Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3176: Summon army

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"Hunting the game, officially started."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a cruel smile, and his eyes looked at Zhao Gongming. Hehe smiled and said, “Lao Zhao, give you a chance to take charge of the four swords. You just need to trap the space god.”

"what are you going to do?"

Zhao Gongming looked at Xiang Yang with a shocked face.

"Kill the King of Gold."

Xiangyang’s voice has not yet fallen, and his whole person has disappeared.


At the same time, in the space where the King of Gold and the space **** are located, only a roar of sound is heard. Xiang Yang’s figure suddenly appears, and the sword in his hand directly slams into the King of Gold.

"Be careful."

On one side of the space, the main **** first sensed the appearance of Xiang Yang. He snorted and directly used the space magical power to remove Xiang Yang. However, this is in the space of the Jianxian sword array, which is the home of Xiang Yang. When using space magical powers, not only can not deal with Xiangyang, but will become a help to isolate himself.


Xiang Yangxuan drank a bit, and the heart was free to move. The power of the space **** did not only act on Xiang Yang, but instead fell directly into the void, and pushed him out. Then, the four swords of Zhu Xian came instantly and directly put the space. The king of God is suppressed in it.


After doing all this, Xiang Yang held the sword and killed it directly with the King of Gold.


The two men’s battles are very fierce, and they are all melee genres. They don’t like to use any supernatural powers. They just fight ahead and fight hard.

Of course, for King Jinshen, it is not that he does not want to use magical powers, but that he does not understand the magical powers at all. His strongest means of fighting is to use his own flesh as a weapon of the gods to kill each other.

As for Xiang Yang, his kendo is powerful and unparalleled, and the kendo itself belongs to melee. Although it can be used for swordsmanship, it can be far-fetched, but his physical strength is strong, and most of his strength is driven by his physical strength. His kendo is naturally suitable for melee.

His shots roared continually, and the swords of the gods swayed freely to the whole body of the King of Gold.

Originally it should be hard and hard, and the invincible King of Jinshen faced the evil sword of Xiangyang, but he was afraid of it, and he did not dare to confront the confrontation sword of Xiangyang. Yes, he continued to move. Retreating from the back, my heart was stunned.

"Golden King, you are too weak, even the qualifications against me are not."

Xiang Yangchang laughed, not for exerting a powerful sword, but waving his sword in his hand, and a sword went out, and the horrible sword broke out. Every sword of his sword was very rough. Make the Golden God King tired to cope.

"Oh... hateful... ah..."

King of the Golden God roared, he could not say it. If it was someone else, even if the magic weapon in the hands of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey is chaotic, he also dared to hit the two hard, directly bombarding the chaos of the two with his fist. Soldier.

However, Xiang Yang’s sword is different.

The sacred sword is like the sacred **** who can cut off his body at the same time as the tofu, and can also directly absorb the chaotic **** gold that his body is, if you let Xiangyang’s scorpion sword cut on the body If you look at it, he estimates that he is going to die.

"Human cockroach ants, there is a kind of you don't use this magic sword." King of the Golden God roared.

"Is there a kind of you don't want to do it, isn't it better to get a hand?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"you you..."

The king of gold gods trembled, and Xiang Yang said that it is justified. Xiang Yang is only a sub-holy, and the only one in his hand can restrain his king of gold. If he still does not use it, then let him put it with him. What is the difference?

But the King of Gold is really wrong.

"Oh, ah..."

King of the Golden God roared, can only continue to dodge, but useless, he is good at straight and straight to the other side hard, now with Xiang Yang, his advantage has become a disadvantage, other are not good at There is no way to do so.


Inadvertently, the thigh of the Golden God King was traversed by the sacred sword. In an instant, a piece of meat of ten feet wide fell, and it was directly turned into a chaotic **** gold. Xiang Yang’s mind was moved and directly Block Chaos God Jin put away and continue to shoot this guy.


King of the Golden God roared, his body shape was constantly shaking, and his heart was very frustrated.

He never thought that he would be so wronged one day, if the opponent is a chaotic saint, however, his opponent is only a sub-holy.

"You are too weak, dodging, so killing you has no meaning at all, I feel that I am a bit bully." Xiang Yang sighed.

"Bastard, ah..."

King of the Golden God almost vomited blood, but he could only avoid the attack of Xiang Yang wholeheartedly. He kept thinking about all kinds of ways to resist the sword of Shen Yang in his mind, but he did not know how to think about it. do.

This is like an ordinary warrior who encounters a warrior with a highly venomous sword. He knows that his opponent’s sword has the poison of seeing blood and throat, and he dare not let the other’s sword rise to himself. The strength of the other side is also very powerful. Under constant attack, I want to run and can't make it. I want to play and beat it. This feeling is too uncomfortable.

King Jinshen can almost be said to have been beaten by Xiang Yang.

Everyone in the sacred sword array saw this scene as stunned. "This... is this the King of the Golden God of Chaos Saints?"

Xuanzang was staring at him and was forced to retreat by Xiang Yang. He even retired. He could only use various means to resist the golden king of Xiangyang. He suddenly felt that he was abolished. He was a northern emperor. It is one of the few oldest ancestors of the Xuanwu family. It was almost destroyed by a group of gods.

