Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3128: Life-threatening

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"Give me all your power. Today, I want to marry my ancestors."

Xiang Yang’s face was dignified, and his order was directly introduced into the consciousness of the Taoist Tree.


After Enlightenment Tree listened, it was stunned. I didn’t hear it wrong. This kid actually said that he was preparing for the sword ancestors?

Is this what an sacred place can say?

If you want to kill the ancestors, let alone the sacred, even the Chaos sage can't do it.

Although the half-step master is only one step ahead of the chaotic sage, but after this level, one step has already surpassed too much.

The chaos of the chaos, really can not hurt the half-step master.

Enlightenment tree itself is the strongest of the chaotic sacred level. It is very clear, let alone lend its own strength to Xiangyang, even if it is self-handed, it will not hurt the ancestors.

"Come on, lend me all your strength."

Xiang Yang screamed.

"Kid, do you want to use the power of the Enlightenment Tree to cast that sword to kill the deity?" At this time, the ancestral **** looked calmly at Xiangyang.

Although the other party still did not do it, but Xiang Yang felt that the other's eyes contained killing.


This ancestor is very jealous of borrowing the power of the Taoist tree to display the sword. That is to say, if you can really use the power of the Taoist tree to pull out the sword, it is really possible to kill the other side.

Although Xiang Yang did not have any change in appearance on the surface, in fact, he was very excited in his heart, and he yelled at the tree of Enlightenment. "Fast, otherwise we will not be able to run."


However, the determination of the heart of this ancestor is beyond the Xiangyang of Xiangyang, and the other party has never given Xiangyang any time, or even directly, and shot it toward Xiangyang.

"Do not..."

A supreme ancestors started, even if Enlightenment Tree would lend all the power to Xiang Yang, it was too late. At this moment, Xiang Yang’s eyes were cracked. He only felt that there was a terrible sacred eruption, a horror. The power of the extreme is erupting, and this power is really terrible.

Xiang Yang did not have any resistance at all, and could only wait for the death to come.

"It turns out that in the face of the real powerhouse, I am still an ant."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself. His look is calm and sighing. “The hateful thing is that Xiner and others are also in the Promise, I am tired of them...”


The tens of thousands of robbers trembled and broke out. However, when a ancestral **** really started, even if it was a catastrophe, it would not be able to rush out of Xiangyang body. As a result, it could not be done with the other party.

"You all enter the Promise Immortal, protect the Promise Immortal, and look for opportunities to send them back to Pangu's chaotic world."

Xiang Yang’s thoughts were moved, Wan Wanzhong and Qiankun made a tripod, and even the Shenjian sword was also earned by him into the Promise Immortal Palace, with the tens of thousands of robes and pro-Akun’s creations and the sacred swords, presumably It is enough to protect the women in the Promise.

"What I can do is already done. The next step is that life is dead. I can only listen to my life."

Then, Xiang Yang sighed, Rao is how he is enchanting Tianjiao, Rao is how smart he is, in the face of the ancestors such as the supreme power, there is no way.

The incomparable power of terror is coming, and it seems that Xiangyang will be killed in the near future.

The look of the ancestral **** was indifferent, and this palm was swung out. He seemed to be crushing a cockroach ant without any slight emotional fluctuations.

Although Xiang Yang is not wrong with the arrogance of heaven, but in the eyes of this ancestor, the arrogance he saw has gone more, and he does not care about Xiangyang.

Moreover, Xiang Yang is still the arrogance of the Pangu chaotic world confrontation with Panyu's chaotic world. Since he does not surrender to him and cannot be used by him, he will be destroyed by him.

As an ancestors, he saw too many things, and he would not be stimulated by Xiang Yang. He would not give up on Xiangyang because of Xiang Yang’s words.

His look is dull, this palm, to shoot Xiang Yang.

Although Xiang Yang couldn't move, he didn't have the slightest fear in his eyes. Instead, he looked up and looked at the ancestors and calmly faced everything.

Death is a matter of a moment. Since you can't control your life and death, what is the use of crying? Why not face it calmly?



At the same time, in the chaotic world of Panyu, above the Wudao Mountain, there was a powerful force that broke out, and a mighty holy power broke out.

The magic fairy is volleyed and stands on the foot of Jinlian. The whole body is full of avenues, and her breath has reached its peak. Whether it is the flesh or the god, or even the true spirit, it has truly broken into a chaotic saint.

She is only the last step. From the river of destiny, she can truly become a veritable chaos sage. This is truly detached from all control, and holds her destiny in her hands. Undead, the Promise of the Promise.

"Fairy, summon the river of destiny, fish out the body of the world, and prove the mixed yuan."

The master of the magic fairy, while the chaotic sage is screaming, his face is tense.

Although his disciples are quite numerous, the two most proud ones are Cliff and Magic Fair. Both of these disciples have been accepted as disciples since childhood, and grow up with a little bit like his children.

