Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3112: Look at me? (Happy New Year's Eve)

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"what should we do?"

"This person is too strong, especially his one-of-a-kind bow is more powerful. It is similar to the black bow of the ninth-sized cliff on the legendary arrogant list, but the power is stronger, if we Right, it is definitely not an opponent."

"Does he shoot us?"


Inside the portal, a group of sub-sacred strongmen were pale.

Although they can't compare with Kun Xuan, they are also unparalleled. Unfortunately, such Tianjiao is frightened because Kun Xuan was killed by Xiang Yang.

"Not yet, is it ready to block at the door and not let me in?" Xiang Yang glanced at them, as if laughing and laughing.

He really wants to destroy all these so-called arrogances. Unfortunately, it is too bright now. After he killed Kunxuan, he clearly felt the scent of chaotic saints hidden.

Obviously, those chaos saints have always noticed this, but they do not have the elders of Kun Xuan, and do not care about the death of a Tianjiao.

However, if Xiang Yang carried out a large-scale massacre and destroyed all of them, these chaotic saints would not be able to stand it.

"Maybe this dragon cliff has a secret, or how come there are so many chaotic saints here?"

Xiang Yang is talking to himself.

He became more curious about this Longyan Cliff.

"We will leave right away."

While Xiang Yang was thinking about it, the group of Tianjiao in the door listened to Xiang Yang’s words. In the case of Datun, they rushed out at the fastest speed and fled in the distance.

Xiang Yang did not stop these arrogances, but after they left, they took a look at the void, revealing a faint smile, and then walked into the light door with a small bald head and Sun Chunyu.


After Xiang Yang entered, the Asian saints who were present were dare to come over. They probed each other one by one, carefully looked at the portal and found that Xiang Yang had left after entering the portal, and they dared to enter it.

At the same time, among the chaotic voids, three chaotic saints are hiding. They frown at the portal of Longyao Cliff. One of them is whispering. "Who is that kid? Even with such strength, it can definitely be ranked." Ten in the top of the Tianjiao list, but we have not heard of him."

"I don't know, maybe it's a hidden disciple of a predecessor of the Holy Prestige. We have been at this Longyan Cliff for a million years. In this million years, there was no accident, and it was time to evacuate."

"Yeah, the Holy Man suspects that Longyue Cliff is a bit tricky, especially the strong one of the dragons of the year. It is very likely that Pangu’s chaotic world has sneaked into our world, but the one who died in the dragon’s vein is so dead. For many years, there have been no abnormalities, and it should be dead."


Then, while the three chaotic saints spoke, they gradually quieted down.

Xiang Yang did not know what these chaotic saints said. He had already entered the space of Longyao Cliff.

"this is..."

When Xiang Yang was really down-to-earth and rubbed on the dark-skinned ground, he could not help but reveal a strange color. The ground was actually piled up with flesh and blood.

However, the energy contained in these flesh and blood is very powerful, apparently the flesh and blood of a very powerful creature after death. ‘

The flesh and blood of a strong man after death is an independent space. Such strength must be at least chaotic saints.

"No, it is not just the flesh and blood of a chaotic saint. It is two chaotic saints, and one of them is a dragon... this dragon..."

As Xiang Yang walked into this space with Xiao Guangtou and Sun Chunyu, he found that this space was not just the flesh and blood of a saint after death, but the flesh and blood of two chaotic saints. Into the space.

Moreover, one of the saints, what he obviously can feel is that it is the atmosphere of the dragon.

"It's a bit interesting."

Xiang Yang smiled softly. The so-called opportunity of Longyao Cliff is that this space is the transformation of the two chaotic saints. If someone can understand the Taoist saints, they even absorbed the whole dragon. The sages and even the energy of the saints in the cliff space are likely to be a true chaotic saint.

Before that, Kun Xuan apparently also realized some of the saints in the world, so that he could reach the realm of the saints. Unfortunately, the guy was unlucky, and he was directly destroyed by Xiangyang before he could actually be sanctified.

"Boss, I heard a voice that always called me past, as if I was in front."

At this time, Sun Chunyu suddenly looked at Xiang Yang with a tangled look.


Xiang Yang stunned, "Is there a voice calling you in the past? Is there really any secret in this dragon cliff?"

Xiang Yang’s true spirit emerged in all directions, trying to find the so-called voice of Sun Chunyu’s call to summon his past. However, although his true spirit is powerful, he still cannot compare with the saint. He explored a circle and even After reading the entire Longyan Cliff, I still did not find any strong people hidden.

"Do you really feel someone calling you in the past?"