And Xiang Yang, a human being less than a hundred years old, not only killed thousands of gods as soon as they came up, but even pressed the level of Jin Shenwang to play, which is simply terrible.

"Is it really so weak?"

Xuanzang looked up at the sky and only thought that the infinite years of her practice were all feeding the dogs.

Other people's thoughts are similar to Xuanzang. They all have a helpless look on their faces. They sigh. According to the truth, Xiang Yang is so bravely bullying the King of Gold, they should be very happy, but this They can't smile at the time.

They are being hit too hard.

On the one hand, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both smiled. They saw the growth of Xiang Yang with their own eyes. They knew that Xiang Yang had absorbed all the Pangu blood in the blood sea before growing up, although the strength of Xiangyang before them Not too much, but now they have surpassed them, but they feel very proud.

Well, wait, wait until we refine and refine the heavens and the origins of the gods with Xiangyang, and you will understand what is powerful.


"There is no god."

On the other hand, the space **** who was trapped by the four swords of Zhu Xian was brewing for a long time, and began his first big move, accompanied by a soft drink, and he saw the moment in front of him smashing open, one The invisible blade of the invisible stalk directly slams into the four swords of the immortal.

"not good."

At this time, instead of Xiang Yang, Zhao Gongming’s look changed to the four swords of Xianxian. He realized that he had to make a big deal, and he quickly showed his way to the law, and angered, “Zhu Xian’s lore.”


Zhu Xian four swords turn, began to reverse rotation, the seal is trapped as a proactive attack, the four swords in one, instantly turned into a mighty sword to the space **** Wang.

However, after all, Zhao Gongming was just beginning to control Xiang Yang's 诛仙剑阵, he did not get the inheritance of the celestial swords of the Tongtian sacred, and the control of the 诛 剑 swordsmanship is certainly somewhat inferior.

His speed of response is inferior to the space god. In the blink of an eye, when the four swords of the immortality have just merged into one, the illusory blade of the space **** has already been on the four swords of the immortal.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the one-handed sword of the four swords of Zhu Xian was instantly smashed out by the blade of the emptiness, and directly turned into the four swords of Zhu Xian in the air.

"damn it."

Xiang Yang is fighting against the Golden God King. When he sensed this scene, his face changed greatly. However, when he controlled the four swords of the immortal to kill the space **** again, he saw the sneer on the face of the space god. Color, "Human, see you next time, this God King will definitely destroy you."


When the voice fell, he smashed the void with the power of the illusory, and disappeared instantly.

Space is the king of the gods to go without a trace, this is the most difficult to deal with, it is not easy to hurt him, not to mention completely destroying him, as long as he gives him the opportunity, he can escape instantly .

In the blink of an eye, the figure of the **** of the space was lost in the swordsmanship.

"Defense outside, don't let the space **** attack from outside, I have to kill the King of the Kings quickly."

Xiang Yang sighed, although he had no choice but to let the space **** ran, but he also knew that there was no way to do this. Even if he controlled the four swords of the celestial being, it would not be easy to completely kill the space god. What's more, Zhao Gongming is in charge of the swordsmanship.

"it is good."

Zhao Gongming took the helm of the sacred sword and let the space **** escape. His face showed a sly color. After hearing the scream of Xiang Yang, he tried to control the sacred swords and sensed the atmosphere. If the space **** slayed in. He will once again trap the other side into the formation.

However, the space **** has not found a way to restrain the swordsmanship, and finally escaped from the sacred swords, he simply did not dare to appear again.

At this moment, the space **** is moving through the chaotic void, and instantly returns to his temple of the gods.

"I have seen the great King of God."

When the space **** came back, he summoned his men directly and said with indulgence, "Go and explore what happened to the Supreme God's battle."


The hands of the space gods are naturally the main gods who have achieved success in the space. Although they can't participate in the battle of the saints, it is still possible to watch the battle through the distance.

Not long after, the man who was sent into the chaotic emptiness view came back. He was full of horrible swords, and the whole person was very weak, and a small life went half.

"what happened?"

The face of the space **** is very ugly, and his own hands are just to explore it. It is so incredible that the injury is so serious.

"God king, I can't see the battle, the battle is too intense, I can't get close."

The main **** of this space system is on the ground with a fearful color on his face.

When he was just approaching the chaotic battlefield, he felt that the boundless sword broke out. He couldn't see what was inside. He was seriously injured. If it weren't for the existence of treasures, he would have been annihilated.

It is really horrible.

His heart is shaking, and if he knew that the battle would be so fierce, he would not dare to go to watch.

"It seems that it is impossible for them to be equal to the high gods. The swordsmanship on this body should be the swordsmanship of the old days. Even the gods may even fail. If they do, they must counterattack. Enter the fairy world, otherwise it will fail sooner or later."

The space **** Wang thought in his heart, and then waved his hand and yelled at the man. "Summon the army, ready to attack the fairy world."


The heart of the Lord God trembled, and did not expect his **** King to prepare to break into the fairy world. He was very excited. Although he was hurt, he ran to the strongest of all the powers under the space god.

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