Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3164: Variable, decaying abyss

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In the Promise of Immortality, the turbulent turmoil, the intricate avenues of the avenues flow, the horrible atmosphere of the horror erupted, and the sacred sacredness of the Suzaku woman circulated, even if it was Xiang Yang, it was also trembled. Move to the distance, not to mention the other strong people who are practicing in the Promise.

Those who did not enter the tower of the body repair all trembled with their hearts, only feeling as if the heavens were coming, and one could not help but worship.

"I want to go out and break through."

Suzaku said to Xiang Yang.

"Well, I am with my sister."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and his body shape followed closely with the Suzaku woman. After the two people were in addition to the Promise Immortal, the Suzaku female directly manifested the ontology and turned into an unparalleled immortal bird, bathed in the fire of chaos. Then, the figure slightly spreads its wings, directly shattering the void and rushing into chaos.

"It’s finally sanctification."

Xiang Yang is in the sky and appears in the chaos of the void. His face is full of excitement. Among the people close to him, apart from his mother, someone has finally become a chaotic saint.

"Good, it has finally become."

Xiang Yang’s mother and other people in the Qing Xue Universe Group also came.

His mother had a happy smile on her face, watching the Suzaku woman bathe in the fire of chaos, and the immortal bird was stretching her body shape, her smile was not broken.

However, when she saw Xiang Yang standing on the side, she was dissatisfied. "Why are you not sanctified?"


Xiang Yang is stunned. Why am I not sanctified?

This question is very good, how do I know why I am not sanctified...

"If you are still my son, you can't be a chaotic saint." Xiang Yang's mother, Chi Xueyun, said in a disappointing tone.

"Mom, I am less than one hundred years old." Xiang Yang said cautiously.

"It’s almost a hundred years old, so shameful." He thought he would talk about his age. His mother would definitely feel that it’s normal to have no sanctification until now. Who ever thought about her mother? I looked at myself with a contemptuous look.


Xiang Yang was speechless, and he was very sad in his heart. How did his mother become like this? She used to be like this. She used to treat herself as a big baby. Now she has begun to dislike herself, and she really has her daughter-in-law. Forgot my son.

Yang Wanjian on the other side was shocked, although he had already sensed the sacredness of the Suzaku woman, knowing that the Suzaku woman could not prove the sanctification in a short time, but he did not think of it anyway, the Suzaku female It took so a short time to become a true chaotic saint.

“Don't the environment change, is it easier to sanctify?”

Yang Wanjian whispered to himself. He felt that he should also try to make a strong breakthrough. Maybe he could prove his sanctification?


At this time, the Suzaku female became a body shape and did not know how big the dead bird, bathed in the fire of chaos, she made a cry, the chaotic void instantly burst open.

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but sigh. "After my sister is sanctified, this strength is much stronger than the general chaos."

Yes, the Suzaku woman at the moment is just beginning to be sanctified. It has not really stepped into that step. The breath that burst out of the sound is already earth-shattering. It is not weaker than the strong man who has been sanctified for many years. When she becomes completely After the chaos sage, it must be more powerful.


However, Xiang Yang’s words just fell, and I saw the depths of the chaos. Suddenly there was a powerful roaring sound. It seemed that there were thousands of horses and horses on the road, and it seemed that there was a supreme behemoth rushing toward this side.

"not good."

Xiang Yang's face changed greatly. His body shape flashed without thinking, and the whole person rushed toward the place where the sound came from.

"No matter who it is, dare to mess, I will marry him."

Xiang Yang volleyed, this time, his breath changed, he was full of black hair flying, clothing hunting, the whole person's body broke out with a horrible atmosphere, a way to smash the chaotic sword from him It broke out and centered on him. The horrible swordskin grew like wild grasses and continued to spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang directly placed the next vast and boundless sword field, setting a heavy barrier between the huge roar of the front and the pot of the Suzaku woman.

"The big courage, there are really some old things that I don’t know how to live and slay. I want to rob me of my daughter-in-law." At the same time, Xiang Yang’s mother frowned, and she sneered, only to show a shadow. The enlightenment tree said, "Daoyou, please protect other people."

"Don't do everything you can." Endao Shu said quickly.

Xiang Yang’s mother nodded and looked into the depths of the chaos, her eyes with a dignified color. Obviously, the strength of the comers made her feel shocked, even if she had to be cautious.


As the roaring sound continued to pass, and there was a more horrible chaotic tide, when it came to this side, Xiang Yang only felt that there was a vast and boundless horror that rushed toward him, making his expression change. .

"The peak of the saints, although not yet a chaotic sage, is not far behind."

