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The appearance of Xiang Yang really made everyone very surprised. Even the mentality of Daozu’s ancient well was shocked by Xiang Yang.

If the first time Xiangyu appeared in the river of fate, it would be a normal situation. However, now that the river of destiny has appeared for so long, even when the breakthrough of the ancestor’s ancestor has failed, Xiang Yangcai Lingbo, who looked at the bag, rose, which made them feel a little shocked.

Among the Sanqing, even the inaction was too stunned, and Xiang Yang’s appearance was really unexpected.

"Xiang Yang, you..."

The **** of the ancestors of Xiangjia looked at Xiangyang dumbly. He did not think that Xiangyang would rise from the bottom of the river of destiny. Is this because of the call of his extradition?

"Haha, ancestors, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't think we will meet in this way. It's really a surprise."

Xiang Yang bears his hands, Lingbo stands on the top of the river of destiny, smiling at the beginning of the family.

"How come you are below that river?" Xiangjia's ancestors looked at Xiangyang with an incomprehensible color.

"Do not take care of this first."

Xiang Yang waved his hand. "First ancestor, although you are the source of the family, it is the ancestor of the family. However, you can't rob me of this younger generation. Even a river has to be robbed. Excessive."



After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, everyone was shocked. At the same time, Daozu and Sanqing appeared in the river of destiny. They looked at Xiangyang with a shocking color.

"Xiang Yang, what happened?" asked Daozu.

His voice, with a trembling color, shows how shocking the words of Xiangyang in the heart of Tao.

"Daozu, you have come, haha, Sanqing Shengzun is also here, it is a coincidence."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Do not talk nonsense, do you control the river?" Tongtian Shengzun directly shouted.

Xiang Yang looked at all the Yasheng strong people present, and saw that all of them looked at themselves with a look of hope, and looked at Daozu and Sanqing who wanted to know their own answers. Then they looked very excited. What seems to be the ancestor of the family, he smiled softly and felt that he was too good, even the Taoist ancestors would show their admiration.

It’s a pity to see how Daozu might reveal the color of worship to him, just want to know if Xiangyang really collected the river of destiny.

Of course, at this moment, Xiang Yang appeared under the eyes of the public. He was a little inflated. He only felt that he was too good. He couldn’t help but carry his hands and sighed. "This river sees me having a dominant position. It is hard to recognize me as the main, and I will only accept it."

"Do you really collect the river of destiny?"

Daozu looked up at Xiangyang with his eyes wide open.

This is the first time that Daozu has been so shocked since he became enlightened.

As the spokesperson of Heaven, he is the superpower of the half-step master. It is the division of the Holy One in the Pangu chaos world. He is usually very calm. This time, he is really the words of Xiangyang. I was shocked.

Even the Taoist priests are the same, not to mention Sanqing and a group of great saints.

At this moment, whether it is Sanqing or a strong person in the realm of Yasheng Peak, they all stared at Xiangyang.

They are all very clear about how shocking it is if Xiang Yang really controls the river.

"Xiang Yang, is it a ghost you made?"

At this time, the first ancestor of Xiangjia was angry and looked at Xiang Yang. "It must be that you are hiding at the bottom of the river, preventing me from collecting the world, right?"

The more he looked at Xiang Yang, the more angry he was, and he screamed with anger. "Your body is full of half of the family's blood. You dare to do this kind of thing, hindering me from sanctification, hello."


Xiang Yang stayed in bed, is he over-prepared, and Xiang’s ancestors thought that he could not sense that Wan Shi’s body was his own reason, and he was too embarrassed.


At this time, the river of destiny trembled and seemed to disappear and disappeared.

When everyone saw it, all of them changed their faces. The first ancestor of the family looked at Xiangyang as if they were eating people. "Whether it is you, if you can control the river of destiny, help me and help me sanctify."

Daozu also shouted, "Xiang Yang, this matter, you must go all out."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Don't say it is like my obligation. First, the ancestors couldn't sense the world. It's not my reason, but he is too special. Second, I really get it. The river of destiny, but it can't help too much."

"What do you mean?"

Everyone's face has changed, especially the ancestors of the family, and he almost cried. This is his hope of sanctification. Only a little bit, he can be sanctified. If he misses this time, he will be true. The catastrophe is gone.

"Although I have already used this river of destiny for my own use, to a certain extent, you can understand that my strength is still too weak to fully control the river of destiny."

Xiang Yang said with a sly color on his face.


Everyone's face has become very difficult to look at.

Especially the ancestors of Xiangjia are even more mad. "No, impossible, how can this be, I don't believe..."

"Xiang Yang, I believe that you have a way to try it." Dao Zu Shen said.

Although Xiang Yang didn't care about it, his heart was still very nervous. The first ancestor of Xiangjia was only sanctified in the last step. However, even if he stuck in this step, could he say that the river of destiny knew that he had ruined it? After the cliff, I want to find a way to retaliate against myself, so that the ancestors could not be sanctified?

