Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 126: Goddess coming

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The two chaotic sages tried their best to shoot Xiang Yang at the same time, and each of them broke out the strongest magical power to Xiangyang, which made the chaotic void that calmed down and collapsed again.

"I rely on, there are two more alive..."

Xiang Yang was awakened from the state of Enlightenment. When he found that there were still two who were still alive, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and reveal the shocking color.

"My little master, I have all the cards, and I can't kill your three old guys. It's a big loss."

Xiang Yang whispered, and Wan Wanzhong and Qiankun made a tripod on the top of his head, hanging down a line of energy to protect him. Then he held the sword and looked at the two chaotic sacred eyes. Channel, "How about living, I can kill one of you, you can kill the two old guys who are still dead and dead."

At the same time, Xiang Yang suddenly shot.

However, when he shot, he did not directly go out with a sword. Instead, he directly threw a three-foot-tall tree and shouted. "Enlighten the tree and give me two old guys."


After Enlightenment Tree was thrown out, it suddenly collapsed. What it didn't expect was that Xiang Yang would throw it out to resist the two chaotic saints.

It has the heart to think about not listening to Xiang Yang's words, but there is no way, only to explode the weather, and rush toward the two chaos.


Enlightenment tree originally thought that it would be very troublesome again with one-on-two. Unexpectedly, when it really hit the two chaotic saints, it found that the power of these two chaotic saints was not in the heyday. Half, just a blow, and the two chaotic sacred sacred out in an instant.

"So weak?"

A face appeared on the trunk of the Enlighten Tree. He blinked and looked at the two chaotic sacred sacred people who flew out of him. He suddenly felt that it was easy to deal with them.

"Over the years, your three **** have watched our deity and treated the deity as a prisoner. Now, your death is here."

When Wu Daoshu suddenly realized that he was sure that he could destroy the two chaotic saints, he did not need Xiangyang’s anger at all, and it broke out directly, roaring and directly killing the other side.

Then, with the horrible horror of the horror, an earth-shattering energy flowed, and the endless branches smashed toward the two chaotic sacred sages.

"Enlighten the tree, do you dare?"

"Do you want to completely betray Panyu's chaotic world?"

These two chaotic sacred sects have not had much power left. Originally, they felt that Xiang Yang was also half-destroyed, so they insisted on killing Xiangyang. Whoever thought, Enlightenment Tree really wanted to kill them. And when it really broke out, the power was unmatched, and it was simply unmatched.

Enlightenment tree sneered. "In the past few years, the three of you have said that you are guarding the deity. In fact, you are monitoring the deity and not letting the deity leave. I really don’t know if you are the deity. Since you have turned your face, then you It’s dead.”


As it speaks, countless branches are killed in the past.

The two chaotic sages roared, "Enlighten the tree, and wait for the descendants of the ancestors to come, and surely erase your mind and kill you completely."

"When they come, let's talk."

Enlightenment tree knows that he has no turning back. Naturally, it is impossible to stop because of the other party’s one or two sentences. Instead, he directly hands and roars, and a powerful force erupts, killing the two chaotic saints. .

Nowadays, only by destroying these two chaos, it can leave the Panyu chaotic world together with Xiang Yang. As for where to go next, it is not what it should consider now.

"Bastard, enlighten the tree, you dare..."

When these two chaotic sacred monarchs are at their peak, they can only be tied with the Taoist tree, not to mention that they are half-depleted at the moment, and the Taoist tree is still at its peak.

In this way, under the full force of Enlightenment, these two chaotic sacred sects retreat, and they roar again and again, but they have no effect.

"The strength of this enlightenment tree is still good." After Xiang Yang met, it was secretly surprised.

With a satisfactory color on his face, Enlightenment Tree has such combat power and is very satisfied with him. However, these two chaotic saints must not let them run away.

Xiang Yang’s flesh roared, and a horrible blood burst out. His Pangu body was displayed, and a sigh of scent exploded. His eyes were murderous, his body was flashing, and he was holding a sword. Two chaotic saints killed the past.

"The breath of Pangu!"

These two chaotic saints are embarrassed. They found a tens of thousands of robbery in Xiangyang, and the breath of that one is gone. Now, Xiang Yang is still in the breath of Pangu, obviously has Pan Guzhen. The body makes their heart tremble.

Whether it is the 10,000 robbery or the one, or Pangu, these three are even the strongest fighters in the whole chaos.

Even if it is only a descendant of one of them, the status of status has been very extraordinary, not to mention that Xiang Yang actually has no uploading of three people.

"He is the back hand of Pangu's chaotic world. He must not let him escape and send to the ancestors."

Then the two chaotic sages could no longer take care of their three chaotic sages at the same time to deal with Xiangyang. Instead, they were defeated by a chaotic sage and felt uncomfortable, but thought that they must destroy Xiangyang. .

Xiangyang, who gathers the inheritance of the three supreme powers, if he grows up for the day, as the strongest of Panyu’s chaotic world, you don’t have to think about what the consequences will be.


At this time, the cold light in Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed directly toward the two chaotic holy deities.

