Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3146: Sunny Snow Cosmos Group

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"What do you want to do?"

The devil asked slowly.

He originally wanted to stimulate Xiangyang, so that Xiang Yang could take the trick, let his true spirit enter the body of Xiangyang, and make a choice. Whoever thought, Xiang Yangxi did not follow the common sense.

Xiang Yang heard it, and he was happy. "I said Devil, are you stupid? I came to your demon treasure, what can I do to get the treasure?"

The devil has been treated for a long while, and this is a good reason. Here is the treasure of the demon. This guy is here to take the treasure, but what is his remnant? It’s nothing more than to give birth to rebirth.

It seems that my purpose is to attract people to come to the treasure, and I still have so much nonsense with Xiangyang.

There is no saint behind him, he can take the lead and let it go.

Thinking of this, the demon smirked and looked at Xiang Yang. "The kid, if you want to get the inheritance of the deity, you must pass the test of the deity. You should know that everything you receive is incomplete, if you want to To get all this complete, including the inheritance of the first demon, you must listen to the deity, at least through the test set by the deity..."


When the words of the demon statue were not finished, they were interrupted by Xiang Yang. They only listened to Xiang Yang and smiled at him. They asked with a smile on their faces. "Who said that I want to get your inheritance?"


The devil is stunned. How does this kid not play according to common sense, but he has the inheritance of the demon, even if he does not look at his inheritance, he should always know the importance of the inheritance of the devil?

"The inheritance of the devil and the inheritance of the devil have no effect on me at all. You don't have to think about stimulating me. You can find a way to win over me. With your ability, you can't take me."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the demon statue, and then, his body flashed, and instantly appeared in front of the demon statue. In the eyes of the demon horror, the blood on the top of the head flashed, and the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' appeared instantly. Incorporate the remnant of the demon.


In the blink of an eye, the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' returns to the body of Xiangyang. The remnant of the Devil's Reign does not have any resistance. It is refining in an instant, and a weak energy is integrated into the body of Xiangyang. With all the information.

"The beginning of the magic."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and the most important thing in the remnant of the demon statue is the complete avenue inheritance of the first demon. Obviously, this guy was too embarrassed to himself, and all other memories were together with another one. The true spirit has been cut off together, and the memory of this sorrowful soul is the complete avenue of the beginning of the devil.

The idea of ​​this guy is that if he can regain his rebirth, he can start practicing again with everything from the beginning of the devil. Perhaps his achievements will surpass the past and become another beginning demon.

It is a pity that this guy met Xiangyang, and all the complete avenues of Shimao were given to Xiangyang. Although it didn't have much effect on Xiangyang, at least he could master another way.

"It's time to take these treasures away."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, his body circling, looking at the world hidden in front of countless treasures, very cheerful smile.

"Give me up."


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body expanded directly, and the whole person manifested the Pangu real body. There was a horrible atmosphere of explosion, and the mighty energy flowed. His hands penetrated into the void around the world. Grab, suddenly, directly pull the whole world out of the void.

In front of Xiang Yang at this moment, what seems to be impossible to compare with him, what he did is to capture the whole world and the whole world directly.

The million-year-old Pangu real body broke out with endless blood, which made the world directly pulled out of the car. Then, the well-prepared Dingkun Ding Ding had already appeared, and the world was swallowed directly.

When all the dust settles, all the formations in this mountain still exist, but behind the formation, everything about the demon is taken away by Xiang Yang.

"There is something wrong with it. There are treasures inside."

"The legendary guy left his back here, is it that he was born?"

"The day of the year, the demon statue."


The movement caused by Xiang Yang to take away the whole small world is too big. Countless strong people appear outside, and their eyes are full of shock.

Obviously, as the strong people who live near here, they knew that this is a back hand left by the demon, so if they know that there may be treasures here, no one will enter here. snatch.

Nowadays, the movements of the greatness of the day are, in their view, the devil must have been born.


At this time, Xiang Yang took off his hands and volleyed out, making a group of Devils and Strongs all change their faces. "Is that person that year?"

These strong people are almost all in the realm of demon respect, but although there is no sub-saint, they have all heard of the demon of the year.

At this moment, Xiang Yang was carrying his hands and his face came out with a smile. They thought that Xiang Yang was a demon.

Xiang Yang glanced at these demon statues, and these people did not think about the intention to deal with themselves. He didn't bother to go to these people, but whispered softly. "You, there is nothing here." Treasures, but the array still exists. If you want to experience it, you can enter it. But don't blame me for not reminding you, enter it, live and die, hahaha."

After he finished speaking, he took a step directly and the whole person disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"It really is him."

"In the legend, the descendants of the first devils of the year, the supreme demon, although only the realm of the demon, but the invincible existence of the devil of the devil."

"When he was jointly killed by the digital sacred priests of the immortal world, he was still in the middle of his position, leaving him with a backhand, which made him have nothing."

"Oh my God, it’s amazing."