"I control the river of destiny. If I even have my friends and family, I still control what you do?"

Then, Xiang Yang suddenly groaned and sneered to take out a thing. It was the wordless book that was obtained in the river of destiny. When the cliff was sanctified, there was no figure on the cliff without words, so the cliff failed. It is.

When the magic fairy is sanctified, the first page on the wordless book is the shape of the magic fairy, so she easily becomes a chaotic saint.

Xiang Yang would like to see if there is a body shape of the first ancestor in this book. If it is, it proves that the ancestor of the family can be sanctified. If not, he will paint it!

"this is..."

When Xiang Yang took out this untitled book, the A-Shengqiang who was present did not feel anything. Even, even Sanqing did not change his look. However, the face of Daozu became at this moment. More shocked.

Even if Xiang Yang said that he was in charge of the river of destiny, Daozu was shocked, but it has not reached a very shocking degree.

However, at this time, when Xiang Yang held this book without words, Daozu was shocked. "This is the book of destiny!"

"Hey, boss, do you know what this wordless book is called?"

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Daozu with a strange color.

The ancestors nodded, then shook their heads and closed their mouths. When Xiang Yang met, he was suddenly bored. When he saw that the river of destiny had to be integrated into his body and disappeared, he was anxious and said quickly, "I will first Try to let the ancestors feel that the world is sanctified. When the river of destiny disappears, you must find ways to keep me. I can't let me be taken away by the river of destiny. Otherwise, I will follow the fate. The river has entered a land of too virtual."

When I say this sentence, it is naturally said to Daozu.

Among the crowds, even the strength of Sanqing is completely incomparable to Daozu. Daozu is here, and it is the most pleasant thing for Xiangyang.

He wants to stay in the chaotic world of Pangu, and he must have the help of Daozu.

"it is good."

Daozu nodded, and the top of the head was still suspended with the jade plate. This is the supreme treasure that represents the core of the entire Pangu chaotic world. In the face of the river of destiny, Daozu does not dare to make a big difference. Find a way to help Xiang Yang.

"The ancestor, now you continue to use the extradition to sense your eternal life, I will help you."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, in Dantian, the Yuanshen directly said to the Taoist Tree, "Give your strength to me."


When Enlightenment Tree saw the magic of Xiangyang, he had completely served Xiangyang. He thought that after Xiangyang became the master, he could help him to detach himself. At this moment, it is more responsive to Xiangyang’s requirements.


At this moment, with the fall of Xiang Yang's voice, he only felt that a powerful and unparalleled force broke out from the body. At this moment, the breath of response plummeted, and the Chaos saint was surpassed in the blink of an eye, reaching the chaotic sage. It is not even weaker than three.

"His breath..."

When everyone felt that the growth of Xiang Yang’s body was growing, it was all stunned. It’s incredible that Xiang Yang had a chaotic sacred cult in the blink of an eye.

"He has a big secret in his body."

Both Daozu and Sanqing knew that Xiangyang could not suddenly have such a chaotic sage of sorrow for no reason.

This kind of breath can not be easily simulated, unless there is a chaotic sacred possession in Xiangyang, and the power is loaned to Xiangyang.

And how powerful is the chaotic sage, how many chaotic sages in the entire Pangu chaotic world?

In addition to Sanqing, Emperor Huang, only the first two Buddhas of the Western Buddhism have the power of the Holy Spirit, of course, there are also the grandfather of Pingxin and Xiangyang.

However, as everyone knows, it is impossible for these chaotic saints to hide in the Xiangyang body and lend their power to Xiangyang. As a result, why Xiangyang has the power of chaos in the body is worthy of investigation.

When everyone looked at Xiangyang with a shock, Xiang Yang’s body was equally unbearable and cracked when he was able to withstand the power of this chaotic sage. However, he did not feel the same, very calm. Inspire the river of destiny with your own strength.

"It really is the reason for my lack of strength."

When Xiang Yang sensed the river of destiny with the power of chaos and sacredness, he sensed that there was a powerful and unparalleled energy flow in the river of destiny. In the past, these energies could not be sensed by him, but in At this moment, he can easily sense the existence of this energy.

Moreover, in the past, unless the other party exerted the extradition and attracted the 10,000th body, otherwise, he could not sense the existence of the other party's body.

However, this time, he really realized that the river of destiny is connected with an infinite amount of time and space. Every drop of water seems to have a vast and boundless world. In every world, there is a world that does not know much. body.

The whole river of destiny is so broad, how many worlds there are, how many tens of thousands of people, even the soul is true, all these suns are not known.

He looked up and looked at the ancestors of the Xiang family who were still performing the extradition.

"The ancestor, use your breath."

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