Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3135: The Purple Palace

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"It’s finally left in the Pangu chaotic world."

Xiang Yang’s heart sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he was relieved when he discovered that the river of destiny was flowing around his true spirit.

If this time he is brought into the land of too much by the river of destiny, he does not know what he should do.

Among the Pangu chaotic world, the three most hopeful sanctifications, except for Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, have not been moved. The ancestor of the Xiang family has become sanctified. If this time, Xiangyang is still being swept away by the river of destiny. He wants to appear again in the Pangu chaotic world and can only wait for the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan to prove their sanctification.

Moreover, if even this time can not stay, it is estimated that when Yang Lan and Sun Monkey testify, he may not be able to stay. At that time, he can only become a river of fate walking.

When Xiang Yang sighed, the first ancestor of the Xiang family was proud of himself, but when he found that the attention of the people around him was not on him, he almost wondered if he was not successful in the testimony.

"Follow me."

At this time, the figure of an old man appeared in an instant, and the waving of the Xiangyang directly disappeared in the same place.

"this is..."

Although the figure of this old man is only a flash, but everyone can sense the invincible atmosphere of the other side.

This is a truly invincible atmosphere, and it is still an invincible kendo powerhouse.

Among the people, there are also strong men who practice kendo. Not to mention those who are the holy sages. The sacred sage is in the chaotic world of Pangu. The invincible strong man who claims to be the first kendo has a trepidation and can’t help but lose his voice. "I am still not as good as him."

"Ha ha..."

After listening to the original sage on one side, I couldn't help but laugh a few times. I wanted to compare it with that one. It was a dream, but the teacher even believed that the teacher could not exist.

After listening to the heavenly sage, it was a blink of an eye, and looked at the original with a bad mood. "Older, do you look down on me?"

The original turned over and looked at me. "How many pounds do you have? Do you still don't know?"


There is nothing to say in Tongtian, and Sanqing is one. The strength of each other can't be compared to each other. He can brag in front of others and say how he is, but in the presence of the original and the Taiqing sage. It’s really hard to say anything big.

"Go, go see it together."

The Taoist priest on the other side is laughing softly, and first catch up with the direction of Xiang Yang Shizun.

Too has been silent for a long time, but when he saw Dao Zang catch up, his speed was the fastest, and he rushed straight up.

Both the original and the Tongtian can't keep up with the bickering, and they catch up with the fastest speed.

In this way, in the chaos, the rest of the rest are being aired, especially the strongest of the ancestors of the family, who has just become sanctified. His sad discovery, his new chaotic saint, no one even greeted No one asked him to go to the Zixiao Palace to listen to the Taoist priest.

"I, what is this about me? Was it abandoned?"

Although the ancestors of the Xiang family were paralyzed, although he was not a saint disciple before, he was very clear that in the chaotic world of Pangu, but when someone proves to be a chaotic saint, the Taozu will be earned under the door and become the disciples of the Tao.

Last time, the black lotus demon sanctuary became a chaotic saint, which was taken away by the Taoist priests and entered the Ziyan Palace.

The original ancestor thought that he could also be accepted as a disciple by Daozu, and he could communicate with the same level of Sanqing.

Who ever thought that he was abandoned, and no one cares about himself.

"what should I do?"

Originally, it should be a joyful and happy first-time ancestor after becoming a chaotic saint. At this moment, I suddenly did not know what I should do.

"I have seen chaos saints."

"I have waited to see the saint."


Fortunately, the Asian sages who were present at the scene did not leave the first ancestor, and all of them respectfully bowed to him.

"You are welcome, the road to practice is long, and I am only one step ahead of you. I believe that everyone will soon be able to prove the mixed yuan."

The early ancestors of Xiangjia had a good mood, waved at the crowd, and then left with a smile.

This smile is really not a smile from his heart. He is afraid that he will continue to stay, and he will feel uncomfortable about these sacred sacredness. At that time, although these sacred saints are only saints, they are not afraid of themselves, but these A large part of the people are Sanqing disciples.

Not to mention that these guys have a chance to break through the saints in the future, even if they only need to talk to Sanqing well, this new chaotic saint, it is estimated that it is not good to be blinded by Sanqing in the circle of saints.

"Communicate all members of the project and return to the home."

The first ancestor of Xiangjia returned to the Xiangjia family. The first thing he did was to summon all the members of the family, including Xiang Yu and others.

Nowadays, he is finally sanctified, and he is no longer afraid of the ancient gods of the ancient fairy world. The Xiang family no longer needs to hide, and can appear in the heavens and the world.

