Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3107: Everyone goes out

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In the tower of the body repair, accompanied by several streams of light, Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu laughed and appeared on the ground outside. They both looked at each other and could not help but shouted excitedly. "I finally came out. La, hahaha."

"The body of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, since then, in the fairy world, who's physical body can compare with me? Really can surpass me in the flesh, it is estimated that only the legendary two."

Sun Chunyu said excitedly.

"No, you are wrong, and the boss is stronger than us. I guess the boss is almost as good as the monkey." Xiaoguangtou said with a sigh.

His master is Amitabha, the chaotic saint of Buddhism, although the Sun Monkey is the Buddha of Buddhism, but it is only Yasheng.

As for the urinary nature of the small bald head, when I was in Buddhism, I had met with the grandson of the monkey. The two were in the poor place of the Buddha’s Gate. It was a hit and a hit, and it was so unforgettable.


At this time, accompanied by a light cough, while two people stood side by side, they looked at Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu with a smile. "That, sorry, please, are you the youngest brother?"

The person who asked this sentence is not someone else, it is the twelve brothers.

The man standing next to the twelve brothers is the wolf king.

After they were found by Xiang Yang in the lower bound, Xiang Yang sent them into the Promise Xianfu and let them enter the tower of the body repair.

The talents of the two are really extraordinary. Although they entered the tower of the body repair behind the small bald head and Sun Chunyu, they came out earlier.

"Boss? You are also the younger brother of Xiangyang boss?" Xiaoguangtou said with a smile.

"Yeah, it’s so good."

After the twelve brothers and the wolf king heard it, they suddenly smiled. Everyone is the younger brother of Xiangyang. Anyway, in this Promise, they are very clear. If it is the enemy of Xiangyang, it is absolutely impossible to be sent. If you are a friend, it is simple.

"My name is Shi Zhongyu. This is my brother Wolf King seven nights. Have you asked two brothers yet?"

Twelve brothers smiled and introduced themselves.

"Amitabha, Xiao Yan does not quit, this is Sun Chunyu, known as the three talented king." Xiaoguangtou said a Buddha said.

"You are a disciple of Buddhism?" After the twelve brothers and the wolf king listened to the law of the little bald head, they looked at the little bald head with a strange look.

The name of the disciple of Buddhism is actually called ‘no ringing’. This is not to tell others that this guy is a wine-and-blood monk or a flower monk. What rules and regulations are not used?


Xiaoguangtou replied with a smile, he also knows that his name is very domineering. At this moment, he is proud to look at the twelve brothers and the wolf king. "The two brothers, since we are brothers of the boss, then you are welcome. After that, everyone is a family."

"Listen to this." Twelve brothers laughed.

Although they are only a few words, they have already seen that the character of each other is in line with their own, and there is a feeling of similar taste.

"Two sisters, are you?"

Then, the four people looked at the other side at the same time, and two beautiful and quiet women were standing quietly.

These two women are not others. It was the first two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin who first entered the Pagoda of the Promise of the Promise.

Although the pair of elves' little sisters have the blood of the Lord God, and the blood is awakened, the avatars of the elves of the gods are on their bodies. However, they are found to be too timely, and the Lord God is directly involved in Xiang Yangshuo. Come out refining, so that the two women have the divinity of the Lord God, but do not have to worry about being controlled by the Lord God.

Although they have not enough talents in the flesh, they spend a lot of time to break through the peaks of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianzhu Peak. However, during this period of practice, their elves’ practice of the elves has not fallen, and now they have cultivated. To the real fairy.

"My name is Yulia, this is my sister Yuliqin." Yulia replied softly.

"I have seen two nephews."

Twelve brothers are very simple and go straight to the ceremony.

He is too familiar with Xiang Yang, and he is very clear that it is absolutely impossible for Xiang Yang to casually enter the tower of the Promise and the Tower of Physical Education.

In his view, Yulia and Yuliqin are here, definitely a woman of Xiangyang. Besides, there is no possibility of a second possibility.

"I, we are not..."

Yulia and Yuliqin, who were originally generous, were reddened when they heard that the twelve brothers directly called them "scorpions".

"Understanding, the two nephews don't have to be shy. We are the youngest brothers who are the most familiar with the boss. You don't have to be polite." The twelve brothers waved their hands and said, "I know very well," making the two women even more shy.


At this time, the tower of the body repair not far away was shining, and someone once again flew out of it. It was the blood emperor.

After Wilhelti absorbed some Pangu blood in the **** sea last time, he was quickly sent to Xiangmi Xianyu by the Xiangyang because he could not be digested. Later, he also entered the tower of the body repair.

