Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3165: The saint will die!

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"Those things that decay the abyss..."

Xiang Yang was not at his mother's side. However, Enlightenment Tree heard the words of his mother, Chi Xueyun. Rao was the Taoist tree. When he heard the words of the decaying abyss, he could not help but tremble, showing the horror. "No way."

"This Dapeng is a golden-winged Dapeng, a king among the three layers of space in the decaying abyss. Usually it is the most unwilling to die. It wants to reverse the life and death, and even often rushes out of the decaying abyss. However, the deadness in it is getting heavier and heavier, and it is absolutely impossible to rush out. Some people have released it."

Xiang Yang’s mother knows a lot of things. When she spoke, her eyes were sneer. “All this must be artificial. It’s very likely that the strong people in Panyu’s chaotic world bought the guards of the decaying abyss. Let them be released, but I don’t know if it’s just out of the golden-winged Dapeng, or all the other things are coming out. If the horrible existences in the three layers of the decaying abyss come out, then it’s troublesome.”

"It should not all come out, the rotten abyss has its own rules, even if someone breaks the rules, it is only a short-lived." Entao said.


When Xiang Yang’s mother said it, she looked at the battle between Xiang Yang and Jin Mao Dapeng.

At this moment, when Xiang Yang discovered that the four swords of Zhu Xian could not break through this rotten Dapeng, his face was frowned and whispered. "Damn, this guy has to be decayed, even Still so hard, I don't believe it, and the four swords of Zhu Xian can't beat you."

He was also aroused by the unhappiness of his heart, and he did not use the sword to directly use the four swords of the immortal, and strangled around the huge claw.

"诛仙剑诀, give me a kill."

"It’s awkward, hey."


Xiang Yang roared, and the four swords of Zhu Xian were merged together and turned into a sacred soldier. The power of horror was constantly smashing toward this huge claw. However, it was useless. Every bombardment was only in This huge claw splashed.

"What kind of existence is this?"

This time, Xiang Yang was truly shocked. This body looks like a carrion, and the body of a guy with a rotten atmosphere is so terrible.

"The 诛 剑 sword array has no effect."

Since Xiang Yang refines the pirated swordsmanship, he has been using it very smoothly. Even if he is the strongman of the sacred level of Panyu’s chaotic world, he also uses the 诛仙剑阵, but it makes him feel shocked. The singer's sword squad couldn't help but the rotten guy.

"Zhu Xianjian array, should be upgraded again."

At the same time as Xiangyang’s Shen Sheng said, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan appeared in their own Dantian, so that they could take a good look at what kind of enemy they were facing.

"If you don't see it, even if you are completely integrated into a sword, you can't cut the other side." Xiang Yang said to Xiaoling.

"Boss, this, this guy should be the rotten king who came out of the decaying abyss. It is normal to slash it. To deal with the existence of such horror, in general, if you want to hurt them, at least you need to use the innate treasure. And if you want to completely smash them, it is best to use chaos and treasure, and repair it to be strong enough. Otherwise, the horrible creatures in these decaying abyss will bring the smell of decaying abyss. Easy to be killed."

Xiaoling said with a flawless color on his face.

"Do you know where it came from?"

Xiang Yang lived, he did not expect Xiao Ling to know this rotten golden wing Dapeng, and suddenly tell the other person's origin, and, what is the decaying abyss, Xiang Yang really do not understand.

"The decaying abyss, that is, a terrible place in the depths of chaos, also known as the abyss of death, there are a total of many layers of people who do not know, even if it is a robbery, once entered the decadent abyss, can only enter the first Seven floors, it is said that the strongest person once entered the ninth floor, and, at the same time, can not see the margin, do not know whether there is other space after the nine floors.

Moreover, among the decaying abyss, there are some of the most powerful creatures in the vast chaos. For various reasons, or the direction of their own practice, the road is wrong, causing disasters and causing them to die. Some are Because of serious injuries, the road base is damaged and cannot be healed, and gradually goes to death; others are living for too long and can't stand it...

In short, there are all kinds of powerful existences in the decaying abyss, but they all have a common feature, they are the horror of the sage level, and they are all declining and there is death.

The reason why they appear in the decaying abyss is because there are special rules in the decaying abyss that can extend their lives for a long time, but at the same time their breath will change. We don’t know how we know it. There is a great horror in the decaying abyss. Even if the looting is at its peak, it does not dare to enter the decaying abyss easily. ”

The old man is full of knowledge, and he knows the existence of the decaying abyss. He told Xiang Yang all this, making Xiang Yang stunned and couldn’t help but exclaimed, "This is too hanging, the chaos saint is not Is it the existence of immortality? How did it become old and dead, and there is a decaying abyss, this is the sacred cemetery?"

