Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3163: Double repairing the road (five more flowers)

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The Heavenly Saints left, and he left with satisfaction. Since Xiang Yang promised to take the shot, then their plans could be launched.

After the departure of Tongtian Shengzun, Xiang Yang was also very satisfied. He looked at the storage ring as a huge resource like a small world. The treasures of all kinds of refining tools were enough to make him the one who would be tens of thousands of people. He couldn’t help but feel very excited when he was equipped with the sacred corpse. "Tongtian is generous."

He estimated that this time, in order to let himself go to the gods to save people, I am already prepared for it. When I open my mouth, I will throw these treasures to myself.

However, he does not mind, originally, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are in danger, he will definitely shoot, as for these things, just add products.

He directly throws the storage ring into the Temple of Killing and gives it to the little spirit who has been stationed in the Temple of Killing and is transforming the Temple of Killing.

Since he put the Promise Excalibur under the Enlightenment Tree for the practice of the Qingxue Universe Group, his portable Xianfu became a Temple of Killing.

However, the Temple of Killing is strong enough, and can even be said to be stronger than the Promise, but there are many arrangements that require him to start all over again.

"It's time to leave."

Xiang Yang sighed softly. When he thought of the girls, his face was bright. This time, he was prepared to accompany the women and leave with the girls for a year or two.

Who ever thought that Tongtian Laoer would tell himself the news of the gods and let him know that Sun Monkey and Yang Lan had an accident, and they must not sit idly by.

"And Suzaku's sister, her yin and yang enlightenment seems to have not been used."

Xiang Yang squats and makes up his mind to ask the Suzaku woman. If the Suzaku woman can break through the sanctification, the Qingxue universe group, together with her mother, will have two chaotic saints.

However, he also knows that it is very difficult to sanctify, even if the Suzaku woman already has the foundation of sanctification, it is not so simple.

"Xiang Yang, come to the tree under the tree."

Xiang Yang just returned to the Qingxue Universe Group and heard the Suzaku voice telling him that he was stunned. "Isn't it so clever?"

At the same time, when he was swaying, he appeared under the tree of enlightenment. He saw that the Suzaku woman had a black dress that made her figure look noble, and the whole body jumped with the fire of immortality, with a noble and elegant atmosphere.

She looked at Xiangyang and said softly, "Xiang Yang, this time I am calling you, mainly because you want to let me take the yin and yang to complete the retreat."

"Sister, how come you suddenly let me retreat with you?"

Xiang Yang looked at the Suzaku woman inexplicably. Before that, Suzaku did not find herself. She thought she had forgotten the yin and yang to understand the fruit.

"You have to leave, naturally you have to practice for a while, it is best to let you raise the realm to the sage. At that time, if you refine the origin and heaven of the gods, you can break through the city and my chaos." The situation is over." Suzaku said softly.

"You knew already?"

Xiang Yang was shocked to see Suzaku, and my sister was very powerful. I talked to Tongtian and sneak peek into the depths of chaos. You can even know that you can sneak into me and sneak into our neighborhood. To our conversation?

"It was your mother who told me."

Suzaku said directly, "I didn't know what happened in the realm of the gods. However, Yun Sister asked me to join you in cultivating the yin and yang to improve the realm and say that you are going to the realm soon."

"my mother..."

Xiang Yang was amazed, and at the same time, his heart was shocked. His mother was so powerful that he could pass through the heavenly sacred sage and overheard the conversation between the two, and even he did not know what he was.

It is a chaotic saint, it is worthy of being your own mother.

He sighed in his heart and had a better understanding of his mother's strength.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the Promise Xianfu to retreat. As for the other sisters, I have already told them clearly." Suzaku said softly to Xiang Yang.

When it came to retreat, her face showed a blush.

Taking the Yin and Yang enlightenment fruit retreat is actually a yin and yang double-repair. For them, it is natural to be a bit embarrassed, but the two themselves have the existence of a life and death contract, but there is nothing so shy.

As for the Promise Immortal, it has become common to all of us. Even the tower of physical training has become the exclusive tower of the Qingxue Universe Group. Even the women have begun to arrange their respective tasks during this time. , ready to enter the tower of the body repair.

The highest time in the Promise Immortal has reached tens of thousands of times. The Suzaku woman knows that Xiangyang is anxious to go to the Divine Realm to save people. They take the yin and yang to realize the fruit. The best place is the Promise Immortal, and, the Promise The government is under the tree of enlightenment, the road of enlightenment trees is shrouded, and the practice of retreating is more effective.

"Let's go."

Since the decision has been made, Xiang Yang is also unambiguous, and directly enters the depths of the Promise Xianfu with the Suzaku woman.

Just after they left, Xiang Yang’s mother appeared abruptly next to the Enlightenment Tree. She looked up and went to the Enlightenment Tree. She said with a faint voice, “God Tree Seniors, please help me.”

"Reassured, I will do everything I can to help him and help him to understand the sage's artistic conception." A face appears on the trunk of the enlightenment tree, which is the body shape of the enlightenment tree, with a dignity on his face. The color.

