Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3145: Guess the prize

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In the void, all the attacks were shattered by the sword river spit out by Xiang Yang. However, the attack that was still active in the back was bombarded toward Xiangyang.

The true spiritual consciousness of the demon statue still does not appear.

Xiang Yang had a sneer on his face. "Since you don't want to die in the Yellow River, let me break your battle and let you out."


When the voice fell, Xiang Yang sang a sigh, and this sword river suddenly burst into an infinite sword, and between the blink of an eye, the sword was swaying in all directions.


After the infinite swords swept the Quartet, everything was stopped, the formation was smashed, the darkness was expelled, and the light was revealed. The whole magical treasure was truly manifested in front of Xiangyang.

Last time, Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar came, but he was forced to retreat by the formation. It only sensed the true spirit of the demon statue, and did not really see the true face of the demon treasure.

This time, when Xiang Yang really saw the true purpose of the Devil's Treasure, he couldn't help but reveal the color of surprise.

I saw that there was a world entrance in front of him. Although he did not enter the world, he was able to see the situation in the world through the entrance.

The world is very big, at least the size of the source stars of the year, and, inside, piled with treasures, it is like a super large warehouse.

The whole world is completely divided into different areas, such as the Shenbing area, the refining raw materials, the alchemy raw material area, the Dan medicine area, and some other various treasure areas.

The total is divided into five parts, each part is full of full.

As for the induction of Xiang Yang, the most precious thing in these five parts is the area of ​​the magical warrior. In addition to the magical warrior boots, the aftermath of the treasure is in the accident, there is still a treasure to the sky, it is a magic The sword, the magic flame that burns the horror of horror, has a breath of breath, even if it is the magic flame of Xiangyang, it is also shocking.

The magic flames that appear in the outer array are simply not comparable to these.

"A good day to the treasure, the devil respects the devil, you hide too deep, and even hide the most treasured things here."

Xiang Yang whispered and walked straight into this world.

In front of him, a illusory true spiritual figure appears silently, which is the shadow of the demon.

At this moment, the face of the demon statue with a helpless color, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang, whispered, "I can't think of my life, I finally failed, but I was taken away by you."

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed slightly and said with a soft voice, “The three chaotic sacred gods of the alien world of Panyu are destroyed by me. Although you are a disciple of the first demon, your strength is not even a chaotic saint. You are defeated. I am not in my hands."

"Even even the strongest chaotic sacred level is defeated in your hands. As a result, I really don't mean it." The look of the demon statue changed greatly, although he was only an illusory real spirit, but his The facial expression is very vivid, and it looks like a real person appears here.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the demon statue. Compared with the true spirit that was suppressed in the source star at that time, the demon statue at this moment looked extraordinary and extraordinary, just like the disciple of the true demon.

Speaking of this, this guy is also an invincible male-level figure. If he was not suppressed by a group of super-powers, if he lived to the present, he should be able to become an enemy without the enemy level. Unfortunately, He really was his back, and after being suppressed by the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, together with a group of sages, they completely embarked on the road of decline.

Now that I have met myself, it is even worse.

"Is another part of my true spirit refining by you?"

The demon sighed and looked at Xiang Yang with a helpless color on his face.

He knows very well that he can come here, and he is very sure that this is the place where his treasures must be refining another part of his true spirit and getting everything he has. Otherwise, it is impossible to appear here. of.

Xiang Yang smiled and nodded. "When I was not immortal, I discovered your existence in the source world. I spent a lot of hard work and finally refining your true spirit." It is."

"What? When you refine the other part of my deity, there is no immortal? Impossible."

The demon stunned. Originally, he only asked casually, and thought about how he should deal with Xiangyang. Who ever thought that Xiang Yang actually told him that his part of the real spirit was when he had not yet become a fairy. Refining.

His face with an unbelief, shook his head and said, "You must have deceived me. Although the deity has not completely become a saint saint, it is not a saint, but the deity is the way to the beginning and the sanctification. It’s the Wanmo’s return. Even those who are at the peak of Yasheng can’t compare with me. Even if they were suppressed by some of them, it’s impossible to refine the deity before you become a fairy.”

"That's the truth."

