Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3124: Million robbery

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The war broke out in an instant, and the two chaotic saints directly suppressed the Taoist tree. The enlightenment tree was also unambiguous. It broke out with the strongest force to attack the two chaotic saints.

It also wants to work hard, but after being forced by Xiang Yang to make a **** vow, it is very clear that if Xiangyang is destroyed, it will also be hit hard. Now, you can only fight one. The two chaotic sages are blocked to see if Xiang Yang can destroy another chaotic sage.

Xiang Yang grabbed it and smashed the sword into his hand. He looked at the chaotic sage who shot himself. He whispered, "The first time I was on the chaos, I was a little nervous."


That chaotic holy singer was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xiang Yang, but sneered and sipped, and then, flexing his fingers, an energy flew out of his hands, and instantly turned into an invincible sword mangling toward Xiangyang.

"Old things, today, the little man reversing the chaos of the chaos."

Xiang Yang looked cold and cold, although he did not use the Jianxian sword array, but the sword was in the hands, and he also had no power. He broke out with a sword and instantly turned into thousands of swords and smashed into all directions.

Then, his figure quickly retreated toward the distance.

He is very clear that in the face of the chaotic sage, he may not be able to block the other side. Since the Enlightenment Tree has blocked two chaotic sacred sages, then he has a chance to escape again.

"Asshole, you can't run."

After the chaotic sage saw it, he was furious. He thought that Xiangyang was preparing to go crazy with him. What he did not expect was that everything that Xiang Yang showed was loaded.

He is not far from Xiangyang. Seeing Xiangyang escape, he catches up directly. The speed is almost at the extreme. For a time, Xiangyang only feels that time and space around him is upside down. The other party is ready to suppress the chaotic void and imprison all time and space. live.

"If you use other roads, I may not have the slightest hope, but, in time and space, I still have the possibility to break through."

After Xiang Yang met, not only wasn’t it nervous, but it showed the color of joy.

He held his hands in his hands, and on the top of his head, the lotus of Wanfa Avenue emerged. The petals that belonged to time and space bloomed, and his time and space in the deep space of chaos exploded.

With Xiangyang as the center, the mighty energy flowed, and the original time and space was reversed. At this moment, it was brought to chaos, and even Xiang Yang used the power of time and space to instantly disappear, and the whole person disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's gone."

When the Enlightenment Tree, which is facing the two chaotic saints, saw that Xiangyang had disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the two chaotic saints. "Two, he has already left, we don't have to fight." It is."

"Daoyou, you..."

Although the two chaotic saints also stopped, they frowned and looked at the enlightenment tree. Before seeing the enlightenment tree, they had to work hard with them. They thought that Enlightenment Tree really worked with Xiangyang. Now look. Come, it seems that Enlightenment Tree is only dealing with Xiang Yang.

Enlightenment tree sighs helplessly. "I can't help it. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. The sword in the hands of the kid seems to be very similar to the sword in the legend. It really kills me." Really, if he does not agree to surrender to him, he will annihilate me. Although he has lived for too long, he does not want to die."

"The legendary sword tire?" After listening to these two chaos, the face changed greatly.

Enlightenment tree no longer speaks, because at this time, there is a regular strength in it, this is the power of transmission, the blood of the blood circulates, making it instantly disappear into a ray of light.

"The call of the chaotic blood oath, that kid is stunned, even forced to enlighten the tree to make a **** oath of chaos, this is a big trouble."

The two chaotic saints look at each other and show their helplessness. It is not that they do not want to block the enlightenment tree, but because of the chaos of the **** oath, even if they want to block it, they can't stop it.

At the same time, they are very helpless in their hearts. If the Enlightenment Tree is only conquered by Xiangyang in other ways, they still hope to destroy Xiangyang in front of the Enlightenment Tree. However, Xiang Yang forced the Enlightenment Tree to make a **** oath of chaos. It is to tie the life of Enlighten Tree and Xiangyang. If they want to enlighten the tree, they can't hurt Xiangyang.

"Go, hurry up and catch up, can't kill the kid, and enlighten the tree is too important for us."

The two chaotic sacred sacred moments catch up, they are really helpless in their hearts, originally thought of destroying Xiangyang, they can give the Taoist tree a freedom, and as a result, whoever thought, can only live and catch Xiangyang.

In this way, it is really a bit of a hassle for the Enlightenment Tree to fight for death and to want to live and catch Xiangyang.

"A sub-saint can actually cause such a big trouble. If you let the deity know who his disciple is, he must not finish with him." The two chaotic saints roared, but the speed was very fast, especially one of them. This is the super power who is good at time and space. The path of time and space he understands is the level that truly achieves the chaos of the chaos. Naturally, it is not comparable to Xiangyang.

In the blink of an eye, the three chaotic saints once again caught up with Xiang Yang. In the distance, the chaos of the first chasing Xiang Yang was directly shot toward Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, and the body of the demon **** appeared on his body. The nine blood lotuses on the armor flowed in the air, and they hardly resisted this palm.


Although the devil's armor blocked this palm, so that this palm can not directly bombard the Xiangyang body, but there is a horrible force through the demon **** armor on the Xiangyang body, making Xiang Yang's body directly at this moment The explosion started.

