Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3134: Shock lock fate (four more flowers)

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"The ancestor, use your breath."

Xiang Yang looked at the ancestors of the Xiang family. When he spoke, he did not wait for the first ancestor to answer. He directly reached out and looked at the ancestors of the Xiang family. Suddenly, the two ancestors of the Xiangjia ancestors were He was caught in his hands, and then he used one heart and two, and one of the two breaths was drawn into the river of destiny, and the other one was caught in his hands and turned into a pen.

Then, while searching for the eternal ancestor of the family in the river of destiny, he painted on the wordless book.

This time, Xiang Yang intends to imprint the ancestor of the Xiang family on this untitled book. He would like to see if he really portrays the brand of the ancestor of the ancestors on this wordless book. Whether it means that the first ancestor of the family can be truly sanctified.


As Xiang Yang began to paint on the wordless book, it had gradually faded away, and the river of destiny that seemed to disappear was once again condensed and manifested, and this time it was choppy, as if to pick up the boundless waves.

At the same time, a powerful and unparalleled force permeated Xiang Yang's hands. Xiang Yang's pen, which was condensed with the ancestors of Xiang's ancestors, collapsed instantly and seemed to be hardened by a mysterious power. The destruction.

However, Xiang Yang has already drawn a stroke on this wordless book with the breath of the ancestors of Xiangjia. This is the master of Xiangyang’s combination with the ancestors of the family, and he is the master of the river of destiny. I stayed on top with a strong and powerful force.

"It seems to have a play."

After Xiang Yang met, it was a bright eye, and he did not hesitate to directly grab the first ancestor of the Xiang family. He grabbed several breaths again, and then painted in the air, in this untitled book. The approximate look of the ancestors.


At this moment, the wave on the river of destiny is bigger, and a horrible force comes down. It seems that the destruction of Xiangyang is the same. However, it is obvious that Xiangyang is the master of the river of destiny and the river of destiny. There is no way to really hurt him when he is violent, and others have already portrayed the general appearance of the ancestors of the family in this wordless book.

"The ancestor, speeding up your 10,000th body."

At this moment, Xiang Yang possesses the powerful power of a chaotic sage. It can be said that he is a living chaotic sage. It is not an exaggeration. Even if the river of destiny is instigated, he is also the master of the river of destiny.

In fact, without the Xiangyang opening, Xiang’s first ancestor has fully tried to sense his eternal life.

Originally, the ancestors of Xiangjia thought that the river of destiny was rioting, let alone sensing the world. If you don’t leave, I am afraid that even when the gods are to be accounted for here, he suddenly realized the breath of his own body. .

"I sensed it."

At this moment, the early ancestors of Xiangjia were shocked, even if they were the body of the gods, they almost burst into tears.

It was so exciting that I felt the breath of the world at this moment.

"Hurry and collect your 10,000th body."

Xiang Yang quickly yelled.

"I will help you."

At this time, even the Taoist ancestors were alarmed. He was afraid that the strength of the ancestors of the family would be insufficient, and he could not quickly collect the body of the world, but also directly made the jade discs on the top of the head, making the jade discs burst into the incomparable light. The body of the first ancestor.


The ancestors of Xiangjia tried their best to fish his 10,000th body. This time it was very smooth. As his extradition was exhibited, his Wan Shi body went together and went to him and was included in the Yuanshen.


Moreover, at this moment, the originally turbulent river of destiny began to calm down at this moment.

Even in the case of Xiang Yang’s hand-written book, the ancestors of the ancestors gradually became clearer, and the breath on it was the atmosphere of the ancestors of the family.

"What is this untitled book?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at the wordless book in his hand. At the same time, he gave a voice to the tree of enlightenment in Dantian. "Do you know what it is?"

"This is the book of destiny. It is the core hub of the river of destiny. It is said that the book that controls the destiny can control the fate of the people of chaos."

Enlightenment tree replied.

"What else?" Xiang Yang listened to the surface and did not move, but the heartbeat has accelerated.


Enlightenment tree is helpless. "Master, the river of destiny is too mysterious. There are almost no people who really know its roots. I have only heard a little bit."

"No problem."

Xiang Yang did not care about the change of Taoism to his own name. He smiled softly and smiled on his face. He looked at the ancestors of the untitled Tianshu and became more and more real. He eventually reached the same level as the magic fairy. As if he was painting, he understood that the sanctification of the founder of the family had already been fixed.


Sure enough, at this time, when the ancestors of the ancestors took all the tens of thousands of bodies into his gods, only a terrible sacred saga broke out, and his breath changed dramatically. The whole person has completely changed at this moment, truly surpassing the heavens and becoming a true hybrid Promise saint.

He is sanctified!

"It’s finally sanctified."

On the one hand, Daozu and Sanqing were relieved at the same time.

