Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3170: I have a craftsmanship, reversible

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When Sun Monkey’s golden hoop slammed toward the space god, only a loud roar sounded, and the infinite golden light broke out. Then there was a 100,000-foot tall golden The gods jumped out of the void, and the other party easily blocked the golden monkey's golden hoop, and smiled. "Sun Monkey, Yang Lan, you are dead."

"Golden King."

The faces of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan became very ugly. What they didn’t think of in any way was that they would be another **** of horror.

The king of gold.

The 12 gods of the gods contain nine kings of gold, wood, fire, earth, and the darkness of time and space. These nine kings of gods existed at the beginning of the opening of the gods, while the other three were Relatively weak, they were later sanctified.

For example, the last time he was killed by Xiang Yangzhen, the **** of the gods, although he was the **** of fire, but he was later sanctified, not comparable to the first generation of the god.

This King of Gold is unique. It is the Supreme God of God in the beginning. It is said that he is sanctified by Chaos God Jin and possesses terrible strength.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the power of the Golden King is invincible, the defense is invincible, and the edge is invincible. Even if the chaos is coming, it will not necessarily break the defense of the Golden God.

If Sun Monkey and Yang Lan have already proved to be sanctified, they naturally have no fear of King Jin, and they can even kill each other.

However, the two are still only Aya, and it is impossible to break the defense of King Jin.

"Hey, monkey head, three eyes, with your two ants daring to come to my gods, it is simply looking for a dead end." King of the Golden God smiled, although his body is only 100,000 feet tall, but the whole body The power of horror, and the unparalleled attack power, the faces of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan became very ugly.

Not an opponent.

The two were not the first time to fight with the King of Gold. In the past, when they entered the realm of the gods under the protection of Sanqing, the two had once fought the King of the Golden God. However, they were almost the same. The child was killed by the King of Gold.

This time, although their strength has increased, they have not yet reached the level of King of the Golden God.

"The trouble is big." The two men sucked the cold at the same time, but their speed was not slow, but the body shape quickly retreated toward the rear.


However, when they wanted to retreat toward the rear, the space was a sneer's face on the face of the gods. The two felt that they were in the overlapping space, and they could not retreat.

"Two little guys, this **** has long wanted to destroy you."

King Jin Shen also entered the space and appeared in front of the two people. He smiled smugly and said to the king of space, "The two guys, the monkeys in the hands of the monkeys, gave me A knife for you."

"it is good."

At the same time, the space system God responded, and somehow felt that there was a bad feeling in the heart. It seemed that there would be danger immediately. I couldn’t help but jump in the heart. The dark road, "Is it necessary to come to Sanqing? Impossible, three Although the Qing is strong, but it is dragged by the Taoist friends of the Supreme God and Panyu, it is absolutely impossible to come. As for other saints, even if they come, they will die."

"Come on, after killing everyone, launch a big battle and enter the fairy world. This time, you must completely destroy the fairy world."

Then, the space **** Wang opened his mouth again.

"Well? Is the high **** saying that he wants to enter the fairy world?" King of the Golden God is preparing to do it. After hearing the words of the space god, he frowned.

"So a great opportunity, don't fall into the fairy world, what are you waiting for? Do you have to wait until the strong people like Sanqing come back to deal with us?" The space **** Wang sneered and said, "If this time, the **** of the supreme **** and Panyu chaotic world If we can't destroy Sanqing, our gods will definitely be finished. The supreme **** has already jumped out of the shackles of the heavenly world. He can enter the depths of chaos at any time, but we can't."

Many of the gods of the gods are based on the heavens of the gods. Their gods are placed in the heavens of the gods. Unless they are to the extent of the supreme god, they cannot leave the world. If the heavens and the gods are destroyed, they will also die.

This time, for these gods, it can be said that they are really going out.

The Supreme God broke through the channel of Panyu's chaotic world and the gods, and sacrificed several small worlds of Pangu's chaotic world to summon some exotic powers to come in order to kill the powerful people of Pangu's chaotic world.

If you can't destroy the strong people of Pangu's chaotic world, either the saints and the supreme **** of Panyu's chaotic world will be destroyed, or they will run away.

However, the Supreme God and the intimidators who are invited to come can escape. Yes, they are not good.

Although the strength of these **** kings is very strong, they must be placed in the heavens of the gods to survive. If there is no heaven in the gods, nothing will be done.

At that time they can only live with the gods and die together.

Therefore, they have no retreat, they can only enter the fairy world, and lead the heavenly heavens to engulf the heavens of the fairy world. At that time, even if the supreme **** fails, the heavens of their gods are strong enough, they will feedback their energy, making The remaining kings of these gods became stronger and stronger enough to resist the mighty world of Pangu's chaotic world.

At the same time as the space **** thought about it, he sneered and said to the king of gold. "Hurry up and start, so as to avoid extra-budgets, I always have a bad feeling."

"Can you have any bad feelings?"

The King of Gold did not care, but since he had already decided to destroy Sun Monkey and Yang, he would naturally not be merciful.

His eyes looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and he smiled and said, "Two ants, the **** of the gods have been forbearing you for a long time, and finally you can crush you a little bit, great."


As his voice fell, the attack of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan had arrived. The two men showed the strongest attack at the same time, and the soldiers holding them were killed.

Since you are trapped in this space and cannot escape, then kill it.

Even if they face the two gods, they have no chance of winning, at least they have to fight hard before they regret it.

"Ha ha ha, three eyes, smashed him together."

