Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3173: Stupid big gold **** (five more flowers)

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"Xie Xiaozi, you are finally willing to take the shot, you will not come again, the old grandson will die."

The monkey is covered in blood, and even his gold chain mail has been broken into pieces. He is golden, and of course, the golden light is not his energy, but his golden blood is covered with the whole body.

Sun Yam’s practice of the Eighty-nine Hyun Gong is itself a Buddhist practice, and he is the Buddha’s fight against the Buddha. The flesh has already condensed the Buddha’s golden body, even if his blood has already become golden.

Instead, Yang Lan, although he cultivated the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong to the eighth peak, but his blood is also bright red, and at the moment he is also very miserable, all the silver-white armor is shattered, revealing Inside, the inner armor has long been stained with blood.

Their appearance is indeed a bit miserable.

After all, their opponent is a supreme **** who is transformed into a chaotic **** Jin. With their strength, if there is no super magic weapon with chaotic treasure level, I am afraid that it will have been destroyed by the Golden God.


Xiang Yang was still thinking about talking to the two people and letting the two realize how weak their strength is. However, the opposite King of the Golden God did not have the patience to wait for them to narrate the old, only to see the King of the Kings volley. It turned out to be a sword without a top, and went straight to Xiangyang.

In the past, because Sun Monkey and Yang Lan had the chaos to the treasure in their hands, the Golden God King did not dare to be too hard, but this time, he saw Xiang Yang appear, thought Xiang Yang There is no magic weapon of Chaos to the level of treasure, it is directly to the body of the sword, and it is planned to cut Xiangyang with a knife.

"It's good."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, his body volleyed, and there was a sacred sword in his hand. In an instant, the sword and the sword merged into one, and turned into a sword to meet the sword.


At this moment, the swords and swords were smashed together, and a deafening roar broke out. The void was shattered, and the chaotic void exploded. The infinite chaos exploded from it, and the sword and sword continued to smash together. .


A knife and a sword, constantly colliding in the air, this is a real positive confrontation, even Sun Monkey and Yang Lan can not help but widen their eyes.

"How does the body of this kid become stronger again?"

Sun Monkey stared at the sword that Xiang Yang had made, whispering in a low voice. "Although there is a combination of the chaos and the treasure level, but under such a collision, I want to block the power of the Golden God. It proves that the strength of Xiangyang Xiaozi has reached the level of confrontation with King Jinwang. We are too far behind him."

At the same time, Sun Monkey was a little sad, and felt that they and Yang Lan were really behind.

Originally their strength is among the strongest in the sub-sacred world of Pangu's chaotic world. It can be said to be the most powerful. It can be said to be comparable to the chaos and saints, especially the chaos of the last two people on the edge of the gods. Among the lurkers, after the sneak attack killed a god, it made their fame peak.

All along, they all feel that their two talents are the most powerful existence, absolutely no one can rival. However, until now, they have truly recognized their own strength, compared with Xiangyang, it is impossible. To win over the saint is to look at luck, and it is generally impossible.

Can you be a chaotic saint, which one is not a particularly powerful aspect?

Other aspects of the Golden God King are not powerful, but his body is chaotic **** gold, the real law is not invading, King Kong is not bad, even if the chaos is hit on the body, the King of Gold is only broken by the flesh, but it can Blocked.

It is precisely this point that Sun Monkey and Yang Lan have no way to deal with it.

Everyone is hard-hitting, the strength is not as good as people, and the power is not comparable. They have no way.


At this time, when Sun Monkey and Yang Lan looked up at Xiangyang, they only heard a huge roar, and then the swords separated to show the figure of Xiangyang and Jinshen.

Xiang Yang Qingyi fluttering, holding a sacred sword, gracefully fell on the side of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, said with a smile, "also generally." At the same time, a piece of **** gold appeared in the hand, it is Chaos God Jin, And it has evolved to a very terrible level.

This is the body of the King of Gold. In the confrontation, the body of the King of Gold was actually taken down by Xiang Yang and turned into a **** gold.


On the other hand, the breath of the King of the Golden God is turbulent, and his body is trembled. He is actually in a confrontation, and it is a shame of the greatness of this evilly human sub-Holy to turn down a flesh and blood into a **** gold.

However, when Xiang Yang was confronted with him, when the power of the sword was on, the heart of King Jin suddenly trembled a little.

The power of the other's Excalibur is more powerful than that of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan hold the chaos to the treasure, which has already made him dare not have a hard time with the two. Originally thought that Xiang Yang could not have such a powerful magic weapon, who would have thought that Xiang Yang’s magic weapon is still stronger, and The kendo is even more terrifying.

"Xiang Yang, you, you cut down the other side with a single blow?" Sun Monkey's eyes wide open and looked at Xiang Yang, I think it is incredible.

Yang Lan also looked at the **** gold in Xiang Yang’s hand, and then looked at his own injuries. He could not help but sigh, his nine-turn Xuan Gong practiced to the eighth turn to the peak, Xiang Yang only Seven turns to the peak, why is the gap so big?

"But it's gone. Only after you have been sanctified and sanctified can you compare with this kid, but if this guy is also convinced, I am afraid his strength will be comparable to the chaos."

