Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3140: Wan Jian Shenwei

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"Ah, I am not willing..."

Bai Yu roared in the sky, and he was so angry that he was shaking.

Yes, he is not reconciled. He does not know when he has offended these Yasheng strong people. The only Yasheng he contacted was Yang Wanjian, the other person, even the great Luoqiang who did not know, how May be offended by the holy saints?

Moreover, he He Decheng, even let more than a dozen of the Athenian strong man to deal with him at the same time, as well as his master.

"White feather!"

"Give me to die."


Yang Wanjian was mad, and he roared. The sword in his hand was madly thrown out, and the strongest killings broke out. However, it was useless. The master respected the power of the Yasheng strongman at the same level. It is definitely not something that Yang Wanjian can handle.

At this moment, the atmosphere of a dozen or so strong saints broke out, and the murderous and murderous, they also did not dare to underestimate Yang Wanjian, but broke out a powerful and unparalleled force, and even protected themselves with their own magic weapon. Then I used the array method to condense into a savage sword to kill Yang Wanjian.

"This is a killing sword. Are you killing people?"

When the other party’s formation became a murderous sword, Yang Wanjian finally understood the identity of these people and killed the strong.

No, these people are not necessarily the strongest killers. However, the array they have arranged is definitely a killing method. The formation is the legendary killing sword.

Killing yourself with a killing sword, and still being a strong man of more than a dozen sacred places to deal with oneself, can really afford to see himself.

Yang Wanjian roared, "When did I sin and kill?"

"Oh, Yang Wanjian, don't worry, in fact, we just want to annihilate your disciples. You don't want to move, we can spare you a life, otherwise, you will go to die with your disciples."

One of the devils, Ya Sheng, sneered.


Yang Wanjian’s eyes were condensed. He suddenly realized that this matter was not as simple as his own imagination. The sub-sacred strongman who killed more than a dozen demon in the sacred world was not trying to kill himself, but to deal with his own disciples.

However, his disciples, when they were accepted as apprentices, had their own cultivation of the heavenly fairyland. Even if they followed their own strengths in these years, they just broke through to the state of Da Luo.

Bai Yu, He De He can, have such ability to let the killings kill him?

"My disciple is a weak, when is the sin to kill the way?"

Yang Wanjian asked for a murderous sword while killing the sword.

The hand that dealt with Bai Yu seemed to be deliberately designed to let Yang Wanjian see that Bai Yu was shot by him. The speed was very slow. Even after so long, this palm has not fallen on Bai Yu.

However, the body of Bai Yu has been banned from moving. When he was photographed by this powerful and unmatched pressure, the skin cracked and the whole person was instantly turned into a blood.

"I will know when you die."

One of the sages of the sacred sneer, and then the other people stopped talking, but manipulated the sword to deal with Yang Wanjian. At the same time, all of them looked at Bai Yu with a smug look.

Ya Sheng killed the great king of the heavens.

Such shameless things, normal Yasheng will not do.

However, these sub-sacred devils, they themselves have no exercise, do things in accordance with the rules, as long as there are benefits, they can do anything.

This time, it was up to people to kill Bai Yu, they naturally want to be beautiful and bright.

After all, more than a dozen Asian sages, as long as they block Yang Wanjian, and then block Yang Wanjian’s face, after the death of Bai Yu, such a weak fairy, everyone can get a treasure, which is the origin of them in the devil world. It is a good thing to drop a pie in the sky, such as Yasheng, where the barren place is incomparably.

"Ha ha ha..."

There is a strong devil in the devil, laughing happily.

"Oh... ah ah... feather..."

"Give me a break."

Yang Wanjian was stunned, and he roared. The sword in his hand broke out with a sigh of anger and confronted this sword. The dozens of powerful men were shocked to discover that the killing sword was actually under the sword of Yang Wanjian. A little crack appeared.

"No, Yang Wanjian is desperate, and he quickly smashes the kid and then retreats."

A sub-strong man shouted quickly.

Their purpose was originally only the white feathers, such a weak Da Luo, the heavenly king of the heavens. As for Yang Wanjian, their purpose was to trap the other side.

After killing Bai Yu, their mission can be completed.

However, they underestimated the strength of Yang Wanjian. The strength of Yang Wanjian’s real madness was so powerful. One sword and another sword broke out. Their killing swords all had cracks and they were about to be broken.

If the array is broken, then, with the power of Yang Wanjian, it’s really crazy, I’m afraid that a dozen of them will be degraded.

"Kid, let's die."

The one who shot to the white feathers sneered a little, and the right hand shook, and the palm slammed into the white feathers.


This palm fell on the body of Bai Yu, and there was a sword in the white feather suddenly burst out, and instantly collided with this palm.

A violent breath broke out, and Bai Yu’s entire man was shocked and flew away.

And this palm is also blocked by this sword.

"It’s the sword of the kid, so good."

