Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3122: escape! (Happy New Year)

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The roots of the 100,000-foot tall Enlightenment Tree are all over the entire Wudao Mountain. It can be said that the Enlightenment Mountain is based on the Enlightenment Tree. Now, in order to prevent Xiangyang from killing it, the Taoist Tree will rise up directly and will all The roots were all drawn back, and suddenly the whole mountain was split.


The three chaotic saints did not expect that such a thing would happen. They were all furious and full of murderous eyes staring at Xiangyang. At the same time, the three men also shot toward Xiangyang.

"Enlightenment tree, you dare to violate the agreement of the year, is it to let the ancestors of God come to suppress you?"

One of the chaotic saints is angry and loud.


After the Enlightenment Tree rose from the ground, it was the body shape that shrank in an instant, turning into a light that flew toward Xiangyang, and instantly disappeared into the body of Xiangyang.

However, when it rushed into the body of Xiangyang, the sacred sword in the body of Xiangyang, which had already been prepared, arrived in an instant and was directly placed on the tree of enlightenment, making the original Xiangyang exhibition means encroaching on Xiangyang’s Enlightenment Tree. I dare not move.

"What are you going to do? I have promised to leave with you. Don't go back."

Enlightenment trees are old and flustered into the heart of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "You want to do something more clear than me. This time, forgive you for being a first-time offender, I will forgive you. If there is another time, you will be waiting for me to be chopped up." ”

"No, don't dare."

The old voice of Enlightenment Tree is introduced into Xiang Yang’s ear. It is really scared. The breath on the sword is really the power that can make it die. It senses this power. It is no longer a chaotic sage. It is a force of regular order. Even if Xiangyang is only a sub-Holy, it is definitely not something that it can resist.

Xiang Yang sneered aloud and shouted directly. "Little spirits, give me a look at it. If it dares to come, it will be directly smashed."

"Yes, boss."

Wanjue Zhong and Qiankun Chenghua Ding appeared in the Xiangyang Dantian at the same time. The two sides directly suppressed this tree of enlightenment trees. At the same time, the sacred sword was also placed on the tree of enlightenment.

"This is...hey..."

This tree of enlightenment trees seems to recognize that Wan Wanzhong is the same as Qiankun Chenghua Ding. It **** the cold air and never dares to speak, but is honestly suppressed.

Xiangyang did not have time to manage the situation in Dantian. His heart returned to the flesh and only felt the power of a terrible violent explosion. He looked up and saw that the chaotic sage on the top of the mountain had already appeared. Shape, just a palm to shoot yourself.

If it is taken by the opponent's palm, with the other person's power as a chaotic sage, he is definitely not the opponent of the other party.

However, before that, he did not have the sword of the sword and the river of destiny. Now he himself has already had the sword of the sword and the river of destiny. Although he is not the opponent of the chaotic sage, Xiang Yang believes that blocking each other’s affirmation It is enough.

"No matter what, first block this palm and say it."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth and is ready to display the swordsmanship.


However, when Xiang Yang was ready to shoot, suddenly, the magic fairy who was enlightening at the foot of the mountain suddenly opened his eyes. She exclaimed, "Don't hurt him."

At the same time, she has thrown a rune in her hand, and instantly turned into an energy light, directly blocking the front of Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang had not had time to display the Jianxian sword array, and the giant palm was blocked. The defensive energy of this rune was obviously left by the strong chaotic sacred level, and it was blocked very safely. One palm.

After Xiang Yang met, he glanced at the magic fairy and whispered the voice. "Fairy, goodbye, hope that I will not become an enemy in the future."


After the voice fell, throwing a fruit in his hand and throwing it directly to the magic fairy is the realization of the fruit.

And he himself was holding the chaos and wearing the cloud shuttle when he was blocked by the blow, and instantly disappeared in place.

"The bastard, actually ran away."

After the attack of the chaotic sage was blocked, he saw Xiang Yang actually fleeing in front of him. His face was blue and green, and he glanced at the energy of the jade, and looked at the magic fairy. "It turned out to be the disciple of the old guy, but you actually helped the **** to block the deity, even the old guy couldn't save you."

At this moment, the magic fairy holds the Taoist fruit in his hand, with a sad color on his face.

Somehow, she always felt that after this separation from Xiangyang, it might be eternal, and Enlightenment was taken away by Xiang Yang. It can be said that Xiang Yang has become the sinner of the entire Panyu chaotic world.

If you can't find Xiang Yang, if you find Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang will definitely die.

"Xiangyang brother, you must run far, don't let people find it, and wait for the fairy to become the ancestors, then pick you up."

The magic fairy whispered softly, clutching the enlightenment in her hand.


At the same time, the three chaotic saints, in addition to one chasing up toward Xiangyang, the other two are all looking at the magic fairy with a bad face, with a sullen color on his face, "even if you are the disciple of the old thing. Even if you let this person go, you will feel better."

A chaotic holy sage said with a sneer.

