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Xiang Yang did not bother to disturb the magic fairy. He knew that if he was rational enough, he should be swearing now. Before the magic fairy had grown up, she would be killed. However, Xiang Yang could not do this kind of thing.

He can only sigh, knowing that the fate between himself and the magic fairy is over, can't continue to stay with her, or else, when he really feels affection for her, even on the battlefield, it is more troublesome.

Perhaps it is what is sensed, the heart of the magic fairy trembles, and the eyebrows bounce a few times as if to wake up, but they did not really wake up because they were caught in a deep level of enlightenment.

"But let's not leave it."

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the void around the tree of enlightenment. He clearly felt that there were three strong chaotic sages who were there, and the three strong men were observing the magic fairy.

“Also ask three seniors to help the younger ones to take care of Fairy.”

Xiang Yang said softly.

"Kid, what are you going to do?"

The figure of the three chaotic saints emerged from the side of the tree of enlightenment, and they frowned at Xiangyang.

This time, when they passed the news of the magic fairy to the ancestors, they also spread the information of Xiangyang. It was originally thought that if Xiangyang and the magic fairy could be taken away by the ancestors, it would be the most Ok, if Xiangyang can't be taken away by the ancestors, they will accept the two yang as disciples. In their capacity, even if Xiangyang is more arrogant, he will be eligible for the disciples.

However, Xiang Yang’s current tone seems to be that Xiang Yang is ready to leave.

Xiang Yang said faintly, "The younger generation is naturally going to enlighten Daoshan and his line to find opportunities. If you can get the Taoism tree, it is the best thing to do. If you can't, then the younger generation should leave."

"Oh, what did you find out?"

These three chaotic saints also thought that Xiang Yang knew what it was. They looked at Xiang Yang with a strange look, and they had an incomprehensible color on their faces.

After Xiang Yang listened, he blinked and his heart was dark. It seems that you really did something. It should be related to Xianer. Well, it’s estimated that after discovering the fairy arrogance, I’m telling you What kind of holy place, is it difficult to report it to the half-step master?

At the same time, Xiang Yang was in a hurry. If these three old guys really told the story of the magic fairy to the supreme presence of the half-step master, if it was really the strongman, it would be It is too good to conceal yourself, and there may be some accidents. It is time for you to leave.

"Kid, don't feel bad, we will report this little girl to the ancestors, and report your affairs to the ancestors. After the ancestors came, maybe you will see you and take you away as a disciple?" ”

One of the three chaotic saints said softly.

"I will also report to the ancestors?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his face changed greatly, and even he was reported to the ancestors. As a result, his own troubles were great.

Behind him, the hundreds of thousands of people in the sub-Sacred place are very awkward to follow, Xiang Yang and the Magic Immortal did not move, they did not dare to go forward, at this moment, heard the three chaotic holy level After the words of the super strong, their hearts trembled, their faces showed an incredible color, and they were very envious of Xiang Yang and the Magic Fairy.

However, Xiang Yang’s heart was very flustered and said, “No, it can’t be like this, I have to leave right away.”

The ancestral god, the half-step master, is equivalent to the existence of the heavens. What kind of means of existence at this level is not clear, he does not want to plant here.

As Xiang Yang thought about it, he looked up and looked at the enlightened tree above. He had a tangled color in his eyes. "Would you like to dig this tree of enlightenment? If you dig it away, you must face it. These three chaotic sacred sacs are on, and if you don’t dig, it’s a shame.”

At the same time, Xiang Yang has not yet made a decision, but his footsteps are involuntarily moving toward the mountain of Enlightenment.

After the strong men of the hundreds of thousands of Azov's realities behind Xiang Yang, they all followed, and the magic fairy was still standing in the state of enlightenment.

"Damn, this kid doesn't understand the little girl."

After seeing the three chaotic saints, the eyes showed an angry color, and two of them showed their body shape at the same time. They appeared directly at the side of the magic fairy to help the magic fairy to protect the law.

The other one is still guarding in the void of the most peak of the Wudao Mountain. The forbidden line of Wudao Mountain also needs to be guarded. It was originally guarded by three chaotic sacred priests. Now the two ran to the magic fairy Road, the other one can't run.

After Xiang Yang saw it, a smile appeared in his eyes. What he wanted was such an effect. Today, the three chaotic sages have left two, and only the last one is still guarded in the chaotic void above, then, Even if you dig the tree of enlightenment, you have to face only a chaotic sage.

"Wait a moment, try to attract this tree of enlightenment trees and uproot it. If it doesn't work, use the sacred sword to break the tree of enlightenment. How much can be taken away?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed in the cold, his body flashed, and he crossed the mountain directly to the distance from the mountain.

Others are slowly moving towards the mountains, because the process of walking on the mountain of Enlightenment is the time to get the chance. On the mountain of Enlightenment, there are opportunities everywhere, such as the magic fairy, although it does not reach the peak of the Wudao Mountain. However, when she first stepped into the Wudao Mountain, she had already got her chance to fall into the deep level of enlightenment. She had no need to reach the top of the mountain.

Within the scope of Wudao Mountain, although the theoretically the most peak of Enlightenment Tree is the real opportunity, everyone knows that the Enlightenment Tree is too big to extend the opportunity to the entire Wudao Mountain, as long as it is in the Wudao Mountain. Within the scope, it is possible to get any chance.