Xiang Yang’s mother nodded. “Thank you for your predecessors.”

"It doesn't matter, no matter how polite, this is what I should do." Enlightenment tree even showed a pair of hands, constantly handing a bow, courtesy of Xiang Yang's mother, and even a little fearful look.

I don't know what Xiang Yang's mother once did to Enlighten the Tree, so that Enlighten Tree is so afraid of her.

She whispered softly, and her body disappeared silently. It seemed that she never appeared the same, and the Taoist tree was shaking with the body, emitting soft light into the Promise.

At this moment, within the Promise of Immortality, Xiang Yang and Suzaku, both of whom have been sitting opposite each other, are suspended in the middle of them with a yin and yang fruit, which is emitting a soft light.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled softly. "Get started."

Then, the two people had a very tacit understanding of the mouth and sucked, directly absorbed half of this yin and yang, and swallowed into their own mouth.


At this moment, the two only felt that there was a roar in the body, and then there was a terrible outburst of breath, and a mysterious and mysterious sentiment rose from their hearts.

At this moment, the rhythm of the two people's hearts circulated, it seems that the avenue is in front of their eyes, and, they do not need to take the initiative to receive the perception of the heavens, to achieve the mandatory injection into their bodies.

At the same time, the two gods did not know when they had come out of their bodies, they were floating in the middle of them, their hands were against each other, and the energy of their bodies flowed with each other, making the two of them open the sharing mode. .

The yin and yang enlightenment fruit, which contains the ability to enlighten, if the two men and women are served together, in line with the law of yin and yang, will also help to promote the ability to enlighten the fruit, and the two use at the same time, it is a fusion of two The results of Enlightenment can be said to double the effect.

With the practice of the two men, there is a boulevard between them. The atmosphere of the two people is merged together, and the minds of each other are connected. The two sides also complement each other's deficiencies.

The road of Xiangyang is the fusion of the million avenues, which is a way of dominance.

The Suzaku woman's way is the flame avenue of the simple immortality practice. Although it is only a single flame avenue, it is equally powerful and terrifying.

However, what they practiced is the heavenly way. It is the real sensation of the avenue. It is a level at the realm, rather than simply communicating the road of self-understanding, and it does not have much influence.

In the Promise of Immortality, the passage of time has reached its maximum, and the outside world has reached a level of 50,000 years in the Promise.

Five thousand times of time has passed, and only two people can bear it. If other people, under such a fast time, I am afraid that the flesh will collapse in an instant, the gods will be destroyed, and the true spirit will die.

However, for both of them, after taking the yin and yang to realize the Taoist fruit, the passage of time accelerated, which did not affect their double repairs, but accelerated their perception of the avenue.


With the two people's feelings, only the roaring sound continued to ring, and there was a chaotic fruit around them that blossomed into a golden lotus.

On the top of the Suzaku woman, there is a dead bird screaming in the sky, and a terrible holy power erupts. On the top of Xiangyang’s head, his true body is not tall, and the horrible atmosphere is also in Flowing.

The breath of the two men has risen and it seems that it will take too much time to rise to the sage.

However, at the most critical time, it suddenly broke down.

They opened their eyes at the same time, frowning at each other, and sighed helplessly. "Not enough. It is not such a simple thing to break into the sage in one breath."

"No problem, if one is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, ten."

Xiang Yangxiao laughed and took out all the yin and yang enlightenment fruits between the waves. After the Suzaku woman saw it, she widened her eyes and showed the shocking color.

Enlightenment is such a treasure, others use it is already very precious, almost can not be said to be very likely to get, however, in Xiangyang here is not the same, Xiang Yang actually has more than a dozen, really It’s too extravagant.

"Sister, let's continue, this time, we must help you break through to the sage of the mixed yuan."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, and did not take back the ten enlightenment fruit, and continued to take one. After the two men took it, they began to understand again.

With the help of the Enlightenment Fruit, the broken road continued to be connected, the breath of the two of them was flowing, and the vast sensation of the road was constantly integrated into the induction of the two, which made the two people's understanding of the Tao continue to increase.

Their realm has reached the state of the Yasheng Peak, step by step to push their own way to the realm of the chaos sage, in the process, the body of the Suzaku female **** of the immortal bird emerged a red and purple The purple light shines, and then it spreads toward the whole body of the dead bird.


Xiang Yang, who was caught in his own million-dollar comprehension, was awakened. He widened his eyes and looked at the immortal bird that was close at hand. When he discovered that Hong Meng’s purple air spread throughout the body of the Suzaku’s god, he endured Can not help but exclaimed, "The role of the original sanctification is here."

Hong Meng Zi gas carries through the whole body, making up for the last bit of defects in the whole body, making his own avenue truly complete.

To a certain extent, the Taoist saint's Tao has reached the same level as the chaotic heaven. To this level, it is already a perfect road and is isolated from the outside world.

However, it is not so easy to make your own path complete, and many of the strongest of the sacred limits are stuck in this last step.

However, with Hong Meng Zi, you can easily help to pass the last step, and you can easily sanctify.

Suzaku woman, to be sanctified!

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete

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