Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3168: Re-starting the journey (five more flowers)

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The river of destiny disappeared, and Xiang Yang’s figure emerged from the void. He smiled and looked at the Suzaku woman. “Congratulations to my sister’s becoming a sage of the Promise. From then on, I have a thigh to hold.”

He was sighed in his heart. Until now, he only reacted. Since he really knew Suzaku, Suzaku woman is his greatest strength, because Suzaku woman always protects herself. It can be said that he has always dared to brave any place because The reason for the Suzaku woman.

At the time of the battlefield of the fairy, the Suzaku woman rushed from the lower bound and went straight to the fairyland to help herself. It was because the picture of the danger that was sensed was still flashing in Xiangyang’s brain.

His face is full of excited smiles, and the Suzaku woman is sanctified. Although for himself, the strength of the chaotic saint does not exceed himself, but at least represents the Suzaku woman to become a true supreme power, this is enough.

Xiang Yang’s mother came to Xiangyang’s side and smiled and took a shot of Xiang Yang. “It’s not good to practice and hurry, but still thinking about holding your thighs all day. Are you so embarrassed?”

Xiang Yangxiao said with a smile, "Mom, I want to prove that sanctification is easy. I can do it at any time. But what I want is not just ordinary sanctification, but to prove it, and not yet. A single way, I want millions of people to be one, and become the true supreme master. I naturally cannot prove that it is sanctified so early."

"You kid, really decided to go this way?"

After Xiang Yang’s mother listened, she couldn’t help but watch her son. Although she felt the infinite number of her son’s words during this time, she had some guesses, but she did not expect it. My son really wants to go this way.

This is the most difficult road to enlightenment, no matter who it is, it is very difficult.

However, if it is really successful, if it can really be sanctified, it can be said that it has already stepped on the road of the master, even if it is the Taoist priest, or the cultivation of Xiangyang’s master is earth-shattering. It is the overlord in chaos, and it is not the same way.

Because of this, they do not know how many years they are stuck in the half-step master, and it is difficult to move forward.

Xiangyang, however, picked his own path from the very beginning, and looked at his son in the snow, and couldn’t help but sigh and said, "Son, you are good, more than the mother." It is."

She is very emotional.

Speaking of her, as the mother of Xiangyang, she has the most direct blood of the old man, and her talent is absolutely impossible to be weaker than Xiangyang.

However, she is only sanctifying the right way. Even, she does not even have the evidence. Compared with Xiangyang, she is indeed much worse.

Xiang Yangxiao smiled and stared at his mother. "Mom, you will have fun. Your son has grown up. What is the danger, let your son do it."


Chi Xueyun smiled gratifiedly and looked at the women who were protected by Enlightenment Tree. He sighed and said, "If you can give birth to a few big fat boys to my mother, it is better."


Xiang Yang was helpless and could only sigh and say, "Mom, I think too, but you also know that my current repair is too strong. It is very difficult to leave a child."

During this time, he really worked hard. He also thought that he should leave a son for himself. However, what made him feel depressed was that he had worked hard for so many days, and the women still had no movement.

Well, he finally understands why none of the chaotic saints in the world have a son. It is estimated that they do not want future generations, but that after their cultivation is strong, it is impossible to produce future generations.

“Whether the strength is stronger, the easier it is to break the grandchildren?”

Xiang Yang whispered, making his mother couldn't help but pat his head. "Don't talk nonsense, when you are a foreigner, I am already a realm of half-step masters. You don't even have saints. Go to life. Dozens of things for the mother to play."


Looking at his mother's awkward look, Xiang Yang suddenly felt that if he gave birth to a child, let his mother play, it seems that he is a little irresponsible to his child.

I think that I have grown up from a young age to a big one. It seems that my mother-in-law hasn’t brought her own appearance. Xiang Yang feels that even if she wants to have a baby, she must wait for her time to be free and bring her baby.

Yes, Xiang Yangxiu is so strong, the idea in his heart is to take his son.

It is really that he always feels that both his mother and his wife are super-powerful and very smart in their careers. However, at home, it is estimated that there may be some problems.

Whether it is his wife or his mother with a baby, it seems unlikely, and if the babysitter is brought, he is really not used to it.

"Fortunately, there is no child, or wait until later."

When Xiang Yang thought about it, the girls also came to their side, and all of them were happy to look at the Suzaku woman. "Congratulations to my sister, my sister is so powerful that she has become a chaotic saint."

"Yes, my sister is too strong."

"Wow, we have two chaotic saints in the Qing Xue universe group."


