Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3162: Visiting the sky

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Just as Xiang Yangzheng and Tongtian spoke, accompanied by a cold voice, I saw Xiangyang’s mother, Chi Xueyun, came out under the support of Xiner. She looked coldly at Tongtian. “What are you doing? ?"


Tongtian Shengzun does not know the mother of Xiangyang.

Although Xiang Yang’s mother is already a chaotic saint, she has never appeared in the high-level chaos of the heavens. She knows the sky, but Tongtian does not know her.

At this moment, when Tongtian Shengzun saw Xiangyang’s mother, it was a strange color on his face, and he looked at Xiangyang. “Is this?”

"My mother." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I have seen a friend." Tongtian Shengzun quickly went to Xiangyang's mother, Chi Xueyun, for a ceremony.

Don't say that Xiang Yang's mother is a chaotic saint. She is the mother of Xiang Yang, the identity of that one's biological daughter, and it is worthy of the ceremonies of the same generation.


Chi Xueyun did not have any politeness to Tongtian Shengzun, but coldly said, "Where are you looking for my son?"

"Cough, this, come see old friends." In the face of the red snow cloud so arrogant, even if the Tongtian Holy Respect can not help but a helpless, he does not want to answer the words of Chi Xueyun, but, look In the identity of Chi Xueyun, he can only look at Xiangyang with a sly color.

Xiang Yang said with a smile to his mother, "Mom, don't worry about our affairs, I will talk to Tongtian brother."

While talking, the angel passed a look, "Go, let's go to other places to talk."

While speaking, he first disappeared in the same place, Tongtian was relieved, and also disappeared in the footsteps of Xiang Yang.

"This kid, I am afraid that I will come here every day, I want him to go to the World of Rescue." Chi Xueyun's eyes condensed, although he did not keep up, he understood the purpose of Tongtian Shengzun to come here.

"Sister, what should we do?"

Xiner holding the arm of Chi Xueyun, with an urgent color on his face, whispered, "So let's not let Xiangyang's brother leave?"

"Shantou, this is no good, your Xiangyang brother, he is destined to be the pride of this age. If he is trapped, it will make him unable to progress, although he is very happy and enjoys this life very much, but, He must have enough strength to enjoy it. He is too weak now and must let him grow."

Red snow cloud touched the small head of Xiner.

Xiner frowned. "But people don't want Xiangyang's brother to take risks, or will this let me follow Xiangyang's brother?"

"Don't, with your strength, keeping up with it will not only have no effect, it will even drag him down, wait for you to grow up later, and then say it after true sanctification. With your talent, as long as you are willing to practice well, even sanctification can not be used. How much time." Chi Xueyun said softly.

"Then I must practice well, I want to be a chaotic saint, I want to help Xiangyang brother." Xiner holds a small fist with a firm color on her face.

Chi Xueyun suddenly thinks of what it looks like, and smiles softly. "However, we can't do anything."


At this time, Xiang Yang followed the Tongtian sage to enter the chaotic void, the two directly stood in the chaos, Xiang Yang looked at Tongtian, Shen Sheng, "Is God a thing?"

Tongtian Shengzun personally came to find himself. Xiangyang didn't have to think about it. It must have been a problem in the realm of the gods, and the problem is still very serious. Otherwise, people who are so proud of Tongtian Shengzun may not appear here.


Tongtian Shengzun nodded and sighed and said, "This time, I waited for the miscalculation. Among the people who went to the realm of the gods, there was actually more than half infiltrated."


Xiang Yang's feelings have changed greatly. Among the strong ones who went to the gods in the 100th century before the Battle of the Million Heaven in the Five Kingdoms, there are actually more than half of the gods of the gods. This problem can be big.

It is conceivable that a group of people thought they were good friends. Everyone murdered into the realm of the gods. They were originally preparing to hunt down the main god. Whoever thought that they had not really started hunting the main god, they were given up by their own people. A knife, it is estimated that there are few who can escape?

Even Xiang Yang feels distressed for those who are a hundred in front of the Million Continent, and the gap is too great.

"Not only that, as far as I know, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are also seriously injured and are rushing to escape." Tongtian Shengzun continued.

"The two of them can not kill the chaos saints? How can they be injured? The remaining gods of the gods are all shot?" Xiang Yang asked shockedly.

The sky shook his head. "I don't know what the situation is. There is a connection between the gods and the foreign world. The Supreme God has invited a few foreign strongmen to come. We must all suppress the guys, as for the rest of the world. We are not able to take care of the top ten kings."


Xiang Yang stunned, "The strongest of Panyu's chaotic world can come to the realm of the gods? Doesn't that mean that the guardian of the sword at the frontier has no effect?"

