Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3113: Zulong Remnant

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Xiang Yang took the two men toward the front and asked while walking. "Is the voice that appears in the brains of the two of you from the same person?"

"This one..."

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion. "I don't know."


Xiang Yang laughed and didn't continue to ask questions. Instead, he sent out his own knowledge of the gods and the power of the true spirit. While exploring the surrounding situation, he still walked toward the front. Soon, they went to the edge of the cliff and covered the fog. However, there are two different sacred avenues.

Obviously, this is the Dragon Valley.

"The way of saints, it seems that here is where the two chaos sages finally fell." Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his gods explored it and found that he still could not sense the sound to Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu. That voice.

However, the life and death book in his real spirit is beating, and instantly appears in Xiang Yang’s hand.


After the life and death book appeared on Xiang Yang’s hand, a ray of light erupted toward the Dragon Valley. When the light passed, all the dense fog was dispelled, revealing that the two groups were competing for each other, because they were suddenly discovered, 朦胧Overwhelmed, very weak consciousness.

"How could this be?"

"I, we were discovered..."

The two groups of consciousness each showed a different look. One of them was a five-clawed golden dragon with less than a long length. The body was powerful and unmatched. The other one was a chaotic World of Warcraft, with eight feet and four pairs of wings. They are all wrapped in black scales, and the power is not weaker than this five-clawed golden dragon.

The true spiritual consciousness of the two saints who were not looking at each other's shackles, after the dense fog of the valley was dispelled, showed their body shape, and they all looked at Xiangyang three people with a look of confusion.

"Bastard, Xiaolong, it must be you, you are a spy, but it really shows up in shape, are you not afraid that the outside strong will destroy you?"

Then, the Chaos Warcraft is angry and roared at the Five-Claw Golden Dragon.

"Off the old man."

Although the five-clawed golden dragon is also a bit puzzled, but in the face of its old rival Chaos Warcraft's amnesty, he also counter-attacks, "I only want to let the body have the consciousness of my ancient chaotic world. I have never thought about bringing this **** from your Panyu world."

"I blame you, if you didn't block Laozi, how could this strange guy appear, now it's better, this life and death on his body... the magic weapon is enough to destroy you and me, you are dead."

At the same time as the five-jawed golden dragon said, his eyes glanced at the book of life and death, and he almost said the name of the birth book.


The two giant beasts were directly attacked on the spot. Their fights were very simple. Anyway, there was only one remnant of the soul. There was no strength, but only the last will to survive, even the real creatures could not count.

They all collide directly toward each other and then devour each other.

"Five-clawed golden dragon, dragon dragon..."

Xiang Yang blinked and looked at the five-clawed golden dragon. He whispered to himself, "Is it because of the tyrannical dragon that fell during the war?"

Nowadays, the dragons among the various worlds are very powerful, but the strongest is only the holy, there is no real dragon saint.

No, it should be said that since the emergence of the dragons, there are no other dragon saints other than Zulong.

In front of this five-clawed golden dragon, Xiang Yang has already confirmed that the other party is the **** of the ancient chaotic world. Since it is the strongest chaotic sage level, then the only possibility is that this five-clawed golden dragon may be Zulong in ancient times.

"Zhu Long still has a remnant in this alien?"

Xiang Yang always feels a little unbelievable. How can a foreign saint really let Zu Long leave a consciousness here, is it for fishing?

The so-called fishing, naturally, is to use this sacred soul of Zulong as a bait, waiting for the strongest of the Pangu chaotic world that may appear in this exotic world.

"This is a pit, a big pit."

Xiang Yang sighed and said.


Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu both looked at Xiangyang.

At this moment, when they looked at the five-clawed golden dragon and the small Chaos Warcraft, their hearts were already shocked. They could naturally hear them. They heard the sounds of the five-clawed golden dragon and the little monster.

The two are not stupid, they are all seen at once. It seems that the five-clawed golden dragon is the dragon saint of Pangu’s chaotic world, and the other chaotic Warcraft is obviously the saint of Panyu’s chaotic world.

After the two are likely to be the same, they each left a sorrowful soul here, and they were kept by the strong people of Panyu’s chaotic world, waiting for the ‘beauty.’

And Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou and Sun Chunyu are the so-called ‘sales.’

"It seems that we should leave quickly."

Xiang Yang sighed, and the light of the life and death book suspended in front of him flashed. A black and white light flashed through, and the two consciousnesses in the battle were taken away instantly. Then he waved his hand and took it directly. The bald head and Sun Chunyu disappeared.


At the same time, in the void of the outside world, the eyes of the three chaotic saints shimmered in the eyes, and instantly stood up and angered. "Bastards, some people actually took them away. It is definitely the strong world of Pangu." By."


The voice did not fall, and the three chaotic saints have disappeared into place.

The next moment, they appeared in the Longyao Valley in the Longyao Cliffs, and the eyes looked at the empty Longyan Valley.



Their voices have not yet fallen, and their figure has disappeared.

Xiang Yang left because of anxious, coupled with a small bald head and Sun Chunyu, this time, he had no time to erase his own traces, so that the three chaos saints directly follow their breath.