Cliff is the top ten in the Panyu chaotic world. However, in his heart, the person who cares more and cares more is the magic fairy.

Because, in his heart, the magic fairy is the real enchanting level of arrogance, even beyond the cliff too much, and in his heart, even the magic fairy as his true daughter.

Before the experience of the failure of the cliff, this chaotic sacred eye saw the turn of his disciple, the magic fairy summoned the river of destiny, he was very nervous, and even prepared to go out at any time to help his disciples to fish. Wan Shi body.

"Although it can only help a little bit, there is no big problem with the help of the ancestors."

He talked to himself with a worried color.

Although he is already prepared, when he really turns to his disciple, the magic fairy breaks through, he is still very afraid of what will happen when the magic fairy fishes for the world.


The magic fairy breaks through one heart and only thinks that after breaking through the sanctification immediately, he can practice again and improve his cultivation. When she is to be promoted to the sanctuary, there is a way to help Xiangyang.

She has no distractions and directly summons the river of destiny.


"It’s strange, it’s like the river of destiny is nearby, it’s very close to me, won’t it?”

When the magic fairy summoned the river of destiny and got in touch with the river of destiny, her face was frowned and revealed.

According to the normal circumstances, summoning the river of destiny, it should be when the river of destiny is summoned. The river of destiny wants to appear from the place of too imaginary. It should be very far away, and the sense of distance is very obvious, but this Once, she clearly felt that the river of destiny seemed to be not far from her side.

She was a bit confused at first.

"No matter what, immediately summoning the river of destiny, fishing for the world, and truly becoming the Promise of the Promise, you can go to Xiangyang brother, I can sense that Xiangyang brother is not very far from me."

The magic fairy whispered in her heart and summoned the river of destiny.


At the same time, in the depths of Chaos, in front of Xiangyang, the one who was the ancestors of the ancestors took a shot toward Xiangyang. Although the palm of the hand had not really photographed Xiang Yang’s body, Xiang Yang’s body had already been The crack cracked open, as if someone had cut countless swords on him.

As long as the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang knows that he will be destroyed soon.

The color of his face was dignified, and his heart was filled with sorrow and sighed. "This time it is really dead, but it will die if you die. I only hope that the annihilation and the vicissitudes of life will be true." I can protect the Promise."


However, when Xiang Yang was about to close his eyes and wait for his death, suddenly, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the river of destiny that he had communicated for a long time but had no effect suddenly disappeared, and even the Xiangyang whole person also Also taken away by the river of destiny disappeared in place.


This palm smashed the void, making the chaotic void into nothingness, and everything was erased.

However, this statue of the ancestors was frowning and appeared in the place where Xiangyang stood before the incomprehensible color. He sighed. "How could this happen? The boy escaped silently?"

He is the ancestors of the ancestors, the realm of the half-step master, and has the ability to open up a chaotic world and become a saint of the heavens.

This is a real superpower who can compete with the chaotic heavens of the big world.

However, such a super strong person, even if he is a strong person with his realm, can not disappear in silence in front of him, as long as the other party does not take the last step, become the supreme master, can not pass he.

However, Xiang Yang disappeared, and still silent, so disappeared in front of him, how can he not be shocked?

"The ants in the district have such terrible means."

The ancestors of the ancestors whispered in a low voice, his face with an unparalleled shocking color, and even took the initiative to display magical powers to trace back the time, want to see clearly how Xiangyang disappeared.

However, Xiang Yang disappeared under the leadership of the River of Destiny. Even if this guy is the ancestors, it is impossible to find out the real reason.

His time was back to success, Xiang Yang still appeared and then disappeared, but he could not detect in any case why Xiang Yang disappeared in the end, was taken away by something.

In the face of Xiang Yang disappearing, he seems to have become an ordinary person, and no reason can be found.

"how come?"

The supreme ancestors whispered, his powerful and unpredictable pervasiveness spread out, looking for the existence of Xiangyang in the chaotic world of Panyu, but still could not be found.

"The chaos of the Panyu chaotic world is not traced by him. Is it that he has left the Panyu chaotic world?"

This ancestor whispered in a low voice.

If the whole chaos is called a boundless continent, these chaotic worlds, such as the Pangu chaotic world and the Panyu chaotic world, can be seen as a small piece of the continent and a wall is built. People from other continents cannot enter their mainland, and they want to enter other people's continents but they are also a little troublesome.

The chaotic range of Panyu's chaotic world can't find Xiang Yang. The only explanation is that Xiang Yang has left the Panyu chaotic world.

"But it's gone, everything has a fate. He can live from the hands of the deity. This is his fate and fate. In the future, I will take your life again."

The ancestors stood in the same place for a long time, only to sigh, and the figure gradually disappeared.

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