Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3108: Little bald flayer

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"Reassure, you must go out, the exotic is a good place, the baby is more, although the powerful Azov is everywhere, but each Asian holy is equivalent to a treasure."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the little bald head.

"No, no... Oh, I feel that my physical strength has not yet reached the peak. I will go in and quench it." The little bald head was scared and white, and at the same time, Turned and rushed into the tower of physical repair.

Everyone looked strangely at the little bald head. This guy, usually not afraid of it, how can this time become a bit different?

Xiang Yang also looked at him with a strange look. "What happened to you? Was it scared by the alien?"

It is reasonable to say that this guy is usually daring, and should not be scared when he hears the news of the foreign world.

"I, I don't want to go to an exotic place..."

The little bald head was crying and looking at Xiang Yang. Looking at him carefully, he even shivered.

This guy was scared to be a little shivering.

Xiang Yang looked at the little bald head carefully and found that this guy was really frightened. As a super strong person in the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he turned pale and shivered.

It is really a psychological shadow on the exotic world.

"What the **** is going on?" Xiang Yang looked curiously at the little bald head.

If it is someone else, if someone is very afraid of one thing, they will choose not to talk about it first. However, Xiang Yang is different. Since the little bald head is afraid, the more he wants to tear the veil, the more After clearing the situation, let the little bald head change the perception of the alien.

The little bald head is a spiritual person, and the cultivation has reached the level of Xianzun. The aliens seem to have become a demon of his. If he does not remove the alien magic, he will not be able to break through to Yasheng in his life. territory.

"I, I was once thrown into the aliens and almost couldn't come back."

The ugly slow opening of the small bald face tells him about the situation of foreign fear.

After Xiang Yang and others listened, all of them showed strange colors on their faces. The reason why this guy was so fearful of the aliens was mainly because of his master, that is, Amitabha.

When the little bald head was very small, it was also very naughty. So, Amitabha, in order to cure this guy, directly throws this guy into a pre-arranged space of Amitabha. There are all kinds of horrible people in that space. The devil who eats people, the strong ones who can destroy the heavens, the devils who can scare the dead, and so on...

Anyway, the little bald head at that time was still very small. In order to cure the guy's mischievous temperament, Amitabha made all kinds of fears to the space to scare the boy.

Later, the naughty temper of the little bald head did not change anything, but instead it became a super fear of the aliens. As long as he talked about the aliens, he became very scared and shivered.

"You really have a good master." Sun Chunyu couldn't help but patted the shoulder of a small bald head.

The little bald head was crying, but after he said it, he felt much more comfortable.

Xiang Yang almost laughed and sprayed. Amitabha, as one of the three great saints of Buddhism, actually smashed his disciples, and it really is not reliable.

However, Xiaoguangtou is such a talented disciple. It is so hard to be planted by Amitabha. I am afraid that Amitabha is also very embarrassed.

"But it, since you don't want to go to an exotic place, then forget it."

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed, and when he looked at himself with a gaze, he didn’t have a bare head out.

"Yulia, Yu Liqin, you should practice for a while and adjust to your current strength. Well, my first demon avatar is also practicing in the depths of the Promise. You will go together."

Xiang Yang bowed his head to Yulia and Yuliqin.


The two women nodded in obedience. Although they have already reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they still can't control their own strength perfectly. It really needs to be practiced for a while.

Moreover, they are also very clear that Xiang Yang must have something to do, and with their words, it will drag down Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang waved the two women to the depths of the Promise Xianfu, let them follow their own demon avatars, as well as Xiner, Sun Qingya, Monica and so on.

Later, he looked at Will, the twelve brothers and the wolf king. "You used to be the instructor of the gods. Now, the gods have been adapted into the order of the guard. You still need someone to lead. You are responsible for a group of ten. Let's have a team of 10,000 people."

At the same time, he passed on three people's information about the guard of order, as well as some arrays of exercises and exercises such as the practice of order.

To be an instructor, naturally, you must surpass other talents in all aspects of magical powers. If even the instructor's ability is inferior to the players, what the instructor should do.

Although the strength of the three people has just improved, the overall strength can only be said to be similar to the ordinary players of the order guard. However, it is enough for Xiangyang to open them and pass their feelings to three people.


The three men’s faces were taken seriously and they were very clear. Xiang Yang asked each of them to lead the order guard of 100,000 people. It was not only their trust but also a test for them.

Although they have all been planted by Xiangyang, they are the most loyal men of Xiangyang, but they also need to prove their usefulness.