"You can only come over a few, and, within the specified time, you can't come too many people. The channel they open is special. They must follow the law of conservation of energy and must be exchanged. That is, the gods want to invite If the strong foreigner comes over, he must have enough flesh and blood to sacrifice. Only if the sacrifice is enough, can the passage be stable enough to send the foreign strong." Tongtian Shengzun said.


Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this period of time, dozens of small worlds have been destroyed in the world."

Then, Tongtian Shengzun said silently.


Xiang Yang’s face changed greatly and he said, “Is it the **** king of the gods?”

He didn’t even know that there were dozens of small worlds destroyed in the heavens and the real world. Obviously, these things were done by the mighty gods, and they even sacrificed these small worlds as sacrifices. The exotic world, summoning foreign powers to come.


Nodded in the sky, "God world has been preparing for the strong people of Panyu's chaotic world. It has been prepared for many years. Those small worlds are in the control of the realm. This time, they will not hesitate to destroy the foundation, but also please It’s normal to come to a strong foreigner, but there are a lot of foreign strongmen. I don’t need to suppress the frontiers, but also need to face the aliens in the realm of God, and I can’t take care of other people in the realm. These situations still require you to take the shot."

"and many more."

Xiang Yang realized what it was like, and quickly said, "You mean, you can only deal with the holy sacred people who came from the chaotic world of Panyu. The top ten kings of the gods can't cope. I have to deal with the top ten kings alone. ?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s face showed a strange color and looked at Tongtian Shengzun. “Do you think I am like a fool?”


After listening to the heavenly sage, it was silent. He shook his head. "You are not a fool. Naturally, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey should not be able to persist for too long. Although we want to destroy the gods, we But I can't get away from it, and in the heavens and the world, I can only think of you."

"What does the old man mean?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at Tongtian Shengzun. There is only one supreme **** in the world of gods. But in his opinion, the supreme **** is only the realm of chaos, even if it is plus the original ten of the gods. The king of the two gods, the heavenly sage, one person in the past, and the development of the sacred swords, is enough to destroy all these guys.

However, this guy has been reluctant to do so, but has always kept the realm of the gods, until now there is a problem before they come to find themselves, it seems a bit too much.

"I mean what I am waiting for. Everyone in the world today is the only one who is best suited to go to the realm of God, but if you don't want to go, we have no way."

Tongtian Shengzun frowned and looked at Xiangyang.

Although it is not so good to know that Xiang Yang is not so good, but seeing the Xiangyang water and fire do not dip, Rao is also very helpless.

This time, the real thing in the realm of the gods is a bit unexpected to them. Moreover, there are too many powerful people in the world of the gods from the chaotic world of Panyu. Even if his swordsmanship is unfolding, he is not alone. If you can get it, you must enter the formation at the same time and preside over the other three swords before you can suppress those strong ones.

Otherwise, the strongman of the original Pangu chaotic world is prepared to let Sancha go to the gods to help those who are sub-sacred, but what they did not expect is that this time the gods invited the Panyu chaos world to be too strong. Sanchao can't get out of the way, so only Xiangyang is there.

Of course, it is not just Xiangyang, and Xiangyang’s mother, Chi Xueyun, but Xiangyang’s mother is the one’s biological daughter. Who dares to ask her to take the shot?

In the event of an accident, it is estimated that the entire Pangu chaotic world can not help the one sword.

Xiang Yang looked at Tongtian Shengzun and his eyes were dissatisfied, but in fact he had already prepared for it in his heart. At the moment when Tongtian appeared, he knew that he would soon go to the realm of God.

However, he did not want to go to the realm of the gods. After all, this is the Taoist saint who asked the Taoist sages to take their own shots. Even if they want to go, they can't agree with it.

The eyes of Tongtian Shengzun looked at Xiang Yang. "How come you are willing to take it?"

"Cough, I have tens of thousands of Zombies in the Asian holy world, you know?" Xiang Yang asked.

"I know, it was the time of the war. I waited for the flesh and blood of the powerful parties gathered from the battlefield, and then handed it over to the reign of the Emperor. Later, it was taken away by your master and pressed down in the battlefield of the fairy." Raise, eventually psychic become a zombie." Tongtian Shengzun replied.

"Hey, so many people, it is definitely necessary to use them when the war is over. I need to provide them with enough equipment. Unfortunately, I was born too late, and the resources I can collect are too Less, if I was born in the floods, I certainly don't have to worry about not being able to build equipment for my men." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"It turns out that you want to play the autumn wind." After listening to it, it was a dumb smile. It was very direct to give Xiangyang a storage ring. "Look, is there enough resources in it?"

Xiang Yang’s knowledge went into one of them, and his eyes brightened and his heart beat faster. Haha smiled and said, “Slow, the things of the world are handed over to me.”

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