The power of annihilation circulated, and Xiang Yang’s body was instantly restored. At the same time, his whole person was also bombarded by this force.

"Although it was bombarded, this palm pushed me far enough away from them, allowing me to show my chaos through Yunsuo."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, and he couldn't resist the tens of thousands of bells and the Qiankun Ding'an, and there was chaos and clouds at his feet, and he fled the chaos at the fastest speed.

"A flying magic weapon that is comparable to the Chaos to the treasure level, can break through the boundaries, and definitely can not give him the opportunity to let him go through the chaos."

In the rear, the one who is the time and space is the strongest of the chaotic sage. After seeing it, he screams. He displays the origin of the chaotic sage, the body shape flows, catching up with the fastest speed. Xiang Yang.

"damn it."

Xiang Yang couldn't easily open the distance between the two sides. I didn't expect that the chaotic sage is the supreme sage of the source of time and space. When the other side shows the way of time and space, he can catch up with himself. .

Xiang Yang was helpless and muttered. "First ancestor, why are you still not sanctified, Sun Monkey Head, Yang Lan, you are not sanctified, I am going to die..."

He didn't know if he was about to be bombarded. The river of destiny would manage himself. However, he had been communicating for a long time, his true spirit was even rioting, and the river of destiny still had no movement.

Today, the only hope is that some people in the Pangu chaotic world are sanctified, no, even if it is just a chaotic world, it is justified to be sanctified.

However, Xiang Yang originally thought that the whole chaos was so large, and the chaotic world that was opened up should be very much. Not to mention that every day people are sanctified and sanctified, at least for ten days.

Who ever thought that it has been so long, and no one has yet to prove that it is sanctified. This is simply an old life.

While he sighs, he is desperately trying to escape the fastest speed. He has already understood that in the face of Chaos, he has no backhand power and only runs.


Behind Xiangyang, the chaotic sage of the time and space is the sneer of the sneer, and arbitrarily explores the void. Suddenly, Xiang Yang’s strength in time and space flows, and a horrible big hand appears instantly, directly Xiang Yang grabbed the past.

Xiang Yang wanted to dodge, but found that all the horrible big hands in all directions made his face change greatly, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed. "This guy’s time and space is so strong, he can only force It’s broken.”

"Give me a break."

The sacred sword trembled, and a stunned sword broke out. This time, Xiang Yang showed out that it was a sword, his skin swelled, the power of Pangu’s body broke out, and the mighty blood and sword The awns merged together and slammed out.


The swordsman was broken, and Xiang Yang’s figure flew out, but the giant hand that was condensed by the time and space of Chao’s sage was also opened.

The figure of Xiang Yang’s flying out turned into a Jianguang moment and rushed out of the gap.

"If you want to run, you will be waiting for you."

However, Xiang Yang did not think of it anyway. When he was very excited to rush out of the gap, he only listened to a cold voice, and the other party had already prepared for it. There was a chaotic sage waiting for the strong. Looking at him, seeing Xiang Yang rushing out, a Tianluo net magic weapon will cover Xiangyang in an instant.

"It's over..."

Xiang Yang’s face changed.

A chaotic sage is arranged to wait for him to enter the net. In particular, this celestial net itself is a congenital magic weapon, unless Xiang Yang has to open this magic weapon, otherwise he will be trapped.

"You can only finish your cards."

Xiang Yang sighed, this time it is really desperate, otherwise, it will only be trapped inside the net, the trouble is big.

"Old Wan, Xiaoling, are all ready."

In Xiangyang’s eyes, the cold light flashed, and the catastrophe broke out with a force of immortality. It instantly appeared on the top of his head. Qiankun’s creator was suppressing his body. At the same time, his sacred sword was returned to the sheath. With the right hand holding the hilt, you must pull out the sword.

"The tens of thousands of robs! It’s a million robbery, not good..."

With a scream, the tens of thousands of robbers were recognized by the three chaotic sages.

"It is the strongest of the Pangu chaotic world. The ravages of the year have been extinguished. It should be his successor..."

"No matter who he is, kill him."

Then, the three chaotic saints roared, and at the same time, they had to destroy Xiangyang.


The robbery of the bells, the chaos, the Wanjie, a terrible force sweeping the chaos, and the sky was instantly turned into a fly ash.

Even the giant palm of the time and space that was just opened up by Xiang Yang was also destroyed. At the same time, the attacks of the three chaotic saints arrived at the same time.

The first one is a sword mang, a chaotic sage in the hand holding a sword of the innate treasure level, this sword tears the chaos, smashed to eternity, as if it can break everything.


The tens of thousands of robbed bells ringed again, and the power of destruction was bombarded by the laps of destruction. The power of horror circulated, and the swordsman was directly broken. Even the chaotic sage was also bombarded. Go out.

"Millions of robes!"

The chaos of the chaos roared, and the sword of the innate treasure level in his hand collapsed, and his body was also split, with blood spurting.

The tens of thousands of robbery clocks, when the chaos of chaos and chaos in the past, even in the hands of the tens of thousands of robbers, can also exert the power of earth-shattering.

The slap in the face of the robbery not only blocked the chaos of the chaos, but also the magic weapon that broke the chaos of the chaos. Even the chaos of the chaos was hit hard.

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