destiny, he heard a roar of sound, and Xiang Xiangyang clearly saw a transparent and illusory figure from fate. It appears in the river and gathers toward each other.

"I want to return to the world and ask me the opinions of the owner of this river of destiny?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes glared, and after a sneer, his heart was moving, and the 'Heaven and Earth Oven’ appeared directly from the top of his head. Then, silently appeared in the river of destiny below the cliff, so quietly waiting These tens of thousands of people enter it.

"I hope it will be useful."

Xiang Yang is a little nervous. If it is useless, he will definitely be taken back by the cliffs. He does not know if the other party can recover the sacred success if he has recovered some of the world.

However, now I can't manage that much. Anyway, let's try it first. If the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ is useful, you can refine the whole body of the cliff. At that time, this guy can't break through in his life.


In Xiang Yang’s nervous eyes, the first 10,000-year-old body has already rushed into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. Suddenly, he only heard a roaring sound. This 'Heaven and Earth Oven' instantly became transparent and a mysterious atmosphere. Flowing, Xiang Yang can see that there is a transparent shadow that is colliding with the desire to rush out. Even the river of destiny has begun to tremble and set off a wave.

Oh la la...

Above, Cliff is looking forward to waiting for the return of this 10,000-year-old body. Suddenly, the river of destiny below slams a wave of waves, and these waves almost splashed on the body of his god, making him scared and white. I quickly flew up to the top, and then continued to use the 'extradition 诀', which barely stopped.

"what's going on?"

Cliff is a bit worried, and his own ‘ extradition 诀’ will take back Wan Shi’s body from the long river of fate. According to the truth, it should be very simple. But how can the river of destiny cause waves?

Not everyone is Xiang Yang, others, even the chaos saints into the river of destiny, unless within a short period of time, having enough powerful mana will be fine, if it is long, it will be finished.

Without being truly detached, the chaos and sages will not be able to get off the river by the river of destiny. Although the talent of the cliff can be ranked in the top ten in the chaotic world of Panyu, he does not want to be involved in the river of destiny.

"Is it because my 10,000-year-old body is too strong, and when it rushes, it is causing waves?"

After thinking about this, Cliff thought that the more he felt that he was thinking right, he couldn’t help but get excited. "Yes, it must be like this. My 10,000th body is stronger, after I have recovered, Wan Shishen The power of the addition is attributed to me. After I testify, I am afraid that the strength will not be weaker than the chaotic saint who proves to be strong."

With such comfort, he continued to exercise his ‘ extradition 诀’, waiting for his own body to rush.

What he didn't know, however, was that he waited for it, and he was destined to wait for nothing.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is the last day of January, everyone has flowers to send a little dream, thank you....

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