Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3137: Scared you guys

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"Congratulations to your two brothers, goodbye."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed a few times, his eyes looked at Hongjun and Enlightenment Tree.

Hongjun is a happy face, said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, thank you for helping me this old brother to get rid of the Panyu chaos world to him."

"You're welcome, anyway, he has already recognized me as the main."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


When Hongjun heard his face, his face suddenly turned black. He looked at the Taoist tree. However, what surprised him was that the Taoist tree turned out to be a subject of recognition, and there seemed to be no dissatisfaction. A happy smile looked at Xiang Yang. "Yes, I have already recognized the Lord."

When Enlightenment Tree said that it had recognized Xiangyang as the mainstay, the self-confidence in the words seemed to be a very proud thing, making Hongjun feel incredible.

As a Hongjun who once grew up relying on the Enlightenment Tree, it is very clear that if there is a tree of enlightenment, it is very useful for any person, and even if he thinks, the Panyu chaotic world can grow so rapidly. It is far from the Pangu chaotic world, and it is related to the Enlightenment Tree.

If Pangu’s chaotic world also has a Taoist tree, the number of saints will definitely be two or three times more than it is now.

However, the Enlightenment Tree is so proud that it is impossible to go with anyone unless it is obligated to surrender.

At that time, it was because of Panyu’s surrender that he was taken away. Today, he is proud to say that Xiangyang is the mainstay. However, Xiang Yang’s cultivation is not even achieved by the chaos and saints.


Hongjun stared at Xiangyang and Enlighten Tree, and Xiang Yang had a smile on his face. "Oh, actually, after I saved the Taoist tree in the Panyu chaotic world, I also wanted to give it a freedom, but, It is hard for me to recognize me as the Lord, and I have to recognize it."

Enlightenment Tree did not speak, although it did recognize Xiangyang as the mainstay, and made up its mind to follow Xiangyang. After all, Xiangyang is the strongest person he has ever seen to become the dominant, but it is not stupid. Can not say in front of Hongjun that it is his own dead skin to follow Xiangyang.

"How do you go to Panyu's chaotic world."

The old man on one side couldn’t stand it, and asked with a cough.

When talking about this problem, Xiang Yang suddenly came to an end. He said with a smile. "This is too simple. Last time, I didn't accept the river of destiny? Later, I was brought to the virtual river by the river of destiny. In the middle, then, I just wanted to play in the virtual world. As a result, Panyu’s chaotic world turned out to be sanctified. Haha, when I thought about it, I rushed straight over the past...”

While talking, he looked at the people in the place. Whether it was Hongjun or Sanqing, he looked at him with curiosity on his face. He only felt very satisfied with his heart and couldn’t help but continue to say, "Pan Do you know the ranks of the chaotic world? Do you know? It doesn't matter, I tell you, this time Panyu Chaotic World is sanctified and is the top ten guy on the Yasheng Tianjiao list. The name is called Cliff."

"Oh, the cliff is really very powerful. It is easy to prove. If there is no such thing as me, he will certainly be able to fish out his body from the river of destiny. However, since I am driving the river of destiny When it appears, naturally it is impossible to give him any chance. So, all the avatars of that guy have been refining by me, and he can only play on the side of the mud."

"You mean, you can control, not let the other party sanctify!" Tongtian Shengzun could not help but exclaimed.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Almost, anyway, the river of destiny is in my body, as long as I don't want to make the other party sanctified, at least the other side can't get his Wan Shi body from the river of destiny."

"it is good."

This time, both the Taoist and the old man showed excitement at the same time.

"In this case, from then on, the Panyu chaotic world would have thought that someone could prove that it was sanctified." Tongtian Shengzun said with a big laugh.

"This is my business. I don't want him to be sanctified. He will naturally be as holy as a cliff."

Xiang Yang said indifferently, "And, not only that, after I blocked the road to sanctification of the cliff, I went directly to kill the cliff, and the pig killed hundreds of Yasheng strong, and then, Panyu chaotic world. The second killing is also integrated into my 诛仙剑阵."

At the same time, he glanced at the heavenly sacred smile like a smile. "Today, the power of my swordsmanship has reached a very strong level."

"The second killing of Panyu's chaotic world?"

Everyone present was a little bit stunned, and Tongtian was a bit ugly, screaming. "Even if you incorporate the second killing of Panyu's chaotic world, your 诛仙剑阵 is still only counterfeit, unless your 诛仙The four swords can reach the level of innate treasure, otherwise, it is still impossible to compare with me."


Xiang Yang responded freely, and as long as he had enough resources, his four swords could be promoted to be innate.

Seeing the confidence of Xiang Yang’s answer, Tongtian’s old child was depressed, and he could only scream and stop talking.

Daozu said to Xiang Yang, "Show me your second killing."

Daozu is eager to learn the various practices of Panyu's chaotic world, so as to find the easiest way to deal with Panyu's chaotic world. Therefore, when Xiangyang actually gets the second killing of Panyu's chaotic world, he will not sit. Living.

"It has been integrated into the sacred swords."

Xiang Yang said.

"Zhu Xianjian array gave me." Daozu looked at Xiangyang with a black face.

"Give you."

