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"You are too much for the surname."

"Don't think that you can't do anything under this mountain of enlightenment. You can do whatever you want. After the Enlightenment Hill is closed, you will go outside. I will definitely make you look good."

"I have seen crazy, I have never seen such a madness like you."

"I just asked me for my good voice. Now I have changed my face. You are too much."


Xiang Yang is too arrogant, and he is not directed at a single person, but directly directed at people at the place. As a result, these Yasheng strong people are all mad at the scene. If they are not able to do this under the mountain of enlightenment, They have already rushed to kill Xiangyang.

"Xiangyang brother, you are in big trouble."

The magic fairy stood beside Xiang Yang, her face with a nervous color.

Even the magic fairy itself is super arrogant, and she has no confidence in the face of the hundreds of thousands of strong people in the sub-Holy.

Xiang Yang chuckled. "No, a bunch of waste. Don't say that they don't dare to follow me. Even if they really do it with me, they just learn more than their own. My strength is that. The ultimate way is the true strongest road, no one is my opponent."


Xiang Yang’s words did not shy away from other people’s words. After listening to his words, other people were all furious. They looked at Xiang Yang with a murderous look. “Kid, don’t be too crazy, your power is strong. However, the way I waited is not weak. If you really start to work, whoever lives and who lives will not know."

"I can marry you with a sword."

"A magical power can make your brute force useless."

"If you can't do it on the mountain, you have already lost your mind."


Others screamed in anger.

"Is your kendo like this?"

Xiangyang's eyes turned, and he laughed and laughed at the guy who said that his own kendo was very strong. He thought about it and a stunned sword became a three-inch sword hanging on the top of his head. This is the other's kendo.

The guy is very confident that he can smash Xiangyang with a sword. In fact, his kendo is only a three-inch sword, because this guy is good at the strongest flying sword in the Panyu chaotic world.

The flying sword is only three inches in size. This guy is a sub-strong man. After the sword is shaped, it is exactly three inches long.

Before Xiang Yang carefully studied the guy's kendo, and made the guy's flying sword clear. The sword of the flying sword that is now displayed, although it can't be everything, but it is also a full simulation. Seven or eighty percent.

The guy was very arrogant and said that he could cast Xiangyang with a sword. When he saw the three-inch flying sword suspended on the top of Xiangyang’s head, he was shocked.

"This, this is my kendo, my sword, how can you?"

His face was white and his body was shaking. The whole person was no longer as aggressive as he used to be. Even his own kendo was mastered by the other side. How could he smash the other side?

At the same time that he was dumbfounded, he even doubted his life and doubted his own way.

Even if he showed his own way before, he was very confident that no one could control his way.

In fact, this is the case. Every strong person's path is unique and definitely not something that other people can simulate.

Otherwise, the hundreds of thousands of Yasheng strong men present at the scene did not dare to gather together to talk about it, nor dare to answer Xiang Yang’s doubts.

However, no one has thought that Xiangyang has the lotus of Wanfa Avenue and has the ability to absorb the way to control others. After careful study, he will master the seven hundred and eighty-eight people in the field. It is the kendo of this strong kendo who is clarified by Xiang Yang and can be directly presented.

This sub-Sacred arrogant almost collapsed, his face with an incredible color, shaking his head and whispering, "No, impossible, I spent tens of thousands of years to really push my kendo to How can you master it so easily?

"So simple kendo, I can see it at a glance." Xiang Yang whispered softly, and his mind was moving. The three-inch sword directly slammed into the void, only listening to the sound of 'Boom', and a void crack appeared instantly. Looking far away, it has stretched tens of thousands of miles.

Of course, this is just a slap in the face of Xiangyang. It doesn't really make a strong power. If Xiangyang is striking, it is not a tens of thousands of cracks.

"No, it's impossible... I don't believe, ah..."

Then, this sage is screaming, and the figure is turned into a sword, and it disappears instantly.

His heart has cracked, and the sword heart has also had problems. The whole person is almost insanely crazy. If he can't get out of the shadow of Xiangyang, he will not be able to break through, and may even fall into repair. Happening.

Although Xiang Yang did not kill the other party, but only showed the other's kendo, and instantly let the other party collapse, compared with killing the other party, too much.

One side of the person looked at Xiang Yang's eyes have changed, especially the magic fairy, but even stared at Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang brother, how did you do it?"

"Just kidding about the guy. The guy’s own heart is not determined. I was frightened. Oh, it’s really a waste."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You are too much."

Another strong person who is able to enter the Tao can be said to be one of the best in the hundreds of thousands of strong people. He looks at Xiang Yang with anger, his eyes are murderous and his voice is angry. "I am fascinated by God. If you are really powerful, Is it also thorough research on the deity of the deity?"