“Congratulations to the ancestors, the breakthrough of He Xi’s ancestors became a chaotic saint.”

"The breakthrough of the ancestor became a chaotic saint, it is simply the blessing of my family."

After all the family members saw that the first ancestor of the family had broken through the sanctification, all the strong men of the Xiang family returned, and when they saw the first ancestor of the Xiang family became a chaotic saint, they were very excited.

"The ancestors proved holy, great."

"Since then, the greatness of the fairy world, we no longer have to worry about any danger."

"Ha ha ha, the end of the guys in the ancient fairy world is coming."


Among the family members, everyone was very happy. Although the family’s ancestors were depressed because they were not called by the Taoist priests in the Zixiao Palace, they were so happy to see the members of the family. It is.

However, whenever I think of myself because of Xiangyang's reason, I almost couldn't prove my sanctification. Because of Xiangyang's reason, Daozu also ran away. Even when he was not a disciple, he was very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, Xiangyang's little bastard, clearly not sanctified, how is it so familiar with the sage circle?"

When Xiangchu’s first ancestor remembered Xiangyang, he felt that his heart was particularly uncomfortable. He thought that he would become a chaotic saint. He would definitely be able to mix into the circle of saints such as Sanqing. Who ever thought that after he was sanctified, he would still be better than Shang Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang’s kid didn’t even have sanctification, but he could make Daozu and Sanqing around him. This is the gap.

When Xiangchu’s early ancestors felt uncomfortable, Xiang Yang was brought to the Ziyan Palace on the chaos of Jiuzhongtian by his master. This is the site of Daozu.

Xiang Yang’s Shi Zun actually brought Xiang Yang here, which made Sanqing feel a little puzzled.

Daozu felt that it was normal. He was very familiar with Xiang Yang’s master. When he was idle, they both drank a small wine cellar in this purple palace.

The establishment of the Purple Palace is actually half of the division of Xiangyang.

It was only that one who was too busy and barely appeared, which made the All Saints of Pangu’s chaotic world think that the Purple Palace is only one of the Taoist ancestors.

They did not explain too much. After everyone appeared, Daozu and Xiangyang’s grandfather and master were standing side by side, while Xiangyang was standing with Sanqing.

He looked at the old man with a blank look, "cough..."

Xiang Yang coughed a few times, and wanted to open a shout, and suddenly remembered that the old man was his own grandfather, and he was entangled. "So, old man, should I call you a master or a grandfather?"

"What do you think is good?"

The old man looked at Xiang Yang like a smile.

"What do I call anyway?" Xiang Yang asked tentatively.


Xiang Yang’s teacher nodded casually and repaired to the extent of him. He did not care about what he called, and how could he tell him what to call him?

"That's good, then I don't have to worry about it."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, "Old man, what did you bring me here? My family's first ancestor sanctified, I have not congratulated him yet."

It is a good thing for Xiang’s ancestors to become a chaotic sage. Of course, Xiang Yang’s so-called congratulations are not true. The ancestors of the family can only be sanctified because of his reasons. He feels that he should stay. I am grateful to the first ancestor of the family.

Think about the old guy who is the ancestor of the family, the reason why he can become a chaotic demon tyrant, it is because of his own help, help him refine the chaos of the chaos demon lord, then the old guy can really become a chaotic demon tyrant Later, when sanctification, he did his best to help him to help him get rid of the world, and he could prove his sanctification. Otherwise, even if it was the ancestors of the family, how about planning for the ages?

Thinking of this, the response only feels filled with a great sense of accomplishment.

"I am a personal talent. First, I will help Sancha sisters to be sanctified, and then help the ancestors to be sanctified. I am a personal talent."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, and the more he thought, the more he felt that he was really too good.

"Little guy, isn't it very regrettable that I didn't show off in front of the tyrant?" When Xiang Yang wanted to make a mistake, his master looked at him like a smile.

"You know this as well?"

Xiang Yang was shocked, and the old man could even feel what he thought in his heart. This is too much.

"I don't know if you have that character?"

Xiang Yang’s master took a look at him. As a child who had been practicing with him for a decade since he was very young, he had already learned about Xiang Yang’s character.


Xiang Yang coughed a few times. "I said that the old man misunderstood me. How could I be that kind of person?"

"Ha ha..."

The old man does not speak, the urine of this kid, others do not know, will he not know?

On the one hand, Daozu looked at this scene just smiling. He had already understood the temper of his old friend. He didn’t think that there was something wrong with the apprentice and the two, but Sanqing saw the idol in his heart. When he and Gong Yang were both fun and bickering here, Rao was Sanqing and couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

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