Anyway, his old man is here, no one has the ability to steal his own treasures. Xiang Yang does not mind, directly taking out the Jianxian sword array to study for Daozu, while continuing his speech, "To tell the truth, the Panyu chaotic world is indeed better than us. There are so many powerful worlds. There are so many chaotic saints, and the saints need not say it. The number is estimated to be comparable to the sub-saint of our world."

“Is there such an exaggeration?”

Tongtian frowned and looked at Xiangyang.

They didn't have to deal with Panyu's chaotic world. In fact, when the war broke out in the past, Tongtian and others also drove the flooded mainland into the chaotic world of Panyu. Although they failed to destroy the Panyu chaotic world, But I also saw the connotation of Panyu's chaotic world, which is not as powerful as Xiang Yang said.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Enlightenment Tree. It doesn't know how long it has been in the chaotic world of Panyu. Even when you have a Gouda Mountain, when Enlighten Mountain is opened, there are hundreds of thousands of sacred peaks in the world. Opportunity, among the sub-saints, as long as there are dozens of breakthroughs to become chaotic saints, it is already terrible."

As Xiang Yang said, he looked at the Taoist tree.

Enlightenment tree is very cooperative and directly said, "The Panyu chaotic world has indeed grown very fast in these years after the war. There should be dozens of chaotic holy people. As for the specific number, I don’t know, because many The chaos of the chaos is hidden in the practice, or is planning something, not to mention the chaos saints, with the number of chaotic saints, unless they are in the temple, no one knows how many people there are."


Everyone sucked a sigh of relief, and the power of this chaotic world seemed to be beyond the imagination of everyone.

Although they have a certain understanding of Panyu's chaotic world, it is only at this moment that they actually do not understand Panyu's chaotic world.

The power of the real Panyu chaotic world is definitely not what they can imagine.

"You are so fascinating, it is really not weaker than the sword of the sky."

At this time, Daozu passed the strange voice, which made Xiang Yang's face burst into a bright smile, and the face of Tongtian Shengzun was instantly darkened.

His genuine 诛仙剑阵, was actually caught up by Xiangyang’s pirated 诛 剑 sword array, how is this possible?

"Teacher, are you not mistaken?"

I was looking at Daozu with a black face.

If it is normal, he will not dare to question Daozu, but now he is a bit puzzled in his heart. There is only one set in the Jianxian sword array. Even if it is counterfeit, it is impossible to reach the power of his Jianxian sword array. He does not believe in the item. Yang's counterfeit goods can really be so powerful.

"look by youself."

Daozu was too lazy to pay attention to the sky, directly throwing the sacred sword array to Tongtian, let him study it himself.

At the same time, Sanqing came together. When they looked at the Jianxian sword array, they were shocked by the murderousness and swordsmanship. "This murderous spirit is stronger than the third brother's 诛仙剑阵, if not the 诛仙四剑It’s just that the day after tomorrow’s treasure, I am afraid that this set of 诛仙剑阵 can surpass the 弟仙剑 of the third brother.”

The nature of this sentence is primitive, and he has a turbulent wave in his heart, watching the eyes of the 诛 剑 swords are flickering.

All along, the reason why Tongtian can become the strongest killer in the Pangu chaotic world, except for the kendo of Tongtian is too strong and unexpected, mainly because the power of the sword is unmatched.

Nowadays, Xiang Yang’s power of the sacred swordsmanship has surpassed the original sacred swords of Tongtian. If he can get it, he will never be weaker than the sky.

However, giving him the original one million courage, did not dare to **** the things of Xiangyang.

He can only watch it.

Rao is too incompetent, but also scared a big jump. At this moment, suddenly I feel a little shameful. As the head of Sanqing, there is no other powerful baby except for the Taiji diagram. It’s enough, but the enemy’s side seems to be weaker.

"Wu Kun's creation of Ding in the kid, it seems that I should find a time to ask him to help me re-consolidate the Xuan Huang Gong De Tower."

I have a small abacus in my heart.

There are a lot of magic weapons on the top, and you can't say much. The only true level of the treasure is the Taiji map. Then there is the Xuanhuanggongde tower. This is the time when the Pangu was opened up, and the merits of the heavenly merits are the treasures. It is purely condensed by the power of merit.

As long as the Xuan Huang Gong De Tower is sacrificed, it will truly reach the level of non-invasion.

However, it depends on the strength of the enemy. If the strength of the enemy is too strong, the power of his Xuanhuang merit tower is not enough.

I think that Xiangyang owns the Qiankun Ding Ding, and even the magic weapon of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan can help to make it into a chaotic treasure. I feel that I should find a time to talk to Xiang Yang.

The original eyes are also twinkling, thinking that although they can't get the Xiangyang swords of Xiangyang, they can ask Xiangyang to help refine some of the swords, or other maps.

As for Tongtian, he felt that his heart was empty and his face was not very good-looking. After returning Xiangxian swords to Xiangyang, he was silent.

Looking back carefully, Xiangyang has so many treasures that even the ancestors' babies can't compare with Xiangyang, even if it is a Taoist ancestor, watching Xiangyang's eyes are a little abnormal, which makes Xiang Yang think, this The old man should not be jealous of his baby, want to **** his treasure?

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