Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3114: Sage interception (four more flowers, happy New Year's Eve)

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"It turned out to be Zulong. When the war was in the same year, after the death of the sages of the foreign world, only the last stalk of the soul was left behind, just to tell the latecomers of the foreign conditions it had known in these years, to make the Pangu chaotic world. Can better deal with Panyu's chaotic world."

"The forces in Panyu's chaotic world are divided into two factions. One is the main battle, the other is the main and the main station is called the destiny. The main and the name is the Tianyi school."

"The Scorpio One has a sacred ancestor, a chaotic sage, nine saints, and a number of saints. The strength is similar to the number of saints in the Pangu world.

The destiny has two supreme ancestors, chaotic sacred countless, saints more...

If you want to completely destroy the chaotic world of Panyu, the best way is to unite with the Scorpio to deal with the power of the destiny, and then there is a way to completely destroy the Scorpio. ”


After getting these news, Xiang Yang’s face showed a strange color. Is this Zulong really stupid or fake?

Actually, I would like to unite with the Scorpio to deal with the destiny, and then to destroy the Panyu chaotic world. Isn’t the Scorpio party wanting the Panyu chaotic world?

Moreover, this guy said that the Scorpio has one ancestor and nine chaotic sages. It is not known how many years ago, but why did he know?

It is quite accurate that there are countless saints in the destiny. After all, Zulong certainly does not know.

"This guy is really too pit."

Xiang Yang sighed.

Fortunately, Zulong is meeting himself. He knows how to distinguish the right words of this guy. If he meets other people’s words, he still listens to Zulong’s words and uses the joint Tianzhu school to deal with the destiny. So, it’s really possible. Dead disk ancient chaotic world.

Regardless of whether Zu Long said it is true or not, this plan is not feasible.

Xiang Yang denied the idea of ​​Zu Long in the first time. Then, he carefully studied the inheritance of Zu Long and found that the inheritance of Zu Long was much stronger than that of the guy.

“Not bad, it’s a bit of a harvest.”

Xiang Yang’s consciousness returned to the ontology. He opened his eyes and saw Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu both staring at themselves with curiosity.

"Boss, how are you, what good harvest?"

The little bald head looked at Xiang Yang very excitedly.

"The inheritance of Zulong, is it?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two and asked.


The two eyes glow at the same time. For them, the inheritance of Zulong is like a sacred one. If it can be obtained, it will make them happy to say nothing.

"Give it to you." This time, Xiang Yang spoke very well and directly passed the two marks of Zulong's inheritance to the two people, making the two excitedly flushed. If they couldn't wait, they should immerse their consciousness in it and study Zulong. Inheritance.


However, when the two did not really go into the study, they heard a roar, and three horrible sighs came.

"Hey ants, have you ran?"

Along with a sneer, three chaotic saints have appeared, and the three of Xiangyang are trapped in it.

"Ah... finished, the chaos saints have come."

Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu had not had time to return to the excitement of the inheritance of Zulong, and they found that three chaotic saints came, they were dumbfounded.

Even the small bald head itself is a disciple of the chaotic saint Amitabha. When he saw the strong man of the three Panyu chaotic worlds, he was scared and shivering.

Sun Chunyu naturally needless to say, at this time, what is the three kings, what is the peerless arrogance is empty, his face is white, his legs are shaking, almost squatting down.

After Xiang Yang met, he shook his head helplessly. The people around him could calmly face the face of Xianzun. Although they were a little scared when they faced Yasheng, they were so good that they really faced the chaos. At the time, I can't sit still.

"Boss, what to do..."

The voices of the two people are shaking.

"There are three chaotic saints in the district. It is killing a sword."

Xiang Yang said indifferently.

"Boss, this, this is three saints, you are not a saint, how dare you say so crazy to kill them?"

Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu felt that Xiangyang was definitely crazy. He even said that he had to kill three chaotic saints with a sword. Even the chaotic saints could not say that they could kill three saints with one sword.

Xiang Yang smiled softly. "There are three saints in the district, but they have not killed."

As he spoke, he looked up and looked at the three chaotic saints who surrounded him.

At this moment, the three chaotic saints looked coldly at Xiangyang, and yelled, "How do you come to Panyu's chaotic world?"

"none of your business."

Xiang Yangtou did not say it.

"The ants are looking for death, after crushing, directly refining the soul."

One of the chaos saints was furious after listening to it. In an instant, he reached out and took a hand to the Xiangyang three people. Suddenly, he only heard the sound of ‘bang’, and there was a horrible energy flow.

A towering giant palm was shot toward the trio with a terrible force.


When this palm was photographed, the void was already banned. A horrible holy sacred screams, causing Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu to scream, and the seven bleeds and cracks.

Although the two are already the physical strengths of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, they are naturally unable to bear the face of a true chaotic saint.


Xiang Yang snorted, "A chaotic saint in the district, what big tail wolf?"

"Since you are looking for death, you will be able to fulfill you."

With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, with him as the center, a group of pictures rotated and spread out in all directions, and the horrible swords broke out.


The four swords of Zhu Xian appeared in the whole body of Xiang Yang, and they all swayed through the sky and swords, and instantly blocked the emptiness of the square.

"It's not good. It is the first killing of Pangu's chaotic world.

These three chaotic saints are not stupid. They are the strongmen who have participated in the ancient wars. Although their strengths have not been promoted to the chaos of the chaos, they have also seen this legendary killing.

Their faces changed a lot, especially the chaotic saint who took a shot, but he was about to take back his hand, but it was too late.


