Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3129: Fairy sermon

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I don’t know how many miles, the wide and boundless river of destiny traverses the chaotic void, as if flowing from the unknown eternal land, it is also flowing to eternity.

This is the river of destiny, the river of common destiny of the whole chaotic world. No matter who you want to break through and become the Promise of the Promise, you must fish out of the river of destiny to truly control your own destiny.

At this moment, the **** of the magic fairy has been volleyed above the river of destiny. Although she wants to break through, she feels confident that she will be able to take out the body and truly enter the environment of the Promise Sage. However, When she thinks that her brother-in-law is so arrogant but can't get out of the world, her heart is a bit awkward.

"No, I must break through. I must find out that my eternal life becomes a chaotic saint. I can only become a chaotic saint. I can find a Xiangyang brother to help him."

The **** of the magic fairy whispered to herself, as if she was cheering herself, her face gradually showed confidence.

Her talent can be said to be the true peak in this chaotic world. Although she did not show it, her master has always told her that she can rank first in the Yasheng Tianjiao of Panyu’s chaotic world. .


Among the whole Panyu chaotic world, the top ten of the cliffs have been very powerful. When the cliff breaks through, it shocked the upper layer of the entire Panyu chaotic world. Although some did not come, the news that the cliff broke through sanctification was spread. .

Later, when the cliff failed, it was chased by countless people and wanted to deprive him of his chances, precisely because the cliff was too famous.

And no one knows that Panyu’s chaotic world ranks among the top ten days of arrogance. The second to tenth names are famous and have surnames. Only the first and most mysterious person is the magic fairy.

This is the upper chaos sage, even the ancestors of the ancestors personally identified, the magic fairy talent in the Panyu chaos world, as the first.

Others, no one knows who this first name is, but the magic fairy knows that she has invincible self-confidence, even if she sees her brother's breakthrough failure, she is not afraid.

"Strange, how do I feel that there is a complicated look in the river of destiny that looks at me, there is a familiar feeling, it seems to be..."

At this time, when the magic fairy Ling Bo stood above the river of destiny, only the river of fate seemed to have a familiar eye, which made her frown.

"Does this girl actually find me?"

At the same time, at the bottom of the river of destiny, Xiang Yang’s eyes widened and looked at the magic fairy.

Yes, the most fundamental reason why Xiang Yang can escape in the hands of the ancestors is because the sacred sacred sacred, spurs the river of destiny, makes the river of destiny appear directly, with Xiang Yang from the ancestors Escape from the palm of your hand.

"Fairy girl, you saved my life, I really can't start with you."

Xiang Yang sighed, and there was a blank book in his hand. This is the book that has no word on the bottom of the river of destiny. At this moment, he found that this book has a different place, actually, on the first page. Above the scene, there is a person who is vivid, it is the magic fairy.

Although there is no text to introduce, but the above-mentioned magic fairy body like a rainbow, with a strong holy prestige, turned out to be a magic fairy after sanctification.

“Is it true that after I am in charge of the river of destiny, will anyone who can be sanctified through the river of destiny be recorded here?”

Xiang Yang had an unexpected color on his face. The last time, Cliff also had to fish out of the world. However, if he failed to succeed, he would not be recorded on it, and he decided that it would not be difficult to be a magic fairy. The figure of the magic fairy appeared on this untitled book.

In this way, the book should be a saint who can record the sanctification of the world and the sanctification of the river of destiny.

But is this book only documenting the role of all this?

Xiang Yang was stunned and carefully studied the book. He wanted to try to see if he could control the people through this book, but he felt that it was not the best time. He could only sigh. Close the book and look at the magic fairy above, whispering. "This time, after the magic fairy swears to be sanctified, I don't know if the river of destiny will send me back..."

He is really a little panicked. If he is not sent back, in this chaotic world, he will offend the ancestors who dominate the whole world. How can his own destiny not be thought of at all, and it will die sooner or later.

At this time, in the Dantian of Xiangyang, that one tree of Enlightenment has long been stunned.

"This, this is... that river..."

"Before infinity, since the emergence of chaos, I have never heard of anyone who can control the river of destiny, and he is only a sub-holy, and it is simply unbelievable to be able to control the river of destiny."

"The son of fate, this is the son of true destiny."

Enlightenment tree can sense that Xiang Yang is in the river of destiny. The face worn on the trunk of his tree has widened his eyes. He suddenly feels that his surrender to Xiangyang is not a bad thing.

Being able to control the existence of the river of destiny at will, even if the current cultivation is only a sub-Sacred peak, but in the future, Xiang Yang's achievements are absolutely infinite.

The real supreme rule!

Thinking of this, the Enlightenment Tree is trembling, and a decision has been made in the heart. In the future, if you want to listen to Xiangyang’s words, you must serve the Xiangyang.

Those who can control the river of destiny will definitely be the most promising of the whole chaos in the future.

Although Enlightenment Tree is already a chaotic sacred level, it wants to be detached. If you want to get rid of the ontology of the Taoist tree, you must have someone to point it.

