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"You can go to die."

Just as the two chaos sages were very excited, when Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu were scared, Xiangyang looked cold and did not look at the two chaotic saints, but the body shape flashed, and the whole person instantly turned toward that one. The chaotic saint who was flying out of him smashed.

"Junior, do you think that sneak attack on this holy can kill this holy? You are looking for death."

The chaotic saint roared. When he was flying by Xiang Yang, the whole person was paralyzed, but he did not think that Xiang Yang’s strength was stronger than him.

Seeing that Xiang Yang actually chased him toward him, he roared, and there was a big knife in the hands of the level of the heavens to the treasure. A knife swept across the country, and a million-foot knives broke out, and instantly smashed toward Xiangyang.

Originally, with him as the sage of chaos, he did not have to hold this big knife to move toward Xiangyang. However, his heart was too uncomfortable for Xiangyang, and he wanted to use the most direct method to Xiangyang. Killed, so, just swept the past.

"Who is the ants?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly, screaming at the sword, and smashing it out with a sword. A terrible sword smashed out instantly, and slammed into the chaos of the chaos.


That knife is the chaos of the saints who rushed out with their own power. The power is endless, and they have the real power to destroy, even if one big world is directly smashed in front.

However, Xiang Yang’s sword is condensed to the extreme, just like a ray of light, and this knives are cut off instantly, and then instantly squatted on this chaotic saint.

However, after all, the other party is a true chaotic saint. Even if the strength of the sword is strong, it is impossible to kill the other person so easily.

This chaotic saint has a defensive treasure, and it is easy to block the sword directly. His face is ridiculous. "How can you be a junior, even if you are in charge of the sword?" It’s just a holy place. Today, this holy sacred kills you."


When the voice fell, this chaotic saint was still taking the initiative. The big knife in his hand was sacrificed. In the face of Xiangyang’s killing, he was holding his hands and making a tyrannical god. I want to suppress Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang whispered softly. "There are only ants in the district. Even if they are sanctified, they are not enough to worry about it, and see me killing you with a sword."

At the same time, he smashed the sword in his hand, and instantly smashed the big knife of the level of the heavens to the treasure in two, and then it was a sword, and the other gods were displayed to suppress their gods.

Last night, all of Xiangyang’s whole people were walking in a leisurely way, just like doing a trivial thing. He once again walked toward the front.

His body circulated, step by step, the whole person instantly came to the front of this chaotic saint, in the shocking eyes of the other side, the sword in his hand swayed, and the sword went down.

"A sword is open!"

Xiang Yang did not look down on the other side. Although the sword was very powerful, his physical strength also reached the level of chaos. However, he was not sanctified after all, and the other party was already a chaotic saint.

He showed his insight into the opening of the world.


After hitting and smashing out, Xiang Yang’s whole person changed instantly. His body burst into a vast air. Although his figure did not change, Xiang Yang seemed to be in the eyes of his opponent’s chaotic sage. A foot chaos, tall and ignorant, can break the invincible power of the chaotic heaven.

Xiang Yang’s hand is clearly holding a sword, but it’s like a sword in the sky.

This is the ultimate strength.

The ultimate power can be proved by force, and it can destroy the law.

On the top of Xiangyang’s head, there is a lotus flower that jumps out. It is the lotus of Wanfa Avenue. Among them, the one that represents the extreme force of the force is even more erupting, which makes the power of Xiangyang’s sword more powerful. It is powerful that has turned up several times.

"This power... How come?"

This chaotic saint has been stunned. He felt a force of horror that he could not resist in Xiang Yang. He felt a sense of fear in his heart. This is a threat of death. He knows that Xiang Yang is a sword. When you kneel down, you really may be killed by Xiang Yang.

"help me."

Then, this chaotic saint could no longer care for his face, and shouted at the other two chaos saints and asked them for help.

"damn it."

The two chaotic saints also realized that something was wrong. They also wanted to rush to deal with Xiangyang. However, at the moment they were surrounded by four swords and they were strangling them, making them unable to rush.

"This kid is not right. Although he is a saint, his strength is not weaker than the saint."

One of them roared again and again.

"Give me a break."

Another chaotic saint is also roaring, showing his strongest attack, and wanting to shake off the four swords of Zhu Xian. However, it is useless. The power of the four swords is really strong, even if there is no control of Xiang Yang. There is no way to kill them in a short time, but it is not what they can break.

Xiang Yangchang laughed. "Go to hell, saint, hahaha, ants."


When the sword fell, the chaotic saint, the immortal existence, was instantly cut off by a sword. His god, his true spirit, was annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Then, the **** ‘Heavenly Oven’ flashed away, and the chaotic saint was swallowed in an instant.

