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"The ancestors are coming, the trouble is big."

With the explosion of a huge roar, there is a horror, beyond the pressure of the chaos of the chaos, this power is boundless, even the Enlightenment Tree also trembles.

This is the ancestor of Panyu's chaotic world, that is, the half-step master has come.

Xiang Yang couldn't move the whole person. His face was pale and looked up. He looked up at the sky of chaos and nothingness. He seemed to see a supreme **** coming. A terrible force of horror came down. Rao was the Pangu body of Xiangyang. Has reached the realm of Xiaocheng can not withstand this pressure and cracked open, blood madness generally sprayed out.

"Master, what other means do you have to show it out, or we will die."

At the side of Xiang Yang, Entao Tree said with a trembling voice.

However, Xiang Yang couldn't move, and even he couldn't even speak. At this moment, many of the magic weapons in Xiang Yang's body have emerged, but they have no effect.

Although the power of these magic weapons is very powerful, but there is no way beyond the chaos to the treasure, there is still no way to resist the power of the half-step master.

"The boss is in trouble now."

Among Xiangyang Dantian, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling are also very ugly by the pressure of this suppression, but they are also acting.

"Xiaoling, Qiankun Chenghua Ding has a greater effect on the boss, so if you really have to do so, you bring the boss, and the fragments of the catastrophe rushed through the chaos and fled."

Lao Wan said to Xiao Ling.

"You want to blew?"

Xiao Ling's face changed greatly.

"Yes, although the tens of thousands of bells have turned into that step, but if it is self-destructive, it is enough to hit the half-step master. At that time, you will run away with the fragments of the tens of thousands of robbing and the boss. This is the only one. A road."

Old Wan Shen channel.

After Xiaoling listened, he was silent. He knew that, as Laowan said, this is the best choice. The realm of the half-step master is too strong. It is definitely not the sacred place of the Yasheng. Although Yang has exhausted his strategy, coupled with infinite enrichment, and the power of Enlightenment Tree is comparable to the fighting power of Chaos Sanctuary, this has destroyed three chaotic saints.

However, this time it is one of the masters of the chaotic world of Panyu, the existence of the realm of the half-step master, equivalent to the chaotic heaven of a big world.

Xiang Yang can never escape, only the power of self-destruction can cause damage to that ancestor.

"Wait a minute, be prepared, remember, take away the fragments of the tens of thousands of robbed clocks, and with your ability, you may be able to recast the catastrophe." Lao Wan said.


Xiaoling did not refute, he knew that this is the best solution.

Ever since, Wan Wanzhong is accumulating in Xiang Yang's body, and Lao Wan has directly entered the tens of thousands of robbers. If there is a crisis that cannot be resisted, the catastrophe will naturally erupt.

"Old man, have you left the kind of avatar that is on me and able to fight the half-step master? If not, I will hate it this time."

Xiang Yang did not know the decision of Lao Wan and Xiao Ling. He was stunned in his heart. At the same time, his true spirit constantly communicated with the river of destiny. At this moment, all his hopes are on the river of destiny.

Although he thought that he would rely on his grandfather's body to resist the ancestors, he also knew that this was unrealistic. Even if he felt that his master was stronger, he could not stop the same level. The ancestors.

Only the river of destiny is the key to his escape.

"Panggu is the real body, the descendant of Wanzong Zun, the descendant of Chi Xue's old man..."

At the same time, along with a sound that seems to be a soft voice, in the chaotic void, there is a figure with a horrible atmosphere.

Although he was just standing there, but the whole chaotic void seemed to worship him, the whole chaos was shaking, and Chaos Avenue cheered for him.

He is the true supreme ancestor and a half-step master.

After Xiang Yang listened to the other party's words, he was shocked. He believed that he killed the two chaotic saints in time, so that the two guys did not spread their news.

However, this ancestor, when he saw his own moment, actually recognized himself and saw the horror of this supreme ancestor.

"How to do?"

Xiang Yang was anxious, but he was unable to move. This time, it was the biggest dilemma he encountered. His life was in jeopardy. If he was not careful, he might be destroyed by the other side.

"Little guy, surrender to the deity, the deity will spare you a life, and will also train you to become an ancestor, even the supreme ruler."

At this time, this ancestor spoke up.

As his voice fell, Xiang Yang felt that he had regained his ability to act. He blinked and looked at the ancestral **** with curiosity.

This ancestor looks no different from normal people. Even though, Xiang Yang feels that the other person seems to be a true chaos master, but when he sees each other, the other person looks like an ordinary old man. Similar to Daozu.

However, it is such a person who looks like an ordinary old man, but is a half-step master who is truly a supreme power.

