Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3174: Ten good places in the gods

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King Jin Shen quickly ran towards the front, and he did not expect that he would panic under the road. He even plunged into the sacred sword array. At this moment, he found that Xiang Yang did not catch up, but he was relieved.

"Fortunately, the kid did not chase him up, his sword is very strange."

The King of Gold God stood up and remembered that Xiang Yang’s sacred sword was as easy as cutting tofu, and he showed his fear on his face.

He is a **** of chaos and gods. He was born with the power of almost saints. Later, it became easier to control the golden origin of the five elements. This infinite years, he used As the identity of the Golden King, he swallowed the source of the metal in the realm of the gods. Even the chaos, the metal power of many of them was swallowed up by him.

His flesh has reached the limit that the saint can reach. If he goes further, he can only become a chaotic sage.

However, he should have been very confident in his body, but now it has become someone who can easily cut his body, and then the sword directly swallowed his body. How can he not be afraid?

In case, if the other party directly breaks into his body, it is estimated that the whole person will be directly destroyed.

King Jinshen sighed, "I still have to leave quickly. The old guy in the space **** does not have to worry about him. His space is unparalleled, and even if he is trapped, he can leave."

While thinking about it, he is ready to continue to leave.


However, when he moved, he suddenly caught the pieces, and his body was surrounded by infinite swords. Every sword had a million feet and a breathless atmosphere, as if he could kill everything. After he sensed it, he suddenly stayed.

"This... This is the sword of the celestial sword. When it is over, I am actually entering the sacred swords."

Although King Jinsou was a big man, he was not so stupid. At this time, he sensed the outbreak of swords around him. He suddenly understood that he had stupidly slammed into the Jianxian sword array.

"No, you must hurry out."

The sacred swordsmanship is famous in the world. Even the strongest of Panyu’s chaotic world is talking about the color change, not to mention the gods. In the same year, when the gods were in chaos, there were actually more than twelve gods, but there were Eighteen, but the other six gods were killed by the Heavenly Saints.

Even if they are now the twelve gods, except the nine are the most primitive, the other three are later appeared.

The celestial swords of the Heavenly Emperor are unrivalled, and the gods destroy the Holy One. No one can rival.

When King Jinshen really sensed the Jianxian sword array, his face changed greatly. The whole person couldn’t help but watch the surrounding and shocked. He wanted to find a breakthrough and rushed out. However, he looked around and was surrounded by densely packed. Million-foot-long swordsmanship, where can I let him break through?

"Oops, it seems to be a lot of trouble."

King Jin Shen frowned, and looked at the swords around him with his shocking color. He was annoyed in his heart. If you have learned the way of the battle in the past few years, you don't have to worry about the formation of the law.

However, although his king of gold is the first person in the realm of the gods, he does not understand anything other than the other methods.

In particular, the power of the 诛 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The King of Kings did not understand the array, and his strength could not be bombarded from the inside out, so he was doomed to his misery.

At this moment, Xiang Yang came, he stood in the sacred swords, and unceremoniously took the power of the sacred swordsmanship, grabbed it from Zhao Gongming and other four people, and smiled at the King of Gold, "Golden King." ,happy?"


It was a very depressed time in the heart of the Golden God. Suddenly someone asked him if he was happy? After he heard it, he was embarrassed and couldn't help but scream. "What are you happy, you get out, and then fight with the gods for three hundred rounds, this **** king will definitely blow you."

"Hey, since you all said that you want to blow me up, I don't even dare to appear in front of you. You should first have fun with the swordsmanship. Don't worry, I won't kill you soon." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Bastard, you guy who has no courage, is simply insulting the spirit of the strong spirit of Pangu's chaotic world." After listening to Xiang Yang's words, King Jin Wang was so trembled, this guy is too timid, not even dare I’m struggling with my own face, but I’m trying to wipe myself out with a little bit of hardship.

When I remembered that I was about to face the power of the annihilation of the sacred swords, the king of gold trembled with anger.


At this time, the boundless swords that surround the King of the Golden God are all moving. These swords are like the heavens and pillars, connected to the heavens and the earth in the inner space of the sacred swords. Everything is earth-shattering, with unparalleled power. King of the Golden God squats down.

"Give me a drive."