Yang Wanjian was relieved. He had been following the white feathers and training white feathers. Therefore, he did not leave any means on Bai Yu. What he did not expect was that Bai Yu would be so dangerous that he was crazy and almost Angry is going crazy.

Fortunately, the means that Xiang Yang left for Bai Yu was still there.

When Bai Yu was blasted out, he showed a stalwaric armor to help him block the impact of this shock, making him not too seriously injured.

However, his mouth is still bloody.

"Run, white feather, run quickly."

When Yang Wanjian screamed, the sword in his hand was brewing to the peak, and a horrible sword broke out. He yelled, "I will die."


At this moment, Yang Wanjian broke out. He smashed the sword and collided with the sword of the killing sword. He only listened to the sound of "咔嚓", and the strong people of more than a dozen sacred places were condensed. The killing sword actually broke apart at this moment.

"not good."

The strong face of these dozens of sacred peaks has changed greatly, and they can no longer join together to deal with Yang Wanjian.

The killing swords that they have gathered from more than a dozen people are not the opponents of Yang Wanjian. If they stay here, they may be slaughtered by Yang Wanjian.


Everyone has a heart to escape, and a dozen strong people have fled in the distance.

"I want to go, it’s too late, Wan Jian."

Yang Wanjian is like a dislocated tiger. He roared, and the soldier in his hand suddenly fell into the void. He held his hands in his hands, and the infinite swordsman burst out in this moment.

At this moment, a million swords broke out from the void, and these swords seemed to grow like wild grass. The mighty swords turned and the horrible atmosphere broke out.

In the blink of an eye, within a radius of a million miles, it instantly turns into the world of swords of Yang Wanjian.

The faces of the strong men who were preparing to tear the emptiness of the sacred peaks of the sacred sacred sacred, their bodies quickly retreated toward the distance.

However, it is useless, and a sword is coming out of all directions, with the power of terrible ones to shackle the void, and to kill them with a breath that can kill everything.

If they continue to escape without leaving to resist the sword of Yang Wanjian, they will die.


These sub-strong men are also angry, they can only confront Yang Wanjian.

Yang Wanjian was sneer, his body was volley, his hands were pinched with swords, and he screamed with anger. "No matter what purpose you are, you dare to kill me Yang Wanjian and my disciples, and you will die."

"How about killing a sword, let alone you, even if the Taoist lord is coming, if you don't give me a statement, today I will kill you all, and then go to kill the way to go."


Yang Wanjian roared, "Heavenly sword, give me a bow."

Millions of swords and turns, with a horrible atmosphere, crazy to kill these past strong.

"Yang Wanjian, do you really think that I am afraid of you?"

These sub-strong men also screamed, and their hearts were full of anger. Yang Wanjian’s strength is stronger than their strength. However, more than a dozen of them are also strong in the realm of Yasheng’s peak. If you come, whoever wins will not know.


For a time, more than a dozen Yasheng strongmen fought with Yang Wanjian. When they really started and broke out the strongest attack power, although they were not necessarily the opponents of Yang Wanjian, it was absolutely enough to block Yang Wanjian.

For a time, the void was broken, the devil's heavens evaded, the chaos of the air rolled, and the breath of swords and various magic weapons spread everywhere.

Yang Wanjian casts the mystery of the sword to the peak, and the whole person seems to be the embodiment of the Supreme God. With his shot, a horrible atmosphere bursts out, and the sword cuts the void, destroying all tangible and intangible things. .

And Yang Wanjian's opponents are equally powerful. They are more than a dozen super-sacred sacred sacred priests. At this moment, they know that if they don't desperately, it is not Yang Wanjian's opponent. Therefore, one shot, It also broke out with earth-shattering strength.

For a time, the confrontation of the Yasheng strong man shocked the heavens and the world, and all the strong men were shocked to look at the devil.

Yes, the battle of the devil world, even the strongest of the heavens and the world can be sensed.

Bai Yu was stunned on one side, and the strong man who remembered the scenes of these dozens of Yasheng peaks said that he would come to deal with himself. He wondered, "What is this situation, when did I offend such a strong person?" Already?"

"It must be that the old guy himself offended these powerful people and deliberately lured these people to kill me. If it wasn't for the swordsmanship and magic weapon that the boss left for me, I guess it would be dead. This old goods is too pitted. ""

Then, Bai Yuxi, although those who are sacred, said that they are going to kill him, but he always feels that it is the fault of Yang Wanjian.

I have to go to a fairy king who has just been promoted to the status of Da Luo. Even the chances of positive contact with these Yasheng strong people are not, let alone offending these guys.

Bai Yu did not believe that he might offend these people.

Do you know if you offend them?


However, at this time, suddenly, in the void in front of Bai Yu, a space crack suddenly appeared, a figure emerged from the void, a murderous sword gas silently and toward the white feathers.

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