Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3141: I'm coming

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"I rely on, the Afghan strong man actually attacked me?"


A murderous horrible boundless sword suddenly slammed down toward the white feathers. The face of Bai Yu suddenly darkened. He was just a fairy who was a big man in the heavens. Is there a sub-strong man who sneaked himself?

I am afraid that among the various worlds, there is only such a qualification that allows the Yasheng strong to sneak up?

Thinking of this, Bai Yu couldn't help thinking about it. If he was sneaked to death this time, should he feel honored.

After all, those who can make a sneak attack on the Afghan strong man, in the whole world, are estimated to be honored by only one person.

However, he still can't figure out what he has done until now, and he has offended so many Asian saints and let the other party attack himself.

"you dare?"

Yang Wanjian is dealing with more than a dozen strong people in the realm of Yasheng Peak. His heart is full of anger. He is ready to kill all these saints. Whoever thought, there was a silent sneak attack. His own disciple, and the other is still a sub-strong man, at this moment, Yang Wanjian is angry.


Yang Wanjian madly roared and wanted to rush to rescue Bai Yu. However, the strong men around his dozens of Yasheng Peaks had been avoiding. At this moment, they broke out with their strongest attack to resist Yang Wanjian, making Yang Wanjian short. It is impossible to rush out within time.

"You are looking for death."


Yang Wanjian is crazy and roaring, and the powerful and unparalleled swords are displayed. However, it is still useless. Even if he is desperate, he will not be able to break through the attack of the strongest of these dozens of Yasheng Peaks in a short time. .

And the sword of the sacred sage that emerged from the void came to the white feathers, and his face was wrapped in the light of the blood, making people unable to see his appearance.

However, his mouth was filled with a sly smile, and he said to Bai Yu, "The kid, you must blame you for having a good brother. Unfortunately, Xiang Yang will not know how you died, hahaha. ”


Bai Yu’s face changed greatly, and the other party actually wanted to kill himself because of his boss Xiangyang.

How can this be.

When did the boss sin against these sages, and let the other party hate themselves to the extent that they want to kill themselves to fight the boss?

"The old man is dealing with the boss..."

Bai Yu quickly yelled.

"It’s useless. In the hands of this holy man, you can never pass any news. Hahaha, Yang Wanjian can not die, but you are dead, and all those who have a relationship with Xiangyang are also dead. ""

"As long as you are all dead, Xiang Yang’s heart is cracked, he can no longer prove to be sanctified. At that time, he also wants to control me..."

Perhaps it is a feeling that Bai Yu will die, and he is not afraid that Bai Yu will pass on what he said. This guy really sent a voice to Bai Yu, saying that he wants to kill everyone around Xiang Yang.

White feathers, his face changed greatly. Suddenly, his mind was moving, it seemed to have sensed what it was like, and his face showed a slight incomprehensible smile. He continued to ask the strong man, "Who are you?" Anyway, I am going to die. You always want me to know who is going to deal with me?"


"Damn, you pit me."

This strong man wanted to pass the voice to Bai Yu to tell who he was, but, immediately, his face changed, and he snorted, and the sword took a powerful and unparalleled force toward Bai Yu.


However, when his sword was about to squat on Bai Yu, in front of the white feather, there was a figure suddenly appearing. This person’s right hand grabbed it and directly grabbed the sword in his hand, then gently bounced it. Sword gas with a horrible force instantly flew out, directly through the figure.

"Xiang Yang!"

After the phantom was penetrated by Xiang Yang with this sword, his figure flew out, and the blood fog on his face also spread out, giving a terrifying sound of the earth-shattering Gyeonggi.


Bai Yu was surprised and screamed.

The person who appeared in front of him was Xiang Yang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s look was cold, and there was boundless murder on his body. He nodded to Bai Yu. “I am coming.”

While talking, seeing the sneak attack on the white feathers of the Yasheng strong will run away, he whispered, "Dare to do to my people, you have eaten bears and leopards."

"Don’t dare to run, do you want to die?"


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s right hand grabbed it directly, and suddenly, with a roaring sound, the horrible atmosphere broke out. When his hand extended, it seemed that there was no change, but in In front of him, the face of the sacred strong man who was ready to tear the emptiness of the void was changed. He only felt that there was a terrible pressure of horror, so that he could no longer evade the void and escape.

"No... the Lord is forgiving, and the master is forgiving."

Seeing that there is no hope of running away, this strong man shouted in fear, and even went straight to Xiangyang.


