Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3175: Hunting game starts

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When the last screams fell, all the main gods in the area where the Lord God was located were all killed, and all were swallowed by the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ and disappeared.

The dense swordsmanship is like a fish group flying toward Xiangyang. The horrible atmosphere of the fish makes everyone's face change.

The strong people around Xiangyang only felt the scalp numb.

"Xiang Yang, this, is this really not the swordsmanship of the masters?" Zhao Gongming also looked at Xiangyang with the color of doubt.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body has a majestic force, and his physical strength is growing. The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in the Eucharist are also crazy. Growing up.

With a satisfied smile on his face, he glanced at Zhao Gongming. "You are not the swordsman who has never used the old man. You should know very well that the two sword arrays are different?"

This guy, who lost himself, handed over the power of the swordsman to him, and let him go to the siege of these strong men. As a result, this guy has not even been able to distinguish his own swords and the swordsman’s swords. the difference.

Although his own swordsmanship is a counterfeit, but the power is stronger than the Tongshen’s swordsmanship?

Xiang Yang only thinks that Zhao is not too particular about it. Even this little eyesight is not. It is no wonder that his three sisters have been sanctified, and he is still unable to break through.

You must know that Sancha was wasted his infinite years because of his death. Now he wakes up and directly proves to be sanctified. And you Lao Zhao, who has practiced infinite years, has no effect.

He looked at Lao Zhao with a contemptuous look. The more he saw, the more he felt that Zhao was too weak.

Zhao Gongming did not know that Xiang Yang was despising himself. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, he carefully recalled the difference between the swordsman’s swordsman who used his own master and the current swordsmanship. The four swords of the Masters are innate and treasured, and your four swords seem to be only the level of the day after tomorrow."

Others can be counterfeited, but the ranks of the gods can't be counterfeited. The four swords of the heavens are innate and treasured. It is impossible to degenerate into the treasures of the day after tomorrow.

From this point, Lao Zhao finally understood that Xiang Yang’s Zhu Xianjian was his own, not the old man.

"You got the teacher's kendo inheritance?"

Lao Zhao’s eyes looked at Xiang Yang in a complicated way, and the look in his eyes was both gratifying and sighing.

As a big disciple of Tongtian, Lao Zhao knows very well that none of his brothers and sisters have enough talent to inherit the kendo of his master. Therefore, his master has always regretted his succession.

Today, the kendo is passed on to Xiangyang.

On the one hand, Zhao Gongming is pleased that the kendo inheritance of his master is finally passed down, and Xiang Yang will also refine the swordsmanship. With such terrible power, it is the power of five or six points that already have his own master. It is.

On the other hand, Lao Zhao sighs that he and his own people do not live up to expectations, so that the teacher's kendo inheritance can not be passed to the disciples, but to pass to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Lao Zhao. "Don't be nervous, the old man just exchanged something with me."

I am equally exchanged with Tongtian, and the two are fellows of the same generation. Who is like you, just a disciple of Tongtian, and don't want to be my brother, otherwise I will be your uncle.

Xiang Yang’s heart sneered, don’t think that I don’t know what you think in the old guy’s heart. I’m sure I want to use my seniors to press me. But, is this young man secretly able to be crushed easily?

It’s a pity to see, Lao Zhao really doesn’t have such an idea, and, in his opinion, when he was compared with Xiang Yang, his generation was higher than Xiang Yang’s generation. Today, Yang’s strength is strong, and he is a bit like his peers, and he doesn’t care.

As for Xiangyang, a passer-by, although Zhao is not very comfortable listening to his heart, but also knows that Xiang Yang's identity is special, plus he always has no objection, he naturally can not show anything uncomfortable.

"Xie Xiaozi, this 诛 剑 剑 剑 厉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么With an excited look.

Xiang Yang smiled and replied, "Monkey, as long as you have enough raw materials for me, I can naturally help you refine a set of swords and swords to keep you invincible."

Of course, there is too much material to refine such a sacred sword array.

Xiang Yang was stunned in his heart, and he did not believe that Sun Monkey would have enough materials to refine the Jianxian sword array.

After all, the power of the 诛 剑 sword is unmatched, but the material is too terrible. Rao has got so many treasures. After the last refining of the sacred swords, it has all been spent.

Fortunately, this time the old man sent some treasures very generously, making his warehouse full.

“Can you really help refine the swordsmanship?”

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, all the strong players on the scene showed their eagerness on their faces. This is the sword of the sacred swords. If you can get a set, it will be enough to make them invincible.