As a result, only the small bald head and Sun Chunyu are left.

Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu, and his face showed a helpless color. "What do you want to do?"

"Boss, as long as you don't let me go to a foreign country, no matter what I can do." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

When Sun Chunyu glanced at the little bald head, he did not care about it. "What is the foreign country? I really want to see it."

"Oh, if you two go out and go out, you will be recognized at once and you are the people of our chaotic world. You still stay here and practice."

Xiang Yang did not mandate that the two enter the foreign world. Although the repairs of the two men reached the peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they were still too weak. Once they were estimated, they would be destroyed immediately. It is better to let them Practice well.


The two nodded, and the little bald head smiled very happy.

"It's the most troublesome thing for you."

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head and watched this guy because he didn't have to go out to the outside world and was very happy. He thought about it and said, "Try to check these two guys first, as long as you can be sure that these two guys are not The gods of the gods are separated, but they can be cultivated."

While thinking about it, he said to the two, "You stand and don't move."



The voice of the little bald head has not yet fallen, and I saw a book surrounded by black and white flames suddenly appearing on Xiang Yang. They just glanced at it and felt that their souls seemed to be sucked away, making them look dull. The heart gave birth to a sense of fear.

"View past."

Xiang Yang said faintly, pointing to the book of life and death, a black and white light shines on the two people. Suddenly, there are people in the shadows flashing out. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people appear around them. .

These are their predecessors.

Where did each person’s predecessor come from? What is the creature? What is the first world? It's all different.

In the investigation of Xiang Yang, the number of the two who appeared in the past is also different.

However, this is not important. What is important is that both of them are innocent in their lives, and they are not the main gods of the gods or the gods.

Xiang Yang took a sigh of relief and took back the book of life and death. He looked at the two with a smile on his face. "I have given you some exercises. You will practice now, and I will accept it later. If it does not reach me." If you want the results, I will find you."

While speaking, without waiting for the two to refute, he directly passed the two different methods of practice to the two, and then his body shape disappeared directly, leaving the two eyes wide open.

"The way the boss gave us is a bit strange."

After a long time, the two men digested the exercises that Xiang Yang gave them. They understood that this practice was very different from the previous exercises.

"However, this method is quite magical. I think the boss is too weak to dispose of us, or do it well."

Ever since, the two did not want to be other, but began to enter the practice state directly.


The Panyu chaotic world is divided into nine domains, namely, the wasteland, the celestial domain, the broken celestial domain, the locked celestial domain, the town Tianyu, the Qingtian domain, the black sky domain, the scorpion sky domain, and the ancestral domain.

Among them, the top eight Tianyu ranks are relatively low, and are generally controlled by the strong people of the chaotic holy level.

The last ancestral domain is different. This is a master in the chaotic world of Panyu, which is the site controlled by the ancestors.

It is said that among the ancestral gods, the most powerful ancestors of the entire Panyu chaotic world do not say that even Tiandao lives in the holy places, and even the existence of the master.

Of course, all of this is just a legend. Even the strongest in Panyu’s chaotic world is not sure whether these things are true.

Longyan Cliff is a small and rare place in the wilderness of the nine fields of Panyu's chaotic world.

Longyao Cliff is a Jedi and a place of inheritance. It opens every 100 years and anyone can enter it to find opportunities.

On this day, when Longyao Cliff was not yet opened, there were countless strong people, including the strong people of Xianzun’s realm and the holy place, and they all looked at Longyan Cliff, all of them lamented.

"In the legend, the sacred sages of the dragons of the past were invincible and even killed in the ancient wars of countless foreign sacred deities. Unfortunately, they were later arranged by the shameless exotic sacred sages. The law is killing."

"This Longyao Cliff is made up of the flesh and blood essences of the ancestors of the sacred ancestors after the war. Even after that, it is said that there are still inheritances of the predecessors. If there are people who can be passed down, Will regain control of the dragon."

"However, infinity has passed, but no one can get the inheritance of Qianlong's predecessors. However, there are many people who practice and practice in the past, to understand the avenues of their predecessors, to be sanctified after customs clearance, the one that entered the last 100 years ago. A group of people, after coming out this time, do not know how many people can be sanctified."

"This time, I must find the opportunity to stay at Longyue Cliff. I want to be sanctified."


A group of people were talking and looking at the seals of the dragon cliffs with colorful light, their faces were full of excitement.

In the crowd, Xiang Yang had a smile on his face, pulling a small bald head and Sun Chunyu, whispering, "When you enter, you will feel the inheritance of the seniors."


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