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In the realm of the gods, a melee is unfolding, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, plus four of the Five Emperors and Zhao Gongming, a total of seven people, they are the super strong of the Yasheng limit, especially Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, the two are joined hands to fight against the existence of chaotic saints.

However, this time, they were trapped, and they played very hard.

Their opponent is a **** of space and thousands of masters of the main god.

Such a terrible battle, even Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, who are not afraid of the two days, are also a bit embarrassed. "Are we dying here?"

Sun Monkey looked at Yang Lan and looked at the space that was trapping the space of the gods and the escape route of himself and others. His face showed a desperate color.

Sun Monkey has always been the most daring. He is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die, because he has to prove to be a chaotic saint, but this time, he is really a bit desperate.

This time the opponent is too strong, not to mention that this space is more powerful than the imagination of the gods, even if the thousands of the Lord God arranged the law, it is not easy for them to rush out.

Yang Lan holds a three-pointed and two-edged knife. His white clothes have already been stained with blood. However, his face is still with a firm color, and he said with a deep voice, "Hey, will you still be afraid of death? We Before I came to the realm of the gods, I was ready. If I could really beat the gods and gods of these gods, and then refine the origins and the heavens of the gods, we would really succeed, if not. It’s dead.”

"Who said that the old grandson is afraid of death, and the old grandson just feels a little unwilling, the special mother, the Xiangyang guy is not there, otherwise, how can this space make the gods so mad?"

When Sun Monkey groaned, he was very angry when he remembered Xiangyang. "That kid is too much. I have already promised that we will go to the world with us. As a result, he ran away, too much."


At this time, the blade of space came to the Sun Monkey. Obviously, it was the space magical power that the king of the gods controlled. The blade of the space was used to kill it. It was invisible, and it was Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. The existence of the level can not be found, only when the opponent's space blade is really 100 meters away from the front.

"Be careful."

Yang Lan sighed, his eyebrows ruined the eyes of the gods, and a devastating radiant sensation emerged. In an instant, he bombarded the void of less than one meter in front of the granddaughter. In the explosion, a blade of space broke out and destroyed. It was split into two halves, and the blade of this space continued to move toward the Sun Monkey.


However, with the blockage of the destruction of the light, the Sun Monkey also reacted, and the wishful golden hoop in his hand slammed down and instantly collided with the blade of this space.

Fortunately, the wishful golden hoop is already a treasure of Chaos to the treasure level, which makes this attack directly break the attack of the blade of this space. Otherwise, even if the physical strength of the Sun Monkey is stronger, it is estimated that it is impossible. Block the cutting of the blade of this space.

"Bastard, this guy is taking advantage of the power of space magic, and even shot us again and again."

Sun Monkey is angry and angry. If the other party is not the **** of space, he is not so passive. However, whether he or Yang Lan, the power is very powerful, but the space is supernatural. Not very well understood, making them very painful in the face of this space is the king of the gods.


At the same time, Zhao Gongming and other five strong players are killing with the main gods. Fortunately, the goal of the space **** is only Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, and the magic weapons of both are chaotic to the treasure level, Blocking the opponent's space blade, the two men have been entangled with the space king.

Otherwise, if the **** king is aiming at Zhao Gongming and others, the five powerful ones are powerful and unparalleled, but they are not saints, even, even the innate treasures, there is no way to block each other’s space. Blade attack.

"Is the ant ant in the fairy world, is it really that the king of God is not your opponent? The king of the gods is just waiting, waiting for the arrival of the powerful who rescued you. The holy sages of the immortal world are taken away by the Supreme God, and the rest are It’s just an ordinary chaotic saint. If they come to save you, that would be great.”

The space king is full of tens of thousands of tall, but the body that he really appears in front of everyone has only one huge head. In addition, his other body parts are all hidden in other spaces. Among them.

At the same time as he spoke, the endless emptiness of the Sun Monkey and others smashed.

"You can't resist it anymore, you must kill it." Sun Monkey waved the wishful golden hoop, and placed a dense defense around his body to block these imaginary blades. At the same time, he bit his teeth against Yang Xiaodao. Kill the past and fight with him. This time, I am attacking, you are defending, you must kill this chop."

"it is good."

Yang Hao nodded. He was also very disgusted with this passive defense. Although countless times of rushing failed, he still did not give up.

Because they heard what this **** of space said, they were prepared to use them as bait to hunt down the chaos of the heavens, and they were angry.