When Yang Lan thought about it, Xiang Yang put the sword on Shenjin. He accidentally discovered that the sword was absorbed directly by the **** Jin. He could not help but widen his eyes. "This **** gold can make you god." The sword evolved."

"Xiaoling, can the sword be self-evolved?" Xiang Yang quickly asked Xiao Ling.

"Boss, after the sword is combined with the sword, it has become the top of the chaos to the treasure. If you want to make progress, you must devour all kinds of rare treasures to evolve, as long as it is 弑What the Excalibur can swallow is the treasure that helps the evolution of the Excalibur."

Xiaoling quickly replied.

"Ha ha ha, good."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement. He looked up at the King of Gold, and his eyes were hot and hot. It was like watching a peerless beauty. “I want you.”


King of the Golden God will look at the scene of Shen Shen’s sacred **** Jin, and his heart is chilling, and when he sees that even the space **** is trapped in the sacred swords, he It is even more frightening. If you don’t say anything, you will run away if you directly smash into the void.

"Don't go, you are mine."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed and went straight to catch up.

The light flashed under his feet, and Chaos appeared in the foot of the cloud shuttle, and appeared in front of the Golden God. Then he went straight down with a sword and said with a big laugh, "Your body, I have to fix it."

This is the supreme **** that can make the sacred sword evolve. If the sacred sword devours this guy, it can evolve into the master of the treasure, and you really make a big profit.

"A sword is open to the sky."

This sword, Xiang Yang directly displayed the opening of the sword, this is the sword that learned the method of the ancient times to open up the earth, the sword is squatting, the vast sword of the sword is turned into a sword and the river is going down, as if It is necessary to open up the world and open the whole world of the gods.

This is Pangu opened up the essence of the entire Pangu chaotic world, even if Xiang Yang is only later comprehensible, can not compare with the real Pangu handheld open axe to pull out this blow, but it is equally powerful.

The look of the King of the Golden God who hurriedly fled was greatly changed. Taking out a knives, it was a magic weapon of the innate treasure level, and slammed toward Xiangyang.


After a blow, the sword is like a tofu, and it is instantly smashed. Then, Xiang Yang’s attack is not reduced. This sword is still smashing toward the other side with the power of openness.

"Give me a drive."

The king of the Golden God broke out with a powerful and unparalleled brilliance. The power of the heavens and the earth in the realm of the gods was summoned by him. All the metallic energy gathered in front of him at this moment, condensing into a piece of a million feet thick. The golden shield was in front of him.

At the same time, he himself fled quickly toward the rear.

He knows that Xiang Yang has the scorpion soldier in his hand, and since he can swallow the gold of his body, then the metal shield that he converges with the power of the gods of the gods is also the same. Can not stop the attack of this sword.

However, as long as it can block for a while, it will suffice.

His figure fled quickly toward the distance.

Xiang Yang's face is cold and not tense. This sword is still smashing in the past. The shield of the metal of the gods and earth is annihilated.

However, the power of this sword is also exhausted.

"You can't run."

Xiang Yang’s eyes sparkled with a cold killing. He wanted to chase him up, but he unexpectedly found that the direction in which the guy ran past was actually the position of the swordsman’s sword, and then he rushed straight into the sacred swords. He couldn't help but blink, his body stopped involuntarily, shouting in his mouth, "You can't run, little gold, you are mine, everything you will become the raw material for the evolution of my gods."

"You run, where can you go? The gods have already been destroyed by me. The heavens have become my will, the earth is big, the gods are big, and there is no place for you." ""

"Oh, what are you running, I am catching up, don't run, wait for me."

"When I catch up with you, I will definitely kill you."


Yang Lan and Sun Monkey both stared at Xiang Yang and found that Xiang Yang stood there yelling and seemed to be chasing the past, but he smiled very happy and they could not help but be depressed.

However, before they asked why Xiang Yang didn't catch up, he saw the escape of a golden **** who had no choice but to disappear into the void.

"Hey, don't run, I will catch you soon." Xiang Yang shouted with a smile.

One side of the monkey is wondering, and quickly said, "Xiang Yang, he has already gone, you don't have to hold it hard, take a rest."

Obviously, this guy thought that Xiangyang was yelling like this, but he didn't catch up. It was to scare away the other party, and Xiang Yang himself estimated that he had been seriously injured in the hard touch with the other side.

"Haha, do you think I was injured?" Xiang Yang looked at Sun Monkey like a smile, how could he not find it, this monkey head has a pair of eyes.

"Or else?" Sun Monkey stunned.

"You look at what is that place?" Xiang Yang pointed to the position of the sacred swords, and the mind was moved, and the boundless swords broke out from the sacred swords.


For a time, the heavens and the earth of the gods were filled with horrible swords.

"Is that guy who is stupid enough to plunge into the swordsmanship?"

After Sun Monkey saw it, he was stunned. He and Yang Lan looked at each other and raised their boundless sorrows. Such a fool, both of them still couldn’t make it, it was too shameful.

I knew that the Golden God King was so stupid. They had designed this guy to break in and then kill him. Why did he wait for Xiangyang?

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers....

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