"Cough, it is impossible to study thoroughly. After all, your supernatural powers are quite complicated."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed a channel.

"You are just pretending to look like it." The strong man of the sacred peak of the sacred priest was relieved after listening to it.


Xiang Yang then said with a smile. "It's okay, your understanding of your own magical power has not reached a true perfection. Although I can't extend your path to a perfect state, but have your fire still. Yes."


Although this strong person is much better than the previous one, but after listening to Xiang Yang's words at the moment, he thought that the strong martial art was forced to go crazy by Xiang Yang, and he could not help but tremble in his heart.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, waved his hand, and selected a lotus flower on his head, exactly the same as when this sub-strong man showed his martial arts.

After seeing the strong man who entered the Tao, his heart trembled and almost turned and ran. His face was ugly, as if he was safe. He whispered, "I don't believe it, you can really get along with it." The extent of my supernatural powers."

The people present were all staring at the other side of the Xiangyang exhibition, which represented the other people's sacred lotus. This represents the other party's fruit. However, Xiang Yang only took control of the other party and then took control. As a result, all communicated with Xiangyang. Those who have passed through are all afraid of it, making up their minds, and never actively jumping out of trouble.

If their own doctrines have been stolen by Xiangyang, then all their shortcomings will be understood, and how can they be Xiangyang’s opponents?

It’s not an opponent or a thing, the most important thing is that in this way, their face can be lost.

Powerful results are generally not easily learned by ordinary people. Even if they are hand-in-hand, it is impossible to learn their results so easily.

However, Xiang Yang learned it at a glance, even if Xiang Yang is so strong, he will be said that their reasons are too simple.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and said to the strong man who entered the Tao. "Man, do you want to try it?"

The guy’s face was blue and green, and he glared at Xiangyang with anger. He finally bit his teeth and said, “You have to try it. It’s your own fruit, it’s not mine, it has anything to do with me.”

He made up his mind and never admitted that it was his own fruit that Xiang Yang understood, and he did not show his own way in front of Xiang Yang.

He feels that as long as this is the case, even if Xiang Yang learned his own way, he does not have to worry about being jokes. At the same time, when he thinks like this, his heart is sad, and when he was once, he was proud of himself. It is too tragic for the Taoist avenues to be hidden and not to be used.

"It seems that you are making up your mind not to admit that what I am going to do is your magical powers. Forget it, it doesn't mean anything. You are hundreds of thousands of people. I have just communicated with me more than half, if you let me each The words are all displayed, it is too tired."

Xiang Yang laughed and laughed, and suddenly broke the thoughts of this guy.

Although this guy is angry in his heart, he does not dare to compare with Xiangyang than his entrants. Even if he finally wins Xiangyang, his enthusiasm is useless. He is only ridiculed.


This guy snorted and stopped looking at Xiangyang. Instead, he walked to the farthest corner of Xiangyang and sat down on his knees, waiting for the final opening of Wudao Mountain.

"It's a pity, I want to try the magical power that I understand."

Xiang Yang snorted and said with regret.

At the same time, he took back the one that was displayed on the top of his head, and looked at the other strong people in the Azure situation. He asked with a smile, "Who, who wants to learn from me?" What about your fruit?"

"No, no."

"Cough, Enlighten Mountain is about to open, we still wait quietly."

"Hate can't talk to the brothers."


These Asian sages are all away from Xiangyang, as if Xiangyang is a god.

In the blink of an eye, within the range of kilometers around Xiangyang, there are no other people besides the magic fairy. This is in stark contrast to the appearance of Xiang Yang and these Asian saints.

Xiang Yang’s eyes narrowed and he sighed and said, “You are so polite. I even agreed to let us first understand Daoshan. Hey, how am I so good.”


These guys are jealous. Who promised to let you first realize the mountain?

We just don't want to learn from you.

"Don't you promise me to talk to me?"

Xiang Yang looked at these Yasheng strongmen with amazement and said with a smile, "I will use your fruit to learn from you. Rest assured that there is no real war on this mountain of enlightenment. We use the method of text test. I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of your respective achievements, for everyone to comment on. If everyone thinks that I am wrong, it proves that I lost. Do you think this method is good?"

"No need to use it, we agree that you are the first to go to the mountain."

"The brothers first came to the mountain, we all agreed."

"Yeah, the brothers are amazing, I am waiting."


Originally, they made up their minds and absolutely refused to let Xiang Yang’s first Shang Sheng Dao, who was the first to go to Daoshan, no longer dare to oppose it. They all said that they were guilty, and their hearts were very sad, hundreds of thousands of strong people. It was actually suppressed by Xiang Yang alone.

"Thank you for raising your love, but you are disrespectful at the bottom."

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