Moreover, their special status is itself a heavenly emperor in Tiantian. Others don't say, are they as Heavenly Emperors, and there is no way to make a set of treasures and refining a set of swords?

For a time, they were all heart-warming.

Even Zhao Gongming looked at Xiangyang with his eyes, and Yang Lan looked at his own magic weapon. He was a bit stunned. He was alone and one of his own, to prove his sanctification and to turn the nine to Xuan Gong to the first. Nine turns is the most serious thing. As for the swordsmanship, don’t want it...

"Ha, whoever wants to come to me later, of course, can you refine it, you have to see if Tongtian Laozi agrees, if he does not agree with me, I will refine the swordsmanship for you, then there is no way. However, you can collect materials first."

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at everyone, and also very generously passed all the materials needed to refine the swordsmanship to the brains of everyone.

"Hey... need so many treasures?"

At this moment, after all the people studied carefully, they all sucked in the cold air. The treasures needed by Xiangyang Refining the Xianjianjian are too many, and most of them are chaotic **** gold. These are all It is a treasure that can refine the level of the heavens to the treasure.

Moreover, the key is that the number is still quite a lot.

Rao is the four of the Five Emperors. Their strength is strong enough. They have also become the emperors of countless years. They have squandered a lot of treasures. They want to really refine such a set of 诛仙剑阵, and they almost have to squander their lives. .

One side of the monkey squinted at Xiangyang, thinking in his heart, "Xiang Yang is absolutely impossible to tell everyone how much treasure is needed. It is estimated that the raw material he gave to everyone is two sets of swords." Array, um, after the completion of the things of the gods, follow this kid, if he refines, the old grandson will pull him and use the rest of the treasures to make a set for the old grandson."

Treasures, Sun Monkeys are not, let alone a set of treasures of the sacred swords, even if it is a relic of the treasures of heaven and he did not.

However, he felt that as long as he was not enough to be shameless, as long as he was surrounded by Xiangyang, he would be able to get a set of swords from the hands of Xiang Yang.

He is thinking about it, but I don’t know that the materials that Xiang Yang gives to everyone are only double the share.

If everyone can really bring the materials they need to help them refine the swords of the sacred swords, Xiang Yang can at least let Xiaoling use the materials to refine the four sets of 诛仙剑.

Hey, this is a super big business. If you can really make it, don't say that you can get rich overnight, but you can make yourself a big profit.


When Xiang Yang thought about it, he only heard a roar and heard it. He found that in this moment, the King of Jinshen and the space gods broke through the space barriers in the Jianxian sword array. Together to fight against the sword and the sword.

"Give me a break."

King of the Golden God roared, his huge gold fist banged out, and instantly smashed the sacred sword to fly out, and then screamed loudly, "Is the district array method, can also trap the **** king? What 诛 剑 sword array, but so ""

"Silly fork, don't shout."

The face of the space **** changed greatly, and he couldn’t help but scream. He originally thought that he would be careful to join the King of Jinshen, and the sword would be broken. By the way, Xiangyang would be destroyed.

Who ever thought that this guy turned out to be so stupid, and after flying the sword, he also yelled at Xiang Yang, is it more stupid than this stupid big man?

Looking at the look of the Golden King, Xiang Yang remembered his own younger brother, Black Tower.

The black tower seems to be the main god, and the body is very strong, and the main **** should be the master of the Golden God.

At the same time, Xiang Yang sighed in his heart. If Heita knew that he would immediately destroy the Golden God, he would not know what it would be, would he be sad?


However, I don’t know if the main **** of the Black Tower is here too? If it is here, it is interesting.

After Xiang Yang did not know whether the deity of the Lord God was destroyed, whether the avatar could still live alone, but what he can feel is that the breath of the black tower seems to be still far away from the realm of the gods, and the causal line between the two has not yet Interrupted.

Either the Lord God of the Black Tower is not here, or the Lord God of the Black Tower is destroyed, his avatar can live alone.

Of course, now is not the time to consider the Black Tower, anyway, the kid has been planted into the demon species, can not betray, and now is facing the King of Gold and the space god.

Xiang Yang looked at the King of Gold and the Space God in the front of the array. His face was dignified. This is the two gods, and they are powerful and powerful. They are more powerful than those they have encountered before. It is.

Although Zhu Xianjian can indeed trap these two gods in a short period of time, but want to really kill these two guys, especially the Golden God, is not what the Xianjianjian can do.

Only the sacred sword can truly destroy the Golden God and devour this guy.

Xiang Yang’s face showed a murderous temper and entered the realm of the gods. His goal was to kill the saints, no, to hunt the gods, to hunt the game, and start now!

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