In the depths of Chaos, Xiang Yang took a small bald head and Sun Chunyu to hurry. At the same time, in his sea of ​​consciousness, his huge true spirit opened his eyes and his eyes were floating in his sea of ​​consciousness. The two groups of consciousness that were suppressed by the birth and death book.

At this moment, whether it is the five-clawed golden dragon or the chaotic World of Warcraft is paralyzed.

They only felt that the black and white light flashed in front of them, and they were immediately detained. When they returned to God again, they already appeared in Xiangyang’s sea of ​​consciousness.

What appeared in front of them was the huge true spirit of Xiangyang, with a population of 9,999,000 feet.

"This is the boy's sea of ​​consciousness."

When these two groups of consciousness saw Xiangyang’s huge incomparable true spirit, there was a bad feeling in his heart, but when the five-clawed golden dragon saw the life and death book suspended on top of their heads, it was even more sigh. "The birth and death book, the passer-by of the peace of mind, is finally here."

"The heresy of Pangu’s chaotic world has quietly arrived at the Panyu chaotic world?"

In addition, the consciousness of the group was exclaimed, and the eyes were murderous.

"Two, explain it."

At this time, the voice of Xiang Yang's true spirit passed, his voice was very grand, as if it were sacred, and the two groups of consciousness in front of him seemed to be ants.

In fact, although these two groups of consciousness are the consciousness left after the fall of the strong man of the saint's realm, they are far from being comparable to the true spirit of Xiang Yang.

In particular, Xiang Yang still has a book of life and death, but he can live directly in the life and death of these two groups of consciousness.

"Are you a descendant of a flat-hearted maiden?"

The five-clawed golden dragon is open, and his voice is full of curiosity and recollection.


Xiang Yang shook his head very simply.

"It's not a descendant of a flat-hearted maiden. Why do you have a life and death book?" The sound of the five-clawed golden dragon changed.

"none of your business."

Xiang Yang’s true spirit differentiated into an energy and turned into the size of a normal person. He held the book of life and death, stood in front of the two groups of consciousness, and sneered at the two groups of consciousness. “If there is anything left to say, hurry. Say, otherwise, if you want to say it, you can't say it under the life and death book."

"This is my chaotic world of chaos. Just rely on you to be a sub-Holy and dare to be fierce? This holy confession urges you to go out and let the holy go out. Otherwise, after the arrival of the powerful people of Panyu's chaotic world, you will die without a place of burial. ”

That Chaos World of Warcraft is very hard, in this situation, still dare to drink Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang heard it, and suddenly burst into flames. "Bastards, even if you were in the heyday, you are not qualified to be so arrogant to me. Now there is only one remnant of the soul, and dare to be so arrogant, you are dead."


After the talk, Xiang Yang no longer nonsense, the black and white two-color flame on the life and death book is circulating, and the remnant soul of this Chaos Warcraft is instantly involved in refining.

"Junior, you dare..."

That chaotic World of Warcraft did not expect that Xiang Yang would refining him so simply. It wanted to make a loud noise, but it was useless. Under the book of life and death, it did not have the slightest resistance, and it disappeared directly.

The one-handed five-jawed golden dragon was also a bit sluggish. He didn't expect Xiang Yang to be so ferocious. So simple, he would directly ruin the soul of the guy.

Although it is the old rival, but for so many years of competition, at this moment suddenly saw the old rival was killed by Xiang Yang, he is really a bit reluctant.

"Well, there are no outsiders, can we talk about it?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You believe me?"

The five-clawed golden dragon looked incredibly at Xiangyang. It thought that Xiangyang would refine it like the chaotic Warcraft of Refining, and did not expect Xiangyang to believe it.

"Do not believe, but give you a chance."

Xiang Yang said faintly.


This guy finally understood, he was wrong, Xiang Yang just thought that it might be the remnant of the soul of the Pangu chaotic world, but did not believe it, and wanted to get some information from it, so it was retained.

"The kid is really treacherous."

The five-jawed golden dragon sighed and then laughed at himself. "That's fine. If people who are sent into Panyu's chaotic world can trust others so easily, you have no effect."

Xiang Yang didn't talk, just looking at this guy faintly.

The five-jawed golden dragon does not mind, said from his own self, "the soul of the helpless Zulong, but this infinity has been worn away too much breath, I have been waiting here, just to wait for us Pangu The people of the chaotic world appeared, let him pass back the situation of Panyu's chaotic world. Kid, now, I will pass on the situation of Panyu's chaotic world, and my way to you, accept it yourself."


After that, the five-jawed golden dragon took the initiative to disintegrate and turned into a group of energy to merge toward Xiangyang. After Xiangyang saw it, his eyes flashed, and the instinctive wanted to dodge, but he did not feel any danger from the other side. Anyway, I am just a true incarnation of a little energy, plus a life and death book in hand. If something goes wrong, just abandon this incarnation, so I will take the initiative to let the five-clawed golden dragon Incorporate into your body.

He closed his eyes. After a while, after completely digesting the energy, he opened it and sighed softly. "It turns out."

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