Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3138: In the devil

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"What did you get in the Panyu chaotic world?"

In the end, the old man asked Xiang Yang a sentence. He knew too much about Xiang Yang. When Xiang Yang talked about Panyu’s chaotic world, he looked like a proud look. He knew that Xiang Yang’s harvest was definitely not just killing a few. Personally simple.

Xiang Yangxiao smiled, his eyes glanced at the Taoist tree, and then looked at the old man and Daozu, Sanqing, and looked at these people one by one, sighing and saying, "In fact, there is nothing, just, I am idle, nothing to do. It’s just like the hundreds of thousands of sacred words that go to Wudaoshan to seek opportunities, and understand their way.”

At the same time, his body flashed, and there was a big tree on top of his head, green and green, with infinite runes on it, with powerful and unparalleled power of life.

Everyone knows that this is not the way of the Pangu chaotic world.

"This is one of the more characteristic guys. Unfortunately, the guy is not good at learning."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, the big tree that appeared on the top of the head did not enter the body, and then heard the sound of 'banging up', and saw the top of his head, there was another light, and there were countless runes. The powerful and unmatched atmosphere, a ray of light is circulating in it, and these runes are sometimes turned into a sacred soldier, and sometimes turned into various forms.

"This is an intangible way. It can evolve and be tangible, or it can evolve invisible. Of course, the main thing is to rely on the Taoist world of chaos."


Then, these runes disappeared, and there was a powerful and murderous murder on the top of Xiangyang's head. This murderousness turned into a cloud, with a horrible atmosphere.

"This is the way to kill, the Panyu chaos world is the strongest, the war is mad, and there is a high achievement in the killing."

"this is..."

Later, Xiang Yang successively evolved various kinds of roads. It was precisely when he talked about Tianjiao in the realm of Panyu's chaotic world and the hundreds of thousands of Yasheng peaks.

These have been evolved into their own way by Xiang Yang and integrated into his Dao Lian.

At this moment, Xiang Yang showed up, not to mention Sanqing, even the Taozu and Xiangyang's masters also carefully looked at the evolution of these Panyu chaotic world.

However, Xiang Yang only evolved dozens of things and stopped.

"The road of Panyu's chaotic world is different from our Pangu chaotic world, and their strong root lies in these runes. If you want to crack their way, you must first crack their runes."

Daozu whispered in a low voice. His eyes looked at Xiang Yang and his face was gratified. "Xiang Yang, this time, you can get these roads in the chaotic world of Panyu, but it is very helpful to us, but under You must remember that you can't be smashed. If you meet the great ancestors of Panyu's chaotic world, you will die."

"I haven't met it yet."

Although Xiang Yang had a lingering fear, when he met the ancestors, he was almost killed. However, in the face of Daozu, he was very calm.

He is based on facts and blows up the bulls without any pressure.

"Do you meet the ancestors?" Xiang Yang's master looked at him with a big eye, and then his right hand caught Xiang Yang. Suddenly, Xiang Yang had a sigh of breath and was caught by him.

"It's his breath, you actually met that old thing."

Then, Xiang Yang’s master respected who the ancestors were, and snorted. “Fortunately, you are fine. Otherwise, Laozi will enter the Panyu chaotic world and avenge all saints and saints.”

"Old man, you are too domineering."

Although the old man only snorted, but the domineering in it made Xiang Yang stunned.

Even the intention to be alone in the Panyu chaotic world will destroy all chaotic saints and saints, and the power of the old man is too strong.

However, the doubt in Xiang Yang’s heart is that since the old man has such strong confidence, why not directly enter the Panyu chaotic world and destroy the entire Panyu chaotic world. When the Pangu chaotic world no longer has to worry about what will be The danger of extinction is gone.

"It turned out to be him."

Daozu also sensed the atmosphere of the ancestor from the sigh of the old man's hand. After recognizing the identity of the other party, Daozu looked at Xiangyang and shook his head. "Your boy is too mad, and he even enters the Panyu chaotic world." I also met him, the strength of the other side as a half-step master, you are not killed, it is your luck."

"As long as I want to go, no one can kill me."

Xiang Yang said proudly.

A few people didn't believe this, but they remembered that Xiang Yang had indeed escaped a life in the chaotic world of Panyu, and they felt that Xiang Yang seemed to have the ability to protect himself in front of the ancestors.

On the one hand, Sanqing looked at Xiang Yang's smug look, and their hearts were not a taste. Once upon a time, Xiang Yang's strength was not weak, but he could only compare with their disciples. Now, Xiang Yang is so arrogant. I can escape from the hands of the ancestors.

You must know that even when Sanqing faces the ancestors, he dare not say that he can easily escape in the hands of the ancestors.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you here, you can play it yourself."

Then, the old man took a look at Xiangyang and waved his hand directly. Xiang Yang only felt that he was spinning around. When he stood again, he had already appeared in the fairy world.

"Old man, my enlightenment tree?"

Xiang Yang raised his head and shouted, and Enlightenment Tree was still in the Purple Palace. The old man sent him away without saying a word.

"Master, I am coming."

When Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he heard a voice coming from the void, only to see that the Taoist tree directly tore the void appeared in front of him.

"Hey, they are so willing to let you go." Xiang Yang looked at the Taoist tree with a strange look.

The role of the Enlightenment Tree is strong. Everyone knows that Xiang Yang originally thought that the Taoist ancestors would leave the Taoist Tree in the Purple Palace for those who practiced the sacredness. As a result, whoever thought, the Enlightenment Tree came back.

"I followed it up." Endao said proudly.

Xiang Yang looked at this guy with amazement. "Really?"