Although he has regained his ability to act, even if all the power in his body has not been banned, Xiang Yang has not relaxed at all. He knows that since the other party dares to let himself recover everything, he sees everything that he has, and he does not worry at all. Do it yourself.

"Cough, Xiang Yang has seen seniors."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed and made a courtesy to this ancestor.

"Young people, you are very good, talent is extraordinary, you can cultivate into the ancient body of Pangu, and there is an endless body, even a descendant of the red snow, so that it is enough to prove that you have a dominant position, if You can surrender to the deity, and the deity is willing to accept you as a disciple, helping you to become the supreme ruler."

This ancestor said faintly.

At the same time, he took a step and went to the opposite side of Xiangyang.

Although he did not make any action to do, but Xiang Yang was very nervous, and even the catastrophe almost could not help but rush out.

Although Xiangyang was nervous, but forced to suppress the fear in his heart, he said with a soft voice, "Predecessors laughed. If you know my roots, you should understand that even if I want to betray Pangu’s chaotic world and turn to you, you Wouldn't you be relieved?"

Yes, if Xiang Yang readily agreed to this ancestor and said that he would surrender to him, he promised too refreshing, and everyone would doubt Xiangyang’s motives.

However, just because of Xiang Yang’s words, this supreme ancestor smiled. “If you promise too fast, the deity will directly destroy you, but since you will say this, then Prove that you are not the kind of thing that can betray anyone at any time for life and death. In this case, the deity prefers you more."


Xiang Yang blinked and whispered, "The cultivation of the predecessors has reached the realm of the ancestors, that is, the half-step master. Do you think that in the chaos, is someone your opponent?"


This ancestor apparently did not expect that Xiang Yang would suddenly say this. He looked at Xiang Yang with amazement, and then smiled and said, "There are not many but half of the chaos in the chaos, but there are also many, such as Pangu’s chaotic world. Hongjun, and Red Snow are all in this realm..."

"What you mean is that you are not the opponent of my teacher and Daozu, so I want to force them to fight them?" Xiang Yang said.

At the same time, he was a little nervous in his heart. In case the old guy didn't play the cards according to common sense, he really wanted to fight against the old man by forcing his surrender. After listening to his own words, he was angry and directly shot himself. Dead, isn’t it a big loss?

"Little guy, do you think the deity is what you can motivate?"

This ancestors looked at Xiang Yang like a smile.

"There is a play."

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a joy in his heart, and his face showed a serious color. "Predecessors can also say that I am a radical, but all this is really what the boy thinks. Invincible is the most lonely, especially for us. Genius is the most painful thing."

While talking, he sighed and said, "Don't talk about the superpowers like the predecessors. Even if it is me, sometimes I want to train a strong person who is evenly matched with me to fight against me..."

When he had not finished his words, he heard that this ancestor said like a smile. "Boy, you want to say, let the deity train you into a half-step master, let you act as the opponent of the deity, and then compete. Under, will the deity have the pressure to break through and become the master?"

Old fox!

Xiang Yang’s heart screamed, and the old guy really couldn’t look at the other person with the normal person’s mind. When he hadn’t finished his words, he was guessed what he thought in his heart.

Because of this, Xiang Yang felt that he was a bit difficult to do.

He blinked, although he was guessed by the other person what he was thinking, but he still said loudly, "So, after you see that I am the descendant of the three half-step masters, are you afraid that I will grow up? Threat to you?"

"The kid, the deity said, it is useless to provoke the law."

This ancestor is dumbfounded. "You have killed three chaotic sacred gods in Panyu's chaotic world. You must not let you leave easily. Unless you surrender, you will die."

Although he has a dull tone and does not have any murderousness, Xiang Yang has heard the firm meaning of his words. The other party has no choice for himself. As long as he does not agree to surrender, obviously, the other party is really Will directly destroy yourself.

"The trouble is big. Is it true that my generation of arrogance has really fallen into this chaotic world?"

Xiang Yang is talking to himself.

"Boss, the power of self-destruction is enough to shock the other side." Lao Wan said firmly.

"Don't mess."

Xiang Yang quickly appeases Lao Wan. "Until the last moment, you can't mess around before I die. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the accident."

Although he does not want to die, he is definitely not the kind of person who sacrifices his life and exchanges his life.

Although Lao Wan is only the instrumental spirit of the tens of thousands of robbers, but for such a long time, Xiang Yang has long regarded Lao Wan and Xiao Ling as his own, how could he let Lao Wan sacrifice?

He no longer cares about Lao Wan, but calculates how he should escape.

"If you have the power of chaos, if you can't kill each other, at least you can hurt the other person?"

Then, while Xiang Yang thought about it, he would directly enlighten the tree in front of this ancestor and sink into the body. He said, "Give me all the power to you. Today, I want to swear the ancestors."


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