When Xiang Yang sighed, he waved his hand and directly showed the other part of his refining and demon in the 100,000 mountains of the source star world.

"Devil, you are also a poor person, I will let you die clearly. When I refining everything, I will embark on a strong road. I can say that I can have it now. Strength, it really is inseparable from you."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

After seeing everything in Xiangyang’s time, Mozun had already been shocked. He looked at Xiangyang with a stunned voice and couldn’t speak.

Rao is the powerful strength of the demon possession. Rao is calculating his life, even giving up part of the true spirit, just to let the other party refine their true spirit, and then wait until the other party comes here to vote for the net, then you can Take the other side and return to the peak.

Although everything has not completely ended, although he knows that he still has the opportunity to win the Xiangyang.

However, he still can't believe it. It is incredible that a poor fellow who has not become a fairy and who has become a weak and poor person can refine him.

However, all this is true, and it really appears in front of him.

"Who are you in the end?" Devil looked at Xiangyang and asked with grief.

Xiang Yang chuckled softly. "What do you think?"

"There is a saint help behind you." The demon eyes flashed and said, "If there is no chaos saint to help you, you can't refine the part of the deity before the immortal, even if that part is true. The spirit has been wiped out a lot, and it is definitely not what you can refine."

This problem is not necessary at all, this is an essential difference.

Among the heavens and the world, any strong person is very clear. The comprehension is true to the true comprehension. Because it is essentially the true power of the comprehension, there is no qualitative difference. If you want to cross the border to kill the enemy, still It is possible, but if the comprehension is difficult for the fairy, the gap between the real power and the magic power is not measured by quantity, it is the quality gap.

If you want to use the amount to calculate, perhaps a top-level comprehenator of all the true power of the force can not add up to a sigh of a powerful fairy.

The Xiangyang of the year was the same gap.

Originally it was impossible to happen, but it was achieved by Xiang Yang. The part of the demon statue was refining by Xiang Yang and achieved Xiang Yang.

In this way, the only explanation is that there is a strong leader behind the Xiangyang, even the existence of a chaotic saint.

"You want to test it. If there is a chaotic saint behind me, you will accept it. If I am alone, do you think you can be sure to give me a fight?"

Xiang Yang smiled softly at the demon statue.

The reality of the demon statue is too obvious. As a part of the refining and refining the true spirit of the demon, and getting the majority of the memory of the demon, you can guess what the devil wants to do.

"So, can you dare to tell the deity whether there is a chaotic saint behind you?"

The devil's slow opening, he is betting, but also stimulates Xiangyang.

He knows that people like Xiangyang must be young and frivolous. If you let yourself be stimulated, you will definitely not be able to stand it. At that time, maybe you will let your true spirit enter the body of Xiangyang to make a choice.

Of course, if you want to lure Xiang Yang to be stimulated by him, you must step by step. You must not be too anxious.

As the absolute old river and lake, the demon statue is very clear about what he has to do.

After the performance of Xiang Yang, he already understood that Xiang Yang’s strength surpassed his imagination. Even if he was in his heyday, he would not necessarily be Xiang Yang’s opponent, not to mention that he was only a remnant at this moment.

However, he is not afraid that he is the disciple of the first demon. He has the most terrible secretive technique. Just let him find the opportunity, as long as he can enter the body of Xiangyang, as long as Xiangyang is not a chaotic saint, he has Opportunities can win the Xiangyang.

Now, what he has to do is create such an opportunity for himself.

He believes that half of the opportunities can successfully enter the body of Xiangyang. The young and powerful who he has seen are very proud of each other. As long as he is stimulated by him, he is entirely likely to succeed.

"Do you guess there is a chaotic saint behind me?"

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the demon statue.

This guy, I really think of myself as a fool, want to stimulate myself, so I can implement the plan to win.

Although I am really young and promising, but not frivolous, the last time, the beginning of the devil was almost planted, how can the deity plant the second time in the body of the demon statue?

When the demon listened to Xiang Yang's words, his face suddenly turned black. He felt that this guy seemed a bit different from his own imagination.

However, Xiang Yang’s face still had a smile. He smiled and said, “Guess, guess there is a reward.”

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