Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3130: Return together

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Too imaginary land, accompanied by a roaring sound, a river that does not know how many miles has appeared out of thin air, this is the river of destiny.

Then, the river of destiny disappeared, and Xiang Yang’s figure was manifested in the land of too virtual.

He widened his eyes and looked around, exclaimed. "Sure enough, I am back here again, but how can I get away from this imaginary land?"

The land of too virtual, the place where the river of destiny is located.

Here, it is the middle of chaos and the place of origin. It is a very mysterious place. Even Xiang Yang does not know how to return to the Pangu chaotic world. However, at least in this too virtual place, he is safe, don't worry. It was chased by the ancestors of Panyu's chaotic world.

"This is actually a legendary sin..."

Enlightenment tree emerged from Xiangyang's body and turned into a three-footed tree suspended in the imaginary. The old face was revealed on the trunk. At this moment, this old face has a shocking look.

Although the Enlightenment Tree is the root of Hongmeng, it has never been to a place of emptiness. For the unknown of the emptiness, it is full of curiosity.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is wearing a smile on his face. He looks at the tree of enlightenment and faintly said, "This is my place."


Xiang Yang’s tone was dull. It didn’t seem to be a fake. After the Taoist tree heard it, the heart trembled and couldn’t help but look at Xiangyang. It was found that Xiangyang did not seem strange to the land of Taixu. It could not help but The heart guessed, "This place of imaginary land should be where the river is, and he can hide in the river, or it should be said that he can control the river, so he can follow the river. It’s normal to be too virtual.”

"Just, this is the legendary illusion, too fearful, and big-name. If you stay here for a long time, you don't know what it will be..."

In the face of this unknown legend, even the heart of Enlightenment is equally tense.

"You don't want to run around. It's very dangerous. If something goes wrong, I can't save you."

Xiang Yang solemnly told the Taoist tree.


Enlightenment tree nodded, and then suddenly thought of what it was like, his face changed, and asked Xiang Yang, "Where are you going?"

"I have to retreat for a while."

Xiang Yang replied casually. He knew that this tree of enlightenment trees must have thought that he wanted to leave it in the land of too virtual and leave.

However, in fact, I don't know how to leave too imaginary. If I can leave, how can I be willing to let go of the Taoist tree stay here?

This tree of enlightenment trees, but the superb auxiliary for spiritual practice, does not say the fruit of the Tao, even if it is just sitting under the tree of enlightenment, the speed of practice will be more than a hundred times faster than usual.

Since it is impossible to go out in a place that is too imaginary, Xiangyang naturally cannot waste time, but is prepared to reconcile his practice during this period of time, even to obey the fruit of the Tao and see what kind of sentiment he can get.

The magic fairy just enters an epiphany state on the mountain of enlightenment, and can directly prove to be a chaotic saint, and the realm of Xiangyang is almost reached. He feels that if he is to take the next enlightenment, he may also reach the realm of chaos and saints. .

Of course, it is only the realization of the realm. What he wants is to prove that the Pangu real body has been cultivated into the realm of Dacheng and then become a chaotic saint.

At that time, he was the strongest chaos saint, even if he encountered the chaos of the chaos, it also had the power of a battle.

When Xiang Yang took away the Taoist tree, he had already taken all the enlightenment fruits from the Taoist tree. At that time, he sent a piece to the magic fairy. Now there are still many people on his body. He took out one piece and suddenly felt that there was The thick rhyme is circulating in it, as if this enlightenment is the collection of Wanhua Avenue.

"Enlighten the fruit..."

When the enlightenment tree on the side saw the enlightenment fruit in Xiang Yang's hand, an old face suddenly became dark. This is its enlightenment. It is a treasure that it takes a lot of years to really condense and grow.

Even in the chaotic world of Panyu, every 10,000 years must be sent out to those who are arrogant and chaotic, but everyone is to be exchanged at a great price.

Nowadays, these enlightenment fruits are all gone by Xiang Yangshuo...

Xiang Yang blocked the face of the Taoist tree and swallowed the fruit of the enlightenment, causing the mouth of the Taoist tree to twitch, and his own flesh and blood was swallowed by Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang was too lazy to understand the expression of the Taoist tree. He swallowed the moment of enlightenment. He only felt that there was a strong rhythm that spread out in his body, and the infinite boulevard burst out from the inside out.

Originally, these avenues should be self-satisfied, and now, after swallowing the fruit of the Tao, it is the avenue that erupts from the fruit of the Tao, and forces the brand to enter its own body.


On the top of Xiangyang's head, the lotus of Wanfa Avenue bloomed, and there was a mighty energy flow. The infinite rhythm rules broke out and the petals bloomed one after another.

Each of these petals represents a kind of Tao, and it is still a very high degree to integrate this Taoism into it and transform it into its own way.

In the blink of an eye, the petals of this lotus flower on the Wanfa Avenue reach tens of thousands of petals. These petals bloom and come with a mysterious avenue, as if Xiangyang at this moment has become a chaos. The assembly of the avenue is the same.