Xiang Yang snorted and snorted, and a sword broke out in an instant, directly smashing the giant palm and falling into the sacred sword array, which was instantly absorbed by the sacred swords.

Yes, after the sacred swordsmanship merged with the second killing of the world, earth-shaking changes have taken place. In particular, it is able to kill the enemy and refine the enemy into the power of the sword, making the power of the sword array come. The stronger, if you can kill more powerful, the sword array can even grow without limit.

Xiang Yang carried his hands and stood leisurely. The four swords of the immortal smashed away and settled in all directions.

He said with a smile, "Three saints, congratulations, you will be the first saints I killed in the chaotic world of Panyu, but it will definitely not be the last batch, unless the Chaos saints in Panyu chaotic world are all It’s dead, otherwise I won’t stop killing.”

The Panyu chaotic world once shattered the wild world and even went into the wilderness to carry out the massacre. Although Xiang Yang did not personally experience it, he saw history and realized all this.

For such a creature who wants to destroy the world of refining and purifying the ancient chaotic world, Xiang Yang will never have any kind of soft heart.

Don't kill the strong people of Panyu's chaotic world, Xiang Yang will never give up.

"The ants, even if you have the swords of the sacred swords? Not sanctified, after all, ants."

The three chaotic sages were so angry that their faces were blue, especially the strong one who was cut off by a palm of the palm of the hand, and it was even more anxious.

Sun Chunyu and Xiao Guangtou next to Xiang Yang were shocked.

"Zhu Xianjian array... God, the boss has mastered the swordsmanship of the heavenly sage. It is no wonder that he can be fearless. The legendary swordsmanship is the first killing of our Pangu world, even if it is a chaotic saint. I have also been killed by the Jianxian sword."

"Boss, you are too much, don't even tell us that you have the swords of the sacred swords, is it the same with us? Haha, there is a sage in heaven, the strongest saint in our Pangu world. What are we afraid of?"

Sun Chunyu and Xiao Guangtou looked at Xiang Yang successively, with a happy color on their faces, and no longer feared before.

"Who told you that the old man is here?"

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head. This guy thought it was too good. He thought that the old man would follow him. This is impossible.

"You don't lie to me. The Heavenly Saints must be with us. When you are not an opponent, the old man will shoot." Xiaoguangtou looked at Xiangyang with a very positive expression.

Xiang Yang is too lazy to pay attention to the small bald head. Although the strength of Tongtian is indeed stronger than himself, his own swordsmanship is no worse than his, unless it is the arrival of the chaotic holy strong, otherwise, he is really fearless.


At this time, the three chaotic saints on the opposite side took the initiative to take the initiative. They broke out with powerful forces to start bombarding the sacred swords, and they also joined forces to bombard a place at the same time, intending to smash the sacred swords.

Although they are seemingly fearless, they are scared by the swords of the sacred swords. The sacred swords are the first in the world of Pangu’s chaos. In the war of that year, half of the strong people in Panyu’s chaotic world were Killed by the sword of Xian.

Not to mention that their three chaotic saints entered the sacred swords, and even if the chaotic sage was caught in it, they could not easily escape.

"Boom out, then destroy this kid and take away the swordsmanship."

"In order to prevent the advent of the sky, I have to send a message to the saints and let the holy people come to help."

"The other powerful people in the Pan Gutian world are also coming, and there may be a big battle."


After the brief exchange of these three chaos sages, they tried their best to bombard the sacred swords. Even the three men took out their magic weapons in unison, and they were all super treasures of the innate treasure.

"Don't play with you."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and his mind was moved. The sacred swords, the sacred swords, the sacred swords and the sacred swords flew out at the same time, and instantly smashed toward the three chaotic saints.

At the same time, the sacred sword also appeared in the hands of Xiangyang, and a smashing sword broke out. Even the sacred sword in Xiangyang’s hands was stronger than the sacred swords.

After the sword was merged with the sword, the power has reached an unimaginable level.

Xiang Yang glanced at Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu, holding the Excalibur, his body shape flashing, and instantly disappeared in front of the two.


Then, in the stunned eyes of Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu, Xiang Yang held the sword and immediately flew out one of the chaotic saints.

"Oh... junior, do you dare to be fierce?"

The other two chaotic saints roared and gave up the bombardment of the celestial map, directly rushing toward Xiangyang.

"If you stay outside the map and don't enter the map, you can't help you. However, a sub-Sacred in your district dares to enter the map of the immortality to kill me, etc., it is to die."

Although there is a chaotic saint who was flew out, but the other two chaos saints did not feel how powerful the fighting power of Xiang Yang, they were pleasantly surprised, and they felt that Xiang Yang was sending food.

They have already tried it. With the strength of the three of them, they really can’t break through the sacred swords. However, Xiang Yang took the initiative to enter the battle. As long as the three of them killed Xiangyang, they not only did not have to worry. You can even take away the swordsmanship in turn.

Although they are only chaotic saints, if they can control the sacred swords, even the sages can't compare with them.

"I am waiting for the glory." The two chaos sages are very excited.

"Well, if the boss only controls the swordsman to deal with the three saints, there is hope that they can be destroyed, but the boss is going to enter the law, isn't this looking for death?"

"Well, we are still running when the boss has not been killed by them?"

"There is no place to run. We don't even know how to go back. It is not far away to be chased by these chaotic saints. No, even if it is Yasheng, we can easily destroy us."


When Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu saw that Xiangyang had killed him in the past, his face was white and he was so nervous that he was shaking.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, the fourth day, New Year's Eve is coming, Xiaomeng wishes my dear readers a happy new year, a new year, everyone is happy, and I want to make things happen!

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