At this point, the first chaotic saint was killed by Xiang Yang.

"What, is the Qi Sheng saint killed?"

"How could it be so fast, and the sages of the sages are also strong in respect of the chaos sage level, and have been sanctified for millions of years, and they have been killed by a saint."

"This is a big problem."


The two chaotic saints trapped by the swords of the sacred swords saw a big change in their faces. They felt a strong sense of crisis in their hearts, and they broke out with a stronger force to rush out of the scope of the sacred swords. However, it was useless. .

When Xiang Yang did not specifically control the sacred swords, they could not break through the power of the squad, not to mention that Xiang Yang had already killed the chaos sage, and now he has returned to deal with the two saints. His mind manipulated the 诛 剑 sword array, even if the two chaos sages broke out again, they could not rush out.

Xiang Yang bears his hands and emptiness, like a walk in the air, his face with a smile, his eyes on the two chaotic saints, whispered, "two, it's your turn."


This time, Xiang Yang did not continue to use the sword.

It was too simple to use the sacred sword to kill the chaos sage for the first time. Xiang Yang has thoroughly recognized his combat effectiveness. From then on, he no longer fears any chaotic sage, unless those who share the same as himself. The horrible chaos of the Excalibur is the strongest of chaos.

At the same time he was satisfied with his heart, he took away the sword and then manipulated the four swords to kill the two saints.

However, in the process, his face with a faint smile, looking at the small bald head and Sun Chunyu.

Wherein Shiliang and Sun Chunchao have already been shocked business.

"Old Sun, you hit me, see if I hurt." Xiaoguangtou said to Sun Chunyu.


After the voice of Xiaoguangtou fell, Sun Chunyu gave him a very simple hand. However, after two years of understanding, the two men did not dare to force, so that the little bald head did not feel pain, he whispered, "Sure enough. It hurts, it seems that I am really dreaming."


His voice just fell, and Sun Chunyu went straight to the ground. This time, Sun Chunyu tried his best and flew out the little bald head in an instant, making Xiaoguang’s hair an incredible scream. “It turned out to be true, wherein I God, I have no dreams, it turns out to be true..."

Sun Chunyu groaned and reacted. He whispered, "It turned out to be true. It turned out that my boss actually reached the level of being able to kill the chaotic saints. My goodness is too great."


At this time, Xiang Yang did not care about these two guys, and he was carrying his hands to look at the two chaotic saints trapped by the four swords of the Immortal, and whispered, "Two, you can get on the road."

"Don't stop, kill."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, only a loud roar sounded, and the four swords of Zhu Xian were strangled around the two chaotic saints. The powerful swords were so thorough that the two chaotic saints had to concentrate on it.

However, after the outbreak of the Jianxian swordsmanship, the two chaos saints could block it.

Under the constant smashing of the four swords, the magic weapons of these two chaos sages began to be unable to block, and their physique began to be continually penetrated by the four swords.

"No, you are a junior, why do you have such strength? Unless you hide your body shape, you are the heaven of the Pangu chaotic world, you are so shameless, you have changed your face and entered the world of me..."

"Toon, you will die."


The two chaotic saints feared in their hearts, and their injuries continued to increase. They could not believe that Xiangyang’s such a sub-saint could destroy them. They even yelled, thinking that Xiangyang was the heavenly sage.

"What about the sky? What about the sky?"

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "No matter who I am, you are dead."

While his body was flowing, he whispered softly. "The four swords are one, and the holy one."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, only a loud roar sounded, and the four swords of Zhu Xian were instantly merged into one, and then swept straight away, instantly splitting one of the chaotic saints into two, and the power was not yet Weakened, still moving forward, and another chaotic saint is also split in half.

The **** ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ flashed, and the two strong men swallowed it in refining.

After doing this, Xiang Yang didn't have time to sing, and his body shape flashed directly in front of Xiao Guangtou and Sun Chunyu.

"Boss, you are holy... God!"

Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu, who have already flown back, are excitedly watching Xiangyang. They both did not hold a few mouthfuls of Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang did not have time to talk nonsense with them, but directly put the two into the Promise of Immortality. Then, after receiving the image of the Immortal, the chaotic threaded cloud shuttle appeared at his feet and disappeared directly with him.

This time, the three chaotic saints were destroyed, and the swordsmanship was arranged directly, and the movement was a bit too big.

You must run right away. Otherwise, after a while, the chaos will come, and Xiang Yang will not be able to run even if he wants to run.

Although he can kill three chaotic saints, but he does not have the slightest grasp of the chaos of the chaos, do not run at this moment, but when?

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