Everyone saw that Xiang Yang had directly applied the supernatural powers, and when he reached the peak of Wu Daoshan in an instant, all of them were shocked and incomprehensible.

"This guy..."

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Xiang Yang. I don't know what Xiang Yang did.

The two chaos who stood by the magic fairy were slightly wrinkled, but did not say anything. Similarly, the chaos of the top of the chaos glanced at Xiangyang, whispering, "the flamboyant guy, really thought When you reach the foothills, you can get the deepest level of creation. If the Taoist tree does not give you the fruit, you will be wasted."

The most direct and effective way to get the recognition of the Enlightenment Tree is to climb the mountain step by step, and finally reach the peak of the Wudao Mountain, and let the Enlightenment Tree recognize each other.

In the eyes of these people, Xiang Yang’s approach is too rude, and Enlightenment Tree cannot recognize Xiang Yang’s.

After the chaotic sage looked at Xiangyang, he ignored the Xiangyang, but directly fell into the void. He even looked at Xiangyang and looked too lazy to look at it.

Xiang Yang’s heart is dark and he likes the result.

"God helps me too."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of excitement, and when he stepped out, he will rush to the tree of enlightenment.


However, when he did not rush to the front of the Enlightenment Tree, he was blocked by an invisible light. This is the enchantment of the Enlightenment Tree.

Enlightenment tree has a spirit, it is absolutely impossible for people to easily access it, unless someone can get the person it recognizes, but since ancient times, even if it is a chaotic sacred, unless it is brute force, it is impossible to rush into enlightenment. In front of the tree.

After Xiang Yang was blocked, his eyes flashed with anger and anger, and he shouted. "Excessive, I don't want to think about you asking for a fruit? You are blocking me, not letting me go, waiting to be angry." I will cut you directly with a sword."

"It's over..."

Whether it is the three chaotic sacred sages or the hundreds of thousands of sacred sages, when they see that Xiang Yang is so arrogant and yelling at the Taoist tree, everyone’s face is silent.

Those of the sub-saints are very excited, Xiang Yang offended the Taoist tree, let alone the Enlightenment Tree shot, it is estimated that the three chaotic sages will directly destroy Xiangyang.

In this way, they don't have to worry about their own achievements being thoroughly studied by Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang's spread of their achievements has had a great impact on them.

"It is best to let Gouda Tree shoot him out."

All the people of the Holy Powers thought in their hearts, and one of them hated that Xiang Yang was immediately destroyed by the Enlightenment Tree.

Even the three chaotic sacred ranks of the strong are also very upset, secretly decided that regardless of Xiang Yang, let Xiang Yang be destroyed by the Enlightenment Tree.

Enlightenment Tree is not the most important treasure for the Panyu chaotic world, but it is also a supreme treasure. There are countless chaotic saints who are sanctified through the realization of the Taoist tree.

It is absolutely impossible for them to offend the tree of understanding because of Xiang Yang, a sub-sacred person who seems to be a arrogant, but does not reach the super supreme arrogance in their hearts.

Enlighten the tree and have a spirit, please understand the Taoist tree, will reward the Taoist fruit, and even give the opportunity to enlighten, and anger the Taoist tree, it will be self-destruction.


At this time, Xiang Yang has already shot, and there is a sword in his hand, which is the sword of the sword.

Because there are three chaotic saints watching, Xiang Yang does not dare to take out the sacred sword. However, he can condense the sword of the Excalibur and smash it directly.


This sword went down, and suddenly a million-foot sword appeared out of thin air, bursting out with a breath of the gods and destroying the holy, and instantly smashed down to the layer of energy shields that were in front of them.

"this is..."

When Xiang Yang started, the faces of the three chaotic saints changed. They also widened their eyes and looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color.

The Enlightenment Tree is a trembling figure, and quickly introduces a consciousness into the brain of Xiang Yang. "The Taoist friends are merciless, don't start..."

"Well? Are you a Taoist tree?"

Xiang Yang directly passed on the past thoughts, but the speed of this sword is not slowed down.


This sword directly opened the layer of energy shield, and then with an invincible sword, instantly stood on the tree of enlightenment, only listening to the ‘咔嚓’, and one branch of the Taoist tree was directly opened.


In the brain of Xiang Yang, he heard a painful roar, which was the scream of the Taoist tree. Then, the old voice resounded again. "Daoyou, you want to do anything, I promise you, don't do it again. Now, your sword can kill the old man."

"Come with me."

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile.

"Well, as long as you don't kill me, I will go with you."

The old voice was rushing over. Obviously, the true spirit of the Taoist tree was frightened by Xiangyang. No, it should be said that it was frightened by the sword.

After the sword was upgraded again, it merged with the sword tire, and it possessed the unpredictable power of the ghosts. Even the tree spirit of this tree of enlightenment was full of fear of the sword.


Xiang Yang looked cold and screamed, and suddenly, in the shock of everyone, at this moment, the sky was cracked, and a terrible force broke out. The whole plant of the Taoist tree rose and the whole mountain was shaking. In the crack.


"No, it’s a big deal."

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