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"Teacher, tyrant, can you be enlightened?"

In the chaotic void, the separation of Sanqing and Daozu stood together. Their eyes looked at the tyrants that were constantly branding their own roads in the chaotic void. Sanqing’s faces were full of doubts.

Daozu looked at the chaos demon **** for a long time, only to open, "Yes."


As the voice of Dao Zuo fell, the performance method followed, as if the road to enlightenment of Chaos Devils was affirmed. In the chaotic void, there was a purple gas that instantly disappeared into the body of the Chaos Demon.

Then, with the chaos of the Devil's tyrants, a little bit of branding in the chaotic void, a piece of jade butterfly appears on the top of the Taoist ancestors, it is the creation of jade discs, only to see a hegemonic road on the jade plate, which is gradually emerging. It is the hegemony of Chaos Devil.

There are three thousand avenues in the Pangu chaotic world, but the Taoist Devil's tyrants are not in it. Nowadays, the Chaos Demon tyrants have branded their own way in the void of Pangu's chaotic world, which makes a reappearance on the 3,000-made jade dish. Representing the Chaos Devils will achieve a true chaotic saint.

"I will add another friend."

Sanqing smiled and looked at this scene.

They are not at all embarrassed, and some are just gratified.

After 10,000 years, the guardianship of the frontier sword will be the battle to determine the life and death of the Pangu chaotic world. If the Pangu chaotic world is still the current power, the failure is doomed. Only in this 10,000 years, more The chaotic sage and the chaotic sage have hope to win this battle.

Chaotic demon tyrants, comprehending their own way with the body of Chaos Devil, after the sanctification of the Tao, although it can not be compared with the chaos of the chaos, but among the chaos saints, it is definitely the top saint, not comparable to the black lotus and others. .

There is more hope for a chaotic saint.

"How is the **** world?"

At this time, Daozu looked at Tongtian in Sanqing.

"After the start of the Million Chapel, the gods of the gods were destroyed, and the rest were gathered by the remaining ten gods. It would be more difficult to lose these gods." Said the heavenly saint.

One of his avatars carries the sacred swords and joins the three scorpions into the realm of the gods to protect those true celestial beings, the most clear thing about the realm of the gods.

“How about the monkey head and Yang Lan?”

Daozu asked again.

"Without Xiang Yang, the two of them can only fight against one god. They are still looking for opportunities. However, among the gods, the supreme **** is hidden in it. It is not easy to easily deal with the ten kings." Said helplessly.

"Teacher, Xiangyang?"

The original Holy Spirit asked curiously.

With their power as a chaotic sage, they did not know where Xiangyang was, as if they had disappeared from the air, and even they could not detect where Xiangyang was. It is estimated that only the Taoist ancestors knew it.

"I do not know either."

Daozu shook his head.

The last time Xiang Yang fell into the river of destiny, and as the river of destiny disappeared together, it should have been a deadly life, but Xiang Yang’s master and Tao Zu said that Xiang Yang did not die, and everyone’s heart was only curious. In the end, where is Xiangyang going?

Who ever thought that Daozu did not know where Xiangyang was.

"Maybe, the hegemony will be when Xiangyang returns again."

Suddenly said too.


Daozu nodded, and then they did not say much, but quietly looked at Chaos Demon.

At this moment, the Chaos Demon Pai has almost branded his hegemony in the chaotic void. It can even be said that it has not been used for a long time, and it can almost be truly branded in this chaotic void.

However, it is this last moment that is the worst done.


The Chaos Devil is roaring and still bombards the chaotic void, trying to integrate his perfect path into the void. However, what makes him feel annoyed is that no matter how he bombards his own power in the chaotic void, there is still no way to do it. Brand your own words in this chaotic void.

Even the sacred jade dish suspended on the top of the ancestors, although there is a hegemony that emerged, but it is not really stable, it is still an illusory state.

Only by truly branding the tyrants in the chaotic void, the tyrant's Tao is truly perfect, and can truly get rid of the chaos of the devil, so that he can get detached.

"No, I don't believe it, I want to be detached."


"Give me a drive."

The tyrant is roaring, and his magic weapon is constantly bombarded in the chaotic void, causing the chaotic void to explode. However, what makes him even more annoyed is that he still cannot completely integrate his path into the void.

"Ba, I will help you."

At this time, Tongtian Shengzun couldn’t stand. He sighed and pointed out, and fixed the void with his great power as a chaotic sage.

"Thank you."

The voice of the tyrant came over. He did not hesitate to do his best. He bombarded his own hegemony in the void, only listening to the sound of 'banging rumbling', and the road of tyrants was finally branded in the chaos of the void. It is.