Sun Monkey laughed and turned into a 100,000-foot tall King Kong giant, holding a wishful golden hoop stick to the king of the Golden God.

"Right on my mind."

Although Yang Lan has been injured, but at this time, he also understands the time when the two are desperate. His face is cold and he has a three-pointed knife.

"court death."

King Jin is very angry. He is the incarnation of the chaos **** gold. The power of the natural body is terrible, even if it is congenital to treasure, it can not cause any harm to him.

Of course, the gods in the hands of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are chaotic to the level of the treasure, but he does not care. Although the soldiers are strong, they must also be in the hands of the people. Since they are not in the hands of the chaos, he is not afraid.

What made him angry was that the two ants were still dare to resist, and they were very arrogant, and the eruption was not weaker than themselves.


King Jin Shen also blasted two punches at the same time. His double fists were accompanied by the incomparable chaos of the gods, and the two lights were invincible.

His body limits his practice of various magical techniques. He only knows the direct attack and uses his strongest fist to kill the enemy.

This point is very similar to Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. Of course, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan don’t just understand the direct attack. They also practice some magical techniques, but they don’t bother to use it. Those magical techniques only.

Their strongest attack is on the golden hoop and the three-pointed two-edged knife in their hands.

King Jin’s face has a confident color. His favorite thing is to kill each other by his own fist. Especially when he sees the gods in the hands of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, he is even more Can't wait to grab these two soldiers.

"Booming him."

Sun Monkey roared and tried his best to survive. His strength itself has reached the level of being comparable to the chaos sage. Although it is not yet sanctified, the power of holding the chaos to the treasure must not be underestimated.

In the crash, the attack of the two men directly smashed with the double fist of the Golden God King. The smile on the original face of the Golden God King suddenly solidified. He looked at his fist with an incredible color, only to see It was a golden hoop and a three-pointed two-edged knife, and all of them broke the defense of his fist.

"No, how is this possible?"

The face of King Jin Shen with a shocked color, with the power of his fist, even if it is congenital treasure, it is impossible to hurt him. In his view, although the gods of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are surpassing the innate treasure It may even be chaotic, but the two are not sanctified after all, and it is absolutely impossible to have the power to compete with him.

"it is good."

After Sun Monkey and Yang Lan met, they were overjoyed. Although they were bursting with the hands of this shocking earthquake, they saw hope.

As long as they can hurt each other, they have hope to defeat each other.


Then, the two men madly shot, with the strongest force to kill with the King of Gold.

Although the king of the Golden God has no strength, the magic weapon that can't help the two is too strong, and the King of the Golden God is so entangled that he is really entangled.

"Oh... hateful..."

King Jinsang roared again and again, he really couldn't figure it out. The last time he played, he could easily pinch the two people. Why did you meet this time, the magic weapon suddenly became so strong, and he could hurt him.

Ming knows that the two are very weak. If Sun Monkey and Yang Lan do not move the usage treasure, the Golden God King can easily crush the two.

But he did not dare to touch the magic of the two, for fear of being killed, which made his heart uncomfortable.

The space **** did not shoot, did not know when, his body shape was also reduced to a size of 100,000 feet, his body completely appeared from the void, the power of space of horror flowing around him, making him It looks like a deep chaotic void, not in the space of the gods.

In fact, the space **** is indeed always ready to escape, his body is hidden in the void, and can escape at any time.

Because at this time, his uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious. He did not help the King of Gold. Instead, he spread his power to control the space. He wanted to look around carefully to see if anyone was hiding. This is in the void.


Just at this time, the defense of the northern Emperor Xuanzang finally could not stop the attack of thousands of gods and split, and the huge Xuanwu issued an unwilling roar. "If Laozi has a congenital treasure, how can he let the ants wait so mad? ?"

"I am not willing."

"Not good." Zhao Gongming and others who also fell into the trap of thousands of gods also changed their faces. "Xuan Zang, hold on, we will come."

"Your sister, didn't you see that the turtle's tortoiseshell was broken? Still insist, stick to the fart."

Xuan Zang wants to cry without tears, his strongest defense is broken, these guys have no way to break the outside array, too much.


The pressure of the array method is on the body of Xuanzang. Without the defense of the tortoise shell, the flesh and blood of the basalt are cracked open, and its flesh is constantly crushed by the formation.

"It's over, I am going to die."

Xuanzang sneered, and he knew that this time he was absolutely unable to stop the crushing of the formation.

"You guys are a few bastards, it's too unreliable."

Xuan Zang felt that his biggest mistake was to overestimate these guys. They even thought that they could burst the battle after they rushed out. Who ever thought that these four guys were too unreliable.

"Xuan Xuan..."

Zhao Gongming and others have changed their minds. They are like crazy people who display their gods and magic wars. But they are useless. If thousands of gods unite, even if they are crazy, they can't break the battle and can't help Xuanzang.


The northern emperor Xuanzang screamed, his body collapsed, and the huge basalt body collapsed a little. His **** was also wiped out a little bit, even if his cultivation had reached the peak of Yasheng Peak. It is also useless.

"Do not..."

Everyone saw the crack, but they could only see the flesh of the northern Emperor Xuan Zang’s body bursting a little, and then directly exploded into a **** fog.


However, at this time, in the boundless blood fog, there was a void crack, and a figure rushed out of the void with a chaotic flying boat.

"The mountains and rivers are treacherous and repressed."

"The Qiankun created, reversed life and death, revived and revived."


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