After the magic fairy did not say a word, after collecting the fruit of the enlightenment, she just stood still. At this moment, the rhythm of her body is very strong and has reached the critical point of sanctification.

"To be sanctified?"

Another chaotic saint frowned and looked at the magic fairy.


As if to cater to his words, the magic fairy has a sage rule, a horrible energy burst out, her body's void is distorted, the avenue descends, the golden lotus is everywhere, the fairy sounds burst.

She is going to be sanctified!

"It's really going to be sanctified."

In any case, these two chaotic saints did not expect to be really said by them. The magic fairy was only enlightened for a while and was directly sanctified.

"Even if you are sanctified, you let go of that person, and the sins you bear will be inevitable." The two chaotic sacred sacred at the same time.

"My disciple, have you got your lessons?"


However, at this time, only listen to a cold and overbearing sound, and then, a strong person with a horrible atmosphere appeared, it is the master of the magic fairy, a chaotic chaos of strength The strongest level.


The magic fairy saw the arrival of her master, and her face was grievanced and she shouted.

"Relief in peace of mind, there is a teacher here, to see who dares to be you." The master of the magic fairy, the super strong person of the chaotic holy level said softly, while looking at the two chaos Shengzun, sneer and said, "You three wastes, even the Enlightenment Tree can not keep, but dare to be a disciple of the deity, do you want to do with me?"


After listening to these two chaotic saints, their faces changed at the same time. Their eyes were full of murderous sorcerers, and they couldn’t help but follow the trend of the masters of the magic fairy.

The magic fairy's master is also enough to overbear, even if a person faces two strong, he is also cold-faced, shouting, "I want to start, I will wait."

For a time, the situation was very serious. It seems that the battle between the three chaotic sages is about to erupt.

"Enough, don't you go back to enlighten the tree?" However, before they really broke out, they heard a cold scream, and then there was a horrible figure in the chaotic void. Among them.

Although this figure did not appear, but the horror of the atmosphere has changed the face of the three chaotic saints, they bowed their heads at the same time, no longer the arrogance of the previous arrogance.

The strongest who can simultaneously suppress the three chaotic sacred levels is obviously the half-step master of Panyu's chaotic world, that is, their supreme ancestors.


The two chaotic saints responded quickly, and then they disappeared directly into the chaotic void.

"Fairy, even if you break through with peace of mind, if you have the ancestors to help you protect the road, no one can hurt you." The master of the magic fairy, perhaps experienced the last failed failure of the cliff, he has already produced The shadow of my heart, this time, his disciple magical breakthrough, he is directly aware of the ancestors of the Panyu chaos world to protect the Tao.


The magic fairy replied softly, with a firm color on his face, and a dark heart in his heart. "Xiangyang brother, you must run far, don't let them catch it. After the fairy breaks into the realm of the ancestors, everything will be Not afraid."

Seeing the power of the supreme ancestor, the three chaotic saints did not dare to say a word when facing the ancestors, the magic fairy was more determined that he would break through to the ancestral god, and then went to save Xiangyang. determination.

The atmosphere of the magic fairy turned around, and a vast expanse of eruption broke out. She began the process of officially breaking through the sanctification of the testimony.

At this time, in the chaos of the void, Rao is Xiangyang driving chaos through Yunsuo crazy escape, but in his rear, the chaos of the chaos who first chased him is getting closer and closer to him. .

Xiang Yang tried his best to escape, frowning at the chaotic sage that was getting closer and closer to the rear, with helplessness in his heart. "This is a big trouble. The old guy is too strong and the speed is too fast." Even if I have a chaotic cloud shuttle, the speed of escape can't be compared with the other side."


"Junior, don't run away, let's just let it go."

A violent violent outburst broke out, and the chaotic sage screamed, his body swaying, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the distance from Xiangyang was getting closer and closer.

"Old things, you can catch up with me?" Xiang Yang sneered a little, in the acupoint space in the body, all the gods burst out of powerful and unmatched power into his body, this vast energy into the chaos Wearing the cloud shuttle, the chaos wears the cloud shuttle faster and faster.

"The junior is crazy, and when you are holy, you will not be born to die."

The chaos of the chaos was madly roaring, and a flying boat appeared at his feet, which accelerated his speed by 30%. In this way, even Xiang Yang used the power of the acupoint in the acupoint space to enlarge. The gap was also leveled out at this moment.

"Old things, if you can catch up with me, it is my grandson." Xiang Yang sneered, still biting his teeth and rushing toward the depths of chaos.

"you wanna die."

Business sighing with a glimmer of a few sacred to a little more.

"It's awful, angering this old guy, it's a bit of a hassle."

Xiang Yang secretly complained that he could only continue to run forward.

This time, he does not dare to stimulate the other party, if you stimulate the other party, if the old guy is going to madly destroy himself, he will be finished.


However, at this time, there were two horrible breaths erupting, and two chaotic sages chased them up. For a time, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the horrible murderous outbreak broke out.

"Two more, my god..."

The author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, everyone is happy on the second day.

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