"The person who kills the human race."

In the distance, Yang Wanjian still reconciled with the dozens of Yasheng strongmen. However, he was relieved when he saw Xiangyang appear. He knew very well that Xiang Yang had already condensed Pan Guzheng. The strength of strength has already surpassed him too much. Since Xiang Yang appears, then Bai Yu’s life is worry-free.

However, next time, the sacred sneak attacker of the white sacred singer was so fearful that he was directly facing Xiangyang, and when his mouth shouted ‘Lord,’ his face changed.

Kill the path of the Taoist.

When Xiang Yang became the Taoist murderer, and the sacred sage of the sacred sage, in order to deal with Xiang Yang, went directly to deal with Bai Yu’s brother of Xiang Yang.

"This kid is in trouble."

Yang Wanjian took a breath, it is obvious that Xiang Yang must have been the inheritor of the killing Taoist, and became the identity of this Taoist, however, the strong killer is not willing to succumb to Xiangyang. Therefore, in order to crack down on Xiang Yang, although he did not dare to deal with Xiang Yang in person, he planned to kill all the relatives and friends of Xiangyang.

The purpose of doing this is to make the Xiangyang Taoist heart crack, so that Xiangyang can no longer break through to become a chaotic saint.

As long as Xiangyang can't break through to become a chaotic saint, the elders who kill the path of the Eighty-eighths of the Holy Land will not have to be afraid of Xiangyang. Even if Xiangyang really turns to face them, they will form a killing array. Not afraid of Xiang Yang.

Of course, they originally thought that they should do everything properly and dare not let anyone discover it.

After all, if they let their old master discover it, I am afraid they will die.

However, no one thought that Xiang Yang just came to the Devil's Circle and prepared to take out the Devil's Treasure. Whoever thought, just so well, he felt that the sword that he had left on Bai Yu was excited, so he rushed over. I saw this scene.


Xiang Yang sneered, his right hand suddenly magnified, with unparalleled holy prestige, instantly caught in the body of this saint.


In the blink of an eye, this sub-Supreme strongman could not move, and was directly caught by Xiang Yang’s hand, and then pinched and instantly crushed.

Crushing a strong person in the world of Yasheng, Xiang Yang seems to be pinching a cockroach ant, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, and, after crushing the other side, Xiang Yang’s **** light flashed away, ' The Heaven and Earth Oven 'appears instantly under the **** fog of the strong man, and directly absorbs everything.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold and his eyes did not have the slightest feelings to look at the dozens of Yasheng strongmen who were confronting Yang Wanjian.

"not good."

After the dozens of Yasheng strong people sensed Xiang Yang’s breath, all of them changed their faces, and Xiang Yang even noticed them. That is to say, Xiang Yang was ready to work on them.

If Xiang Yang did not arbitrarily pinch a sub-strong man who killed the sacred, they would not be so afraid, but Xiang Yang would take their face and crush a sage of the sage, and then directly income from the other party. The refinery of the **** furnace Ding 'Tiandi Oven' makes all the sub-sacred strongmen of these devils understand. If Xiang Yang and Yang Wanjian jointly deal with them, they will definitely die.


Although no one screamed, everyone chose to escape.

In the face of Xiangyang, no one has the confidence to escape.

They can only run and try their best to escape.

For a time, more than a dozen of the sacred strong men were like a frightened bird, madly fleeing in all directions.

"It’s too late to run now."

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief, and his mind was moved. The sacred swords and swords were displayed. Suddenly, the boundless swords filled the air, and a circle of images appeared in this void, making all the sacred sages who were running away all frightened. Shouting.

"It’s a sword, no, how come..."

"Isn't the swordsmanship in the hands of the heavenly sage? How come here?"

"no no..."

"Forgiveness, we are only for a treasure."


More than a dozen Asian saints shouted in horror.

The power of the 诛 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘 盘

Not to mention that these Asian saints, even if they are true chaos saints, in the face of the sacred swords, it is impossible to not fear in the heart.

"This kid has even borrowed his hand from the celestial swords that connected to the celestial sacred sage. It is amazing."

Yang Wanjian is also in the same line of law. However, Xiang Yang is naturally impossible to shoot him. Seeing that more than a dozen Yasheng strongmen are all frightened, he simply withdraws his sword world.

He looked at the 诛 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The strongest of the world, even the swordsmanship.

It’s really more human than a dead person.

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