“Is this going to be a million-way road?”

Enlightenment Tree is also shocked to see Xiang Yang.

“Millions of ones?”

Xiang Yang opened his eyes, and he looked at the Taoist tree with an incomprehensible color.

"In the chaotic world of Panyu, there is a chaotic sacred sacred man who is practicing the law of cultivating all the ways. His cultivation is far superior to other chaotic sacred sages, and is known as the first person of Panyu chaotic world ancestors."

Enlightenment tree looks at Xiang Yang with a complex color on his face. "However, he is only one of the best, and I see that your way is stronger than him. It should be one million. If you can really make your way." To perfection, as long as you can break through to become a chaotic saint, let alone chaotic saint is not your opponent, even if you are a half-step master of the realm, you can stop it, of course, the premise is that your million Normalization should be strong enough."

This time he was really scared by Xiang Yang, and his heart was really shocking to Xiang Yang.

Although Xiangyang’s Lotus of Wanfa Avenue was only in front of him for the first time, it was shocked by Xiangyang in the heart of Enlightenment.

"The river of destiny, that sword... there are millions of people, and there are many inheritances in him..."

Enlightenment Tree carefully calculated everything about Xiangyang. He only felt more and more shocked, and his heart was more and more shocked by Xiang Yang.

"A million roads are one, and all the way is one..."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. Originally, he only wanted to return to the same path. He even felt that the way he has learned today has reached tens of thousands of ways, and he can almost be sanctified.

The words of Enlightenment Tree made him feel that if he is now sanctified, it is too weak.

"If you want to go, you must go the strongest way, that is, millions of people will be one, not simple ones." Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

If he is a former person, he does not necessarily have this self-confidence. He feels that he can achieve a million-dollar one. However, today, he has the river of destiny, which can appear in every world of chaos. He only needs to arrive every time. A world, you sneak into the world, learn, and understand the way of the world. Even if you are lucky, it is like this trip to the mountain of enlightenment, hundreds of thousands of masters of the sacred peaks, they are Panyu In the aggregation of the arrogance of the chaotic world, Xiang Yang talked with them for a period of time, which made Xiang Yang master thousands of avenues, and this time he served the next Taoist fruit, and the roads that he had not mastered enough also reached Dacheng. The state, once again blooms thousands of avenue petals.

Nowadays, as long as Xiang Yang has enough time to comprehend, he and other people's roads have not really realized the status of Dacheng. If he can understand the great situation, he can completely make his own Daolian bloom again.

If you can really bloom a million petals, it is the moment you truly prove to be the strongest saint.

"Maybe I am the road to a true master, what is the dominance? That is, no matter who's the way, I know how to truly control the chaos and dominate the fate of all living beings. This is the real master."

While Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, he is once again taking out a piece of enlightenment and swallowing it and continuing into the state of practice.

On the one hand, Enlightenment Tree looked at a distressed face, but when thinking of Xiangyang’s talent, it was absolutely time to have a dominant position. He endured it, and even went directly to Xiangyang’s side, showing the tree of enlightenment. Ontology, the heights of the tall trees and branches of the trees, the avenues of the runes, the Xiangyang under the tree of enlightenment, only feels empty-minded, all the roads that were not understood before are all realized at this moment.



When Xiang Yang was comprehending the avenues of practice in the imaginary land, there was a powerful and unparalleled flow of energy in the chaos within the Pangu world, and a terrible breath broke out.

A chaotic demon with a body size of up to 10 million feet stood in the chaos with a handle blade. He made a loud noise and chaotic broken, as if the end of the world.



This chaotic demon **** is overbearing and has the scent of chaos, as if it is the place where it is, the true boundless chaos, no one can compare with it.

It is the Chaos Demon.

It is also the first ancestor of the family.

After the ancestors of Xiangjia became the chaos demon gods, they can now be said to be the real chaos demon.

In the depths of chaos, he was holding the gods and waving toward the front. Suddenly, chaos broke open, and a force of hegemony was branded in the void.

"I am the hegemon, branding my way to the chaotic void, I am the chaos saint."

The tyrant screamed, in this chaos, successive shots, constantly exerting his strongest attack to bombard the chaotic void, making the chaotic void blasting.

Moreover, the places where he bombarded were all in the same place. After each bombardment, there will be a sigh of tyrants in the chaotic void.

This is his way, the road to the chaos of Chaos Demon.

This is the real way to make the Chaos Demon lord detach from the devil's body and become the true supreme chaos saint.

The first ancestor of Xiangjia has already begun to prepare this road from ancient times. Now, it is finally the last step.


In the depths of chaos, the chaos demon gods of the Xiangjia ancestors screamed again and again, as if they were inexhaustible and bombarded in the chaotic void. Every bombardment, there is a brand of tyrants in it.

Although each time it is only a small brand, it is superimposed every time.

If he can truly brand the chaos of the chaos of the gods, it is the time when he really got the road.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete.

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