Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3125: The bottom card is out

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In the void, Xiang Yang's body shape circulated, and the catastrophe was suspended on the top of his head. With the tens of thousands of bells ringing, the bell of ‘咚咚’ continued to ring, and the circle of light spread out in all directions.


At this time, the second chaotic holy deity attacked, the other side cast a supernatural power, a rule of the **** chain circulated the original divine power, as if the heavenly rules order, with the power of terror attack Xiangyang.


The bells of the tens of thousands of bells are getting more and more urgent, and the horrible energy of the horror is merged together. The mighty atmosphere bursts out like a wave, and one layer after another rushes toward the rule chain.


Rao is the rule chain that has been smashed under the constant ringing of the catastrophe.

However, the chaos of the chaos did not rush forward. Although there were also thousands of rumors, but they were not seriously injured, he saw that the chain of his own display was destroyed, and he could not help but face it. Cold, "The power of the tens of thousands of bells is really strong, but this junior is not even a saint, how can you play the strongest power of the tens of thousands of robs?"

"The deity must be robbed."

Another chaotic sacred heart squats, and between the waves, a vast expanse of energy erupts. At his feet, a vast and boundless city of God emerges. The city of God is illusory, but it is shrouded in Xiangyang. When it appears around Xiangyang, it instantly becomes a materialization and traps Xiangyang.

Not only that, Xiang Yang only felt that everything around the void was cut off, as if everything was sealed, and even the rules of the avenue were blocked.

"The tangible and invisible, the tens of thousands of robbers can be broken."

Xiang Yang’s look is calm, and the powerful energy of 9,999 people in the body is all in the catastrophe. In Dantian, hundreds of thousands of portals are all open to the maximum, and the energy of horror is erupted. Xiang Yang does not have to worry about the problem of energy depletion.


The tens of thousands of robbers are constantly ringing, and a horrible energy bursts out, and the mighty power spreads out in all directions.


At this moment, the shrine that shrouded Xiangyang was instantly broken. However, Xiangyang had just seen the light, and there were three more terrifying forces to suppress himself.

The three chaotic sacred sages shot at the same time at this moment, and their goal was not Xiangyang, but the glory of Xiangyang’s head.

They all want to win the annihilation of Xiang Yang’s hands.

"Well, do you want a catastrophe? Then take your life for change."

After Xiang Yang met, he was not shocked and laughed. Haha laughed. "Three, please go on the road."

At the same time, among his dantian, the Yuanshen shouted to the Taoist tree. "Now, lend all your strengths to me. I will pull the sword to kill the three chaotic sages."


Wudao Tree did not hesitate to infuse the strongest force into the body of Xiangyang. At the same time, Qiankun Chenghua Ding was rooted in Xiangyang and began to suppress the body of Xiangyang.

In the body of Xiangyang's body, the portal of the Promise Immortal Palace opened, and the fairy celestial force of the immortal liquid also emerged in madness. The mighty energy filled the body of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang holds the scabbard in his left hand, and his right hand is grasped on the hilt of the sacred sword. Step by step, the scorpion sword in his hand slowly pulls out.



At this moment, the terrible sword of the sky broke out from the sword of Xiang Yang's hand. The chaos was instantly opened, and the infinite swordsmanship seemed to come from nothingness, and it was to be ruined by eternity.

A terrible sword light suddenly appeared in this chaos.

Although the sacred sword in the hands of Xiang Yang has not yet been sheathed, the chaos of heaven and earth has been opened.


The horrible atmosphere is so vast that even the three chaotic sages who have caught the tens of thousands of robbers have changed their faces.

"Not good, it is his sword."

"How is it possible that his descendants will be the same as the descendants of the 10,000 robbers?"


"It’s a bit of a hassle."

Obviously, Xiang Yang’s masters are far-reaching, even if they are in the chaotic world of Chaos, even if they see Xiang Yang’s sword, their hearts are still born. A color of fear.

斩天拔剑诀, heaven and earth can be awkward, chaos can be destroyed, sword out, eternal broken, eternal destruction.

The faces of these three chaotic sages became very ugly. At this moment, even the tens of thousands of annihilations did not want them, and they even pulled back at the same time.

"Do you want to stop the catastrophe?"

The sacred sword in Xiang Yang’s hand is still pulled out a little. His face has a sinister smile. “If you want it, don’t want it, don’t you have such a good thing in the world?”

"You, you are waiting for your life."

With Xiangyang’s voice falling, Wan’s robbery took the initiative to fly out of Xiangyang’s head and erupted with a horrible energy. The bell rang again, but this time it was not for killing the enemy, but for the sake of Respect the chaos of the chaos.

"No, this kid is going to kill us, arrogant."

"Even if you are his descendant, how about mastering that sword? Yasheng wants to kill the chaos of the chaos, it is simply delusional."

"Destroy him."