I saw the Taoist jade dish on Daozu also appeared a road full of arrogance and unparalleled. It is the way of Chaos Demon.

This is a new avenue that can prove to be the way of chaos and saints.

As the saying goes, the three thousand avenues, the articles can be enlightened, it is the avenue that can be a chaotic saint. Today, there is one more, that is, the road of chaos demon.

As long as there is enough talent, enough resources, enough time, and the practice of chaos, it is equally possible to be sanctified.

Of course, among the heavens and the real world today, the blood of the chaos demon gods, and the people who can practice the chaos of the demon gods, are only the people of the family.


Accompanied by the satisfied smile on the face of Sanqing, I saw the incomparable light of the Chaos Demon tyrants bursting out, and there was a horrible scent bursting out, and the thick sacred power spread from the Chaos Demon.

At this moment, in the chaos of the void, the golden lotus is everywhere, the fairy sounds burst, and the avenue is filled with breath. It is the vision of the chaos demon god.

Among the heavens and the thousands, the strong men above the border of the sacred peaks, as long as they are powerful enough to understand the heavens, can feel the sanctification of others at this moment, they have raised their heads and are puzzled. Looking at the depths of chaos, "How can someone be sanctified at this time..."

"Is it easy to sanctify the Pangu chaotic world?"

"The Holy Spirit is coming, and Heaven is congratulating. This is a sanctification of the people. I just don't know what method is used to sanctify."

"There were three sacred sacred sects in the past. Nowadays, some people have gotten the road again. This is the blessing of my ancient chaotic world."


Then, the mighty of the countless sub-Sacred peaks all rushed into the chaos of the void. They were going to watch the process of sanctification. Maybe someone accidentally broke through to become a chaotic saint after watching the sanctification?

For these powerful people in the heavens and the world, this is a big chance.

The chaos demon **** is sacred and sanctified, and there is no special concealment of other people. Today’s powerful people in the heavens and the real world know the wars after 10,000 years. It is precisely when there is a need to boost morale. Every time a chaotic saint is added, for the heavens. For the strong people of Wanjie, it is a good thing for Tianda.

In a short time, countless strong people have all been surrounded. Everyone is watching the horror of the horror that erupted on the body of the huge demon **** of the Chaos Devil, and all of them are shocked.

"This pressure is even stronger than when Sancha was sanctified."

The strong ones with the sub-Sacred peaks witnessed the sanctification of Sancha, and they saw the chaos demon **** sanctification. They whispered, and only felt that the sanctification of the chaos demon tyrants was stronger.


Sanctification is a process of detachment. It is to make everything perfect, and at the same time, to open up its own way with itself as the core. From then on, no other external force is needed, and it is the true great perfect existence. I am an eternal power oven.

Not only does the body need to be full and detached, but then the ecstasy of the gods, but also the need for the true spirit and so on.

The ancestors of Xiangjia had already prepared for a long time in order to be sanctified. This time, he was very relaxed to let his body and the gods, even the true spirits reach a perfect state, and then began to display extradition and summon the fate. The river.

"From the river, summoned the body of the world. From then on, I will be the only one in the world."

The ancestors of Xiangjia have recovered to the size of normal people. While he summoned the river of destiny, he sighed, and his face looked unhappy and sad.

At the same time, in the land of too imaginary, Xiang Yang, who is enlightening the road under the tree of enlightenment, suddenly opened his eyes and whispered. "There is someone who is sanctified. This time, hope is that the Pangu chaotic world is sanctified, not Let me go to any dangerous place."


His voice has just fallen, the river of destiny emerged from his body, and with him, the tree of enlightenment disappeared instantly.

"Oh la la la..."

At the same time, in the chaotic void of Pangu's chaotic world, the head of the ancestors of the Xiang family was accompanied by a stream of water, and the river of destiny appeared in the chaotic void.

"It finally appeared."

The face of Xiang’s ancestors was full of excitement. His eyes looked at the river of destiny. The Yuanshen jumped directly out of the flesh and flew to the top of the river of destiny.

"The sanctification is justified today."

The ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors stood by Lingbo, carrying their hands and opening their mouths. He was sanctified by hegemony, and he had a hegemonic atmosphere between every move, making the hearts of all the saints who watched the whole body tremble. I couldn’t help but be shocked by the location.

"Overbearing sanctification is extraordinary."

"Overbearing saints..."

Almost all of the people at the bottom of the family know the ancestors of the family. They think of the people who used to live with each other. Now they have become sacred and he has gone out of their own path.

At the same time, in the void, Daozu and Sanqing are all watching the river of destiny nervously. Tongtian Shengzun is a direct channel. "Do you want to go with the river of destiny?"

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