Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3120: Extremely arrogant

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"Thank you for raising your love, but you are disrespectful at the bottom."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, very shameless standing in the place closest to the mountain of Enlightenment, a sigh of sigh. "Everyone is too polite, you are really good people, although my ability is outstanding and won the respect of everyone, but I will always remember this scene today."


After hundreds of thousands of Yahoo **** listened, they all twitched, and one of them couldn’t wait to die. It’s too much. This guy got cheap and sold. If it’s not that Wudaoshan can’t do it, hundreds of thousands of people are sure. At the same time, Xiang Yang was killed.

The magic fairy looked at Xiang Yang with a look of worship. He only thought that Xiang Yang was too powerful. He was able to convince hundreds of thousands of Yashengs by one person. From then on, Panyu chaotic world, who does not know the name of Xiangyang?

"It's a pity that so many Asian holy people are future opponents. You should find a chance to kill them all." Xiang Yang was amazed.

These sub-strong men are all powerful. If Xiangyang can't always use the river of destiny to catch the strong people of Panyu's chaotic world, so that they can't break through the sanctification, I am afraid that among these hundreds of thousands of people. There are at least ten chaotic saints.

How many chaos saints in the Pangu chaotic world?

If there are ten chaotic saints in Panyu's chaotic world, it is an extinct injury.

In the eyes of Xiangyang, the cold light is constantly shining, and the mind is thinking about it. Next, I must find an opportunity to kill these guys.

He ventured into the chaotic world of Panyu, isn't it just to quietly kill the strongest of Panyu's chaotic world?


At this time, with a ringing sound, everyone raised their heads and looked up at the direction of the mountain. At this moment, the fog on the mountain of Enlighten gradually dissipated, and the real appearance of the mountain was manifested. All kinds of grasses and sacred grasses are full of dense fruits.

It is rich in energy and almost made into water droplets.

Those fruits, at first glance, know that the fruit of a very high grade is even a fruit that is useful to Yasheng.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a sacred tree of up to 100,000 feet on the top of the mountain, with a variety of fruits on it, with a strange rhythm.

This fruit tree is the most famous enlightenment fruit on the Wudao Mountain, which is the treasure of the hundreds of thousands of Yasheng-level Tianjiao.

"You, go up the mountain and look for opportunities."

"The battle is forbidden on the mountain of Enlightenment. If anyone destroys the mountain, everyone will bear the consequences."


With the passage of two old voices, hundreds of thousands of Yasheng strong people all swelled. If they were ordinary places, they would not have any feelings. However, at this moment, there is a tree of enlightenment, if it can be enlightened. If they even hope to break through and prove their sanctification directly, how can they not be excited?

"What are you worried about? Who dares to rush out in front of me?"

However, when these guys were very excited to get ready to go, they listened to Xiang Yang turning around and screaming. For a moment, everyone was glaring at each other.

"Isn't it convinced?"

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not care about these guys trying to kill their ordinary eyes. He said faintly, "Unless you haven't talked to me before, but I remember, everyone I have learned your way sincerely, I Know the advantages and disadvantages of your achievements. If anyone dares to rush forward, I will spread your story to one million people later. Oh, I am afraid that the saints will thank me for doing it. Everything can make countless powerful people in our world."


"It’s too embarrassing."

"Absolutely can't provoke this guy, not only now, but also about this guy in the future, or else, if this guy really masters our way, he will only have the best in our way." Disadvantages spread out, especially when they are known by their own enemies, and they are really dead."


After the arrogance of these sacred priests heard the words of Xiang Yang, all of them changed their faces, and they never dared to think about going up the mountain in front of Xiangyang.

It’s too embarrassing, and I want to spread their way out. This is really their life.

At this time, everyone listed Xiang Yang as an object that could not be provoked.

Who dares to provoke Xiang Yang, unless he leaves the scope of Wu Daoshan later, he can easily destroy Xiang Yang. Otherwise, Xiang Yang only needs to pass on their Tao, and they don’t need to deal with them. People's heads will be very happy to kill them.

The magic fairy around Xiang Yang looked at Xiang Yang, even if she was the brother of the cliff, the strong person who is ranked in the top ten Tianjiao, can not do Xiangyang, let hundreds of thousands of Ya Shengqiang Surrender.

However, Xiang Yang is only a few words to let these powerful and proud people never dare to do anything.

"Xiangyang brother, you are so powerful, Xianer likes you very much." The magic fairy said happily holding Xiangyang's arm.

"That is of course, ask which of the whole Panyu worlds, can you compare with me?"

Xiang Yang smiled smugly.

"Well, Xiangyang brother is definitely the strongest."

The magic fairy kept pointing her head, her eyes were always looking at Xiang Yang, her eyes were tender.

Xiang Yang chuckled and patted the little hand of the magic fairy. "Go, let's go up the mountain, this tree of enlightenment, I want it."