Xiang Yang looked at Sun Chunyu carefully. In the heart, this guy wouldn’t think that there would be any baby in Longyan Cliff, so he deliberately wants to leave himself and go to the treasure hunt alone.

"Really, although I don't know who the other person is, the other person gives me a familiar feeling, unlike the creatures of this world. If I don't guess wrong, the other party may be the creature of our world." Chun Yu said seriously.

"So smart?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. Although he felt that there could not be such a coincidence, he looked at Sun Chunyu carefully and found that this guy is unlikely to lie. As a result, it seems a bit interesting.

"Boss, I also feel that someone has summoned me." Xiaoguangtou also said at this time.

"Oh... you have it?"

Xiang Yang stunned, and did not expect the other party to even let the small bald head not let go.


Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Go, since someone has summoned you, then let's go and see, if there is any chance, it would be great."

He took the two into the chaotic world of Panyu. The intention was to help the little bald head to dispel the demons and let the two grow up after seeing the exotic roads.

Nowadays, since it is really possible to be an opportunity, it is naturally impossible to give up.

"That voice..."

At this time, Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu didn't even go, but looked a little ugly and looked at Xiang Yang. "That voice, let us not go with you, saying that he does not want to see you."


Xiang Yang almost vomited blood. In the end, who is here to pretend to be a ghost, but he still doesn't want to see himself. So, it should be because his strength is too strong, not bully, so he dare not let himself follow the two together?

"You told him that it is best to hurry out, otherwise I will be welcome when I let him out." Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu with a black face.


After Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu had their eyes closed for a while, they looked up and looked at Xiangyang with a quirky color on their faces. "He said that although your strength is strong, it is not sanctified and cannot be found. he."

"Look at me?"

Xiang Yang’s sound suddenly burst into flames. The unknown existence is very likely to be a true spirit of the fallen saints in Longyan Cliff. However, why should the other side attract the small bald head and Sun Chunyu? It is hard to say.

Xiang Yang only knew that he was underestimated by the other party. The other party saw Sun Chunyu and Xiaoguangtou, but he did not see himself.


Xiang Yang never thought that he would one day be looked down upon, and it was still a dead person who looked down on himself, no matter who the other party was, the strongest person in Pangu’s chaotic world or the strong one in Panyu’s chaotic world. Xiang Yang did not play with the other party. .

"Go, take me to him."

Then, Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief, and did not allow the two to resist. He walked straight ahead with Sun Chunyu and Xiaoguangtou.

"Boss, this, this is not good..."

Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu were a little bit entangled. They were not willing to let Xiangyang follow, but Xiangyang forced them to control them and let them go forward, making them feel very uncomfortable.

As everyone knows, there is a will in the midst of being more uncomfortable than a lover.

"Bastard... two little kids who are useless, this time the old man is going to plant..."

Vaguely, even Xiang Yang feels a very unwilling emotion in the midst of it.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and took the two to continue to move forward. The place on their feet was made of flesh and blood, like a **** agate, filled with blood and blood and blood.

Long Yuya is actually very ordinary, just because there are the flesh and energy of two chaotic saints everywhere, and their way is also hidden in it, making the entire Longya Cliff become a special Jedi, or it should be said that it is a heavenly blessing. .

For practitioners, as long as they can improve their cultivation, it is a good place.

If it was the former Xiangyang, facing the flesh and blood of these chaotic saints, it would be very exciting to directly use the ‘the world oven’ to swallow it.

However, today's Xiang Yang really does not see this.

He just wants to see who is actually not letting him see each other.

"They went to Longyao Valley. The biggest chance is in the Longyan Valley. We have no play this time. We can only cultivate for a while and wait for the next time."


"The other side is too strong, what can we do?"

Xiang Yang walked forward with a small bald head and Sun Chunyu. In front of them, after some Asian saints saw it, they showed helplessness.

Among the dragon cliffs, the biggest opportunity lies in the Longji Valley in front, because the Dragon Valley contains the way of saints, and to cultivate them to achieve such a realm, it is possible to absorb the saints to make up for their own deficiencies, even As long as there is a little bit of progress, it is enough to really let them step into the sage.

In their view, Xiang Yang's strength has been so strong, as long as they understand some of the saints in the Longya Valley to make up for their own shortcomings, they will be able to break through sanctification in an instant.

These sub-sacred strongmen did not dare to provoke Xiang Yang. At this moment, they did not dare to follow Xiangyang to Long Yaogu. They could only helplessly shake their heads and watch Xiangyang step by step toward the depths of Longji Valley. go with.

Author Meng Yu said: Happy New Year's Eve

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