A group of demon statues have men and women, and some even have disciples. When they see Xiang Yang's appearance, they suddenly feel that Xiang Yang is the demon of the year, and they are very incomprehensible.

What they don't know, however, is that the demon esteem in their mouth has long been refining by Xiang Yang.

At this time, Xiang Yang left the Devil Circle directly, and then tore the void into the space outside the new wild world. In front of him, it was the vast space of the Qing Xue Universe Group's space warship.

The Space Battleship of the Qingxue Space Group is comparable to the size of the land of the Immortal World. In this lower bound, it also has nearly one-tenth of the size of the new world.

We must know that the new world of hunger has accommodated the scope of 10,000 stars. Later, it was integrated into a huge chaotic original stone, which made the whole new world unparalleled.

Although the new world of floods cannot be compared with the ancient world of ancient times, it is boundless.

However, this time Xiangyang came back compared with the previous one. The Qingxue Universe Group’s space warship had a towering tree above it. This big tree stands in the sky, as if to spread the whole universe. Enlighten the tree.

This large tree, standing on the battleship of the universe, is like a large umbrella covering the sky after the branches are opened.

Below the Enlightenment Tree, there are more than a dozen Chaos Warcrafts sitting on the side of the practice. At the same time, Yang Wanjian, Bai Yu, and even the Suzaku female are also practicing in this enlightenment tree.

However, the only women who can truly practice on the branches of the Enlightenment Tree can do it.

Others, even Yang Wanjian, can only sit and practice the cultivation near the tree.

The Taoist Tree is the Hongmengling Tree. The closer it is to the Taoist Tree, the stronger the Taoist rhythm that can be realized, the more it can assist the practice, especially the sitting on the trunk of the Tree of Enlightenment. It is simply unparalleled, just like being in the roots of the practice.

When Xiang Yang saw this scene, his face showed a smile. "Well, with the Taoist Tree, the holy place where everyone practiced, and the security has been guaranteed, it is really good."

"Hey, I woke up."

At the same time, when the mind was moving, Sun Qingya, Monica and other women who had practiced in his Promise Immortal House all appeared in front of him.

"Xiang Yang brother."

Sun Qingya and Monica two small gimmicks appeared directly toward Xiangyang, holding Xiangyang tightly, with an excited color on his face.

Although Xiner was slower, but this little girl was not willing to be occupied by both sides of Xiangyang. She snorted and rushed directly into the arms of Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang met, there was no speech. This girl, although a disciple of her own, is already a big girl. She still thinks that she has to rush to hold it all day. It seems to be a bit too much.

At this time, Xiang Yang also realized that his disciples were a bit too old for their feelings.

After all, she is her master, not her father, and some behaviors are a bit beyond the behavior of mentoring.

He took two steps back without a trace, and released Sun Qingya and Monica. At the same time, after hiding the "attack" of Xiner, he smiled and said, "Okay, don't be excited, you guys." And see where it is?"

When a few women offered to look at the cosmic warships of the Qingxue universe, they suddenly called out with joy. "It is the Qingxue universe group, we are back."

"Several sisters, Xiner is back."

Xiner’s little girl was originally very uncomfortable because she had escaped her 'attack' and squatted with a small mouth, but when she saw the space battleship of Qingxue Space Group, she smiled happily. .

After Xiang Yang met, he sighed softly. After thinking about it, he called Mu Yunping out. The original Mu Yunping was specially sent by the women to 'supervise' themselves, but then they were in danger. Xiang Yang directly took her into the Promise.

Now, when it comes to the Qingxue Universe Group, it is time to release all the people in the Promise Immortal.

"Young Master."

Mu Yunping took a gift to Xiang Yang and looked like Xiang Yang with a smile on his face.

"Okay, don't call me a young master."

Although I have long known that Mu Yunping can not help, but see Mu Yunping to call himself a young master, Xiang Yang is still very helpless.

"The Qingxue Universe Group is here, you will go first, I will make some arrangements to go back."

Xiang Yang said to everyone.

This time, he has to do what he wants to do to keep some of his unwanted things in the Clear Snow Universe Group, and to make the Qing Xue Universe Group a truly supreme holy place. Jedi.

The so-called holy land, nature is the spiritual practice, the supreme practice of the Holy Land.

With the existence of the Enlightenment Tree, the Qingxue Universe Group has automatically become a party to practice the supreme secret, and it is still the first secret in the entire Pangu chaotic world, even the Taoist Palace of the Taoist ancestors can not be compared.

Coupled with the next Xiangyang arrangement, practicing near the Taoist tree will definitely become the fastest in the entire Pangu chaotic world.

There is also a security issue.

Originally, Xiang Yang felt that the safety factor of Qingxue Cosmos Group was already high enough. However, the 108-year-old elder who killed this way even dared to do something to the people around him, but it made him wake up instantly, making him understand, sunny. The high-end combat power of the Snow Universe Group is still too weak. If you encounter such powerful and terrible forces such as killing the road, it is impossible to be an opponent.

Only the strength of the Qingxue Universe Group will be increased again.

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