At the same time as Xiang Yang's expression changed, the sacred sword appeared directly in his hand. At the same time, his sword flowed around his body, and the sacred sword array emerged directly, but he immediately fell into the air of his body and concealed it.



Xiang Yang finally saw what it was like to make a roar. I saw that there was a huge body in front of the void, and a large figure of tens of thousands of feet was flying from the depths of the chaos. What makes Xiang Yang feel shocked is that the other person’s body is already rotten and seems to be running down at any time.

If it is an ordinary creature, the flesh is full of decaying breath, and the already decaying flesh has long since lived.

However, this Dapeng is different. It has a decadent, but terrifying sacred sacredness. Obviously, it is a chaotic saint. However, it should be deeply damaged and unable to return to heaven. Controlling the decay of your body, it gradually leads to decline.

Now, after sensing the scent of the Suzaku woman's sanctification, she rushes over and wants to capture everything from the Suzaku woman.

"Great courage."

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh, not waiting for the other party to come close, the swords of others joined together, and the sword field of the whole body instantly gathered, turning into a terrifying giant sword of tens of thousands of feet, with a powerful power, a sword directly toward this A decaying Dapeng squats down.

"Sister, you can concentrate on breaking through, my mother will guard you to break through, this guy will give it to me."

"Mom, you don't have to shoot, this guy will give it to me."

Then, Xiang Yang’s voice passed over and was introduced into the ears of Suzaku and his mother. The Suzaku, who was breaking through, saw Xiang Yang’s own killing of the ruined sage’s peak. When Peng was in a hurry, there was no way but he could only continue to concentrate on breaking through.

Xiang Yang’s mother’s body flashed and appeared directly near the Suzaku woman. She looked at Xiangyang’s death and shouted. “My son is careful, that big guy is a golden-winged Dapeng, who can swallow the sky and claws. Can shred everything."


Xiang Yang has not heard the words of his mother. His body rushed into the chaotic storm. This tens of thousands of long swords burst out of boundless energy and went straight to the already decaying Dapeng. .


The sacred sword combines most of the Pangu axe. It can be said that the reduced version of Pangu Axe is not an exaggeration. Moreover, it is also integrated into the sword tire obtained from the river of destiny. Today, the sacred sword has become a chaotic treasure. In the peak of the situation, even to achieve a greater degree of the gods, a sword, the mighty swordsman broke out.

The swordsmanship collapsed, but the sword was directly smashed into the other's body, just like cutting the tofu, and instantly cut the big penguin into a big mouth.


The golden-winged Dapeng opened his mouth and accompanied a loud bang. Xiang Yang only felt that the whole person had a headache, as if he wanted to explode. His heart trembled and his face turned white. The whole person took out the blasphemy. Sword, crazy back toward the rear.

However, at this time, this rotten Dapeng started again, and its claws, with the power of horror, covered the sky, seemingly to shatter everything, and grabbed it toward Xiangyang.

At this moment, the amount of yang is in the Dapeng's sonic attack. When the whole person is dizzy, although he will recover soon, the effort of such a small meeting can already determine his life and death.

If there is no accident, Dapeng will catch it, which is enough to really break the body of Xiang Yang.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body has an infinite sword and burst out. The swordsmanship array is arranged directly, and the mighty swords are stretched out, and the horrible claws are instantly involved in the sword array.

Just at this time, Xiang Yang also woke up, he frowned, his heart was shocked, he looked down on this Dapeng, and the other party screamed, and almost let the ship in the gutter.

However, since the Jianxian sword array has been launched, it is definitely not the arrogance of this guy.


Xiang Yang held the sacred sword and stood in the sacred swords, and his mind was moving. The four swords of the celestial squad flew at the same time, and they smashed directly toward the rotten claw that was enough to open up the earth.


However, what makes Xiang Yang feel shocked is that the power of the four swords and four swords of the celestial beings could not really break the smashing claws of the Dapeng, and even sparked.

The body of this Dapeng is too strong, comparable to the day after tomorrow, even stronger.

Xiang Yang stayed, "So terrible flesh?"

Even if he cultivated into a state of Xiaocheng, Pan Guzhen, his physical strength can not be done to fight against the attack of the four swords. However, this Dapeng looks like a whole body rot, seems to be rotten at any time. The blood guy, even blocking the attack of the four swords of the immortal, is incredible.

"this is..."

At the rear, after seeing this scene, the mother of Xiang Yang, who guards the Suzaku woman, is slightly cold and whispered. "It is the king of the decaying abyss, and the strong ones will release the old things of the decaying abyss."

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