Because Enlightenment Tree is different from other Hongmeng Linggen, its talent is too strong, and it is born to be the embodiment of the avenue, which can help others practice, but because of this, it also limits its development.

If you can follow Xiangyang and help Xiangyang become the supreme ruler, it is possible to get rid of the tree body and be truly detached.

While enlightening in the heart of the tree, the magic fairy has begun to display the ‘ extradition 诀’ to extradite her 10,000th body from the river of destiny.

"To become a chaotic sage, you have to fish out the world. Today, my magic fairy is a hybrid."


With a roaring sound, the process of the magic fairy extradition of her 10,000-year-old body is simply smooth and scary. With her decree, the river of destiny, countless transparent figures come together, and instantly toward the magic fairy Branding the past.


Around, the demon of the magic fairy, the chaotic sage, the whole person was tight, and at this moment, the face could not help but reveal an excited expression.

It turned out to be a great success.

Originally, he was worried that his younger disciple, Magic Fairy, would also step into the footsteps of the big disciple, and that India would fail. Fortunately, the magic fairy did not fail, but the extradition succeeded.

On the other side, there is an old man in silence and his eyes are watching the river of destiny, with a doubtful color on his face.

He is the supreme ancestor of the Panyu chaotic world that had to kill the Xiangyang result but was escaped by Xiangyang.

"The ancestors."

All the strong players in the field were saluted, even the chaotic sages of the magic fairy, who also hurriedly bowed.

The ancestors gently nodded and looked at the river of destiny with curiosity, whispering, "How do I feel that this river of destiny is a bit wrong?"

"No way?"

The master of the magic fairy, the chaotic sage has blinked, always feel that this ancestor is a bit strange, the river of destiny is still the river of destiny, although the cliff failed before, but can not blame the river of fate right?

"Maybe I got it wrong."

This supreme ancestors shook his head gently and did not delve into it.

However, in his induction, it is indeed a feeling that the river of destiny is a bit wrong. However, although he is an ancestor, he cannot see any strange places in the river of destiny. He also does not see his cultivation. The river of destiny.

The river of destiny, the control of the destiny of all living beings, has the incomparable role of the mysterious, even the ancestors who are the masters of the half-step can not see the river of destiny.

"This old thing is coming too."

Outsiders can't see through the river of destiny, but Xiang Yang can penetrate the river of destiny from the inside out, seeing the outside situation. When he saw that the **** god came, his heart was a little scared.

No one knows whether the existence of the ancestral **** can find his own existence. If he is discovered by the other party, he will be a little bit finished.

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at this scene.

However, it is still good, although the strength of the ancestral **** is powerful, but still can not see through the river of destiny, Xiang Yang can still be easily hidden here.

"In addition to the magic fairy, from then on, no one in Panyu's chaotic world can break through into a chaotic saint."

Xiang Yang made a decision.

Panyu chaotic world and Pangu chaos world confrontation, the two sides have reached the point where you live and die. Originally, the Tianjiao such as the magic fairy can not let her break through, but the magic fairy is really innocent and cute, even Xiang Yang likes it. She, he can't make the magic fairy become the second cliff.

Moreover, this time the magic fairy breakthrough is too timely, so that Xiang Yang can escape one from the hand of the ancestors in time, which is also a life-saving grace for Xiang Yang, he let the magic fairy witness the success, It can also be said that it is a reward for this life-saving grace.


At this time, along with the magic fairy to display the extradition, a transparent figure extradition returned to her god, making her body more and more complete, reaching the true level of the super-consumer.

Very easily, after a while, the magic fairy has already extrapolated all the 10,000th body to her body, making her breath truly complete.

"Is it so holy?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, looking at the **** of the magic fairy above the river of destiny, and found that the **** of the magic fairy became stronger and stronger. It can even be said that the true Zen has been sanctified. At this moment, the magic fairy is already mixed. Yuan Wuji saint, and his heart sighed again and again.

If you stand on the standpoint of the two worlds, he must not let the magic fairy break through, but he is a living person, with flesh and blood, feelings, and walking with the magic fairy in the chaotic world of Panyu, making him not Forbearance broke the road of the magic fairy, and even actively helped the magic fairy to break through.


In the eyes of Xiang Yang, I saw the **** of the magic fairy jumped up and broke into her brand in the chaotic void. This is the brand of the saints of the sage, and the imprint is immortal. The chaos will never die.

No one knows where she branded her own god, and no one can find it. As long as she did not find her mark of the god, she could not really destroy her.

This is the ultimate mystery of the chaos sage.

Then, after doing all this, the magic fairy returned to the flesh, and she opened her eyes, only to see the river of destiny above, and disappeared instantly.

However, at the moment when the river of destiny disappeared, she seemed to hear a soft laugh. "Fairy, congratulations on your sanctification, goodbye."

This voice is looming. If you don't listen carefully, you can't really hear it. However, the magic fairy is sure that this is Xiang Yang's voice. Her gods are completely scattered at this moment. The trace of Yang, but did not find it, she can only whisper in her heart, "Xiang Yang brother..."

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