The three chaotic saints were screaming at the same time. Their stature was trapped by the tens of thousands of robbers. Although it was only a short time, their hearts were panicked.

At the same time, they shot the bombardment of the catastrophe, and wanted to rush out. Although the catastrophe could only trap them for a while, but for Xiang Yang, this moment of effort was enough.


The sacred sword in Xiang Yang’s hand was finally pulled out completely. With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, a horrible sword light came from nothingness and instantly broke into the three chaotic sages.

For a time, accompanied by a huge roar, the chaos instantly turned into nothingness, and a terrible energy burst.

The chaos of the air rolled, continually shattered, then recovered, and then shattered.

Except for the place where Xiangyang stood, all other places were turned into Jedi, not to mention the Yasheng. Even if the chaos saint stood in this chaos, I am afraid that it will instantly disappear.


Xiang Yang held the sacred sword, and Qiankun made the dynasty floating on his head. It broke out with a repressive force and suppressed his body.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s method of creating and cultivating the gods, the power of eternal annihilation and the method of creation, reinvigorated his body, but still could not resist the power of this counter-attack.

His flesh exploded directly at this moment and turned into a **** fog.

However, between the blink of an eye, the blood fog rolled and re-condensed into the shape of Xiang Yang.

"not good..."

Xiang Yang’s body has just recovered, his face has changed greatly. He only feels that this counter-attack is stronger. It’s not all that broke out in a flash, but the endless resilience force broke out.

"Old Wan, Xiaoling."

Along with Xiang Yang’s screaming sound, Wan’s bell and Qiankun’s dynasty flew over at the same time, and the smashing of the body of Xiang Yang’s body made his body bear the power of this horrible counter-attack. It exploded immediately, but it was covered with cracks and blood.

Next to Xiang Yang’s body, Wu Daowu became a three-footed tree, and an old figure appeared on its trunk. Looking at Xiangyang, he couldn’t help but marvel. “This force is really too strong.” It is worthy of being the descendant of that one. The sword is out, the world is invincible, and the chaos can be killed."

Xiang Yang took a look at the Taoist tree, Shen Sheng, "Enlighten the tree, you still said so much nonsense, and quickly helped me to understand."


Enlightenment tree's tone is congested, but it does not dare to delay. The enlightenment tree emits a crystal clear light, and a mysterious breath is introduced into Xiangyang's body, making Xiangyang's heart and soul dominate, as if Chaos Avenue is in front of you. He couldn't help but look bright, his face was excited.

Enlightenment tree is one of Hongmeng Lingshu, and its powerful power is still second. The most important thing is that it can help people to realize the Tao. At this moment, it is the state in which Xiangyang enters into a broken and backward position. Enlightenment tree will assist the enlightenment. The function is passed to Xiangyang, which makes Xiangyang happy, Ming Avenue, and the spirit of the mind, and the avenue, and the chaos at the moment is destroyed by Xiangyang Yijian. When Wandao is in vain, it is nothing. When the self-avenue and the chaotic avenue are merged into one, the auxiliary function of the enlightenment tree can be maximized.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s own understanding of the Tao is growing infinitely. His heart is refreshing and secretive. “If it lasts for one year, my understanding of the Tao will reach an incredible degree.”

It is a pity that even Xiang Yang knows that this process cannot last for too long, because his sword is powerful, but it is not powerful enough to kill three chaotic sacred swords.

Although he has the heart to kill the enemy, he is unable to continue to kill the enemy in a short period of time because the body is under tremendous force.

At this moment, he used his tens of thousands of robes and Qiankun to make his life, and he barely maintained his body, but he could only bring more gains to himself.

Not long after, Xiang Yang felt that his realm had grown to the true Yasheng Peak, and even to the extent of the sub-Holy.

He was shocked and almost forgot to look at the three chaotic saints.


However, at this time, two roars broke out, only to see that the surrounding chaos finally subsided and re-evolved into chaos.

In the broken chaos, there are two figures with broken figures, which are two of the three chaotic saints.

At the moment, the two chaotic sacred statues are a bit miserable. Their bodies are ruined. One of them is directly less than half of the body, and the other is missing half of the head.

However, with the end of the damage to them by the power of chaos, as long as they did not die immediately, they broke out as a powerful source of life as a chaotic sage, causing their flesh to recover instantly.

However, the source of the loss they lost was not recovered as quickly.

"Asshole, junior, you are dead."

These two chaotic saints roared and looked at Xiangyang.

Such a junior of Xiangyang actually killed their three chaotic sacred sects by their own power. Even at this moment, under the joint force of three people, they were killed by Xiang Yang, even two of them. The chaotic sage was also seriously injured, and almost died.

It is really terrible.

However, they also know that they have been undermined because they have looked down on Xiangyang. This time, Xiangyang’s cards are all out and they are seriously injured. They don’t believe that Xiangyang has other skills to deal with them.

"Peace, you can die."

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