The war is about to come, and the Pangu chaotic world needs too many saints. Especially the ancestors of the Chaos Devil's Chaos, which is the chaos of the Chaos, is a chaotic saint. His fighting power is stronger than the average saint.

It can be said that the founder's ancestors proved to be sanctified and the most suitable saint for combat.

"It turned out that this is to become a chaotic saint, and Xiang Dao is sanctified."

"Xiang Yang actually controls the legendary river. Does it mean that in the future, if I want to be sanctified, I must pass the consent of Xiangyang. If Xiangyang does not agree, we cannot be sanctified?"

"Xiang Yang seems to be a person of the family. However, the first ancestor of the Xiang family could not get the world at the beginning. There may be some misunderstanding between the two..."

The strong people in the realm of the sacred peaks of the scene were marveled by the ancestors of the family, some were amazed at the heart, and some thought that the reason why the first ancestor of the family could not find the sanctification of the world was definitely Yang is a stalk from it.

When I think of Xiangyang, even my ancestors can be so devastated. When those who have nothing to do with Xiangyang want to be sanctified, it will be difficult. The presence of these Yasheng strong people is a little fearful.

"I don't know how to get along with Xiangyang."

So, in the hearts of these Yasheng strong people, I thought that I must wait for Xiangyang to have a good relationship with Xiangyang. Otherwise, when they have to break through the sanctification, they will be killed by Xiangyang. At that time, it is The real tragedy.

Xiang Yang didn't know what these Asian sams thought. He was too lazy to manage, because at this time, the ancestors of Xiangjia had completed the final breakthrough and truly achieved the realm of chaos and saints.

Then, the river of destiny is ready to return to the land of Taixu with Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang was nervous and quickly sang a sigh of sacred ancestors. At the same time, he was as good as an enemy. He immediately released the sacred swords, and suddenly, the mighty swords flowed, and the four swords of Zhu Xian were like four nails. The nails are nailed in the void.

After the Daozu of the other side saw it, it was also the same dignified shot. His body flickered and instantly appeared in Xiangyang's side. The jade dish broke out with powerful energy, and the seven-seventy-nine-nine and the ruled **** chains descended from the sky. Directly locked Xiang Yang.

"what's going on?"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked. Xiang Yang was just helping the ancestors of the family to prove their sanctification. Even if they had no credit, they had to work hard. Daozu actually locked Xiangyang directly in a blink of an eye. Could it be said that Dao was ready to destroy? Xiang Yang?


However, when everyone was shocked, the river of destiny rolled and disappeared. Among them, a river directly surrounded Xiangyang, and wanted to explode and disappear. However, it was discovered that either the Jianxian sword or the Taozu exhibited it. The rules of the chain are all locked tightly, so that when Xiang Yang can't move, the river of destiny will also vibrate.

The river of destiny seems to be struggling, and wants to drag Xiangyang away. However, the four swords of Zhu Xian are unfolding like nails in the void, plus the forty-nine Tiandao chain lock of Daozu. Yang, even if the river of destiny is so strong, it is also impossible to take Xiangyang away.

Oh la la!

In the river of destiny, the river constantly slaps together and wants to take Xiangyang away. However, it is too late, no matter how the river of fate struggles, it can't break free.

"Give me back."

Xiang Yangxuan snorted, his body shape flowed, and the whole person directly broke out with a powerful force, and his hands were used to show the law, and the river of fate was slightly absorbed into his own body.

"The river of fate is in the body, this is a miracle."

Even Daozu couldn't help but sigh, the river of destiny, this is an area that even the ancestors could not touch. However, Xiangyang, a young man who has not yet sanctified, can control the river of destiny, which is beyond all Human imagination.

At this moment, Daozu couldn't help but tremble, and Sanqing also had a shocking color on his face, whispering in a low voice. "Xiang Yang is really too unexpected."

"Old friend, it is time for you to look at your descendants. The river of destiny is in his hands. Maybe he will really take that step and become the supreme being to dominate chaos."

Later, Daozu whispered and passed the message to Xiang Yang’s master.

At the same time, in the chaos, the land of the frontier, the guardian of the sword, Xiang Yang’s master is sitting cross-legged, with a sword lying across his knees, and then suddenly he opened. Eyes, face with a strange color, "The river of fate was collected by the kid, is this impossible?"

At the same time, there was an incarnation that was directly separated by him and disappeared instantly.

In the chaotic void, Xiang Yang took the river of destiny into the body a little bit. In the end, the whole river of destiny was completely collected by Xiang Yang, and his figure still stood in this ancient chaotic world.

"At last it was not brought into the land of too virtual..."

Xiang Yang took a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the ancestors of Xiangjia. At this moment, the ancestors of the Xiangjia had completely broken through, but he should have been eye-catching and found himself as if he was abandoned in the corner. When no one pays attention to himself, he suddenly feels like crying...

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers.

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