Even if they die, they can't be the bait of others.

"You, I have lived from the ancient times to the present, I am sorry that the chaos of the saints can not be sanctified. If it is also used as a bait to attract the chaos of the heavens, causing the saint to have an accident, that is our greatest sin."

At the same time, Zhao Gongming also laughed and said to other powerful Sifang Emperors.

"Amitabha, this is the case. If you let my teacher Amitabha make a risk, the impoverishment is really unsatisfactory." The Heavenly Emperor of the Western Tianyu, the Buddha of the Buddha, clasped his hands together and said in a loud voice.

"The nonsense says that Yang Lan and Sun Monkey have already started playing. They both have the biggest guys. Can we even do these gods?"

The Emperor of Heaven in the Northern Territory, Xuan Zang, the strongest of the Xuanwu family, still looks like a slinger. He laughed and said, "They are friends, I will show the body later, use my defense to block the formation, you don't want Take care of me, kill it directly, remember, kill me a few more."

"Xuan Xuan!"

The central emperor Li Shentong’s face showed a shocking color, but there was no objection, but Shen Shen, “How long can you block?”

The Emperor Xuan of the Northern Tianyu glanced at Li Shentong. "I don't know, but at least it is longer than you. I used to be a long-lasting one. I can definitely insist that you can kill it."

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, did not talk much, but held a sword of the innate Lingbao level. He said faintly, "Xuan Zang, you can't stop it and withdraw, leave a little life and kill a few main gods, don't hold it hard, No one will thank you for being dead."

"Xu Wei, you bastard, I really thought that I want to find death."

Xuan Zang took a look at Xu Wei. "This time, no one of us will die. There is Laozi in it. It is enough to block all their attacks. Isn't it a thousand people's holy sacred squad? Haven't seen it before, give it to me." ”


Along with the powerful roaring sounds, I saw Xuanzang directly begin to change, and the whole person instantly became a huge body, and even reached a super-basal weapon of more than 90 million feet tall.

The four feet of Xuanwu stood on the ground, as if they wanted to break the whole world of the gods. In fact, what it broke was not the realm of the gods, but the trapped array of thousands of people.

"I want to break through the array of things I am waiting for, this basaltic dream."

"Repress it."

The main gods of the gods are the strong repression of the biting teeth, and they want to suppress the super-basal basalt that Xuanzang has made.

However, when Xuanzang manifested the ontology, its super-defensive power broke out. With the power of its basaltic tortoise shell, it hardened to block the power of thousands of people and the suppression of the gods, and opened up a gap in the battle. "Do you want to wait until you don't rush out?"


At this moment, Xuan Zang has not been ordered, and the other four have already gone straight down the gap.

A big battle started on this. Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both attacked and defended one, directly killing the space god, and Zhao Gongming and other four were the main gods who were killed. Xuanzang resisted the formation.

However, the power of the array of the previous Lord God is too strong, even if Xuan Zang claims that the Xuanwu body of the first Ya’an defense is also unable to resist, not long after, the four people rushed out, its tortoise shell There have been countless cracks on the top.


Xuan Zang roared, wanting to pull back, but found that the power of the formation is getting stronger and stronger, if it maintains the strongest defense of the Xuanwu body, it can still persist for a while, if you do not maintain the strongest defense, I am afraid it In an instant, it will be crushed by the force of the formation.

"Is Laozi going to be crushed to death by such a hard life?"

Xuanzang was speechless. He thought that his strength could at least wait until the four people broke the law a bit, so that he could get rid of the difficulties. Whoever thought that the four people were too wasteful, after rushing out, there was no effect.

"This is troublesome."

Whether it is Xuanzang or others, all of them are helpless.

Xuanzang can only do his best to continue to resist the pressure of this array of methods. Fortunately, he is still a bit of a younger brother. Xuanwu tortoise has been tempered by him to the extent of surpassing the aftermath of the day. Will be completely broken.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are staring at the attack of the **** of the space system. They are rushing to the front of the other side. The monkey is roaring, and the body becomes a chaotic konjac with a million feet tall, holding a huge golden hoop. The space is the head of the king of God.

"Hey old grandson broke your head."

Chaos konjac roared, but did not think why this time so smooth hit the front of the huge head of this space god, it is necessary to rush to the other side.

However, at this time, the face of the head of the **** in front of them showed a mocking smile, which made the face of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan suddenly change. "Not good."


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