"Boss, chaotic saints are indeed immortal to a certain extent, but in fact they are just deceptive, they are only relative. In some of the worlds that have been developed, as long as the world is not decaying, The chaos sage is naturally fine, because his **** is pinning the heavens and pinning it in the void of the world. As long as the world is still normal, the saint is not killed, and naturally it can not die.

However, the chaos saint can be strangled. This boss is clearer than anyone else. He also thinks that after the world is dying, the chaos saint has no shelter from the world, walking in the depths of chaos, and also going down. But the process is slow and slow, almost negligible.

Chaos is endless, time and space can even be neglected. In the endless endless fate, there will always be some chaotic saints who are active and decaying.

In order to delay their own death, most of these chaotic saints will choose to decay the abyss to live another life. ”

At the same time as Lao Wan said, it was a dignified color on his face. "These creatures in the decaying abyss are actually not living creatures. They have really gone to death. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to appear outside. However, this creature has appeared, obviously it is not right."

"In the chaos, there seem to be a lot of different things."

At this time, Xiang Yang really realized that the depth of chaos is really wonderful. It is definitely not what he imagined. Chaos is just an endless chaos. Except for some things like Chaos Warcraft and some treasures, there is no other. It is.

It turns out that there are many creatures in the depths of chaos, and even the decaying abyss.

"Boss, the depth of chaos is more exciting than you think. Whether it is the Pangu chaotic world or the Panyu chaotic world, it is actually just a small pool. Only the depth of chaos is the real most exciting place. You are here in Pangu. In the chaotic world, the ability to grow into a chaotic saint has reached the limit, and it is almost impossible to continue to grow." Lao Wan continued.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to say to Xiang Yang, "Boss, you really should look for opportunities to look at the depths of chaos. In the depths of chaos, there is a real supremacy, there are your real opponents. And it is still the same enchanting as you, otherwise, in this ancient chaotic world, you have no possibility of growth."

After Xiang Yang was silent for a while, he said, "Old Wan, I found that you have been fooling me into the depths of chaos. What purpose do you have?"

Yes, from the beginning, Lao Wan has been fooling himself into the depths of chaos, and he described himself as a good thing in the depths of chaos. At that time, he did not care about him. Now, this guy is still unscrupulous and continues to flick himself. Obviously The purpose of this guy is a bit impure.


Lao Wan’s habitual study of Xiang Yang’s appearance coughed a few times and quickly replied, “Boss, you misunderstood me, I have never fooled you, I just put forward my own opinions, and, Dongfu is in the depths of chaos. In his old man’s house, there are all kinds of treasures."

"Of course, if you need it, I will definitely guide you to take it out. If you don't want it, I won't force you into chaos to find the treasures of the looting."

While speaking, he showed a very honest look.

Xiang Yang is speechless, and when Lao Wan has turned into this look, is it like learning from himself? It doesn't seem like much.

"I will say this later, killing this monster first."


At this time, the roaring sound continued to come in. The rotten claws of the rotten Dapeng continued to bombard in the swords of the celestial swords, making it seem that the sacred swords array could not withstand tearing.

Xiang Yang's face changed, his mind was moved, and the four swords of the immortal sniper attacked, and the infinite chaos was smashed, and the power of terror was used to smash the claws.

At the same time, he held the sword and whispered, "Now then Tianzhibao can't marry you, you can always swear."

"There is no flowers to bloom, and the sword lotus blooms."

Xiang Yangshuo sipped, accompanied by a roaring sound. At his feet, there was a tens of thousands of swords of magnitude, and the lotus blossoms slowly bloomed. There was a horrible atmosphere, and the mighty energy broke out at this moment. It is.

Thousands of swords and lotuses are spinning, and the boundless swords are tearing chaos. Even if it is the claw, it is also wrapped in the infinite sword.

Xiang Yang holds the sword and stands on top of this infinite sword lotus. He is hunting and hunting, as God descends.

“No amount!”

Then, the sword lotus under his feet instantly contracted, and all the swords were restrained. From the size of the previous ten thousand, it was instantly transformed into a small lotus flower and incorporated into the sword of the **** in the hands of Xiang Yang. He held the sword and figure. Fluttering, straight down a sword.

The second change of the infinite swordsman, the infinite amount of shackles, combines all the powers of the swordsmanship in one sword, and the power end is amazing.


Under the sacred sword, a sword cut into the claw, and this narrow sword lotus was directly immersed in this claw, and it broke out from the inside out.


At this moment, the chestnuts and the huge roaring sounds, and this rotten claw that could not be destroyed by the Jianxian sword array exploded instantly.

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