His heart was moving, and the catastrophe broke out with powerful power. The bell rang again, and a terrible force smashed toward the two chaotic sages.

Then, the sacred swordsmanship floated at the foot of Xiangyang, and the two chaotic sacred and enlightenment trees were instantly involved.

Xiang Yang chuckled softly. "Two, don't think about spreading my message out. I don't want you to be alive. You are dead, please go on the road."


"It’s a sword."

The faces of these two chaotic saints have become more and more ugly, but anyone who has participated in the war of the year will know how terrible the battle is.

Although some strong people do not confuse the power of the swords, the absolute swordsmanship can never compare with the strongest array of their world. However, no one wants to face the swords of the gods, even if they are chaotic Respect is the same.

At the moment, while the two chaotic sacred hearts are sorrowful, they can only display their own strongest force to bombard the sacred swords. However, the branches of the Taoist tree still suppress them like a sword, and the horrible extinction The power of the same is also constantly acting on them, making them tired to cope, and there is no way to pass the news through the 诛仙剑阵, and can only cope with the attack of Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang’s injury has also recovered almost. He held the sacred sword to kill the two chaotic saints. At the same time, he controlled the sacred swords to kill two people.

For a time, even if the strength of these two chaotic saints is strong and unmatched, under the siege of Xiangyang and Enlighten Tree, it is also in jeopardy.


The two chaotic saints roared again and again, and various magic weapons were displayed, and they wanted to kill Xiangyang. However, the atmosphere that broke out on the Taoist tree was so powerful that they were completely suppressed.

They are too wrong. Originally, if they were in a state of prosperity, even if the strength of the Taoist tree is so strong, there is no need to be afraid. Just a chaotic sage can block the tree of enlightenment.

However, the two of them were injured in the source of chaos, and the general ability was not enough in the heyday of the period. It was difficult to block the enlightenment tree. It was not necessary to say that Xiangyang’s tens of thousands of bells, the sacred swords and the sacred swords were bombarded.

"The mountains and rivers are shocking, and I am suppressed."

"Zhu Xian a sword!"

Then, Xiang Yang, while spreading the mountains and rivers, cooperated with the Wanbaozhong to suppress the two chaotic saints, and directly displayed a stronger sword of the immortal sword, and instantly killed them.


A sword and a fairy, like a chaotic emptiness, in this sacred sword array, the display of the sacred sword, but also the increase of the 诛 剑 sword array, so that Xiang Yang this sword, directly through one of the chaotic sacred, almost will The other side is killing.

This is the case, this chaotic sage is also heavily wounded.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, his figure once again rushed forward, and he went down with a sword. This sword has no power and is the sword of order.


At the same time, in Xiang Yang’s sea of ​​consciousness, the sword of the illusory order appeared instantly and merged into the sword of the sacred sword. With the sword of Xiangyang going out, another tree was realized by the tree. The chaotic sanctuary of the suppression is in two halves.

Then, the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ flashed away, and the chaotic sage that was split in half was swallowed into it.

"Junior, are you dare?"

In the ‘Heaven and Earth Furnace’, I can still hear the roaring voice of the chaotic sage. Xiang Yang’s look has not changed. He yelled at the Taoist Tree. “Destroy him, but leave the body to me.”

While talking, he no longer cares about another chaotic sage, but sits down directly, even integrating the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' into the Qiankun Ding Ding, and refining the chaotic sage with the help of Qiankun .


On the other hand, after Enlightenment Tree listened to Xiang Yang’s loud drink, he still madly attacked the chaotic sage, and every move was a killing trick.

The chaotic sacred sage saw his companion being smashed by Xiang Yang, and his heart was already a little flustered. At this moment, under the mad attack of Enlightenment Tree, he could no longer insist on it. It was not long before he was killed by Enlightenment Tree. Only the body was left to be sent to Xiang Yang by the 诛 剑 sword.


Xiang Yang also took the body of this chaotic holy deity into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', and removed the Jianxian sword array. His face was full of excitement and laughter. "Ha ha ha, well, I am finally destroyed." Respect for the chaos of the chaos, hey, if you go out, it is estimated that the old man can not believe it."


However, at this time, a huge roar came and heard, a horrible power came, Xiang Yang’s laughter was cut off, and he was shocked. “Is it...”

"Master, the ancestors of Panyu's chaotic world have come, we are finished."

When Xiang Yang’s words were not finished, he heard the incomparable voice of the Taoist tree space.

"The ancestors, the half-step master appeared..."

Xiang Yang took a breath and remembered the horror of the half-step master. Rao also blew his face and raised a desperate color in his heart.

Don’t look at Xiang Yang’s killing three chaotic sacred sages, but he is very clear that if he is really on the chaotic sacred, even if the other party is only one, he can’t be an opponent, let alone an ancestor, no accident. I am finished.


He had not had time to raise the idea of ​​running away, and he felt that there was a horrible violent explosion that caused him to tremble and he could not move.

The supreme ancestors of Panyu’s chaotic world came down in person after sensing that the three chaotic sages were destroyed.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is four more finished, Xiaomeng wish you all happy in the third day, hahaha.

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