Although Wilhelti was the last to enter the tower of physical repair, but the blood family itself is the best at the flesh, he is a blood emperor, the power of the flesh has actually reached the Da Luo situation, practicing in the tower of physical repair For a period of time, it is a straightforward breakthrough to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

Moreover, the strength of Willow's Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng is even stronger than the average person.

At the moment, after his appearance, the breath that erupted from his body was a bit stronger than the few people present, and even took a breath of Pangu.

"Weir, you are coming out."

The Twelve Brothers and the Wolf King are no strangers to Will, and at this moment, they found that after the appearance of Willy, their faces were happy.

"long time no see."

Willy smiled and greeted the two.

They can be said that they are not too old-fashioned. After all, they are all coming out of the blood world.

At the moment, they met again. Both sides were very happy. Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu also came up. After they met with Willie, they were all curious and looked around.

Because at this time, the light in the tower of the body repairs flashed one after another, and from time to time there was a stream of light rushing out from it. There was a strong force who reached the height of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak and walked out of the tower of the body repair, and then Going to the Promise Immortal.

In such a short time, there are a dozen of them coming out of the tower of physical repair.

If you can maintain this speed all the time, wouldn’t you say that there are countless strong men in the world of Xiangyang’s men’s talents?

"Do you have so many bosses?"

Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu only feel a sense of urgency in their hearts. If there are so many strong people in Xiangyang’s men’s hands, then they will have no strength in reaching the realm of Dalu’s nine-day peak. A very strange place.

Originally, they felt that their strength broke through the situation of the body of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they are next to Xiangyang, and certainly can become the strongest existence among Xiangyang’s younger brothers, even if Wu Wuji and others are like? They did not enter the practice of physical repair, and it is impossible to break through to the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

As a result, their position in Xiangyang is very high.

Who ever thought that Xiang Yang’s men’s hands were one after another, and in such a small time, there were ten super-powerful people in the realm of Dalu’s nine-day peaks, and they came out from the tower of the body repair and then left.

Obviously, these guys are organized one by one.

As a result, they felt that their position in Xiangyang was a little shaken.

"They have a part of the members of the Tuowei."

The twelve brothers and the wolf king, as well as Verdi, looked at the same time, and the three men recognized it at once. Some of these people were members of the former Tuowei.

You must know that the three men were the instructors of the Tuowei, and they were very familiar with the members of these Tuowei.

"Yes, they are indeed the sacred guards of the year, but now they are called the guard of order."

Just as the voice of the twelfth brother fell, only a light laughter came from afar.

Xiang Yang’s stature appeared in front of everyone. He smiled and looked at the people present. “Congratulations, you have reached the level of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. From then on, you will become the peak of Xianzun and wait for you to return. After the heavens and the world, with your strength, you can be sanctified as an ancestor."

"Back to the heavens?"

Twelve brothers and others listened to Xiang Yang's words and their faces changed slightly. They always felt that there was something else in Xiang Yang's words. They said in their hearts, "Don't we have no boundaries in the world? Where will it be?"

"The big brother."

Yulia and Yuliqin sisters are directly thrown into Xiangyang’s arms.

On the one hand, Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu said quickly, "Boss, are we in chaos now?"


Xiang Yang held two women and shook his head with a smile. "We are in a foreign country."


"What is an alien?"

A few voices with 'sudden' and 'incomprehension' came over. Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu knew the existence of foreign countries. They heard that Xiangyang was in a strange place, and naturally it was shocking, and the twelve brothers and the wolf king and Wei Erdi did not know what was an alien, but he was very puzzled.

"Boss, what do you mean, are we in the enemy's nest now?"

The little bald head swallowed a slobber and watched Xiang Yang carefully.


Xiang Yang nodded. "The exotic world is a good place. I have just gone to the foreign world for a long time. I have destroyed hundreds of masters of the Yasheng Peak and got hundreds of magic weapons. Right, yours. The cultivation has also been upgraded. It is time to upgrade the magic weapon on the body. After I re-smelt those treasures, I will pick them up."


The little bald face was ugly, and he coughed a few times. "Boss, you didn't lie to me?"

"I lied to you?"

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head. "I will not lie to you if you choose some magic weapons. However, those magic weapons are obtained by the sub-saints that I have destroyed. They are the chaos and sages. The masters are expected to have a backhand, or wait for me to re-refine it, and some of the means to keep them on those magic weapons are removed and given to you."

"No, I am asking, are we really in a foreign country?" The little bald head looked at Xiangyang carefully.

"Yes." Xiang Yang nodded affirmatively. "If you don't believe it, I will take you out to see what the exotic world looks like. You won't have so many questions at that time."

"Ah, no more, we won't go..."

After listening to the little bald head, the whole person was dumbfounded. He shook his head quickly, and he refused to go out.

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