In his opinion, this guy should be trying his best to get rid of himself. It’s hard to recognize the old man like Hongjun. This guy should be happy to get rid of himself anyway.

"Of course, I recognize you as the master, and naturally follow you." Endao Shu said quickly.

"Let's do it, then follow me and listen to my instructions."

Although Xiang Yang felt that this guy was too enthusiastic about himself, he was very satisfied with the attitude of this guy. At the same time, he let Enlighten Tree follow his own, and he looked at the surrounding environment.

This is in a desert, uninhabited, seems to be a place in the fairyland somewhere, for this, Xiang Yang is not interested, and did not want to explore some, but after a moment of indulgence, whisper "The third copy of the Devil's Treasure is still in the Devil's Circle. It's time to take a look."

Last time, Xiang Yang only let the first demon to go to the devil to find the magic treasure, but he did not expect the demon to leave his back, so that his first demon was almost turned over in the gutter.

Later, when his deity personally went to the devil world, he encountered the so-called first magic treasure, and the result led to a lot of things. Even the ancestors came, and he did not continue to find the magic treasure.

This time, since returning to the ancient chaotic world, it is time to take back the magic treasure.

As for the demon, huh, huh...

If Xiang Yang is only the realm of Da Luo, he may be more jealous of the demon statue, but at this moment, Xiang Yang has even destroyed three of the chaotic saints, and there are many chaotic saints who die in his hands. How can he have any taboo on the demon?

Xiang Yang looked around and directly positioned the place where the devil was located. His body flashed and the whole person rushed into the void and disappeared. At his side, the enlightenment tree followed closely.

With the sub-Sacred Supreme, it is possible to let the chaotic saints follow, and I am afraid that only Xiangyang can do this alone.



Among the devil world, a big battle is unfolding, and the white feather looks firm. Holding a sword is killing with a group of strong people. His opponent is a strong group of Da Luo.

The repairs of these great Luoqiangs ranged from a big day in Dalu to a big day in Dalu, and all of them were shot at the same time.

What is surprising is that Bai Yu’s cultivation is time-high and low. If it is Da Luo’s heavy confrontation with him, the power he can exert is Dalu’s heavy heaven, if it’s Dalu’s nine heavens. When the demon statue confronts him, his power will suddenly skyrocket, and he will directly possess the cultivation of Da Luo’s nine heavens.

In this way, even the demon statue of Daluo’s heaven and earth is struggling to kill, and wants to destroy the white feather.

"The ancestors have orders, if they can kill the white feathers, give them a treasure, kill."

Among these people, even the demon of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian is equally crazy.

The devil world is rather barren. It is not easy to get a piece of treasure. Even if it is a master of the world of Dalu, it will have to be smashed innumerable times to get a powerful weapon.

This time, Bai Yu was offended by a sub-sacred strong man in the devil world. The other side was forced to kill Bai Yu by the strength of Yang Wanjian, so he used a piece of treasure to reward Bai Yu.

As a result, Bai Yu really fell into a hard battle.

"Damn, so many people, killing can't kill, old man, can't you give more strength? As for what kind of cultivation is my opponent, how much energy do you give me?"

White feathers screamed in the heart with the swords in the mystery of the sword.

"Kid, why don't you let me pass the repair of Yasheng directly to you, let you kill?" Yang Wanjian's lazy voice passed over.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Bai Yu said directly.

"Thinking of beauty." Yang Wanjian responded lazily, and he no longer cares about Bai Yu.

"Oh, you old man, this is trying to force me to die."

White feathers groaned angrily, but the speed of the hand was not slow, but they tried their best to use various laws to kill them.

White feathers have been in the devil world for a long time. During this time, they are either on the road to trouble, or they are spent in the pursuit. He is used to this kind of life.

At the same time, he also knows that Yang Wanjian is very good to himself, but since he entered the devil world, he has no turning back. Yang Wanjian is absolutely impossible to give himself any chance in order to train himself quickly.

Moreover, it turns out that Yang Wanjian's method is very useful. Today's Bai Yu's cultivation has reached the peak of the true fairy, and only a little bit can break through to the state of Da Luo.

At that time, with Kendo becoming the power of the great Luo, the combat power of Bai Yu will undergo earth-shaking changes.

In this battle, there are hundreds of great Luoqiang strongmen, among them, seven or eight strong men in the world of Da Luo, and the rest of those strong ones, from the big Luo to the heavens and the big Luo eight heavens.

The purpose of Yang Wanjian is to let Bai Yu break through the testimony of Da Luo in this fight.

"Kid, don't blame for the teacher's heart, the war will start, if you can't cultivate to the holy world, it is too dangerous."

Among Bai Yu Dantian, Yang Wanjian sighed while drinking a small wine in the space he expanded. "Although Yasheng is not safe, at least there is a little self-protection."

"As long as you break through to the state of Da Luo, there are many ways for you to get up to the real world of Da Luo."

"Work hard."

While talking to himself, Yang Wanjian found that Bai Yu was able to resist the attack of these guys. He was dissatisfied. "No, it can only give you the power of the three days of the kid, otherwise there is no pressure. Can't break through."


Bai Yu’s face changed and he hurriedly shouted, “No, there are several super kings in the world of Da Luo’s nine heavens. You are asking for my life.”


At this moment, there are just two strong people who are in the realm of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian. If Bai Yu has the power of Da Luo’s nine heavens, he is not afraid.

However, the key point is that at this time, Yang Wanjian directly reduced the power of Bai Yu directly to the three heavens of Da Luo.

In the big three days of the big Luo battle against the two big Luo nine heavens.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is four more finished, ask for flowers....

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