The women were very excited to hold the Suzaku woman, thinking about how to celebrate, but the Suzaku woman shook her head gently and said with a smile, "There is nothing to celebrate in sanctification, let’s say it after you have been sanctified." ""

"There is really nothing to celebrate, and Xiaoyang has to leave. Everyone still arranges their own work, and then take time to retreat."

Xiang Yang’s mother said.

She is among the Qingxue universe group. It can be said that it is the level of the Empress Dowager. When she opened her mouth, no one retorted the women. They all happily greeted them. "My sister said it."

"We will listen to my sister's words and find time to go to retreat."

"Yes Yes."

When Xiang Yang listened to the names of the mothers about her mother, she almost fainted. "How do you call my mother a ‘sister’, what are you doing?”

He sighed and looked at the women. It was just a sweet girl who called her mother to be her sister. Now, all the women are very happy to call their mothers as sisters. Isn’t this all messy?

"What is your business, this is what I asked, what happened? Do you have any opinions? Do you think your mother is very old and can't be their sister?"

Chi Xueyun looked at Xiangyang with a bad face, which made Xiangyang Han Mao stand up, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, I just think my wife is so cute, um, good, very it is good..."

"Then, my mother, my wives, I have to go first in a hurry. You are all practicing well, and you have to take care of yourself. When I am holy, come back."

At the same time, Xiang Yang jumped into the void like a frightened rabbit and fled.

He felt that staying at home might be a bit redundant, and his mother estimated that she would hold on to her and ask her about her age.

"Little guy, I also learned to run away."

Seeing that Xiang Yang escaped and seemed to run away, Chi Xueyun could not help but want to laugh out loud.

However, the women were not so happy. They all had sad colors on their faces. They watched Xiangyang rush into the void and disappeared. Although they knew that they had embarked on the path of practice, whether it was Xiangyang or They all have to work hard, but when they see Xiangyang leaving, they still feel very sad.

"Okay, don't be sad. If he wants to grow up, he must let him go, as long as he still remembers you in his heart. As for others, no matter how far he goes, no matter what the future, he will Come back."

Although Chi Xueyun saw that her son's road was very difficult, she did not show any sadness in front of the women, but smirked and brought the women back to the Qingxue universe group.

What they don't know is that in the chaotic void, Xiang Yang did not leave, but hidden in a deeper void. After watching the women leave and returning to the Qingxue Universe Group, he sighed and whispered. "I am leaving, the next time I come back, it will be time to become a chaotic saint."

Going to the realm of the gods is a desperate fight for him. There are also ten gods in the realm of the gods, and the supreme gods, each of which is supreme, even if he can kill the saints, it is also very dangerous.

However, whether it is because Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are in danger in this realm, or to prove the sanctification, he must go to the realm of God.

This time, the strong person of the decaying abyss appeared, which made him understand one thing. Perhaps the Pangu chaotic world has never been safe, even if the Panyu chaotic world was destroyed.

Deep in chaos, there are more powerful and more terrible existences.

It is not impossible to destroy a chaotic world of Panyu, there will be countless Panyu chaotic worlds to invade the ancient chaotic world.

Although I can't ban this kind of thing happening, but in any case, I have to work hard to grow up to face all the unknown crises of the future.

"That pair of eyes is not like a Taoist ancestor or any chaotic saint I know. That is to say, it is very likely that the strong man who drove the golden winged Dapeng of the decaying abyss is the holy deity in the depths of chaos. Or a half-step master?"

Xiang Yang's figure tearing the void came to the Zixiao Palace above Jiuzhongtian. He wanted to find Daozu to talk about his doubts. However, what surprised him was that there was no figure in the Purple Palace.

"Old man, are you?"

Xiangyang Shenyan passed out and wanted to summon the ancestor's avatar. However, what surprised him was that, according to the truth, he had already joined the heavens. As long as he was in this ancient chaotic world, there was absolutely no ancestor. Any reaction.

"Is it true that the strong people of Panyu's chaotic world have really come through the realm of the gods, and they are still very powerful. Even the ancestors have to use all the power of the avatar?"

Xiang Yang’s face is full of seriousness.

Originally, he listened to the Heavenly Saints and said that the gods called the power of Panyu's chaotic world. When the chaos of the heavens had to go to the interception, he did not care. Now, it seems that the problem is more serious than he imagined.

"But, since you can't find the old man, you can go directly to the realm of the gods. I hope this trip to the world will be smooth."

He waited for a while in the Purple Palace, and he turned and left.

Author Meng Yu said: Five more finished, ask for flowers...

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