King of the Golden God roared, facing the swordsman who was squatting toward him, he could only smash the fists and punch the past, punching and punching these terrible swords.

Fortunately, although the power of the swordsmanship is powerful and unmatched, the real and powerful place is that it is only with the four swords of the celestial beings, and the king of gold gods will only face the swordsmanship, but it has not reached the level that he cannot resist.

He smashed the swords with his easy punching, and he had a surprise color in his heart. "It turned out to be so simple, can I not break this sword?"

When I think that the super strong people who are in the chaos of Panyu's chaos will have a headache, the goddess of gold can only be broken by himself. King Jin only feels that the whole person is excited.

"Kill, you must kill it, take the sword of the celestial sword, and then destroy the kid, grab his sword and devour the sword."

King Jin Shen roared, made up his mind, must rush out to destroy Xiang Yang, to take away the sword of the sacred sword, to **** the sacred sword of Xiangyang, and swallow it.

The sacred sword can engulf the **** of gold, and the **** of gold can naturally devour the sacred sword. Moreover, the body of the king of gold is the **** of chaos, and he is taking the path of physical evolution. Can swallow the scorpion sword, he feels that he may break through the chaos of the chaos.

As soon as he thought of it, he was very excited, waving a huge gold fist and bombarding it around.

Among the sacred swords, Xiang Yang held the sacred sword and stood in the air. Around him, the two swords in the four swords of the celestial sword fluttered, and the sacred sword and the sacred sword were trapping the space god, killing the guy. .

Not far from him, Zhao Gongming, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, the Western Emperor, the Central Emperor and the Northern Emperor Xuan Zang, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan and others all joined together.

They can see the king of gold and the king of space in the battle, and the thousands of gods trapped in the formation, watching the guys who played before they barely have the power to fight back. Among them, they can only be forced to continually bombard their swords, but when they can't be killed anyway, the sub-Supreme Powerhouses of these Pangu chaotic worlds all show their shocking colors.

"It’s not a sword, it’s too powerful."

"Yeah, the sacred swords of the Heavenly Emperor is not the first to kill the Pangu Chaos world, admire and admire."

"This time, the power of the gods is annihilated."


Although Xiang Yang said, this is just a pirated version of the 诛 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It must be Xiangyang who lied to them. This is the original version of the celestial swords of the Tongtian sage. Look at these four swords, the power is unmatched, and the sacred sword and the sacred sword can already kill the space god, this is pirated. Can the Jianxian sword array do it?

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at everyone. "It’s time to harvest."

"Don't stop!"

With his voice falling, the sacred swords and the sacred swords instantly flew out and directly smashed into the space where thousands of the main gods were strong.


At this moment, the Sui Xianjian and the Supreme Immortal Sword began to divide, one point two, two points four... In the blink of an eye, the dense swords and the sacred swords screamed and screamed toward the thousands of gods.

With the infinite sword squeaking, in this sacred sword array, the main gods who were originally suppressed were repaired, and all of them were screamed one by one. Each of them was one or more swords. Penetrate the past.

In the blink of an eye, the dense and sturdy swords and the sacred swords have been back and forth, and all the people have been penetrated. Then, these swords are like the fish in the water, and they are reversed and turned back to start a new round of attacks.

"Kill it."

"If you break these swords, you can go out."

"Do not..."

Some of these gods have a desperate color, and some are mad, and want to smash this dense sword, but it is useless, under the two swords, even the true chaos sage Can be killed, not to mention the fact that they are holy.

In the blink of an eye, the sword of the fish in the water is flying in the air. After another round of penetration, there are already many gods that cannot support it and fall to the ground.

Then, Xiang Yang’s mind was moved. These swords were the four swords, and they began to trap every **** to strangle.

Each of the main gods has four swords around them. The force of this strangulation is even more irresistible. In the blink of an eye, some people are killed and the body is turned into pieces of flesh and blood. When God just rushed, it was cut into pieces.


At the same time, after some of these main gods were killed, the blood of the blood shone in succession. The ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ began to swallow all of these powerful people into refining and absorbing like a diligent cleaner.

Feeling the gradual enhancement of the power of the spirit contained in the ‘Heaven and Earth Furnace’, Xiang Yang’s face was a smile, and he sighed, “God is a good place.”

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