The magic fairy looked at Xiang Yang, and others went up the mountain just to find one or two enlightenment fruit. It was already joyful, but Xiang Yang was actually preparing to take the entire plant to realize the tree...

Somehow, when she listened to Xiang Yang's words, she felt that Xiang Yang must have such a skill to pull up the entire tree of enlightenment.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and walked up the Wudao Mountain with the magic fairy.


Wudao Mountain was originally blocked by a layer of ban, and at this time, when Enlighten Mountain was opened, the layer of ban was completely melted, and Xiangyang’s foot was within the scope of the real Wudao Mountain. At that time, I saw a layer of invisible light spreading out in all directions. He obviously felt a strange rhythm breath to himself, making his own heart psychic, as if he was infinitely close to the avenue, just got from those arrogances. The place that I didn’t understand in the doctrines of those guys was almost completely realized at this moment.

At this moment, Xiang Yang clearly felt that his lotus on the Wanfa Avenue bloomed one after another, and thousands of petals appeared in the blink of an eye.

"My way is destined to be a avenue of meditation in the chaos. If I am enlightened, in the chaos, no one will dare to talk before me."

Xiang Yang’s heart is very proud. Although his own path is only a prototype, he already has an invincible posture. He asks the whole chaos, within the infinite world, no matter who he is, when he proves his way, he thinks his own path is unique. However, it is found that when all the roads are only a branch of Xiangyang's Tao, what would it be like?

Xiang Yang’s heart was proud, and suddenly he found that the magic fairy around him was stunned. He frowned slightly and turned his head to look at the magic fairy. Only the magic fairy had a boulevard, and he was in a state of enlightenment at this moment.


Xiang Yang’s eyes changed, and the talent of the magic fairy turned out to be so strong. In such a small effort, it was too inconceivable to fall into the state of enlightenment.


At the same time, the three chaotic sages who had guarded the Wudao Mountain were also shocked at this moment. Although they did not appear, they all looked at the magic fairy with shock.

"Although the Tao rhyme on the Wudao Mountain is stronger than other places, the main rhyme still comes from the Enlightenment Tree. This Shantou is not even close to the Enlightenment Tree. It has already fallen into the state of enlightenment. Her talent is definitely what I see. The strongest, my god."

"It’s a peerless arrogance."

"A true supreme arrogance, as long as one realizes the fruit, is enough to prove the sanctification. If she is to practice for thousands of years under this tree of enlightenment, the horizon of the ancestors is also hopeful."

"Be sure to send a message to the ancestors and let the ancestors of the ancestors protect her. This is the blessing of my chaotic world."


The three chaotic saints were trembled with excitement, and then they quickly relayed the news of the magic fairy to the half-step master of the world.

They can always be guarded here, and they represent their own identities. They can reach the Supreme Gods themselves. Moreover, they guard the Taoist tree, and there is another task, that is, to dig into the arrogance and report to the ancestors.

If the Panyu chaotic world is to become strong, it must have enough arrogance.

When the three chaotic sages saw Xiangyang, they felt that Xiangyang was already super arrogant, and even thought of confessing Xiangyang to the ancestors, so that the ancestors would accept Xiangyang as a disciple.

However, when they saw the magic fairy, they changed their minds. Although Xiang Yang has talents, it seems to them that they cannot compare with the magic fairy.

What about Xiang Yang’s ability to see through these people at once?

Mastering more and more roads, if you don't push your own way to the top of the peak, you can only be sanctified at most. It is difficult to become a supreme sage.

If you want to become the ancestor of the ancestors, that is, the realm of the half-step master, you must have your own path to the supreme. Only when you truly push your own path to the supreme realm, can you hope to break through and become a half-step master, even It is a stronger dominance.

In the eyes of the three of them, Xiangyang is like a child who is a family, and the magic fairy is the real great wisdom. It is the real great power. Only the magic fairy is the real existence worthy of the cultivation of the ancestors. .

Xiang Yang did not know that the three chaotic sages had reported the situation of the magic fairy to the ancestors of Panyu's chaotic world. He was laughing at the magic fairy, and his heart was very tangled.

The magic fairy can be in the state of enlightenment when he stepped on the mountain of Enlightenment. It is enough to prove that the talent of the magic fairy has reached a very terrible level. Such a supreme arrogance, as long as it does not die in the middle, is definitely the existence of chaotic sacred level in the future. If you go further, it is even possible to take a half-step master.

Although he has a good relationship with the magic fairy, the magic fairy is the people of Panyu's chaotic world.


Xiang Yang smashed his eyebrows and didn't know how he should face the magic fairy. If he let himself kill the magic fairy, it is obviously impossible. He has been in love for more than half a month. Little girl, but if you keep it, you may meet on the battlefield in the future.

"But it, everything goes."

In the end, he could only sigh and stop thinking about other things.

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